78 research outputs found

    L'Afrique dans la diplomatie multilatérale

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    The difficulties Africa is going through are illustrated in the gap between its growing dependence on international authorities and the continual weakening of the means at its disposal to make it self heard in these bodies. For twenty years, Africa was caught up in the North-South dialogue. In the 1980s, the breaking-off of the dialogue and the breaking-up of the Third World deprived it of means for collective action. The distinction between North Africa and Black Africa has grown more pronounced as first the globalization of markets and then the changes in East-West relations caused the latter to fall victim to a process of double marginalization. International organizations consider Subsaharan Africa to be a "welfare case" and reserve special treatment for it, without loosening the external constraints bearing down on its economy. In these conditions, a consensus seems to be developing which holds that multilateral diplomacy is not what's most important for Africa and that the real question is to know how to involve the entire population in the development process. There is thus a return to the overall issue of grass root organizations and essential needs as outlined in the 1970s


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    La question de la mémoire postcoloniale

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    Dans un texte reprenant l’essentiel de sa contribution Ă  la table ronde qui a clĂŽturĂ© le colloque « PrĂ©sences du passé », l’auteur s’interroge sur le retard avec lequel les milieux intellectuels français ont fait place aux « études postcoloniales », bien aprĂšs le succĂšs que celles-ci ont rencontrĂ© dans le monde anglo-saxon. En confrontant cet Ă©tat de fait aux revendications publiques qui se sont fait jour en France sur fond de problĂšmes d’intĂ©gration, elle souligne comment, en l’affaire, la sociĂ©tĂ© a Ă©tĂ© en avance sur la recherche, et comment ces mouvements revendicatifs tĂ©moignent, in fine, d’une volontĂ© de vivre ensemble dans une France acceptant Ă  la fois son histoire, ses mĂ©moires et sa diversitĂ©.In an article taking up the main points of her contribution to the roundtable discussion closing the “Presence of the Past” symposium, the author looks at the time lag with which the French intellectual milieus have turned their attention to postcolonial studies, well after these began thriving in Anglo-Saxon academia. By examining this state of affairs in the light of the demands made today in France in the public sphere against a backdrop of integration problems, she emphasizes how in this case society has been a step ahead of research and how these identitarian movements finally demonstrate the will to live together in a France that accepts at once its history, its memories and its diversity

    La question de la mémoire postcoloniale

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    Dans un texte reprenant l’essentiel de sa contribution Ă  la table ronde qui a clĂŽturĂ© le colloque « PrĂ©sences du passé », l’auteur s’interroge sur le retard avec lequel les milieux intellectuels français ont fait place aux « études postcoloniales », bien aprĂšs le succĂšs que celles-ci ont rencontrĂ© dans le monde anglo-saxon. En confrontant cet Ă©tat de fait aux revendications publiques qui se sont fait jour en France sur fond de problĂšmes d’intĂ©gration, elle souligne comment, en l’affaire, la sociĂ©tĂ© a Ă©tĂ© en avance sur la recherche, et comment ces mouvements revendicatifs tĂ©moignent, in fine, d’une volontĂ© de vivre ensemble dans une France acceptant Ă  la fois son histoire, ses mĂ©moires et sa diversitĂ©.In an article taking up the main points of her contribution to the roundtable discussion closing the “Presence of the Past” symposium, the author looks at the time lag with which the French intellectual milieus have turned their attention to postcolonial studies, well after these began thriving in Anglo-Saxon academia. By examining this state of affairs in the light of the demands made today in France in the public sphere against a backdrop of integration problems, she emphasizes how in this case society has been a step ahead of research and how these identitarian movements finally demonstrate the will to live together in a France that accepts at once its history, its memories and its diversity


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    Le paradoxe est puissant : les revendications territoriales n'ont jamais Ă©tĂ© si nombreuses alors que la capacitĂ© rĂ©gulatrice des territoires n'a jamais Ă©tĂ© aussi faible. Au temps des grandes guerres europĂ©ennes, les compromis territoriaux ou les dĂ©placements de frontiĂšres apparaissaient comme des sorties possibles des logiques de conflit, tandis que les espaces bornĂ©s marquaient clairement la souverainetĂ© des États, tout en leur permettant de dĂ©cliner leur compĂ©tence. Souverains chez eux, les..
