9 research outputs found

    Complete Genome Sequence of Escherichia coli Strain WG5

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    Escherichia colistrain WG5 is a widely used host for phage detection, in-cluding somatic coliphages employed as standard ISO method 10705-1 (2000). Here,we present the complete genome sequence of a commercialE. coliWG5 strain

    Mining, analyzing, and integrating viral signals from metagenomic data

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    Abstract Background Viruses are important components of microbial communities modulating community structure and function; however, only a couple of tools are currently available for phage identification and analysis from metagenomic sequencing data. Here we employed the random forest algorithm to develop VirMiner, a web-based phage contig prediction tool especially sensitive for high-abundances phage contigs, trained and validated by paired metagenomic and phagenomic sequencing data from the human gut flora. Results VirMiner achieved 41.06% ± 17.51% sensitivity and 81.91% ± 4.04% specificity in the prediction of phage contigs. In particular, for the high-abundance phage contigs, VirMiner outperformed other tools (VirFinder and VirSorter) with much higher sensitivity (65.23% ± 16.94%) than VirFinder (34.63% ± 17.96%) and VirSorter (18.75% ± 15.23%) at almost the same specificity. Moreover, VirMiner provides the most comprehensive phage analysis pipeline which is comprised of metagenomic raw reads processing, functional annotation, phage contig identification, and phage-host relationship prediction (CRISPR-spacer recognition) and supports two-group comparison when the input (metagenomic sequence data) includes different conditions (e.g., case and control). Application of VirMiner to an independent cohort of human gut metagenomes obtained from individuals treated with antibiotics revealed that 122 KEGG orthology and 118 Pfam groups had significantly differential abundance in the pre-treatment samples compared to samples at the end of antibiotic administration, including clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), multidrug resistance, and protein transport. The VirMiner webserver is available at http://sbb.hku.hk/VirMiner/. Conclusions We developed a comprehensive tool for phage prediction and analysis for metagenomic samples. Compared to VirSorter and VirFinder—the most widely used tools—VirMiner is able to capture more high-abundance phage contigs which could play key roles in infecting bacteria and modulating microbial community dynamics. Trial registration The European Union Clinical Trials Register, EudraCT Number: 2013-003378-28. Registered on 9 April 201

    Expansion and persistence of antibiotic-specific resistance genes following antibiotic treatment

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    Oral antibiotics are commonly prescribed to non-hospitalized adults. However, antibiotic-induced changes in the human gut microbiome are often investigated in cohorts with preexisting health conditions and/or concomitant medication, leaving the effects of antibiotics not completely understood. We used a combination of omic approaches to comprehensively assess the effects of antibiotics on the gut microbiota and particularly the gut resistome of a small cohort of healthy adults. We observed that 3 to 19 species per individual proliferated during antibiotic treatment and Gram-negative species expanded significantly in relative abundance. While the overall relative abundance of antibiotic resistance gene homologs did not significantly change, antibiotic-specific gene homologs with presumed resistance toward the administered antibiotics were common in proliferating species and significantly increased in relative abundance. Virome sequencing and plasmid analysis showed an expansion of antibiotic-specific resistance gene homologs even 3 months after antibiotic administration, while paired-end read analysis suggested their dissemination among different species. These results suggest that antibiotic treatment can lead to a persistent expansion of antibiotic resistance genes in the human gut microbiota and provide further data in support of good antibiotic stewardship. Abbreviation: ARG – Antibiotic resistance gene homolog; AsRG – Antibiotic-specific resistance gene homolog; AZY – Azithromycin; CFX – Cefuroxime; CIP – Ciprofloxacin; DOX – Doxycycline; FDR – False discovery rate; GRiD – Growth rate index value; HGT – Horizontal gene transfer; NMDS – Non-metric multidimensional scaling; qPCR – Quantitative polymerase chain reaction; RPM – Reads per million mapped reads; TA – Transcriptional activity; TE – Transposable element; TPM – Transcripts per million mapped read

    The small non-coding RNA B11 regulates multiple facets of Mycobacterium abscessus virulence.

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    Mycobacterium abscessus causes severe disease in patients with cystic fibrosis. Little is known in M. abscessus about the roles of small regulatory RNAs (sRNA) in gene regulation. We show that the sRNA B11 controls gene expression and virulence-associated phenotypes in this pathogen. B11 deletion from the smooth strain ATCC_19977 produced a rough strain, increased pro-inflammatory signaling and virulence in multiple infection models, and increased resistance to antibiotics. Examination of clinical isolate cohorts identified isolates with B11 mutations or reduced expression. We used RNAseq and proteomics to investigate the effects of B11 on gene expression and test the impact of mutations found in clinical isolates. Over 200 genes were differentially expressed in the deletion mutant. Strains with the clinical B11 mutations showed expression trends similar to the deletion mutant, suggesting partial loss of function. Among genes upregulated in the B11 mutant, there was a strong enrichment for genes with B11-complementary sequences in their predicted ribosome binding sites (RBS), consistent with B11 functioning as a negative regulator that represses translation via base-pairing to RBSs. Comparing the proteomes similarly revealed that upregulated proteins were strongly enriched for B11-complementary sequences. Intriguingly, genes upregulated in the absence of B11 included components of the ESX-4 secretion system, critical for M. abscessus virulence. Many of these genes had B11-complementary sequences at their RBSs, which we show is sufficient to mediate repression by B11 through direct binding. Altogether, our data show that B11 acts as a direct negative regulator and mediates (likely indirect) positive regulation with pleiotropic effects on gene expression and clinically important phenotypes in M. abscessus. The presence of hypomorphic B11 mutations in clinical strains is consistent with the idea that lower B11 activity may be advantageous for M. abscessus in some clinical contexts. This is the first report on an sRNA role in M. abscessus

    Strain dynamics of contaminating bacteria modulate the yield of ethanol biorefineries

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    Abstract Bioethanol is a sustainable energy alternative and can contribute to global greenhouse-gas emission reductions by over 60%. Its industrial production faces various bottlenecks, including sub-optimal efficiency resulting from bacteria. Broad-spectrum removal of these contaminants results in negligible gains, suggesting that the process is shaped by ecological interactions within the microbial community. Here, we survey the microbiome across all process steps at two biorefineries, over three timepoints in a production season. Leveraging shotgun metagenomics and cultivation-based approaches, we identify beneficial bacteria and find improved outcome when yeast-to-bacteria ratios increase during fermentation. We provide a microbial gene catalogue which reveals bacteria-specific pathways associated with performance. We also show that Limosilactobacillus fermentum overgrowth lowers production, with one strain reducing yield by ~5% in laboratory fermentations, potentially due to its metabolite profile. Temperature is found to be a major driver for strain-level dynamics. Improved microbial management strategies could unlock environmental and economic gains in this US $ 60 billion industry enabling its wider adoption