492 research outputs found

    Innovation et évolution industrielle de long terme

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    Cet article présente les développements récents des modèles de cycle de vie de l'industrie, en soulignant notamment les avancées réalisées par rapport au modèle de base de Gort et Klepper (1982). Compte tenu du regain d'intérêt actuel pour ce type de littérature, l'objet de cet article est, tout d'abord, de retracer les résultats analytiques et empiriques de ce courant particulier de littérature dédiée à la dynamique industrielle. Il est, ensuite, de montrer les limites de ces modèles dans la prise en compte de certains déterminants fondamentaux de la dynamique industrielle - comme les relations verticales, les différents types de coopération interfirmes, la nature de la demande, la segmentation des marchés, ou le contexte de propriété industrielle - qui sont pourtant constitutifs des mécanismes d'évolution des industries dans les économies modernes. Il est, enfin, de rechercher les points de rencontre et/ou de divergence existant entre ce courant et d'autres approches - évolutionniste ou traditionnelle - de la dynamique industrielle, et permettant de repousser les limites précédemment identifiées.

    From challenges to opportunities in abandoned farmlands:Assessing benefits and trade-offs of alternative farmland abandonment trajectories.

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    With urbanisation, agricultural intensification, land degradation and climate change, Europe faces increasing pressures on land use. To address these challenges, the European Union (EU) defined new targets in the Green Deal and related policies for more sustainable land management and to restore natural ecosystems. However, it is challenging to find sufficient space that is not in conflict with current land uses to implement these new management practices. Contrary to land use intensification, farmland abandonment is an ongoing process in many European regions. It is characterised by the withdrawal of farming activities on land that was initially under agricultural use. Following the cessation of management, semi-natural vegetation generally re-grows on the land, leading to positive or negative outcomes depending on the local conditions. To assess opportunities and constraints for the development of alternative management responses to farmland abandonment in Europe, with considerations for environmental benefits and trade-offs, as well as the barriers and constraints for implementation, the following research questions are examined: (1) What are the different farmland abandonment trajectories and their potential consequences (benefits and trade-offs) in different contexts? (2) What are the barriers faced by decision-makers (including landowners and policy-makers) for the implementation of these different trajectories, and what scientific knowledge is important to support decisions on the responses to farmland abandonment? This first research question is mostly addressed in Chapters 2 and 4, while the second research question is examined in Chapters 3 and 5. The introduction (Chapter 1) presents the general context for the thesis. Overall, this thesis demonstrates that there is variety of farmland abandonment trajectories, with the potential to bring a wide range of benefits, risks, and trade-offs. The various possible outcomes from abandonment as well as diverse management strategies that exist show opportunities for flexible and adaptive uses of these areas. Abandonment can be positive on its own (i.e., spontaneous land restoration), however, when favourable outcomes are unlikely, or to reach specific targets, active support for management is often needed. Therefore, guiding abandonment trajectories towards such favourable directions, and responding effectively to future abandonment, will require contributions from science, policy, and local knowledge. Overall, a takeaway from this thesis is that although abandoned farmlands have lost their productive function, they remain key in landscape planning as they hold a great potential for alternative functions. It is therefore essential to integrate them into the global societal, rural, natural, and environmental perspectives

    Coopération et concurrence: le cas des consortia de R&D

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    L'objectif de ce papier est de proposer une analyse de ces interactions. Notre démarche sera de comprendre comment fonctionne et évolue le consortium, ce qui nécessitera l'adoption d'un cadre d'analyse proche des faits. Nous montrerons que dans la pratique les consortia sont l'expression à la fois d'engagements coopératifs liés à l'innovation, mais aussi de choix concurrentiels (section 1). Nous proposerons alors une interprétation analytique de ces observations (section 2).

    Playing Legislative Catch-up in 2010 with a Growing, High-Tech Phenomenon: Evolving Statutory Approaches for Addressing Teen Sexting

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    This article analyzes and critiques legislation adopted by states in 2010 to address the burgeoning phenomenon of teen sexting. Sixteen different states in 2010, stretching from California to New York, considered bills or resolutions designed to address, in one manner or another, teen sexting. By early November 2010, sexting bills had been signed into law by the governors of Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois and Louisiana. To illustrate the differences, as well as the strengths and weaknesses among the new sexting laws, the article applies each of them to the facts of realistic sexting scenario. Significantly, this analysis of the laws through the lens of hypothetical fact pattern reveals that the low-tech, downstream transmission of hard copies of sexual images of minors – images that were initially transmitted by cell phones by minors – appears to escape the reach of all of the 2010 sexting laws. The article argues that this gap or loophole in the new laws should be addressed by amending them. Ultimately, the article demonstrates a distinct lack of uniformity across the sexting statutes adopted in 2010. For instance, even when it comes to what would appear to be the most objective element of the offense of sexting – the maximum age of the possible perpetrator – there is disagreement. Such disparity creates an uneven patchwork of legislation that fails to give minors proper notice of what sexting activities are permissible

    On-call work and health: a review

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    Many professions in the fields of engineering, aviation and medicine employ this form of scheduling. However, on-call work has received significantly less research attention than other work patterns such as shift work and overtime hours. This paper reviews the current body of peer-reviewed, published research conducted on the health effects of on-call work The health effects studies done in the area of on-call work are limited to mental health, job stress, sleep disturbances and personal safety. The reviewed research suggests that on-call work scheduling can pose a risk to health, although there are critical gaps in the literature

    A cross-sectional survey of general practice health workers' perceptions of their provision of culturally competent services to ethnic minority people with diabetes

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    Aims To explore General Practice teams cultural-competence, in particular, ethnicity, linguistic skillset and cultural awareness. The practice teams’ access to diabetes-training, and overall perception of cultural-competence were also assessed. Methods A cross-sectional single-city-survey with one in three people with diabetes from an ethnic minority group, using 35 semi-structured questions was completed. Self-reported data analysed using descriptive statistics, interpreted with reference to the Culturally-Competent-Assessment-Tool. Results Thirty-four (52%) of all 66 practices in Coventry responded between November 2011 and January 2012. Key findings: (1) One in five practice staff was from a minority group in contrast with one in ten of Coventry’s population, (2) 164 practice staff (32%) spoke a second language relevant to the practice's minority population, (3) 56% of practices were highly culturally-competent at providing diabetes services for minority populations, (4) 94% of practices reported the ethnicity of their populations, and (5) the most frequently stated barriers to culturally-competent service delivery were language and knowledge of nutritional habits. Conclusions Culturally-competent diabetes care is widespread across the city. Language barriers are being addressed, cultural knowledge of diabetes-related-nutrition requires further improvement. Further studies should investigate if structured cultural-competence training for diabetes service providers produces positive effects in diabetes-related outcome-measures in minority populations
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