48 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Fibroblast Growth Factor System Reveals Alterations in a Mouse Model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy

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    The monogenetic disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) is characterized by a progressive loss of motoneurons leading to muscle weakness and atrophy due to severe reduction of the Survival of Motoneuron (SMN) protein. Several models of SMA show deficits in neurite outgrowth and maintenance of neuromuscular junction (NMJ) structure. Survival of motoneurons, axonal outgrowth and formation of NMJ is controlled by neurotrophic factors such as the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) system. Besides their classical role as extracellular ligands, some FGFs exert also intracellular functions controlling neuronal differentiation. We have previously shown that intracellular FGF-2 binds to SMN and regulates the number of a subtype of nuclear bodies which are reduced in SMA patients. In the light of these findings, we systematically analyzed the FGF-system comprising five canonical receptors and 22 ligands in a severe mouse model of SMA. In this study, we demonstrate widespread alterations of the FGF-system in both muscle and spinal cord. Importantly, FGF-receptor 1 is upregulated in spinal cord at a pre-symptomatic stage as well as in a mouse motoneuron-like cell-line NSC34 based model of SMA. Consistent with that, phosphorylations of FGFR-downstream targets Akt and ERK are increased. Moreover, ERK hyper-phosphorylation is functionally linked to FGFR-1 as revealed by receptor inhibition experiments. Our study shows that the FGF system is dysregulated at an early stage in SMA and may contribute to the SMA pathogenesis

    Acute heat-evoked temperature sensation is impaired but not abolished in mice lacking TRPV1 and TRPV3 channels

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    International audienceThe discovery of heat-sensitive Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid ion channels (ThermoTRPVs) greatly advanced our molecular understanding of acute and injury-evoked heat temperature sensation. ThermoTRPV channels are activated by partially overlapping temperatures ranging from warm to supra-threshold noxious heat. TRPV1 is activated by noxious heat temperature whereas TRPV3 can be activated by warm as well as noxious heat temperatures. Loss-of-function studies in single TRPV1 and TRPV3 knock-out mice have shown that heat temperature sensation is not completely abolished suggesting functional redundancies among these two channels and highlighting the need of a detailed analysis of TRPV1::TRPV3 double knock-out mice (V1V3dKO) which is hampered by the close proximity of the loci expressing the two channels. Here we describe the generation of a novel mouse model in which trpv1 and trpv3 genes have been inactivated using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC)-based homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells. In these mice, using classical thermosensory tests such hot plate, tail flick and the thermotaxis gradient paradigms, we confirm that TRPV1 is the master channel for sensing noxious heat temperatures and identify a cooperative role of TRPV1 and TRPV3 for sensing a well-defined window of acute moderate heat temperature. Using the dynamic hot plate assay, we unravel an intriguing and unexpected pronounced escape behavior in TRPV1 knock-out mice that was attenuated in the V1V3dKO. Together, and in agreement with the temperature activation overlap between TRPV1 and TRPV3 channels, our data provide in vivo evidence of a cooperative role between skin-derived TRPV3 and primary sensory neurons-enriched TRPV1 in modulation of moderate and noxious heat temperature sensation and suggest that other mechanisms are required for heat temperature sensation

    FGFR4 signaling is a necessary step in limb muscle differentiation.

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    International audienceIn chick embryos, most if not all, replicating myoblasts present within the skeletal muscle masses express high levels of the FGF receptor FREK/FGFR4, suggesting an important role for this molecule during myogenesis. We examined FGFR4 function during myogenesis, and we demonstrate that inhibition of FGFR4, but not FGFR1 signaling, leads to a dramatic loss of limb muscles. All muscle markers analyzed (such as Myf5, MyoD and the embryonic myosin heavy chain) are affected. We show that inhibition of FGFR4 signal results in an arrest of muscle progenitor differentiation, which can be rapidly reverted by the addition of exogenous FGF, rather than a modification in their proliferative capacities. Conversely, over-expression of FGF8 in somites promotes FGFR4 expression and muscle differentiation in this tissue. Together, these results demonstrate that in vivo, myogenic differentiation is positively controlled by FGF signaling, a notion that contrasts with the general view that FGF promotes myoblast proliferation and represses myogenic differentiation. Our data assign a novel role to FGF8 during chick myogenesis and demonstrate that FGFR4 signaling is a crucial step in the cascade of molecular events leading to terminal muscle differentiation

    Disruption of TRPV3 Impairs Heat-Evoked Vasodilation and Thermoregulation: A Critical Role of CGRP.

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    Sensing environmental temperature is a key factor allowing individuals to maintain thermal homeostasis via thermoregulatory mechanisms, including changes to skin blood flow. Among transient receptor potential channels, transient receptor potential vanilloid 3 (TRPV3) is a heat-activated cation channel highly expressed in keratinocytes. However, the role of TRPV3 in triggering heat-evoked cutaneous vasodilation is unknown. Using a murine in vivo model of local acute environmental heat exposure in the skin, we show that TRPV3 is involved in the local thermoregulatory control of skin blood flow by initiating the release of calcitonin gene-related peptide and nitric oxide in response to local heating of the skin. In addition to their contribution in local heat-evoked vasodilation, TRPV3, calcitonin gene-related peptide, and nitric oxide also contribute to internal body temperature stability during passive whole-body heating. This study provides in vivo demonstration of the role of TRPV3 as a strong modulator of cutaneous vascular thermoregulatory mechanisms

    Downregulation of connexin 45 gene products during mouse heart development

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    The electrical activity in heart is generated in the sinoatrial node and then propagates to the atrial and ventricular tissues. The gap junction channels that couple the myocytes are responsible for this propagation process. The gap junction channels are dodecamers of transmembrane proteins of the connexin (Cx) family. Three members of this family have been demonstrated to be synthesized in the cardiomyocytes: Cx40, Cx43, and Cx45. In addition, each of them has been shown to form channels with unique and specific electrophysiological properties. Understanding the conduction phenomenon requires detailed knowledge of the spatiotemporal expression pattern of these Cxs in heart. The expression patterns of Cx40 and Cx43 have been previously described in the adult heart and during its development. Here we report the expression of Cx45 gene products in mouse heart from the stage of the first contractions (8.5 days postcoitum [dpc]) to the adult stage. The Cx45 gene transcript was demonstrated by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction experiments to be present in heart at all stages investigated. Between 8.5 and 10.5 dpc it was shown by in situ hybridization to be expressed in low amounts in all cardiac compartments (including the inflow and outflow tracts and the atrioventricular canal) and then to be downregulated from 11 to 12 dpc onward. At subsequent fetal stages, the transcript was weakly detected in the ventricles, with the most distinct expression in the outflow tract. Cx45 protein was demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy to be expressed in the myocytes of young embryonic hearts (8.5 to 9.5 dpc). However, beyond 10.5 dpc the protein was no longer detected with this technique in the embryonic, fetal, or neonatal working myocardium, although it could be shown by immunoblotting that the protein was still synthesized in neonatal heart. In the major part of adult heart, Cx45 was undetectable. It was, however, clearly seen in the anterior regions of the interventricular septum and in trace amounts in some small foci dispersed in the ventricular free walls. Cx45 gene is the first Cx gene so far demonstrated to be activated in heart at the stage of the first contractions. The coordination of myocytes during the slow peristaltic contractions that occur at this stage would thus appear to be controlled by the Cx45 channel