10 research outputs found

    Cigarette smoking and metabolic syndrome components: a cross-sectional study from Maracaibo City, Venezuela [version 3; referees: 2 approved]

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    Background: A growing body of evidence suggests that cigarette smoking can cause the onset of metabolic syndrome prior to cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between smoking habit and metabolic syndrome components in an adult population from Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Methods: The Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with random and multi-stage sampling. In this sub-study, 2212 adults from both genders were selected. On the basis of their medical background, they were classified as smokers, non-smokers and former smokers. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to Harmonizing 2009 criteria, using population-specific abdominal circumference cut-off points. The association between risk factors was evaluated using a logistic regression model. Results: In the studied population, 14.8% were smokers, 15.4% were former smokers. In the multivariate analysis, the presence of metabolic syndrome (smokers: OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.11–2.14; p=0.010) and its components were related to cigarette smoking, with the exception of hyperglycemia. High blood pressure was inversely associated with current smoking status (smokers: OR, 0.70 (0.51–0.95); p=0.025). Conclusion: Cigarette smoking represents a related factor with metabolic syndrome, being associated with low high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol, increased abdominal circumference and elevated triacylglyceride levels. Former smokers did not present a greater risk for developing this metabolic disease when compared to non-smokers. The effect of avoiding this habit should be evaluated in future studies in our population

    Comportamiento epidemiológico del hipotiroidismo subclínico y su asociación con factores de riesgo cardiometabólicos en individuos adultos del Municipio Maracaibo, Venezuela

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    Introducción: La relación entre el hipotiroidismo subclínico (HSC) y diversos factores de riesgo cardiovascular es controversial. El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el comportamiento de dichos factores en adultos con HSC del municipio Maracaibo, estado Zulia, Venezuela. Materiales y Métodos: Se seleccionaron 425 individuos de la base de datos del estudio de Prevalencia de Síndrome Metabólico de Maracaibo, en base a historia clínica y determinación de TSH, T3, T4, anticuerpos anti-tiroideos, glicemia, insulina basal y perfil lipídico. Las variables cualitativas fueron expresadas como frecuencias absolutas y relativas y las variables cuantitativas como media aritmética ± DE, se realizó un modelo de regresión logística múltiple para determinar la relación entre los factores de riesgo con respecto al diagnóstico de HSC. Resultados: La prevalencia del HSC fue 9,6% (n=41), presentando elevación de la glicemia, colesterol total, triacilglicéridos y VLDL, y disminución de T3 (p=0,017). La presencia de HSC es directamente proporcional a la edad y presenta una asociación significativa con anticuerpos anti-tiroideos positivos. El HSC mostró incrementar el riesgo para enfermedades cardio-metabólicas como Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular. Conclusiones: La prevalencia de HSC es similar a la mostrada en reportes previos, estando asociado con la presencia de varios factores cardio-metabólicos. Es necesaria la determinación oportuna del perfil tiroideo, especialmente adultos mayores, para un diagnóstico precoz y adecuado seguimiento de este grupo de pacientes.&nbsp

    The A54T polymorphism in the FABP2 gene and its relationship with obesity

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    Obesity is a complex, multifactorial, and mostly preventable disease affecting, along with overweight, more than a third of today’s world population. Variations in the nucleotide sequence of both metabolic and appetite control genes have been counted among these non-modifiable factors and are associated with BMI, lipidic profile, and abdominal circumference alterations.La obesidad es una enfermedad compleja, multifactorial y en su mayor parte prevenible que afecta, a más de un tercio de la población mundial actual. Las variaciones en la secuencia de nucleótidos de los genes de control del metabolismo y del apetito se consideran hasta ahora como factores no modificables y se asocian con alteraciones del IMC, del perfil lipídico y de la circunferencia abdominal

    Antioxidants in Photoaging: From Molecular Insights to Clinical Applications

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    Photoaging (PA) is considered a silent disease affecting millions of people globally and is defined as skin damage due to prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun. Physiologically, the skin is in a state of renewal and synthesis of components of the extracellular matrix (ECM). However, exposure to UVR affects the production of the ECM, and the functioning and response of skin cells to UVR begins to change, thus expressing clinical and phenotypic characteristics of PA. The primary mechanisms involved in PA are direct damage to the DNA of skin cells, increases in oxidative stress, the activation of cell signaling pathways responsible for the loss of skin integrity, and cytotoxicity. The medical and scientific community has been researching new therapeutic tools that counteract PA, considering that the damage caused by UVR exceeds the antioxidant defense mechanisms of the skin. Thus, in recent years, certain nutraceuticals and phytochemicals have been found to exhibit potential antioxidant and photoprotective effects. Therefore, the main objective of this review is to elucidate the molecular bases of PA and the latest pharmaceutical industry findings on antioxidant treatment against the progression of PA

    Weight Regain after Metabolic Surgery: Beyond the Surgical Failure

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    Patients undergoing metabolic surgery have factors ranging from anatomo-surgical, endocrine metabolic, eating patterns and physical activity, mental health and psychological factors. Some of the latter can explain the possible pathophysiological neuroendocrine, metabolic, and adaptive mechanisms that cause the high prevalence of weight regain in postbariatric patients. Even metabolic surgery has proven to be effective in reducing excess weight in patients with obesity; some of them regain weight after this intervention. In this vein, several studies have been conducted to search factors and mechanisms involved in weight regain, to stablish strategies to manage this complication by combining metabolic surgery with either lifestyle changes, behavioral therapies, pharmacotherapy, endoscopic interventions, or finally, surgical revision. The aim of this revision is to describe certain aspects and mechanisms behind weight regain after metabolic surgery, along with preventive and therapeutic strategies for this complication

    Comportamiento Epidemiológico del síndrome metabólico en el municipio Maracaibo-Venezuela

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    Introducción: El Síndrome Metabólico es un conjunto de alteraciones metabólicas que representa un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial. Su evaluación en nuestra población es escasa por lo nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar su comportamiento epidemiológico y la agrupación de factores de riesgo. Materiales y Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, transversal, aleatorio y multietápico en 2.230 individuos de ambos sexos, a quienes se les realizó historia  clínica completa y se les determino los componentes del espectro del síndrome metabólico, de acuerdo al consensoIDF/NHLBI/AHA-2009. Riesgo coronario a 10 años fue evaluado usando la fórmula Framingham-Wilson calibrada según las combinaciones diagnósticas y se realizó un modelo de regresión logística múltiple para analizar los principales factores asociados al síndrome. Resultados: La prevalencia en nuestra población fue de 42,7% (n=952) con predominio en el sexo masculino. La combinatoria con mayor riesgo coronario fue HDL-C bajas –hipertriacilgliceridmia-Hipertensión. En el modelo de regresión, los factores de riesgo fueron: el sexo, edad, hábito tabáquico, insulinorresistencia e hipertensión arterial; la actividad física fue un factor protector. Conclusiones: El síndrome metabólico es muy prevalente en nuestra población. La circunferencia abdominal elevada es la alteración presente más frecuente por lo cual es necesario el planteamiento de puntos de corte adaptados a nuestras características socio-culturales, lo cual permite detección temprana e intervención.  Introduction: Metabolic Syndrome  is considered a clustering of metabolic risk factors which represent a worldwide public health problem. Its evaluation in our population is scarce; hence the purpose of this investigation was to characterize its epidemiological behavior and the patterns of risk factor clustering.  Materials and Methods: This is a randomized, crosssectional, descriptive and multietapic study which enrolled 2.230 individuals of both sexes, which were interrogated in order or obtain a complete medical history and evaluation, determining the components of the metabolic syndrome according to the IDF/AHA/NHLBI-2009. Coronary  risk at 10 years was evaluated using a calibrated Framingham Formula according to metabolic phenotypes, and a logistic model was applied to analyze the metabolic risk factors to the syndrome. Results: Metabolic syndrome prevalence was 42.7% (n=952), higher in the men`s group. The combination with the highest coronary risk was Low HDL-Hypertriacilglyceridemia-  Hypertension. In the regression model, the most important risk factors were: gender, age, smoking, insulin resistance and hypertension; physical activity was considered a protective factor. Conclusions: Metabolic syndrome is highly prevalent in our locality. Abdominal circumference was the most frequent observed component suggesting the need for several actions, such as the identification of a proper cut-off point according to this population allowing proper detection and intervention.&nbsp

    Intrinsic and environmental basis of aging: A narrative review

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    Longevity has been a topic of interest since the beginnings of humanity, yet its aetiology and precise mechanisms remain to be elucidated. Aging is currently viewed as a physiological phenomenon characterized by the gradual degeneration of organic physiology and morphology due to the passage of time where both external and internal stimuli intervene. The influence of intrinsic factors, such as progressive telomere shortening, genome instability due to mutation buildup, the direct or indirect actions of age-related genes, and marked changes in epigenetic, metabolic, and mitochondrial patterns constitute a big part of its underlying endogenous mechanisms. On the other hand, several psychosocial and demographic factors, such as diet, physical activity, smoking, and drinking habits, may have an even more significant impact on shaping the aging process. Consequentially, implementing dietary and exercise patterns has been proposed as the most viable alternative strategy for attenuating the most typical degenerative aging changes, thus increasing the likelihood of prolonging lifespan and achieving successful aging

    Cigarette smoking and metabolic syndrome components: a cross-sectional study from Maracaibo City, Venezuela [version 1; referees: 1 approved with reservations]

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    Background: A growing body of evidence suggests that cigarette smoking can cause the onset of metabolic syndrome prior to cardiovascular diseases. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between smoking habit and metabolic syndrome components in an adult population from Maracaibo city, Venezuela. Methods: The Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study is a descriptive, cross-sectional study with random and multi-stage sampling. In this sub-study, 2212 adults from both genders were selected. On the basis of their medical background, they were classified as smokers, non-smokers and former smokers. Metabolic syndrome was defined according to Harmonizing 2009 criteria, using population-specific abdominal circumference cut-off points. The association between risk factors was evaluated using a logistic regression model. Results: In the studied population, 14.8% were smokers, 15.4% were former smokers. In the multivariate analysis, the presence of metabolic syndrome (smokers: OR, 1.54; 95% CI, 1.11–2.14; p=0.010) and its components were related to cigarette smoking, with the exception of hyperglycemia. High blood pressure was inversely associated with current smoking status (smokers: OR, 0.70 (0.51–0.95); p=0.025)

    Lipid profile reference intervals in individuals from Maracaibo, Venezuela: an insight from the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome prevalence study

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    Objectives: Cardiovascular diseases are the main cause of death in adults worldwide. Dyslipidemias are an important risk factor, which is why committees like the ATP III have established cut-off points for lipid profiles dichotomizing the diagnosis instead of setting normal intervals. Currently, there is no general consensus about the reference intervals in our population, so the purpose of this paper is to establish lipid profile reference ranges in Maracaibo City, Venezuela. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was made, enrolling 2,043 randomly selected individuals from both genders over 18 years old, for the Maracaibo City Metabolic Syndrome Prevalence Study (MMSPS). To determine the reference population, the patients with pathologic history and medication intake that could modify the lipid profile were taken out. Extreme values were calculated mathematically for each lipid variable and then excluded. The results were expressed in absolute and relative frequencies, medians and 25th-75th percentiles for the general and gender classified population. Results: The medians and percentiles for the reference population (n=434) were indicated respectively for women (n=221; 50.9%) and men (n=213; 49.1%). For HDL-C (mg/dL): 48.00 (42.00-56.00) and 43.00 (37.00-50.00); Triglycerides (mg/dL): 70.98 (50.35-102.53) and 78.50 (57.00-126.63); VLDL-C (mg/dL): 14.20 (10.07-20.48) and 15.70 (11.40-25.33). Were raised general reference values for Total Cholesterol (mg/dL): 176.00 (149.50-201.50); LDL-C (mg/dL): 110.23 (86.25-132.80) and Lp(a) (mg/dL): 25.20 (18.40-33.85)