8 research outputs found

    Marketing directo: delimitación conceptual e influencia en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor

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    El marketing directo se ha convertido en una de las actividades de comunicación a la que mayor porcentaje de inversión están dedicando muchas empresas, por encima, incluso, de la inversión publicitaria en medios convencionales. Sin embargo, y a pesar de que no se trata de una actividad reciente en la práctica empresarial, no existe una definición clara de marketing directo, dadas las diferentes perspectivas desde las que se contempla su conceptualización. En este trabajo, pretendemos delimitar conceptualmente el marketing directo, a partir de las diferentes perspectivas desde la que se ha tratado en la literatura. Además, y con objeto de contrastar el efecto que las actividades de marketing directo (en particular las de mailing) tienen en el comportamiento de compra del consumidor, se muestran los resultados derivados de un análisis empírico a partir de datos de actividades de mailing directo desarrolladas por una cadena de establecimientos de ropa, distinguiendo entre los mailings de carácter promocional y los de carácter relacional. Los resultados permiten extraer conclusiones muy interesantes para la gestión minorist

    Relationship Quality and the Theory of Planned Behavior models of behavioral intentions and purchase behavior

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    Using real-life purchase behavior data of apparel and survey information, this study compares the Relationship Quality and the Theory of Planned Behavior models. The attitude towards the buying behavior, the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control (antecedents of the buying intention in the Theory of Planned Behavior) are better predictors of behavioral intentions than Relationship Quality. In both models intentions fully mediate the impact of attitudinal antecedents on behavior, both in terms of purchase incidence and purchase behavior (amount spent, number of visits, and types of products bought). Frequency and recency of prior buying behavior and, to a lesser extent, its monetary value, predict subsequent purchase incidence, above and beyond the impact of attitude and intention. Attitudinal antecedents of behavior significantly predict buying behavior, but they become insignificant when buying behavior is included in the model.Relationship Quality Model Theory of Planned Behavior Customer-firm relationship Intention Behavior

    Relationship Quality and the Theory of Planned Behavior Models of Behavioral Intentions and Purchase Behavior

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    The authors kindly acknowledge the support of E5 mode. The authors would also like to thank Kristof De Wulf and two anonymous reviewers for their useful comments on earlier versions of this paper. D/2008/7012/01 Relationship Quality and the Theory of Planned Behavior Models of Behavioral Intentions and Purchase Behavior Using real-life purchase behavior data of apparel and survey information, this study compares the Relationship Quality and the Theory of Planned Behavior models. The attitude towards the buying behavior, the subjective norm and perceived behavioral control (antecedents of the buying intention in the Theory of Planned Behavior) are better predictors of behavioral intentions than Relationship Quality. In both models intentions fully mediate the impact of attitudinal antecedents on behavior, both in terms of purchase incidence and purchase behavior (amount spent, number of visits, and types of products bought). Frequency and recency of prior buying behavior and, to a lesser extent, its monetary value, predict subsequent purchase incidence, above and beyond the impact of attitude and intention. Attitudinal antecedents of behavior significantly predict buying behavior, but they become insignificant when buying behavior is included in the model

    Relationship Quality and Purchase Intention and Behavior: The Moderating Impact of Relationship Strength

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the link between perceived relationship quality, purchase intention and behavior, and the moderating role of relationship strength. Actual purchase data and self-reported survey data were obtained from 634 customers of a Belgian apparel retailer. Perceived relationship quality and relationship strength significantly impacted buying intention, and buying intention and relationship strength significantly impacted purchase behavior. A better relationship quality led to stronger purchase intention for customers with weaker relations with the retailer, whereas a stronger intention led to more purchase behavior for customers with a stronger relation with the retailer. Our results indicate that marketing strategies based on customer intentions and its predictors alone may not be effective because opposite results can be expected for high versus low relationship strength customers. Therefore, relationship strength should be included as well, and consumers varying in this construct should be approached in a different way. This is one of the first studies to combine actual purchase data with information based on customer interviews, which makes it possible to not only study the link between relationship quality and buying intention but also between buying intention and actual buying behavior. Moreover, the main concepts were measured more validly than in previous studies: buying behavior was measured in several ways (total expenditure, number of visits, and number of product types bought) and relationship quality was based on longitudinal buying behavior information