11 research outputs found

    Abanicos para el siglo XXI

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    Resenya: Abanicos para el siglo XX

    Equal Opportunities and Treatment and the Real Training Needs of Adult Learners - A Case Study

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    AbstractAdult training in the field of equal opportunity and treatment is the main way of raising awareness, informing and promoting measures to prevent and fight discrimination in Romania. Contrary to many andragogical principles according to which adults learn if by learning they can solve specific personal problems, these training courses are generally designed starting from the global analysis of problems and needs of trainees. The case study referred to in this article was conducted as a result of a training initiative on equal opportunity and treatment for employees in the public administration (50 adult trainees, Timis County, Romania), which resulted in the identification of specific training needs for employees and local community members. To this end, we made a comparison between our initial training objectives and those redesigned based on the feedback from the participants. The conclusion of this contrastive approach was that, to have the desired impact, the goals and objectives of adult education courses must meet the real needs of the participants

    Imaju li nerođeni ljudi pravo na život?

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    In this paper, some of the scientific arguments about the beginning of our life (the first two weeks) are related to the philosophical problems associated with them, from the perspective of personhood and personal identity theories. Prenatal development, following scientific investigations, raises a number of philosophical and moral questions about the legitimacy of the interruption of the cycle of life in the initial stage, aspects that we examine in this article. Peopleā€™s attitudes and actions towards product of conception and prenatal development (i.e. towards the unborn children or the unborn people) can be influenced by the correct answers and questions of scientists. We propose a new framework for questioning this issue.U radu se neki od znanstvenih argumenata o početku života (prva dva tjedna) odnose na filozofske probleme povezane s njima, iz perspektive teorija osobnosti i osobnog identiteta. Prenatalni razvoj, prateći znanstvena istraživanja, postavlja niz filozofskih i moralnih pitanja o legitimnosti prekida životnog ciklusa u početnoj fazi, aspekte koje ispitujemo u radu. Na stavove i postupke ljudi prema produktu začeća i prenatalnom razvoju (tj. prema nerođenoj djeci ili nerođenim ljudima) mogu utjecati ispravni odgovori i pitanja znanstvenika. Predlažemo nov okvir za propitivanje ovog pitanja

    Changes in Studentsā€™ Expectations from Teachersā€™ Roles in Secondary Education

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    AbstractThe current research deals with a comparative analysis with regard to studentsā€™ perception and expectations from roles assumed by the teaching staff in secondary education. Hence, the present study focuses on identifying the most as well as the least important roles performed by high-school teachers and required by students (2004 and 2014). The research reiterated a former study carried out in 2004, whose target group consisted of students in their first academic year at the faculty of Chemistry, University ā€œPolitehnicaā€ of Timisoara, as beneficiaries of a course in pedagogy and, thus, familiar with the characteristics of the roles identified by Morine. The analysis has not revealed significant differences in perception. Nevertheless, as far as studentsā€™ expectations are concerned, significant differences have been recorded over a two year period in terms of the following roles: behavior model and evaluator ā€“ highly appreciated in 2004, and creator of learning situations and information provider ā€“ highly appreciated in 2014