106 research outputs found

    Impact of chronic treatment with steroids on physical development in juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    Departamentul Pediatrie, USMF ,, Nicolae Testimiţeanu”In recent years, AJI treatment has become more aggressive, particularly through increased use of methotrexate and glucocorticosteroids that contribute to delayed growth and development of osteoporosis. Retrospective and prospective study was conducted in the rheumatology department PMSI Institute of Mother and Child Care by analyses of observation records of children hospitalized during the years 2010 - 2011 with AJI. Depending on NI it was demonstrated that patients who received steroid treatment have a higher NI in 30,6% of cases compared with those without treatment. În ultimii ani, tratamentul AJI a devenit mult mai agresiv, în special prin utilizarea sporită a metotrexat și a glucocorticosteroizilor care contribuie la întîrzierea creșterii și apariția osteoporozei. Studiul retrospectiv și prospectiv a fost efectuat în secția reumatologie a IMSP Institutul Mamei și Copilului prin analizele fișelor de observație a copiilor spitalizați în perioada anilor 2010- 2011 cu AJI. În dependență de IN s-a demonstrat că pacienții care au primit tratament cu steroizi au IN înalt în 30,6% cazuri în comparație cu cei fără tratament

    Impact of juvenile idiopathic arthritis on physical development

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    Departamentul Pediatrie, USMF ,, Nicolae Testimiţeanu”Juvenile idiopathic arthritis is the most common rheumatic disease in children, which can lead to significant disability with deformities, lack of growth and persistence of active arthritis in adult life. Retrospective and prospective study was conducted in the rheumatology department PMSI Institute of Mother and Child Care by analyses of observation records of children hospitalized during the years 2010 - 2011 with AJI. Depending on the evolution type, it was determined that 71,4% of children with systemic form had atypical physical development. In oligoarticular type 69,1% children had lower BMI and in arthritis 58,02% children had low BMI. Artrita juvenilă idiopatică este cea mai frecventă boală reumatică la copii, care poate conduce la invaliditate semnificativă cu deformări articulare, insuficienţa creşterii şi persistenţa artritei active în viaţa de adult. Studiul retrospectiv şi prospectiv a fost efectuat în secţia reumatologie a IMSP Institutul Mamei şi Copilului prin analizele fişelor de observaţie a copiilor spitalizaţi în perioada anilor 2010- 2011 cu AJI. În funcţie de varianta evolutivă s-a determinat că la 71,4% copii cu forma sistemică au fost cu dezvoltare fizică netipică. În varianta oligoarticulară la 69,1% copii au IMC scăzut, iar în forma poliarticulară 58,02% copii sunt cu IMC scăzut

    Identificarea anumitor gene ale ciclului folaților la mamele copiilor cu malformații congenitale cerebrale

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    Background. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the National Register of Congenital Malformations (CM) in newborns in 2011-2020, the incidence of congenital cerebral malformations (CCM) was 1.92 per 1000 newborns, accounting for 11% of all birth defects. Objective of the study. To assess the genetic polymorphism of certain genes involved in the synthesis of folic acid (folate cycle genes MTHFR677; MTHFR1298; MTR2756; MTRR66) in mothers of children with folate-dependent MCC, to prevent these pathologies in offspring. Material and methods. The target group was identified - 150 children up to 1 year of age with a confirmed MCC diagnosis. A number of 65 mothers of children with MCC were investigated by the molecular-genetic PCR method to detect 4 polymorphisms of the folate cycle gene. The statistical processing of the data obtained in the study was performed by the Quanto program. Results. By the method of clinical-genetic examination, later by the interpretation of the molecular-genetic results, 21 cases of folate-dependent MCC with heterozygous status were diagnosed, and in 44 cases - with homozygous status. It was found that the most common folate-dependent MCC diagnosed was hydrocephalus - 41 cases (43.4%), followed by anencephaly - 3 cases (4.7%), with the prevalence of mothers with homozygous status. Among the non-folate dependent MCCs, the most common were: isolated spina bifida - 6 cases (9.4%), microcephaly - 7 (10.9%), agenesis of the corpus callosum isolated - 8 cases (12.2%), mothers with heterozygous status prevailed. Conclusions. Insufficiency of folic acid in association with genetic causes leads to the appearance of folate-dependent MCC in children. In this regard, it is essential to identify predisposing factors at increased risk for the development of folate-dependent MCC.Introducere. Potrivit datelor Registrului Național din Republica Moldova incidența malformațiilor congenitale cerebrale (MCC) pe perioada 2011-2020 a fost de 1,92 la 1000 de nou-născuți, constituind 11% din toate anomaliile congenitale. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea polimorfismului genetic al anumitor gene implicate în sintetizarea acidului folic (genelor ciclului folaților MTHFR677; MTHFR1298; MTR2756; MTRR66) la mamele copiilor cu MCC folat-dependente, pentru prevenirea acestor patologii la descendenți. Material și metode. A fost identificat grupul-țintă – 150 copii cu vârsta până la 1 an cu diagnosticul confirmat de MCC. Un număr de 65 de mame ale copiilor cu MCC au fost investigate prin metoda molecular-genetică PCR pentru depistarea a 4 polimorfisme a genei ciclului folaților. Prelucrarea statistică a datelor obținute în studiul realizat a fost efectuată prin program Quanto. Rezultate. Prin metoda de examinare clinico-genetică, ulterior prin interpretarea rezultatelor molecular-genetice, au fost diagnosticate 21 cazuri de MCC folat-dependente cu statut heterozigot, iar în 44 cazuri – cu statut homozigot. S-a constatat că cea mai frecventă MCC folat-dependentă diagnosticată a fost hidrocefalia – 41 cazuri (43.4%), urmată de anencefalie – 3 de cazuri (4.7%), cu prevalența mamelor cu statut homozigot. Printre MCC non-folat dependente, cele mai frecvente au fost: spina bifida izolată – 6 cazuri (9.4%), microcefalia – 7 (10.9%), agenezia corpului calos izolat – 8 cazuri (12.2%), au prevalat mamele cu statut heterozigot. Concluzii. Insuficiența de acid folic în asociere cu cauzele genetice duce la apariția MCC folat-dependente la copii. În acest sens, este esențial identificarea factorilor predispozanți cu risc sporit pentru dezvoltarea MCC folat-dependente

    Chromosomal variations associated with neuro-genetic aspects in male infertility

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Sindromul Klinefelter (XXY) și Sindromul Yacobs (XYY), sunt anomalii ale cromozomilor sexuali, ce se caracterizează prin statură înaltă și infertilitate la vârsta adultă, fiind asociate cu un risc mai mare pentru fenotipuri de neurodezvoltare, comportamentale și cognitive. Scopul. studierea aspectelor neuro-genetice la pacienții cu variații cromozomiale în infertilitatea masculină, pentru realizarea unui diagnostic precoce. Material si metode. 95 bărbați cu infertilitate au fost investigați citogenetic (bandare G), având ca criterii de selecție, azoospermia, valori crescute sau normale ale FSH (hormon foliculostimulant) și LH (hormon luteinizant), următoarele aspecte fenotipice: statura înaltă, hipogonadism, criptorhidie, ginecomastie, retard mintal, hiperactivitate, probleme psihosociale. Prelucrarea statistică a datelor s-a realizat prin programul SPSS versiunea 22.0. Rezultate. În urma rezultatelor citogenetice SK a fost diagnosticat în 10 (10,5%) cazuri: dintre care în 9 cazuri forma clasică 47,XXY- 90,9% și un caz forma mozaică 47,XXY/46, XY: - 9,1%. În 2 (2,1%) cazuri a fost identificat Sindromul Yacobs cu varianta citogenetică 47,XYY. Pacienții cu ambele aneuploidii au prezentat azoospermie, valori crescute ale hormonului FSH și LH, statura înaltă, hipogonadism, probleme comportamentale și psihiatrice, dintre care în SK: retard mental ușor până la moderat; tulburări de limbaj cu retard cognitiv-verbal dezvoltarea motorie lentă, tulburări de coordonare, comportament imatur și în Sindromul Yacobs: impulsivitate, labilitate emoțională, hiperactivitate. Concluzie. Asocierile fenotipice psiho-comportamentale ale Sindromului 47,XXY și 47,XYY apar la vârstă de copilărie și se accentuează la vârsta adultă. Evaluarea minuțioasa a aspectelor neurologice la vârsta fragedă a copilăriei poate fi o șansă pentru diagnosticarea precoce.Introduction. Klinefelter syndrome (XXY) and Yacobs syndrome (XYY), are abnormalities of the sex chromosomes, which are characterized by tall stature and infertility in adulthood, being associated with a higher risk for neurodevelopmental, behavioral and cognitive phenotypes. The aim is to study the neuro-genetic aspects in patients with chromosomal variations in male infertility, in order to achieve an early diagnosis. Material and methods. 95 men with infertility were cytogenetically investigated (G-banding), having as selection criteria, azoospermia, increased or normal values of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone), the following phenotypic aspects: tall stature, hypogonadism, cryptorchidism, gynecomastia, mental retardation, hyperactivity, and psychosocial problems. The statistical processing of the data was carried out using the SPSS program version 22.0. Results. According to the cytogenetic results, KS was diagnosed in 10 (10.5%) cases: of which in 9 cases the classic form 47,XXY- 90.9% and one case the mosaic form 47,XXY/46,XY: - 9.1 %. In 2 (2.1%) cases, Yacobs Syndrome was identified with the cytogenetic variant 47,XYY. Patients with both aneuploidies presented azoospermia, increased FSH and LH hormone values, tall stature, hypogonadism, behavioral and psychiatric problems, among which in SK: mild to moderate mental retardation; language disorders with cognitive-verbal retardation, slow motor development, coordination disorders, immature behavior and in Yacobs Syndrome: impulsivity, emotional lability, hyperactivity. Conclusion. The psycho-behavioral phenotypic associations of the 47,XXY and 47,XYY Syndrome appear in childhood and are accentuated in adulthood. Careful evaluation of neurological aspects in early childhood may be a chance for early diagnosis and initiation of measures to alleviate psycho-behavioral disorders

    Pediatric Ischemic Stroke: Clinical and Paraclinical Manifestations—Algorithms for Diagnosis and Treatment

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    Childhood stroke can lead to lifelong disability. Developing algorithms for timely recognition of clinical and paraclinical signs is crucial to ensure prompt stroke diagnosis and minimize decision-making time. This study aimed to characterize clinical and paraclinical symptoms of childhood and neonatal stroke as relevant diagnostic criteria encountered in clinical practice, in order to develop algorithms for prompt stroke diagnosis. The analysis included data from 402 pediatric case histories from 2010 to 2016 and 108 prospective stroke cases from 2017 to 2020. Stroke cases were predominantly diagnosed in newborns, with 362 (71%, 95% CI 68.99–73.01) cases occurring within the first 28 days of birth, and 148 (29%, 95% CI 26.99–31.01) cases occurring after 28 days. The findings of the study enable the development of algorithms for timely stroke recognition, facilitating the selection of optimal treatment options for newborns and children of various age groups. Logistic regression serves as the basis for deriving these algorithms, aiming to initiate early treatment and reduce lifelong morbidity and mortality in children. The study outcomes include the formulation of algorithms for timely recognition of newborn stroke, with plans to adopt these algorithms and train a fuzzy classifier-based diagnostic model using machine learning techniques for efficient stroke recognition.The research was founded by [17.000418.80.07A] the project “Evaluation of incidence, prevalence, risk factors, research of clinical, neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and neurotrophic remedial aspects of cerebrovascular accidents in children” within the state program “Systemogenesis of risk factors, optimization of the medical assistance service, evaluation sustainable and mathematical modeling of Stroke”.“Evaluation of incidence, prevalence, risk factors, research of clinical, neuroimaging, neurophysiological, and neurotrophic remedial aspects of cerebrovascular accidents in children” within the state program “Systemogenesis of risk factors, optimization of the medical assistance service, evaluation sustainable and mathematical modeling of Stroke”Peer Reviewe


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Calitatea vieții la copiii care au suportat accident vascular cerebral (AVC) este afectată în mod semnificativ. Analiza acesteia este deosebit de utilă în determinarea nevoilor pacientului, a suportului psihologic, fizic și social. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea calității vieții copilului după AVC ischemic pediatric și predictorii care influențează negativ calitatea vieții. Material și metode. Au fost evaluați 58 de copii (36 b, 22 f), cu vârsta 3-12 ani (VM 5,29 ani), post-AVC ischemic (perioada >6 luni). Calitatea vieții a fost evaluată utilizând chestionarul pediatric PedsQL, deficitele neurologice – instrumentul standardizat PSOM. Parametrii evaluați au fost corelați cu scorul calității vieții. Pentru analiza statistică s-au utilizat programele Excel și SPSS. Rezultate. Conform chestionarului PedsQL, media scorului total acumulat pentru toate scalele calității vieții (QoL) a constituit 51,88 puncte (DS ± 21,26), variind de la 15,62 până 85,41 puncte. Valoare medie maximă a fost obținută pe scala emoțională (62,28 puncte), iar valoarea medie minimă – pe scala fizică (45,13 puncte). Analiza multivariată a arătat că sexul și statutul socioeconomic nu au influențat QoL. Vârsta debutului AVC-ului a influențat parțial QoL, cea mai mare valoare predictivă a fost găsită pentru grupul de vârstă 1-12 luni (p 6 months). Quality of life was assessed using the PedsQL pediatric questionnaire, neurological deficits - the standardized PSOM tool. The evaluated parameters were correlated with the quality of life score. Excel and SPSS programs were used for statistical analysis. Results. According to the PedsQL questionnaire, the mean accumulated total score for all scales of quality of life (QoL) was 51.88 points (DS ± 21.26), ranging from 15.62 to 85.41 points. The maximum average value was obtained on the emotional scale (62.28 points), and the minimum average value was on the physical scale (45.13 points). Multivariate analysis showed that gender and socioeconomic status did not influence QoL. The age of onset of stroke was partially influenced by QoL, the highest predictive value was found for the age group 1-12 months (p < 0.05). Sleep disorders and neurological deficits negatively affected QoL (p < 0.001), thus being significant negative predictors. Conclusions. The quality of life of post-ischemic stroke children was at a medium or low level, the most affected scale being physical health. The age of stroke onset and neurological deficits negatively influenced QoL. Stroke quality assessment is a valuable and easy-to-apply tool

    Predictorii calității vieții copiilor cu accident vascular cerebral ischemic

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    Background. The quality of life is significantly affected in children who have suffered a stroke. Its examination is particularly helpful in determining the patient’s psychological, physical and social support needs. Objective of the study. To assess the quality of life of the child after pediatric ischemic stroke and the predictors that negatively influence the quality of life. Material and methods. We evaluated 58 children (36 boys, 22 girls), aged 3-12 years (MA 5.29 years), with post-ischemic stroke (period > 6 months). Quality of life was assessed using the PedsQL pediatric questionnaire, neurological deficits - the standardized PSOM tool. The evaluated parameters were correlated with the quality of life score. Excel and SPSS programs were used for statistical analysis. Results. According to the PedsQL questionnaire, the mean accumulated total score for all scales of quality of life (QoL) was 51.88 points (DS ± 21.26), ranging from 15.62 to 85.41 points. The maximum average value was obtained on the emotional scale (62.28 points), and the minimum average value was on the physical scale (45.13 points). Multivariate analysis showed that gender and socioeconomic status did not influence QoL. The age of onset of stroke was partially influenced by QoL, the highest predictive value was found for the age group 1-12 months (p < 0.05). Sleep disorders and neurological deficits negatively affected QoL (p < 0.001), thus being significant negative predictors. Conclusions. The quality of life of post-ischemic stroke children was at a medium or low level, the most affected scale being physical health. The age of stroke onset and neurological deficits negatively influenced QoL. Stroke quality assessment is a valuable and easy-to-apply tool.Introducere. Calitatea vieții la copiii care au suportat accident vascular cerebral (AVC) este afectată în mod semnificativ. Analiza acesteia este deosebit de utilă în determinarea nevoilor pacientului, a suportului psihologic, fizic și social. Scopul lucrării. Evaluarea calității vieții copilului după AVC ischemic pediatric și predictorii care influențează negativ calitatea vieții. Material și metode. Au fost evaluați 58 de copii (36 b, 22 f), cu vârsta 3-12 ani (VM 5,29 ani), post-AVC ischemic (perioada >6 luni). Calitatea vieții a fost evaluată utilizând chestionarul pediatric PedsQL, deficitele neurologice – instrumentul standardizat PSOM. Parametrii evaluați au fost corelați cu scorul calității vieții. Pentru analiza statistică s-au utilizat programele Excel și SPSS. Rezultate. Conform chestionarului PedsQL, media scorului total acumulat pentru toate scalele calității vieții (QoL) a constituit 51,88 puncte (DS ± 21,26), variind de la 15,62 până 85,41 puncte. Valoare medie maximă a fost obținută pe scala emoțională (62,28 puncte), iar valoarea medie minimă – pe scala fizică (45,13 puncte). Analiza multivariată a arătat că sexul și statutul socioeconomic nu au influențat QoL. Vârsta debutului AVC-ului a influențat parțial QoL, cea mai mare valoare predictivă a fost găsită pentru grupul de vârstă 1-12 luni (p < 0.05). Tulburările de somn și deficitele neurologice au afectat negativ QoL (p < 0.001), fiind astfel predictori negativi semnificativi. Concluzii. Calitatea vieții copiilor post-AVC ischemic a fost la un nivel mediu sau jos, cea mai afectată scală fiind sănătatea fizică. Vârsta la care a debutat AVC și deficitele neurologice au influențat negativ QoL. Evaluarea calității vieții după AVC este un instrument util și ușor de aplicat


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Potrivit datelor Registrului Național din Republica Moldova incidența malformațiilor congenitale cerebrale (MCC) pe perioada 2011-2020 a fost de 1,92 la 1000 de nou-născuți, constituind 11% din toate anomaliile congenitale. Scopul lucrării. Aprecierea polimorfismului genetic al anumitor gene implicate în sintetizarea acidului folic (genelor ciclului folaților MTHFR677; MTHFR1298; MTR2756; MTRR66) la mamele copiilor cu MCC folat-dependente, pentru prevenirea acestor patologii la descendenți. Material și metode. A fost identificat grupul-țintă – 150 copii cu vârsta până la 1 an cu diagnosticul confirmat de MCC. Un număr de 65 de mame ale copiilor cu MCC au fost investigate prin metoda molecular-genetică PCR pentru depistarea a 4 polimorfisme a genei ciclului folaților. Prelucrarea statistică a datelor obținute în studiul realizat a fost efectuată prin program Quanto. Rezultate. Prin metoda de examinare clinico-genetică, ulterior prin interpretarea rezultatelor molecular-genetice, au fost diagnosticate 21 cazuri de MCC folat-dependente cu statut heterozigot, iar în 44 cazuri – cu statut homozigot. S-a constatat că cea mai frecventă MCC folat-dependentă diagnosticată a fost hidrocefalia – 41 cazuri (43.4%), urmată de anencefalie – 3 de cazuri (4.7%), cu prevalența mamelor cu statut homozigot. Printre MCC non-folat dependente, cele mai frecvente au fost: spina bifida izolată – 6 cazuri (9.4%), microcefalia – 7 (10.9%), agenezia corpului calos izolat – 8 cazuri (12.2%), au prevalat mamele cu statut heterozigot. Concluzii. Insuficiența de acid folic în asociere cu cauzele genetice duce la apariția MCC folat-dependente la copii. În acest sens, este esențial identificarea factorilor predispozanți cu risc sporit pentru dezvoltarea MCC folat-dependente.Background. In the Republic of Moldova, according to the National Register of Congenital Malformations (CM) in newborns in 2011-2020, the incidence of congenital cerebral malformations (CCM) was 1.92 per 1000 newborns, accounting for 11% of all birth defects. Objective of the study. To assess the genetic polymorphism of certain genes involved in the synthesis of folic acid (folate cycle genes MTHFR677; MTHFR1298; MTR2756; MTRR66) in mothers of children with folate-dependent MCC, to prevent these pathologies in offspring. Material and methods. The target group was identified - 150 children up to 1 year of age with a confirmed MCC diagnosis. A number of 65 mothers of children with MCC were investigated by the molecular-genetic PCR method to detect 4 polymorphisms of the folate cycle gene. The statistical processing of the data obtained in the study was performed by the Quanto program. Results. By the method of clinical-genetic examination, later by the interpretation of the molecular-genetic results, 21 cases of folate-dependent MCC with heterozygous status were diagnosed, and in 44 cases - with homozygous status. It was found that the most common folate-dependent MCC diagnosed was hydrocephalus - 41 cases (43.4%), followed by anencephaly - 3 cases (4.7%), with the prevalence of mothers with homozygous status. Among the non-folate dependent MCCs, the most common were: isolated spina bifida - 6 cases (9.4%), microcephaly - 7 (10.9%), agenesis of the corpus callosum isolated - 8 cases (12.2%), mothers with heterozygous status prevailed. Conclusions. Insufficiency of folic acid in association with genetic causes leads to the appearance of folate-dependent MCC in children. In this regard, it is essential to identify predisposing factors at increased risk for the development of folate-dependent MCC

    Особенности респираторных инфекций у детей с некоторыми нейрогенетическими болезнями

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie “Nicolae Testemiţanu”, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiInfluenza-like illness (ILI), being at the top of the structure of population morbidity, remains one of the most significant medical and socio-economic problems. A wide range of viruses play an important role in the impairment of lung function in children with neurogenetic diseases. The present article describes the features and types of ILI that can complicate neurogenetic disease progression, such as Duchenne-Becker muscular dystrophy, limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and mitochondrial diseases. The most common infectious viral agents in patients with neurogenetic diseases are human orthopneumovirus respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV), influenza A and B virus, parainfluenza virus, cytomegalovirus (CMV), human rhinovirus and adenovirus. ILI and bacterial pathogens are the major causes of pulmonary exacerbations in neurogenetic diseases. Conclusion: Further knowledge of the interaction between viral infections with bacteria in lung disease in children with neurogenic diseases could result in new therapeutic strategies.Острые респираторные вирусные инфекции (ОРВИ), находящиеся во главе структуры заболеваемости населения, остаются одной из наиболее серьезных медицинских и социально-экономических проблем. Широкий спектр вирусов играет важную роль в нарушении функции лёгких у детей с нейрогенетическими заболеваниями. В статье описываются особенности и тип ОРВИ, которые могут осложнять прогрессирование нейрогенетических болезней, таких, как прогрессирующая мышечная дистрофия Дюшенна-Беккера, прогрессирующая мышечная дистрофия, поясничная форма и митохондриальные заболевания. Наиболее распространёнными инфекционными вирусными агентами у пациентов с нейрогенными заболеваниями являются респираторно-синцитиальный вирус (RSV), вирус гриппа A и B, вирус парагриппа, цитомегаловирус (CMV), риновирус человека и аденовирус. ОРВИ и бактериальные инфекции являются основными причинами обострения заболевания лёгких при нейрогенетических заболеваниях. Заключение: Дальнейшие знания о взаимодействии вирусных инфекций с бактериями при заболеваниях лёгких у детей с нейрогенетическими заболеваниями могут привести к появлению новых терапевтических стратегий

    Актуальности в области детской эпилепсии: особенности диагностики в зависимости от современной классификации

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Departamentul Pediatrie, IMSP Institutul Mamei şi CopiluluiIntroduction. Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders in children, which may be associated with neurodevelopmental disorders. The aim of the research: Appreciation of the epileptic seizures type and epileptic syndrome or epilepsy diagnostic, referring to seizures type or etiological factor, according to modern classification of these nosological entities. Methodology. 259 medical records of children aged from 0 to 5 years, confirmed with the diagnosis of epilepsy (retrospective study), with seizures type and disease form assessment purpose (according to the classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes, ILAE 2017). Additional examinations (analyzed): neurological testing, electroencephalography evaluation, CT and/or MRI imaging of the brain, metabolic or genetic tests. Statistic processing: t-student test and the confidence index 95CI. The obtained results. The modern classification of epilepsies and epileptic syndromes, as well as the performed examinations allowed the identification of the epileptic seizures type (generalized seizures prevailed - 211 (81.5%; 95CI 79.09-83.91), comparing with the focal ones - (18.5%; 95CI 16.09-20.91). In many cases epileptic syndromes were suspected, for example Ohtahara, Aicardi, West, Dravet etc. Imaging and genetic examinations confirmed the prevailed structural-metabolic epilepsies (50.6%; 95CI 47.49-53.71). However, a part of the epilepsies etiologies remained unclear (31.7%; 95CI 28.81-34.59). Conclusions. Diagnostic of epilepsy is a difficult process. The recommended steps by ILAE (2017) in order to put the diagnosis of epilepsy are necessary to respect: (1) convultion recognition; (2) classification of the epilepsy according to the crisis type; (3) confirmation of the epileptic syndrome; (4) the epilepsy classification based on its etiology. Additional examination will promote information about the etiology of epilepsy as well as the manner of treatment selection.Введение. Эпилепсия является одним из наиболее распространенных неврологических заболеваний, встречающихся у детей, которая может быть связанна с нарушениями развития со стороны нервной системы. Цель исследования. Определение типа приступа и подтверждение диагноза эпилептического синдрома или эпилепсии, в зависимости от типа эпилептического приступа или этиологического фактора, в соответствии с современной классификацией этих нозологий. Методология исследования. Были подвергнуты анализу 259 историй болезни детей в возрасте от 0 до 5 лет, с подтвержденным диагнозом – эпилепсия (ретроспективное исследование), с целью оценки типа кризиса и формы заболевания (в соответствии с современной классификацией эпилепсии и эпилептических синдромов). Дополнительные исследования (проанализированные): неврологическое тестирование, оценка электроэнцефалографии, визуализация с помощью КТ и/или МРТ головного мозга, метаболические или генетические тесты. Статистический анализ: тест t-student и коэффициент достовености 95CR. Полученные результаты. Современная классификация эпилепсии и эпилептических синдромов, а также результаты обследования позволили идентифицировать тип припадка (генерализованные припадки преобладали, 211 (81,5%; 95CI 79.09-83.91), по сравнению с фокальными – 48 (18,5%; 95CI 16.09-20.91). Во многих случаях подозревали эпилептические синдромы, такие как: Отахара, Айкарди, Веста, Драве и.т.д. Дополнительные анализы (ЭЭГ, МРТ и генетические исследования) помогли в подтверждении структурально- метаболических и других эпилепсий, которые преобладали (50,6%; 95CI 47.49-53.71). Тем не менее, в некоторых случаях этиология эпилепсии остается неясной (31,7%; 95CI 28.81-34.59). Выводы. Диагностика эпилепсии сложный процесс. Рекомендованные шаги (ILAE 2017 г.) по подтверждению диагноза эпилепсии должны следовать: (1) признание припадка; (2) классификация эпилепсии по типу припадка; (3) подтверждение эпилептического синдрома; (4) классификация эпилепсий основанной на этиологии. Дополнительные исследования помогут в распознавании этиологии эпилепсии, а также, в выборе метода лечения