12 research outputs found

    Caractérisation de la signature transcriptionnelle chez des femmes québécoises avec une histoire familiale de cancer du sein

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    Au Canada, 5 Ă  10% des cas de cancer du sein sont des cancers hĂ©rĂ©ditaires provenant de familles Ă  risque Ă©levĂ© de dĂ©velopper la maladie. Cependant, la majoritĂ© des cas hĂ©rĂ©ditaires ne sont pas encore caractĂ©risĂ©s. L’épissage alternatif est reconnu pour ĂȘtre impliquĂ© dans le dĂ©veloppement du cancer. L’analyse de la signature transcriptionnelle d’individus atteints et non-atteints de cancer du sein pourrait rĂ©vĂ©ler des transcrits impliquĂ©s dans la susceptibilitĂ© ou le dĂ©veloppement de ce type de cancer. La technique «RNA sequencing» a Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©e pour Ă©tablir le profil transcriptionnel de femmes provenant de familles Ă  risque Ă©levĂ©. L’ARN a Ă©tĂ© extrait des lignĂ©es de lymphocytes immortalisĂ©s provenant de 117 femmes de familles dites Ă  risque Ă©levĂ©, c’est-Ă -dire porteuses d’une mutation dĂ©lĂ©tĂšre dans le gĂšne BRCA1, BRCA2 ou sans mutation BRCA1/2. Une analyse Anova suivie d’un test Bonferroni et d’un test de ScheffĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© utilisĂ©s pour identifier les transcrits significativement et diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s entre les diffĂ©rents groupes. Au total, 95 transcrits correspondant Ă  85 gĂšnes sont significatifs (p-value < 0.01). Selon les signatures transcriptionnelles, il est possible de sĂ©parer les groupes BRCA1/2 du groupe BRCAX. Un enrichissement dans les sentiers mĂ©taboliques au niveau de la signalisation comme EIF2, IL-3 et mTOR a Ă©tĂ© obtenu. De plus, 28 transcrits sont diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s entre les femmes BRCAX atteintes et non atteintes. L’identification de transcrits diffĂ©rentiellement exprimĂ©s permettrait d’identifier des individus ayant une susceptibilitĂ© plus Ă©levĂ©e de dĂ©velopper un cancer du sein.In Canada, 5 to 10% of breast cancer cases are inherited and come from high-risk families. However, the majority of hereditary breast cancer is not yet characterized. Alternative splicing (AS) is a mechanism known to be involved in cancer development. The analysis of transcriptome in high-risk breast cancer individuals affected with breast cancer or not could reveal transcripts implicated in breast cancer susceptibility and development. RNA-seq technology was used to characterize the transcriptome in French Canadian families with high risk of breast and ovarian cancer. RNA extracted from immortalized lymphoblastoid cell lines of 117 women (affected or unaffected) and issued from BRCA1, BRCA2 or non-BRCA1/2 (BRCAX) families was used. Anova and Bonferroni tests followed by ScheffĂ© test were performed to detect significantly and differentially expressed transcripts within these groups. In total, 95 transcripts corresponding to 85 genes were significant (p-value < 0.01). Hierarchical clustering based on transcriptional data allowed distinctive subgrouping of BRCA1/2 subgroups from BRCAX individuals. Enrichment in signaling pathways such as EIF2, IL-3 and mTOR was obtained. Furthermore, 28 transcripts were differentially expressed between BRCAX affected and unaffected women. The identification of differentially expressed transcripts could allow identifying individuals with a high susceptibility for breast cancer

    L’implication des pùres dans l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse : Un discours et une pratique qui s’opposent

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, les auteurs de plusieurs disciplines affirment que l’engagement paternel doit ĂȘtre facilitĂ© par l’accĂšs Ă  des services sociaux adaptĂ©s aux besoins des pĂšres. Bien que le rĂŽle du pĂšre soit de plus en plus dĂ©mystifiĂ©, les chercheurs et les cliniciens sont toutefois loin d'ĂȘtre tous convaincus de l'utilitĂ© de sa prĂ©sence dans l'intervention. Étant donnĂ© les enjeux inhĂ©rents au contexte de la protection de la jeunesse, le prĂ©sent article est consacrĂ© Ă  la question suivante : « Dans quelle mesure les intervenants impliquent les pĂšres dans les pratiques en protection de la jeunesse? ». Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, cet article brosse d’abord un tableau des connaissances empiriques sur la question de l’intervention auprĂšs des pĂšres, tout en insistant sur la spĂ©cificitĂ© du contexte de la protection de la jeunesse. Ensuite, les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  la suite d’une recherche menĂ©e auprĂšs de 229 intervenants qui travaillent dans un contexte de protection de la jeunesse sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.For some years now, writers in a number of fields have been affirming that paternal commitment needs to be facilitated by making available social services that are adapted to the needs of fathers. Although the paternal role has become much clearer, researchers and many clinical practitioners remain far from convinced of the usefulness of the father in the equation. Given the issues linking this problematic to that of child protection, the present paper is focused on the following question: «To what extent do the various intervenors involve the father in child protection practices?». To answer this question, in this paper I will first chart available empirical data on the extent to which services are made available to fathers, stressing the specific context of child protection. I will then present and discuss the results of a survey of 229 practitioners working within the area of child protection

    L’implication des pùres dans l’intervention en protection de la jeunesse : Un discours et une pratique qui s’opposent

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    Depuis quelques annĂ©es, les auteurs de plusieurs disciplines affirment que l’engagement paternel doit ĂȘtre facilitĂ© par l’accĂšs Ă  des services sociaux adaptĂ©s aux besoins des pĂšres. Bien que le rĂŽle du pĂšre soit de plus en plus dĂ©mystifiĂ©, les chercheurs et les cliniciens sont toutefois loin d'ĂȘtre tous convaincus de l'utilitĂ© de sa prĂ©sence dans l'intervention. Étant donnĂ© les enjeux inhĂ©rents au contexte de la protection de la jeunesse, le prĂ©sent article est consacrĂ© Ă  la question suivante : « Dans quelle mesure les intervenants impliquent les pĂšres dans les pratiques en protection de la jeunesse ? ». Afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  cette question, cet article brosse d’abord un tableau des connaissances empiriques sur la question de l’intervention auprĂšs des pĂšres, tout en insistant sur la spĂ©cificitĂ© du contexte de la protection de la jeunesse. Ensuite, les rĂ©sultats obtenus Ă  la suite d’une recherche menĂ©e auprĂšs de 229 intervenants qui travaillent dans un contexte de protection de la jeunesse sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.For some years now, writers in a number of fields have been affirming that paternal commitment needs to be facilitated by making available social services that are adapted to the needs of fathers. Although the paternal role has become much clearer, researchers and many clinical practitioners remain far from convinced of the usefulness of the father in the equation. Given the issues linking this problematic to that of child protection, the present paper is focused on the following question : « To what extent do the various intervenors involve the father in child protection practices ? ». To answer this question, in this paper I will first chart available empirical data on the extent to which services are made available to fathers, stressing the specific context of child protection. I will then present and discuss the results of a survey of 229 practitioners working within the area of child protection

    Adopting a strengths perspective in social work practice with families in difficulty : from theory to practice

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    There is a growing trend in social work practice to use a strengths perspective with families in difficulty. Beginning with a description of the characteristics of the strengths-based approach, this article then moves on to examine the interventions of practitioners working in Youth Centers (YCs) and in Centres Local de Services Communautaires (Local Community Services Centers, or CLSCs). A qualitative analysis of the practitioners’ personal practice descriptions and a quantitative study, based on a questionnaire measuring professional behaviors of the practitioners’ work with 118 families, were done. Most of the practitioners concentrated on the personal weaknesses of the parents and accorded little or no importance to their strengths. The results also show that the organizational context influences the emphasis put on the parents’ strengths by the practitioners

    Portrait global de l'industrie du recyclage

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    L'acc\ue8s est limit\ue9 aux membres du R\ue9seau Trans-AlNRC publication: Ye

    Evolutionary rescue by compensatory mutations is constrained by genomic and environmental backgrounds

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    Abstract Since deleterious mutations may be rescued by secondary mutations during evolution, compensatory evolution could identify genetic solutions leading to therapeutic targets. Here, we tested this hypothesis and examined whether these solutions would be universal or would need to be adapted to one's genetic and environmental makeups. We performed experimental evolutionary rescue in a yeast disease model for the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome in two genetic backgrounds and carbon sources. We found that multiple aspects of the evolutionary rescue outcome depend on the genotype, the environment, or a combination thereof. Specifically, the compensatory mutation rate and type, the molecular rescue mechanism, the genetic target, and the associated fitness cost varied across contexts. The course of compensatory evolution is therefore highly contingent on the initial conditions in which the deleterious mutation occurs. In addition, these results reveal biologically favored therapeutic targets for the Wiskott–Aldrich syndrome, including the target of an unrelated clinically approved drug. Our results experimentally illustrate the importance of epistasis and environmental evolutionary constraints that shape the adaptive landscape and evolutionary rate of molecular networks

    De l’UniversitĂ© du rĂ©tablissement

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    La neuro-imagerie permet d’observer et de comparer des groupes d’individus rĂ©agissant diffĂ©remment lorsqu’exposĂ©s, en laboratoire, Ă  des images provocatrices ou Ă  des situations particuliĂšres. Pour certains, cette rĂ©action impliquera des zones cĂ©rĂ©brales davantage associĂ©es Ă  l’émotivitĂ©, ce qui peut expliquer des dĂ©ficits dits cognitifs ou d’attention faisant obstacle Ă  leurs capacitĂ©s d’apprentissage, d’abstraction et d’adaptation. On peut ainsi comparer des schĂ©mas de rĂ©actions qui ont Ă©tĂ© assez souvent rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s et observĂ©s pour que l’on puisse tirer certaines conclusions statistiques : en prĂ©sence d’un mĂȘme stimulus ou en situation de stress, le cerveau des personnes prĂ©sentant par exemple un trouble obsessif-compulsif rĂ©agit diffĂ©remment de celui de la population en gĂ©nĂ©ral. Pour certains d’entre nous il est rassurant de constater, images Ă  l’appui, que c’est telle partie du cerveau plutĂŽt qu’une autre qui est surtout sollicitĂ©e dans une situation donnĂ©e. Cela « prouverait » que ce n’est pas intentionnellement que la rĂ©action est plus Ă©motive que rationnelle, le cas Ă©chĂ©ant. Par contre, pour d’autres, il est important d’ĂȘtre informĂ©s au moins autant des possibilitĂ©s du rĂ©tablissement que d’identifier les dysfonctions et les causes apparemment anatomiques d’un problĂšme de santĂ© mentale. Dans un cas comme dans l’autre, cet accĂšs Ă  de l’information mĂ©dicale et la possibilitĂ© pour les Ă©tudiants en rĂ©tablissement de dialoguer avec un scientifique sont Ă  la base de tout un programme dit d’éducation thĂ©rapeutique et cette « UniversitĂ© du rĂ©tablissement » est ici introduite pour la premiĂšre fois.Objectives Located at the heart of a mental health university institute in Montreal, Canada, the University of Recovery (UR) is a peer-run agency of service users who came together as a private non-profit organization to promote their experiential knowledge in science and public health, and to transform the academic milieu as an inclusive work environment conducive to recovery and full citizenship. UR students can thus have access to scientific conferences and classes on various topics and invite scientists or other professionals to further discuss new discoveries and techniques, and possible ways of improving healthcare from a patients’ and service users’ perspective. Our conversation with a scientist specialized in obsessive-compulsive disorders triggered this collective reflection on neuroimaging in terms of psychiatric diagnoses, prognoses, recovery opportunities and meta-cognition.Method At the core of the UR as a therapeutic education program is the Projet Citoyen, an adaptation and a transposition in Montreal of the Yale Citizens Project, which has been developed in New Haven, USA, over the past fifteen years. The Projet Citoyen is comprised of four main components: bi-weekly group discussions, individualized peer support, involvement and practicum in the community, and participation in public events and debates. UR students therefore evolve in the academic and scientific milieu, here regarded as a translational community and human laboratory towards social inclusion and full citizenship. UR students can be involved as auxiliaries of medical training to always promote and illustrate recovery opportunities when psychiatric ‘dysfunctions’ or ‘disorders’ are the topics of a medical class. In April 2016, UR students invited Dr Marc Lavoie to discuss is work on obsessive-compulsive disorders (OCD). The content of this group discussion is herein reported.Results UR students learned, among other things, that neuroimaging can be used to identify patterns of brain reactions to various stimuli and situations, reactions that can be different from one psychiatric condition to another and to the rest of the ‘normal’ population. For example, bright red, green, or blue shades of color can show an over-activation of the thalamus for persons with OCD. This difference can be indicative of a so-called cognitive impairment, with some people reacting more ‘emotionally’ to an image than other persons for whom the reaction would imply parts of the brain which are normally rather associated to ‘rational’ thinking (e.g.: the cerebral cortex). Such a difference, when it appears through a neuroimaging technique like EEG or MRI, does not lead to the enunciation of a particular diagnosis for an individual, but can give some complementary indications to be used in conjunction with other observations and can inform the choice for a therapeutic approach. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, for instance, has been statistically shown to be associated with anatomic changes in the human brain. Through some quite spectacular images of parts and subparts of the brain in action, UR students were able to admire all this beautiful neurodiversity. Then we discussed the concept of neuroplasticity: we now know that many aspects of the brain remain changeable or “plastic” even into adulthood, which contrasts with the previous common consensus that the human brain develops during childhood, then remains at once unchangeable afterward and “static.”Conclusion Diverse neurological conditions appear as a result of normal variations in the human genome and in affect, the concepts of neurodiversity and of neuroplasticity go much beyond the prevailing prior conceptual conditioning of neurological differences as being inherently pathological and an irreversible “error of Mother Nature.” There may be behaviors that cannot be controlled through rational thought, but rather emerge based on prior conditioning from the environment and other external and/or internal stimuli, and a psychotherapy could then consist of recognizing this conditioning and learning how to think and react differently to a triggering stimulus. The University of Recovery is thus first and foremost a principle of mutuality among its members – the students in recovery – who are allied through self-help as a basis for metacognitive therapeutic education

    Apolipoprotein B-100 gene EcoRI polymorphism : relations to the plasma lipoprotein changes associated with abdominal visceral obesity

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether the EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of the apolipoprotein (apo) B-100 gene influences the associations described among obesity, regional adipose tissue distribution, and plasma lipoprotein levels. For this purpose, blood samples were collected from 56 healthy men for whom we had extensive measurements of regional adipose tissue distribution (both anthropometric and computed tomography-derived measurements) and data on the plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile. DNA was extracted from white blood cells, and RFLP analysis was performed. Subjects were classified into two groups on the basis of their apoB-100 EcoRI genotype: subjects homozygous for the major 11-kb allele, the 11/11 group (n = 40), and subjects carrying the minor 13-kb allele, the 13/11 group (n = 16). Subjects carrying the 13-kb allele had lower percent body fat and abdominal adipose tissue accumulation than subjects homozygous for the 11-kb allele (P < .05). Although leaner, the 13/11 group did not show a more favorable plasma lipoprotein-lipid profile than the group homozygous for the 11-kb allele. In fact, after statistical control for the difference in percent body fat between the two genotype groups, the 13/11 group showed significantly higher plasma cholesterol levels (P < .05) and nearly significantly higher apoB levels than the 11/11 group (P = .06). The association patterns between indices of regional adiposity and plasma cholesterol and apoB levels were also different between the two EcoRI genotype groups. Only in the 13/11 group was the abdominal visceral adipose tissue area significantly associated with these plasma variables

    Pas tous dans le mĂȘme bateau face Ă  la pandĂ©mie – Lorsque la distanciation physique rend visibles les inĂ©galitĂ©s entre les Ă©tudiant.es de l’UQAC

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    Afin de documenter les inĂ©galitĂ©s rĂ©vĂ©lĂ©es ou exacerbĂ©es par la crise de la COVID-19, et de mesurer les impacts des mesures de distanciation sur la santĂ© physique et mentale des Ă©tudiant.e.s, nous avons menĂ© une Ă©tude mixte (qualitative et quantitative) afin de collecter des donnĂ©es auprĂšs de 413 Ă©tudiant.e.s en provenance de 6 Ă©tablissements du RĂ©seau de l’UniversitĂ© du QuĂ©bec (UQAC, UQAR, UQO, UQAM, UQTR et INRS). Nous publions ici les premiers rĂ©sultats de cette Ă©tude, portant uniquement sur les rĂ©ponses obtenues auprĂšs de 123 rĂ©pondant.e.s inscrit.e.s Ă  temps plein ou Ă  temps partiel dans un programme de l’UQAC, au semestre d’hiver 2020. Les rĂ©sultats tĂ©moignent des inĂ©galitĂ©s vĂ©cues, de mĂȘme que des dĂ©fis spĂ©cifiques soulevĂ©s au moment de la collecte de donnĂ©es