4 research outputs found

    Analisis Kritis Aspek Sosial Novel Memang Jodoh Karya Marah Rusli (Critical Analysis of Social Aspect in the Novel Memang Jodoh by Marah Rusli)

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    The novel of Memang Jodoh is one of Marah Rusli\u27s masterpieces. It describes about the tight customs and traditions of Padang in wedlock and marriage, also there are some rules becoming the tradition that must be obeyed by society. These customs and traditions are not quit of society social life. Padang society has customs and traditions for marriage and matrilineal lineage. This article aims to describe social aspect in Novel of Memang Jodoh by Marah Rusli. Based on the aim of it, the method of qualitative is used. As for the approach of aspect social are applied. The theory of sociology is conducted in social aspect including structure social, social processes, social change, and social problem. The result of this novel analysis of Memang Jodoh is society social structure of Padang which is very closely with customs and traditions caused the society conflict

    Representasi Tokoh Lisa dalam Novel Bunda Lisa Karya Jombang Santani Khairen: Kajian Psikologi Wanita (Delegation Of Lisa In Novel Bunda Lisa Written By Jombang Santani Khairen: Examined By Woman Psychology)

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    This article tells about the delegation of a woman in family and society. The delegation of a woman is interesting to be study because a women has a big role in family life also in society. Woman also needs to receive the prize of woman right, woman emancipation, and woman construction dealing with woman psychology. The novel entitled Bunda Lisa, written by Jombang Santani Khairen mention many aspects of woman psychology as a wife, as a mother and a teacher, as well as a housewife. That problem can be known through the structural theory includes theme, cast, character, conflict and background. The result analysis of structural theory and woman psychology examination in novel Bunda Lisa draws that the novel is appropriate along the theory used, those are structural theory and woman psychology examination

    Kajian Psikologi Wanita Tokoh Utama Novel Air Mata Tuhan Karya Aguk Irawan M.n.

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    A novel entitled Air Mata Tuhan as a study of woman psychology was focused on the main character. This research aimed to know the forms of women's personality, and to describe the linkage between structural elements and psychology aspect contained on the main character in the Novel entitled Air Mata Tuhan written by Aguk Irawan M.N. The used research method was qualitative by using literature study. The data contained in the Novel entitled Air Mata Tuhan were also analyzed. The research result indicated that structural elements included title, theme, characterization, character, and conflict has the linkage. The analysis of woman psychology showed that (1) the woman characteristic was beauty included beauty of inside and outside, tenderness, humility, nurturing, easily disappointed and rise up again; (2) woman and family, included woman as a wife, woman as a partner of life; and (3) woman and depression. Those characteristics were belonged to the main character in the Novel entitled Air MataTuhan named Fisha