2,098 research outputs found

    The Agri-Food Cooperative Netchain: A Theoretical Framework to Study its Configuration

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    This paper proposes a research framework of the design and configuration of agrifood chains where the focal firm is a second-tier cooperative (group of affiliated cooperatives) in order to assess the alignment of (relational) governance structures and coordination mechanisms in these chains with supply chain management (SCM) principles. The theoretical framework proposes an integrative approach by drawing on the Relational View of inter-organisational competitive advantage and the Theory of Networks as inter-cooperative vertical relationships are embedded in horizontal ties between firms (first-tier cooperatives) of social rather economic nature. The conceptual framework developed herein will help theory building in SCM, but most importantly it would advance current knowledge on the scope of SCM in the agrifood cooperative sector.supply chain management, agrifood cooperatives, governance structure and coordination mechanisms, Agribusiness,

    Analysing Linkages between Strategy, Performance, Management Structure and Culture in the Spanish Fresh Produce Industry

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    This article reports the results of an industry-level study that seeks to identify empirical regularities between firm strategy, management style, organisational structure and performance in the Spanish fresh fruit and vegetable (fresh produce) industry using strategic group analysis. Groups were formed from key dimensions reflecting firms' strategic orientations. Performance levels did not differ systematically between strategic groups, but performance was found to be influenced by the alignment between entrepreneurial culture and organisational structure. A move towards greater flexibility and/or adopting an entrepreneurial style are both likely to contribute to an improvement in the overall performance of the firm.Strategic groups, Business strategy, Management structure, Fresh, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries,

    Impact of Pesticide Residue Concerns on Fresh Produce Consumption in the UK

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    Pesticide, AIDS, two-stage demand system, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Q11,

    Economic Evaluation of Food Traceability Systems through Reference Models

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    Food supply chains complexity present a real challenge to perform economic evaluation of food traceability systems and their innovation/upgrades. In order to perform a supply chain wide economic evaluation a conceptual framework is developed using food traceability reference models. Reference models allow interaction with chain members’ requirements that come from legal and/or customer sources. The paper demonstrates how the requirements will have a definite effect on the costs and design of food traceability systems through the resources they demand. Even though this is a first step into addressing the challenge, more investigation is needed to clarify the boundaries of the two requirements and their economic effects on food traceability systems and their innovations/upgrades.Food traceability, Food traceability systems, Reference models, Economic evaluation., Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization,

    Quality Management and Improvement in the Spanish SME Food Industry: The Adoption of ISO 9000

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    This paper presents the results of a large-scale study in the Spanish F&DI aimed to identify the motivators, perceived costs, and benefits of implementing ISO 9000 standards. Results indicate the increasing importance of ISO 9000 standards as a strategic tool in the Spanish F&DI with an increasing number of F&D companies seeking ISO 9000 certification. Despite being a recent strategic option among Spanish F&D companies latest figures show a total of 1,754 firms being ISO 9000 certified (a significant increased from a total of 4 firms in 1993)ISO 9000 certification, food industry, Spain, performance, Agribusiness,

    The development of an analytical tool for integrating 'the voice of the consumer' in new product development

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    The development of new products and how the process is organised and managed within the firm is a key area in management research due to the high failure rate of new products and the consequent waste of limited resources. Developing new products and being innovative requires companies to have deep understanding of the consumer, the market and the environment but most importantly to effectively apply this knowledge in the development of new products that meet consumer's expectations. This paper aims at developing an innovative framework to incorporate the 'voice of consumer' at early stages of the new product development (NPD) process. To that end, the paper will consider the practical implementation of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) in the development of new food products. QFD is considered as the most complete and comprehensive methodology for planning the goals of a stream of processes in order to align them with customer's requirements. QFD forces the design team to place customer needs in first place and ensures that this customer focus is kept through the NPD process. In doing so, QFD reduces two types of risks: first, the non- correspondence between product specifications and the wants of a predetermined target consumer group; and second, the risk that final products do not comply with product specifications. To date, QFD has been partially applied in the food area with only a handful of studies venturing in this research area.quality function deployment, new product development, voice of consumer., Consumer/Household Economics, Demand and Price Analysis,

    Analysis of Consumer Perceptions on Quality and Food Safety in the Spanish Beef Market: A Future Application in New Product Development

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    During the last years, the research of food quality perception and food safety have been issue of greater attention due to the intense existing debate on aspects related to ethical considerations relative to the new agricultural production techniques, animal welfare concerns, food scares and crises and their impact in consumer's confidence, that have brought numerous questions about quality and food safety. With the Total Food Quality Model as a point of departure, this study proposes an analysis of quality perception and food safety related to beef in Spain. The objective of this paper is to focus on the focus group technique and the qualitative research, using NVivo software for the handling, analysing and interpretation of qualitative data. Results indicate the more significant factors for habits of purchase, place of shopping, quality and food safety perception, role and confidence on brands and willingness to pay for certified beef. Some of the outcomes are supported by the quantitative research results, which is currently in progress.focus groups, NVivo software, quality perception, food choice and food safety, Consumer/Household Economics, Q13,

    Quality Function Deployment: Can Improve Innovation Efficiency in the Food Industry?

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    This paper considers the implementation of the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) as a methodological framework for the development of new food products. This paper focuses on the beef supply chain and develops a horizontal product’s quality deployment as a strategic tool for the implementation of consumer-led product innovation strategies. Difficulties in the prioritisation of parameters and setting of target values for the desired performance level of each parameter would limit the implementation of a complete ‘four-phase’ model in the sector. Thus, the use of complementary management tools, such as SWOT analysis and Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) would be necessary to develop more suitable process designs to the specific requirements of the sector.Agribusiness, Research and Development/Tech Change/Emerging Technologies,

    Capturing Value from Alliance Portfolio Diversity: The Mediating Role of R&D Human Capital in High and Low Tech Industries

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    Research has demonstrated the value of external linkages to augment in-house R&D efforts; however, very little is known about how managers can operationally leverage the potential benefits of open innovation to create an innovative edge. This paper examines the value of alliance portfolio diversity and whether R&D human capital is the pathway through which alliance portfolio diversity influences innovation novelty. We reason that the absorptive capacity of R&D human capital determines a firm’s potential gains from highly diverse alliance portfolios. Using data from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) for the period 2005–2012, results support the curvilinear (inverted U-shaped) association between alliance portfolio diversity and firm innovation performance reported in studies, suggesting that not only too little, but also too much alliance portfolio diversity may be detrimental to firm innovation performance. Findings emphasise the value of alliance portfolio diversity in high-technology industries to achieve explorative performance objectives, given the technological complexity, market uncertainty and the divergent skill sets required for breakthrough innovations in these sectors. Further, we find evidence that R&D human capital plays an important role in innovation novelty by partially mediating the relationship between alliance partner diversity and firm innovation performance, emphasising the importance of internal capabilities to harness external knowledge assets. This study provides valuable insights to managers aiming to increase the effectiveness of their alliance portfolios

    Did the global financial crisis impact firms’ innovation performance? The role of internal and external knowledge capabilities in high and low tech industries

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    This paper examines the role exerted by internal innovation efforts and external knowledge assets as dynamic capabilities to overcome adverse economic conditions. Additionally, we examine the differential impacts of the financial crisis in high and low-tech industries. Using panel data of manufacturing firms in Spain for the period 2006-2013, our results show that maintaining strong internal and external knowledge capabilities enables firms to mitigate the effects of the financial crisis. Findings emphasise the value of human capital, by enabling internal capabilities, as a coping mechanisms in low-tech sectors during the financial downturn. Similarly, open innovation allows firms to minimise the resources limitations and risk surrounding innovation, particularly during the financial crisis. This study provides valuable insights to managers aiming to develop strong internal knowledge bases to remain competitive under uncertain financial conditions
