17 research outputs found

    Eficiência do cloprostenol no tratamento das infecções uterinas de vacas com atividade ovariana cíclica

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    Fifty Holstein x Zebu crossbred cows were monitored in several dairy farms. All cows showed mucopurulent discharge from the uterus and a cyclical corpus luteum in one of the ovaries. This condition was observed by rectal palpation and vaginoscopy. Seven days after the natural oestrus, thirty cows were treated with 500 µg intramuscular injection of cloprostenol to induce a new oestrus. A second dose was applied in seven of the 12 cows in which infection persisted seven days after oestrus. In the treated group, 18 cows (60%) recovered with only one injection, while 23 cows (76,7%) did with up to two injections. Among twenty cows of the untreated group (control), only five (25%) recovered from metritis. Number of recovered cases was significantly different between groups (P <0.05). This fact should recommend the use of cloprostenol for treating uterine infections in cycling cows. Foram utilizadas no experimento, 50 fêmeas bovinas mestiças HPB x Zebu, que apresentavam corrimento muco-purulento cervico-vaginal e corpo lúteo (CL) cíclico num dos ovários. Essa condição foi verificada através de exame ginecológico por palpação retal e auxílio de vaginoscópio. Sete dias após o cio natural, 30 animais que permaneceram com corrimento receberam uma injeção intramuscular de 500µg cloprostenol para indução de novo cio. Em sete de 12 animais em que a infecção ainda persistiu sete dias após esse cio induzido, aplicou-se uma segunda dose do produto. Entre as 30 vacas do grupo tratado, 18 (60,0%) recuperaram-se com uma e 23 (76,7%) com até duas aplicações. Dos 20 animais do grupo controle, cinco (25,0%) obtiveram a cura da metrite. Os animais tratados apresentaram um nível de recuperação de endometrite superior ao grupo controle (P <0,05), o que recomenda o uso de cloprostenol no tratamento da infecção uterina de vaca com atividade ovariana cíclica

    Litter dynamics in signal grass pastures in a silvipasture system and in monoculture

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da introdução de leguminosas arbóreas e eucalipto em pastagens de braquiária (Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk), na dinâmica da serapilheira. O estudo foi realizado em sistema silvipastoril e em monocultura, em 12 meses. O delineamento experimental foi o de blocos ao acaso, com seis repetições e cinco animais por piquete. Foram avaliadas a serapilheira existente e a depositada. A serapilheira existente teve média anual de 5.038 e 3.944 kg ha-1, no sistema silvipastoril e na monocultura, respectivamente. O sistema silvipastoril causou um acréscimo significativo na serapilheira depositada. A quantidade de nitrogênio da serapilheira depositada foi maior no sistema silvipastoril, do que na monocultura, respectivamente, 228 kg ha-1 por ano e 107 kg ha-1 por ano. A presença de leguminosas e de eucalipto em sistema silvipastoril proporcionou aumentos nas quantidades de nitrogênio, comprovados pela análise isotópica de 13C, e matéria seca de serapilheira. Incrementos na produção de serapilheira rica em nitrogênio pode contribuir para a sustentabilidade das pastagens de braquiária a longo prazo.The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of legume trees and eucalyptus presence on litter dynamics of signal grass pasture (Urochloa decumbens cv. Basilisk). The litter dynamics was studied in a silvipastoril system and in monoculture for 12 months. The experimental design was in randomized blocks with six replicates and five animals per paddock. The existing plant litter and the deposited ones were evaluated. The mean existing litter was 5,038 and 3,944 kg ha-1 in the silvipastoril system and in monoculture, respectively. The silvipastoril system increased significantly the quantities of litter deposited. The quantity of nitrogen deposited in the pasture was greater in the silvipastoril system than in monoculture, 228 and 107 kg ha-1 per year, respectively. The presence of legumes and the eucalyptus in the silvipastoril system provided nitrogen, shown by 13C isotope analysis, and dry matter increases in the litter. Increases in the production of litter rich in nitrogen can contribute for the sustainability of signal pastures in a long run

    Identification of Candidate Genes for Reactivity in Guzerat (Bos indicus) Cattle: A Genome-Wide Association Study

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    [EN] Temperament is fundamental to animal production due to its direct influence on the animalherdsman relationship. When compared to calm animals, the aggressive, anxious or fearful ones exhibit less weight gain, lower reproductive efficiency, decreased milk production and higher herd maintenance costs, all of which contribute to reduced profits. However, temperament is a trait that is complex and difficult to assess. Recently, a new quantitative system, REATEST®, for assessing reactivity, a phenotype of temperament, was developed. Herein, we describe the results of a Genome-wide association study for reactivity, assessed using REATEST® with a sample of 754 females from five dual-purpose (milk and meat production) Guzerat (Bos indicus) herds. Genotyping was performed using a 50k SNP chip and a twostep mixed model approach (Grammar-Gamma) with a one-by-one marker regression was used to identify QTLs. QTLs for reactivity were identified on chromosomes BTA1, BTA5, BTA14, and BTA25. Five intronic and two intergenic markers were significantly associated with reactivity. POU1F1, DRD3, VWA3A, ZBTB20, EPHA6, SNRPF and NTN4 were identified as candidate genes. Previous QTL reports for temperament traits, covering areas surrounding the SNPs/genes identified here, further corroborate these associations. The seven genes identified in the present study explain 20.5% of reactivity variance and give a better understanding of temperament biology. IntroductionSIWe thank the farmers, who allowed the development of this project in their facilities. We thank to Mr. Peter Laspina for performing language review and for the valuable comments. This study was supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq), Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) and Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa). Maria Gabriela Campolina Diniz Peixoto was supported by the Fapemig—CVZ APQ 01353 e CVZ APQ 3182–5.04/07. MRSC has a fellowship from the CNPq– 307975/2010-0 and was supported by CNPq– 312068/2015-8 and 481018/2008-5 projects. MGCDP, RVV, MAM have fellowships from FAPEMIG. PASF has CNPq fellowship, FCS and ICR have CAPES fellowships

    Productive and nutritional traits of pasture in an agrosilvopastoral system, according to the distance from trees

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    Os objetivos deste trabalho foram avaliar os efeitos de árvores dispostas em renques sobre as características produtivas e nutricionais de Urochloa decumbens e identificar a distância média, na qual ocorre o melhor aproveitamento do sombreamento moderado, em um sistema agrossilvipastoril. Os tratamentos consistiram em distâncias dos pontos de observação ao renque das árvores (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 e 15 m) e foram distribuídos em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições. A densidade de perfilhos e a massa e a taxa de acúmulo de forragem e a composição química do pasto foram avaliadas. A densidade de perfilhos, a massa e a taxa de acúmulo de forragem aumentaram com a distância do renque, com valores máximos de 392 perfilhos m-2, 1.347 kg ha-1 e 30,1 kg ha-1 por dia, respectivamente, a 9,1, 10,4 e 8,8 m de distância. Os teores de fibra em detergente neutro não variaram com a distância, enquanto os de fibra em detergente ácido e os de lignina variaram, mas sem um padrão definido de resposta. Os teores de proteína bruta diminuíram quadraticamente com a distância do renque e apresentaram valor máximo sob a copa das árvores (9,8%) e mínimo a 13,5 m de distância (6,5%). A região entre 7 e 10 m de distância do renque apresentou maior benefício da sombra moderada sobre as características do pasto.The objectives of this work were to evaluate the effects of trees arranged in rows on yield and nutritional characteristics of Urochloa decumbens and to identify the average distance in which there is a better use of moderate shading in an agrisilvipasture system. The treatments consisted of distances from measure points to tree rows (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 m) and were distributed in randomized blocks, with four replicates. The tiller density, forage mass, forage accumulation rate and chemical composition of pasture were evaluated. The tiller density, forage mass and rates of forage accumulation increased with the distance from tree rows, reaching the highest values of 392 tillers m-2, 1,347 kg ha-1 and 30.1 kg ha-1 per day, respectively, at 9.1, 10.4 and 8.8 m of distance. The contents of the neutral detergent fiber did not vary with distance, while the acid detergent fiber and lignin content varied, but without a clear pattern of response. The crude protein contents reduced quadratically with distance from tree rows and had the highest values under trees (9.8%) and the lowest at 13.5 m of distance (6.5%). The site of pasture, between 7 and 10 m of distance from the tree rows showed the highest benefits of moderate shading on pasture traits