8,963 research outputs found

    Inserting Migrants into the Global Social Protection Floor

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    The social protection floor (SPF) is a global initiative led by the International Labour Organization (ILO) to provide social security to vulnerable groups. The SPF neglects the rapidly growing population of international migrants and focusses principally on citizens from lower-income countries. The SPF requires a method to evaluate the social protection gap that exists between citizens and non-citizens in countries that receive migrants in order to improve protections for all. The SPF Advisory Group must collaborate more closely with transit and receiving countries, middle- and high-income countries, and regional organizations to reduce the gaps in social protection between citizens and non-citizens

    Pearlnecklacelike chain conformation of hydrophobic polyelectrolyte: a SANS study of partially sulfonated polystyrene in water

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    The form factor of partially sulfonated polystyrene PSSNa (degree of sulfonation f =1, 0.72, 0.64 and 0.36), at polymer concentration 0.17M and 0.34M, without or with added salt (0 M, 0.34M, & 0.68M), is measured by Small Angle Neutron Scattering using the Zero Average Contrast method. The total scattering function is also measured, allowing extracting the distinct interchain function and an apparent structure factor. The main result is the behavior of the form factor which shows contributions of spherical entities as well as extended chain parts. This is striking for 0.64, while for f = 0.36 the sphere contribution is more dominant. The conformation does not depend on polymer concentration. When salt is added, the sphere sizes do not vary, but the contribution attributed to the stretched parts does vary very much like for fully sulfonated PSSNa. Discussion of the interchain contribution establishes that chains are interpenetrated for f= 0.64, and at the overlap limit for f=0.36. The pearl necklace model appears very suitable. Comparisons are made with analytical calculation and simulation data. While the roles of Rayleigh transition, heterogeneous architecture, and strong hydrophobicity of non sulfonated PS monomers remain to discuss, data give an accurate 3 d image of the pearl necklace

    Hydrophobic Polyelectrolytes in Better Polar Solvent. Structure and Chain Conformation as seen by Saxs and Sans

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    We demonstrate in this paper the influence of solvent quality on the structure of the semi-dilute solution of a hydrophobic polyelectrolyte, partially sulfonated Poly-Styrene Sulfonate. Two solvents are used: (i) one mixture of water and an organic solvent: THF, which is also slightly polar; (ii) DMSO, a polar organic solvent. In case (i), it is shown by SAXS study that the structure - namely the scattering from all chains, characterised by a maximum ("polyelectrolyte peak"), of the aqueous hydrophobic polyelectrolyte solutions (PSS) depends on the solvent quality through the added amount of organic solvent THF. This dependence is more pronounced when the sulfonation rate is low (more hydrophobic polyelectrolyte). It is proposed that when THF is added, the chain conformation evolves from the pearl necklace shape already reported in pure water, towards the conformation in pure water for fully sulfonated PSS, which is string-like as also reported previously. On the contrary, for a hydrophilic polyelectrolyte, AMAMPS, no evolution occurs with added THF in the aqueous solution. In case (ii), it is shown directly by SANS study that PSS can behave as a classical solvophilic polyelectrolyte when dissolved in an organic polar solvent such as DMSO: the structure (total scattering) as well as the form factor (single chain scattering measured by SANS using the Zero Average Contrast method) of the PSS chains is independent of the charge content in agreement with Manning condensation, and identical to the one of a fully charged PSS chain in pure water, which has a classical polyelectrolyte behaviour in the semi-dilute regime

    Adolescent Sexual Health: Provider Evaluation of a Sexual History Tool at a School-Based Health Clinic

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    There is a growing concern within the United States in regard to sexual behavior within our adolescent population. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) have always been a concern, however, there has been a steady increase since 2014 in the three nationally reportable diseases of chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis. According to the CDC (2017), 15-24 years old account for half of all the new STI s. There is a need to provide more sexual health to adolescents during their health visits. It is also imperative to understand the beliefs and attitudes of providers with providing these types of exams and asking questions to this vulnerable population about this subject of sexual health. The aim for this project is to determine if the sexual health questionnaire is an efficient (timely, precise diagnosis and treatment, and education) tool for healthcare providers to provide focused sexual education in a timely manner. This information is valuable to aid in promoting school-based sexual health programs as well as providing a thorough history and targeting the issues that adolescents address in their survey. The goal of this project is to determine if the tool will assist providers to deliver individualized patient specific education to adolescents efficiently during an office visit

    Screens and stereotypes: The transmission of images of women of color on Twitter and television

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    For decades African-American women and Latinas have lamented the abundance of negative and unrealistic images of them reflected on television. Such images appear to be pervasive today on reality television shows, the most popular television show genre, where many historic negative stereotypes of women of color are conveyed. Social television, the practice of watching television and simultaneously commenting on social media, is now common among viewers. The aim of this research is to determine if the same old stereotypes of women of color on television are finding their way to the new medium of Twitter. This study is a textual analysis of tweets from viewers who watched episodes of seasons one and three one of the Vh1 reality show Basketball Wives LA and the WE TV reality program Mary Mary. Both shows feature women of color in the cast. This study found that the social television conversation among viewers of these shows detected racial and gendered stereotypes. Key words: Twitter, reality television, social television, stereotypes, black women, Latinas, Basketball Wives LA, Mary Mary

    The Influence Of Religion Upon The Works Of Man

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    The unity of any human race out of which grows the brotherhood of man, forms the first great moral basis of Altruism. No people can sucessfully accomplish any phase of work without involving religion in its aims, moralities and religion then the principal means by which one can modify men into whatever one likes provided that one is given time enough in which to do it. Yet nothing is perhaps more openly questioned today than the social power of religion, it is not any purpose fully the science of religion, but we must know something about the real nature or religion before its significance for the social life of man can be understood. There is no douby as to the power and influence of religion shown even in individual cases. What makes civilization is the mass of habits and traditions handed down with constant accumulations from generations to generations. But these habits and traditions can not be thus passed on in human society without strong social sanctions attached to them. The moves of a people are indeed powerful because they are embedded in religious sanctions. They begin to crumble and disintegrate as soon as the particular religious beliefs passesaway. So we see today that religion in the strictest sense has always been the beliefs and practices which the community approves, The struggle for national and social religion in our New World of science and of complex social relations is essentially today as it has been in the past; it is a struggle to find religion adopted to the requirements of the present life

    3D Printing PDMS for Drug Delivery: Optimisation and Assessment for fabrication of drug-eluting PDMS Constructs

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    3D printing has much to offer to the field of medicine. The evolution of 3D printing has enabled the design and creation of components previously unrealized with traditional manufacturing techniques, allowing us to explore and customize solutions, quickly and creatively. In its application to medical implants, 3D printing allows us to consider embedding new and multiple functionalities within single components via elegant designs and allows us to work with new and existing materials in innovative ways

    Parental Attitudes on Sign Language Systems Used with Children with Hearing Impairments

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    In the field of educating children with hearing impairments there has been a continuous debate over which is the most beneficial method of communication to use both in the classroom and in the home environment. The current debate concerns two main methods of communication through sign language, American Sign Language and Manually Coded English. The importance of the family in the decision over which sign language system to use in the child\u27s environment has been documented throughout the research in this field. This study was designed to examine the attitudes of parents with no hearing loss who have children with a hearing loss. Attitudes are examined on the use of the two sign language systems by the child, parent, and teacher in both the home and school settings. In addition, this study investigated what factors affect a parent\u27s decision to utilize a particular signing system. Information from parents was gathered through the use of a survey distributed during the Parent-Infant Institute at the Illinois School for the Deaf. The surveys were grouped by the answers given to specific questions in order to accept or reject the hypotheses in this research: the degree of the child\u27s hearing impairment and the type of the sign language system used in the home. Results from the survey indicated that the more severe a child\u27s hearing loss, the more likely a parent was to choose American Sign Language. In addition, it was concluded that parents who use Manually Coded English want their child to utilize Manually Coded English in the educational setting while parents who use American Sign Language want their child to utilize both American Sign Language and Manually Coded English in the classroom environment. No other differences were found