200 research outputs found

    NNLO analysis of the LHC W lepton charge asymmetry data

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    The reweighting method presented in earlier publications is applied for incorporating the LHC W lepton asymmetry data published in 2010 into the NNPDF2.1 NNLO analysis. We confirm the result of the NLO analysis which indicated that these data reduce PDF uncertainties of light quarks in the medium and small-x region, providing the first solid constraints on PDFs from LHC data.Comment: 4 pages, prepared for the 23rd Rencontres de Blois, 29 May - 3 June 2011, Blois, Franc

    Radiative distortion of kinematic edges in cascade decays

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    Kinematic edges of cascade decays of new particles produced in high-energy collisions may provide important constraints on the involved particles' masses. For the exemplary case of gluino decay g~→qqˉχ~\tilde{g}\to q\bar q \tilde{\chi} into a pair of quarks and a neutralino through a squark resonance, we study the hadronic invariant mass distribution in the vicinity of the kinematic edge. We perform a next-to-leading order calculation in the strong coupling αs\alpha_s and the ratio of squark width and squark mass \Gamma_\tilde{q}/m_\tilde{q}, based on a systematic expansion in \Gamma_\tilde{q}/m_\tilde{q}. The separation into hard, collinear and soft contributions elucidates the process dependent and universal features of distributions in the edge region, represented by on-shell decay matrix elements, universal jet functions and a soft function that depends on the resonance propagator and soft Wilson lines.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Can New Physics hide inside the proton?

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    Modern global analyses of the structure of the proton include collider measurements which probe energies well above the electroweak scale. While these provide powerful constraints on the parton distribution functions (PDFs), they are also sensitive to beyond the Standard Model (BSM) dynamics if these affect the fitted distributions. Here we present a first simultaneous determination of the PDFs and BSM effects from deep-inelastic structure function data by means of the NNPDF framework. We consider representative four-fermion operators from the SM Effective Field Theory (SMEFT), quantify to which extent their effects modify the fitted PDFs, and assess how the resulting bounds on the SMEFT degrees of freedom are modified. Our results demonstrate how BSM effects that might otherwise be reabsorbed into the PDFs can be systematically disentangled

    Z boson production in bottom-quark fusion: a study of b-mass effects beyond leading order.

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    We compute the total cross-section for Z boson production in bottom-quark fusion, applying to this case the method we previously used for Higgs production in bottom fusion. Namely, we match, through the FONLL procedure, the next-to-next-to-leading-log five-flavor scheme result, in which the b quark is treated as a massless parton, with the next-to-leading-order O ( α s 3 ) four-flavor scheme computation in which bottom is treated as a massive final-state particle. Also, we add to our formalism the possibility of varying the heavy quark matching scale. The results obtained with the FONLL formalism can thus be compared directly to recent results obtained in various approximations, and used as a proxy to assess and discuss the issues of scale dependence and treatment of heavy quarks. Finally, We use our results in order to improve the prediction for the total Z production cross-section

    On the coupling of axion-like particles to the top quark

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    In this paper we explore the coupling of a light axion-like particle (ALP) to top quarks. We use high-energy LHC probes, and examine both the direct probe to this coupling in associated production of a top-pair with an ALP, and the indirect probe through loop-induced gluon fusion to an ALP leading to top pairs. Using the latest LHC Run II data, we provide the best limit on this coupling. We also compare these limits with those obtained from loop-induced couplings in diboson final states, finding that the ttˉt\bar t+MET channel is the best current handle on this coupling.Comment: 36 pages, 16 figure
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