6 research outputs found

    High-resolution proteomic and lipidomic analysis of exosomes and microvesicles from different cell sources

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs), including exosomes and microvesicles (MVs), are explored for use in diagnostics, therapeutics and drug delivery. However, little is known about the relationship of protein and lipid composition of EVs and their source cells. Here, we report high-resolution lipidomic and proteomic analyses of exosomes and MVs derived by differential ultracentrifugation from 3 different cell types: U87 glioblastoma cells, Huh7 hepatocellular carcinoma cells and human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). We identified 3,532 proteins and 1,961 lipid species in the screen. Exosomes differed from MVs in several different areas: (a) The protein patterns of exosomes were more likely different from their cells of origin than were the protein patterns of MVs; (b) The proteomes of U87 and Huh7 exosomes were similar to each other but different from the proteomes of MSC exosomes, whereas the lipidomes of Huh7 and MSC exosomes were similar to each other but different from the lipidomes of U87 exosomes; (c) exosomes exhibited proteins of extracellular matrix, heparin-binding, receptors, immune response and cell adhesion functions, whereas MVs were enriched in endoplasmic reticulum, proteasome and mitochondrial proteins. Exosomes and MVs also differed in their types of lipid contents. Enrichment in glycolipids and free fatty acids characterized exosomes, whereas enrichment in ceramides and sphingomyelins characterized MVs. Furthermore, Huh7 and MSC exosomes were specifically enriched in cardiolipins; U87 exosomes were enriched in sphingomyelins. This study comprehensively analyses the protein and lipid composition of exosomes, MVs and source cells in 3 different cell types

    A Novel Function for Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein in Translational Activation

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    Fragile X syndrome, the most frequent form of inherited mental retardation, is due to the absence of Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein (FMRP), an RNA-binding protein involved in several steps of RNA metabolism. To date, two RNA motifs have been found to mediate FMRP/RNA interaction, the G-quartet and the “kissing complex,” which both induce translational repression in the presence of FMRP. We show here a new role for FMRP as a positive modulator of translation. FMRP specifically binds Superoxide Dismutase 1 (Sod1) mRNA with high affinity through a novel RNA motif, SoSLIP (Sod1 mRNA Stem Loops Interacting with FMRP), which is folded as three independent stem-loop structures. FMRP induces a structural modification of the SoSLIP motif upon its interaction with it. SoSLIP also behaves as a translational activator whose action is potentiated by the interaction with FMRP. The absence of FMRP results in decreased expression of Sod1. Because it has been observed that brain metabolism of FMR1 null mice is more sensitive to oxidative stress, we propose that the deregulation of Sod1 expression may be at the basis of several traits of the physiopathology of the Fragile X syndrome, such as anxiety, sleep troubles, and autism

    Multiplexed Reporter Gene Assays: Monitoring the cell viability and the compound kinetics on luciferase activity

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    High throughput screening assays with multiple readouts enable one to monitor multiple assay parameters. By capturing as much information about the underlying biology as possible the detection of true actives can be improved. This report describes an extension to standard luciferase reporter gene assays that enables multiple parameters to be monitored from each sample. The report describes multiplexing luciferase assays with an orthogonal read-out monitoring cell viability using reduction of resazurin. In addition, this technical note shows that by using the luciferin substrate in live cells an assay time course can be recorded. This enables the identification of non-active or unspecific compounds that act by inhibiting luciferase, as well as compounds altering gene expression or cell growth

    Glucocorticoid receptor ligands modulate EMCV Internal Ribosome Entry Site Activity.

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    The use of small molecules to modulate cellular processes is a powerful approach to investigate gene function as a complement to genetic approaches. The discovery and characterization of compounds that modulate translation initiation, the rate-limiting step of protein synthesis, is important both to provide tool compounds to explore this fundamental biological process and to further evaluate protein synthesis as a therapeutic target. While most mRNAs recruit ribosomes via their 5’ cap, some viral and cellular mRNAs initiate protein synthesis via an alternative “cap-independent” mechanism utilizing IRES elements. IRES elements are complex structures, localized within the 5’ non-translated region of the mRNA upstream of the AUG start codon. This report described the design of a functional, high throughput screen of small molecules miniaturized into a 1536-well format and performed using the luciferase reporter gene under control of the viral EMCV IRES element to identify non toxic compounds modulating translation initiated from the EMCV IRES. One activating compound, validated in a dose response manner, has previously been shown to bind the glucocorticoid receptor. Subsequent testing of additional glucocorticoid receptors modulators further supported this as the possible mechanism of action. Detailed characterization of this compound activity supported the notion that this was due to an effect at the level of translation