6 research outputs found

    A framework towards resilient Mediterranean eco-solutions for small-scale farming systems

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    The impacts of climate change on crop and livestock sectors are well-documented. Climate change and its related events (e.g., high temperatures, extreme events, disease outbreaks) afect livestock production in various ways (e.g., nutrition, housing, health, welfare), and tend to compromise the physical productivity and the economic performances. Understanding animal responses to climate change may help planning strategies to cope with the adverse climatic conditions and also to reduce polluting emissions. Through an interdisciplinary approach, we develop a conceptual framework to assess and develop new organisational models for Mediterranean small-scale farming systems so as to mitigate the impacts of climate change, to improve farm management and farming tech‑ nologies, and to achieve an efective adaptation to the climate changes. The conceptual framework consists of four phases: (i) community engagement, (ii) strategies development, (iii) data collection and analysis, (iv) business model generation and sustainability assessment. We assess strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the ecosolutions by mean of a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis technique.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effect of in-feed inclusion of zeolite (clinoptilolite) on the prevention of subacute ruminal acidosis (SARA) in dairy cows

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    The objective of the thesis was to investigate the effect of the addition of a natural zeolite, clinoptilolite, in cattle rations, on the prevention of subacute ruminal acidosis. In total 10 Holstein cows were used, which were in the dry period and not pregnant. The animals were examined before the start of the experiment and based on clinical examination and the results of biochemical, haematological and fecal examinations were found healthy. After the creation of a permanent external fistula of the rumen by placing a hose in the dorsal sac, the animals were given a diet that met their maintenance needs and consisted of 3 kg of alfalfa hay, 3 kg of wheat straw and 2,5 kg of a compound feed for 21 days. Following the adaptation period, the cows were divided in two uniform groups based on age and body weight (BW). A day prior to the start of Part I of the experiment, 5 and 17 hours after feeding two blood samples were taken from the jugular vein of each animal, one in a tube without anticoagulant and one with anticoagulant (K3-EDTA). At the same time, using the vacuum pump through the fistula of the rumen, stomach contents were collected and pH was measured using a portable pH-meter.In blood serum, levels of beta-hydroxybutyric acid, acetoacetic acid and glucose were determined, while hematocrit, haemoglobin, white blood cell count and percentage of lymphocytes and neutrophil granulocytes were estimated in whole blood.Total concentration of volatile fatty acids (VFA) and molar percentage of acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid, valeric acid and isofatty acids were estimated in the liquid contents of the rumen. Part I of the experiment lasted 5 days and included the implementation of the nutritional protocol by Krause and Oetzel in both groups of animals.The experimental group was given 200g of clinoptilolite per animal daily. The samples of blood and stomach contents were taken twice daily, 5 and 17 hours after feeding. Fifteen days after the end of the experiment the same process was repeated after reversing the groups.Part II of the experiment began 15 days after the completion of Part I and lasted 90 days. On day 0 the cows were weighed and blood samples as well as stomach contents were collected. On day 1 50% of the total quantity of feed was offered, while from the 2nd day until the end of the experiment the animals consumed the ration offered at Part I of the experiment plus 1,7 kg of a pelleted wheat and barley mixture. Animals of the experimental group were also given 200g clinoptilolite per cow daily. The samples of blood and fluid content of the rumen were collected every three days, 5 hours after feeding, while daily clinical examination was conducted and feed intake was ensured in all animals, simultaneously with possible diarrhoea grading. The clinoptiloforic material used contained 92% clinoptilolite and its cation exchange capacity was 220 mEq/100g. As the experiment was carried out it was ascertained that feed intake was unaffected by the addition of clinoptilolite in the mixture of concentrate feed.As shown by the results of experiments, both the dietary protocol by Krause and Oetzel applied in Part I and the protocol followed in Part II, led to clear signs of subacute rumen acidosis in animals not receiving clinoptilolite. Thus, the control group showed a significant decrease of pH of the liquid contents of the rumen, an increase of the total concentration of VFA and significant variations in the percentage of the three major VFA: The percentage of acetic acid decreased significantly and that of butyric acid increased; propionic acid percentage increase was inconsistent. In the experimental group the feeding of clinoptilolite prevented the decrease in the pH of stomach contents, acting as a regulatory agent and the total concentration of VFAs and their percentage ratio did not change significantly. The increased levels of hematocrit and hemoglobin in the control group were a consequence of dehydration, which follows subacute ruminal acidosis. The elevation of beta-HBA and AcAc concentrations was attributed to an increased concentration of butyric acid. The increase in white blood cell count and neutrophil granulocytes was a result of the inflammation of the rumen, due to the elevated concentration of acids. On the contrary, no significant changes in hematological parameters were noted in the experimental group. After the completion of the experiment a significant reduction in the BW of the control group was evident, as opposed to the experimental group. Lesions such as mild to moderate subacute inflammation, mild to moderate thickening of the mucosa and abnormal keratinization of the stratum corneum that are common findings of subacute ruminal acidosis were observed in the control group. The absence of such lesions from the experimental group was attributed to the regulatory effect of clinoptilolite in the pH of stomach content and in the production of VFAs.Αντικείμενο της έρευνας ήταν η πειραματική διερεύνηση της επίδρασης που έχει η προσθήκη στο σιτηρέσιο των βοοειδών ενός φυσικού ζεόλιθου, του κλινοπτιλόλιθου στην πρόληψη της υποξείας δυσπεπτικής οξέωσης.Συνολικά χρησιμοποιήθηκαν 10 αγελάδες φυλής Holstein, οι οποίες βρίσκονταν σε ξηρή περίοδο και δεν κυοφορούσαν. Τα ζώα εξετάστηκαν πριν την έναρξη του πειραματισμού και με βάση την κλινική εξέταση και τα αποτελέσματα των βιοχημικών, αιματολογικών και παρασιτολογικών κοπρανολογικών εξετάσεων, βρέθηκαν υγιή. Έπειτα από τη δημιουργία μόνιμου εξωτερικού συριγγίου της Μ.Κ. με την τοποθέτηση ελαστικού σωλήνα στο ραχιαίο σάκο της, στα βοοειδή χορηγούνταν για 21 ημέρες σιτηρέσιο που κάλυπτε τις ανάγκες συντήρησής τους και αποτελούνταν από 3 kg σανό μηδικής, 3 kg άχυρο σιταριού και 2,5 kg μίγματος συμπυκνωμένων ζωοτροφών. Μετά την πάροδο του χρόνου προσαρμογής, τα ζώα χωρίστηκαν σε δύο ομάδες (Μ:Μάρτυρες, Π:Πειραματόζωα) με βάση την ηλικία και το Σ.Β., έτσι ώστε να είναι κατά το δυνατόν ομοιόμορφες. Μία ημέρα πριν την έναρξη του Μέρους Ι του πειραματισμού, 5 και 17 ώρες μετά τη χορήγηση της τροφής, πραγματοποιήθηκε λήψη δύο δειγμάτων αίματος από τη σφαγίτιδα φλέβα όλων των ζώων. Ταυτόχρονα, με τη βοήθεια αναρροφητικής αντλίας μέσω του συριγγίου της Μ.Κ., έγινε συλλογή στομαχικού περιεχομένου και μέτρηση του pH με κατάλληλη φορητή συσκευή. Στον ορό του αίματος προσδιορίζονταν το β-υδροξυβουτυρικό οξύ, το ακετοξικό οξύ και η γλυκόζη, ενώ στο αίμα ο αιματοκρίτης, η αιμοσφαιρίνη, ο αριθμός των λευκών αιμοσφαιρίων, καθώς και η εκατοστιαία αναλογία των λεμφοκυττάρων και των ουδετερόφιλων κοκκιοκυττάρων. Στο υγρό περιεχόμενο της Μ.Κ. μετρούνταν η συνολική συγκέντρωση των πτητικών λιπαρών οξέων και η μοριακή εκατοστιαία αναλογία του οξικού οξέος, του προπιονικού οξέος, του βουτυρικού οξέος, του βαλερικού οξέος και των ισολιπαρών οξέων. Το Μέρος Ι του πειραματισμού διήρκεσε 5 ημέρες και περιέλαβε την εφαρμογή του διατροφικού πρωτοκόλλου κατά Krause και Oetzel και στις δύο ομάδες των ζώων. Στη μία ομάδα χορηγούνταν επιπλέον καθημερινά 200g κλινοπτιλόλιθου ανά ζώο. Οι δειγματοληψίες αίματος και στομαχικού περιεχομένου πραγματοποιούνταν δύο φορές ημερησίως, 5 και 17 ώρες μετά τη χορήγηση της τροφής. Δεκαπέντε ημέρες μετά το τέλος του πειραματισμού επαναλήφθηκε η ίδια διαδικασία με αντιστροφή των ομάδων.Το Μέρος ΙΙ του πειραματισμού άρχισε 15 ημέρες μετά την ολοκλήρωση του Μέρους Ι και διήρκεσε 90 ημέρες. Την ημέρα 0 τα ζώα ζυγίστηκαν και έγινε αιμοληψία και λήψη στομαχικού περιεχομένου. Την 1η ημέρα χορηγήθηκε στις αγελάδες 50% της ποσότητας του ολικού σιτηρεσίου, ενώ από τη 2η ημέρα και μέχρι το τέλος του πειραματισμού κατανάλωναν καθημερινά το ολικό σιτηρέσιο και επιπλέον 1,7 kg συμπήκτων σιταριού και κριθαριού. Στα ζώα της μίας ομάδας χορηγούνταν καθημερινά 200g κλινοπτιλόλιθου ανά αγελάδα. Οι δειγματοληψίες αίματος και υγρού περιεχομένου της Μ.Κ. πραγματοποιούνταν ανά τριήμερο, 5 ώρες μετά τη λήψη της τροφής, ενώ καθημερινά πραγματοποιούνταν κλινική εξέταση, διερεύνηση για τυχόν παρουσία διάρροιας, ενώ διασφαλιζόνταν η κατανάλωση της τροφής Το κλινοπτιλοφόρο υλικό που χρησιμοποιήθηκε περιείχε κλινοπτιλόλιθο σε ποσοστό 92% και η ιοντοανταλλακτική του ικανότητα ήταν 220 mEq/100g. Κατά την εξέλιξη του πειραματισμού διαπιστώθηκε ότι η πρόσληψη της τροφής δεν επηρεάστηκε από την προσθήκη του κλινοπτιλόλιθου στο μίγμα των συμπυκνωμένων ζωοτροφών. Όπως προκύπτει από τα αποτελέσματα του πειραματισμού, τόσο το διατροφικό πρωτόκολλο κατά Krause και Oetzel που εφαρμόστηκε στο Μέρος Ι, όσο και το πρωτόκολλο το οποίο ακολουθήθηκε στο Μέρος ΙΙ, προκάλεσαν σαφή συμπτώματα υποξείας δυσπεπτικής οξέωσης στα ζώα που δεν λάμβαναν κλινοπτιλόλιθο. Έτσι, στην ομάδα των μαρτύρων διαπιστώθηκε σημαντική μείωση της τιμής του pH του υγρού περιεχομένου της Μ.Κ., αύξηση της συνολικής συγκέντρωσης των πτητικών λιπαρών οξέων και σημαντικές διαφοροποιήσεις στην ποσοστιαία αναλογία των τριών σημαντικότερων πτητικών λιπαρών οξέων: Η ποσοστιαία αναλογία του οξικού οξέος μειώθηκε σημαντικά, η αναλογία του βουτυρικού οξέος αυξήθηκε, ενώ του προπιονικού είτε αυξήθηκε σημαντικά είτε παρέμεινε σταθερό. Αντίθετα, στην ομάδα των πειραματόζωων η παρουσία του κλινοπτιλόλιθου παρεμπόδισε την πτώση του pH του στομαχικού περιεχομένου, ενεργώντας ως ρυθμιστικό μέσο, με αποτέλεσμα να μη μεταβληθούν σημαντικά η συνολική συγκέντρωση των Π.Λ.Ο. και η ποσοστιαία αναλογία τους.Στην ομάδα των μαρτύρων διαπιστώθηκε αύξηση της τιμής του αιματοκρίτη και της αιμοσφαιρίνης, συνέπεια της αφυδάτωσης η οποία έπεται της υποξείας δυσπεπτικής οξέωσης και αύξηση του αριθμού των λευκών αιμοσφαιρίων και των ουδετερόφιλων κοκκιοκυττάρων, αποτέλεσμα της φλεγμονής της Μ.Κ. λόγω της αυξημένης συγκέντρωσης οξέων. Οι αυξημένες συγκεντρώσεις του β-ΗΒΑ και του AcAc στον ορό του αίματος αποδίδονται στην αυξημένη συγκέντρωση του βουτυρικού οξέος. Αντίθετα, στην ομάδα των πειραματόζωων δεν παρατηρήθηκαν σημαντικές μεταβολές στις βιοχημικές και αιματολογικές παραμέτρους. Μετά το πέρας του πειραματισμού διαπιστώθηκε σημαντική μείωση του Σ.Β. των μαρτύρων, σε αντιδιαστολή με την ομάδα των πειραματόζωων. Στην ομάδα των μαρτύρων παρατηρήθηκαν ήπιου προς μέτριου βαθμού υποξεία φλεγμονή, ήπιου έως μέτριου βαθμού πάχυνση του βλεννογόνου της Μ.Κ. και ανωμαλίες κερατινοποίησης της κεράτινης στοιβάδας, ιστοπαθολογικές αλλοιώσεις οι οποίες είναι συμβατές με την υποξεία δυσπεπτική οξέωση. Αντίθετα, η απουσία τους από τα ζώα της ομάδας των πειραματόζωων αποδίδεται στη ρυθμιστική δράση του κλινοπτιλόλιθου στο pH του στομαχικού περιεχομένου και στην παραγωγή των Π.Λ.Ο

    Effects of Production Systems and Seasons on Retail-Goat-Milk Fatty-Acid Composition and Nutritional Indices in Greece

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    An increased consumer interest in goat milk has been registered in recent years due to its health-related benefits. This study aimed to investigate the effects of production systems and seasons on fatty-acid composition and nutritional indices for the healthy fat consumption of retail goat milk. The study lasted one year, and milk samples (n = 160) from 14 brands (10 conventional and 4 organic) were collected on a monthly basis. Organic milk had a marginally lower fat and protein content compared with conventionally produced milk according to the declared chemical composition. The production system did not significantly affect milk fatty-acid composition and its nutritional value, indicating that there were no major differences in the feeding strategies between conventionally and organically raised ewes. Seasonal effects were observed in the fatty-acid profile and the nutritional indices. Lower content of saturated fatty acids (SFAs), hypocholesterolemic/hypercholesterolemic ratio (h/H) and linoleic acid/α-linolenic acid (LA/ALA) ratio values were observed in summer. Retail goat milk had a desirable nutritional value, irrespective of production system and season, due to the following characteristics: low atherogenic index (AI) and LA/ALA ratio values, and high h/H ratio, desirable fatty acid (DFA) values and health-promoting index values. In conclusion, neither production nor season significantly impacted the fatty-acid composition and the fat-consumption nutritional indices of retail goat milk produced in Greece

    Hygiene and Safety of Hard Cheese Made from Raw Cows’ Milk

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    This study was conducted to evaluate the microbiological status of cheese made from unpasteurized cows’ milk, to examine the safety of the cheese and to observe the changes that occurred in its microbial community during ripening and storage. Furthermore, the pH, the moisture and salt concentration were also monitored throughout processing, ripening and storage. Seven cheesemaking trials took place along with the microbiological and physicochemical analysis of the milk, curd and cheese produced. The milk used for the cheesemaking, two curd samples before the heating and two after the heating, two cheese samples at days 3, 7, 15, 30, 60 and 90 were subjected to microbiological analysis for total mesophilic bacterial count (for milk only), Enterobacteriaceae, E. coli, Staphylococcus, Salmonella, Listeria, and Clostridium. The microbiological quality of raw milk was found to be good. It was initially slightly above the EU limit but improvements associated with farm biosecurity and milking equipment hygiene led to a significantly improved milk quality. A small increase in the prevalence of indicator microorganisms in curd and cheese samples was observed for the first few days, followed by a relatively stable condition as manufacturing proceeded and throughout the ripening of the final product. In two cheesemaking trials, Clostridium perfringens and Salmonella spp. were detected, the first originating from the milk and the second from the environment. The use of good-quality raw milk under sanitary conditions, the application of good manufacturing practices and a maturation period in a controlled environment were found to be the necessary prerequisites for the production of safe raw cheese products

    Indigenous Lactic Acid Bacteria Isolated from Raw Graviera Cheese and Evaluation of Their Most Important Technological Properties

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    The aim of the present study was to characterize LAB isolates from raw-milk cheeses, to evaluate some of their technological properties and to select a few ‘wild’ LAB strains that could potentially be used as starter cultures. LAB strains were isolated and identified from raw milk, curd, and cheese at 30, 60, and 90 days of ripening. A total of 100 strains were isolated, 20 from each phase of ripening. All isolates were tested for acidification ability, curd formation, and aroma production at 32 °C and 42 °C after 24 and 48 h. Following the acidification test, 42 strains were selected for identification and characterization of their technological properties. A high proportion of lactic acid bacteria and Gram + cocci were found throughout the cheese-making process. Enterococci reached their maximum proportion on the 7th day of ripening while Lactobacilli increased significantly during the first month of ripening. Forty-two strains were identified by phenotypic, biochemical, and molecular techniques. Lactococci were predominant in raw milk and curd while Lactobacilli in the ripening of the cheese. Four LAB strains including one Leuconostoc pseudomenteroides, two Lacticaseibacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei and one Enterococcus hirae, were proposed for their potential use as starters or secondary cultures

    Variations in Composition, Antioxidant Profile, and Physical Traits of Goat Milk within the Semi-Intensive Production System in Mountainous Areas during the Post-Weaning to End-of-Lactation Period

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    Dairy products from mountain-origin milk are known for their superior composition and quality. This study aimed to examine changes in composition, nutritional quality, and antioxidant properties of milk from semi-intensively managed goats in mountainous regions during the post-weaning to end-of-lactation period. Bulk tank milk samples from 10 farms were collected bi-weekly in the period from March to September. The farms were situated in regions with an average altitude of 772.20 m above sea level. The results revealed significant variations in milk composition, with fluctuations in fat, protein, lactose, and total solids. Milk yield per doe showed seasonal differences, with the highest yield in April and the lowest in September. Fatty acid composition exhibited changes throughout the sampling period, with variations in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Nutritional indices, such as the atherogenicity index and thrombogenicity index, remained within the recommended values. Antioxidant properties, including total phenolic content, DPPH, FRAP, and ABTS, showed significant differences, with higher values toward the end of the study. Milk pH, electrical conductivity, brix value, and refractive index also exhibited variations, while density and freezing point remained relatively stable. The study provided valuable information that can be used to develop breeding and feeding plans to achieve uniform milk quality in mountainous regions