26 research outputs found

    Power can increase but also decrease cheating depending on what thoughts are validated

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    Prior research has shown that power is associated with cheating. In the present research, we showcase that higher power can increase but also decrease cheating, depending on the thoughts validated by the feelings of power. In two experiments, participants were first asked to generate either positive or negative thoughts about cheating. Following this manipulation of thought direction, participants were placed in either high or low power conditions. After the two inductions, cheating was measured using different paradigms – assessing cheating intentions in relationships (Study 1) and over reporting performance for monetary gain (Study 2). Relative to powerless participants, those induced to feel powerful showed more reliance on the initial thoughts induced. Consequently, the effect of the direction of the thoughts on cheating was greater for participants with high (vs. low) power. Specifically, high power increased cheating only when initial thoughts about cheating were already favorable but decreased cheating when it validated unfavorable cheating relevant thoughts

    Affective and cognitive validation of thoughts: An appraisal perspective on anger, disgust, surprise, and awe

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    Anger, disgust, surprise, and awe are multifaceted emotions. Both anger and disgust are associated with feeling unpleasant as well as experiencing a sense of confidence, whereas surprise and awe tend to be more pleasant emotions that are associated with doubt. Most prior work has examined how appraisals (confidence, pleasantness) lead people to experience different emotions or to experience different levels of intensity within the same emotion. Instead, the current research focused on the consequences (rather the antecedents) of appraisals of emotion, and it focuses specifically on the consequences for thought usage rather than the consequences for generating many or few thoughts. We show that when these four emotions are induced following thought generation, thoughts can be used either more or less with each emotion depending on whether the pleasantness/unpleasantness or confidence/doubt appraisal is made salient. In five experiments, it was predicted and found that anger and disgust following thought generation led to more thought use than surprise and awe when a confidence appraisal for the emotion was encouraged, but led to less thought use than surprise and awe when a pleasantness appraisal was made salient. The current studies are the first to reveal that different appraisals can lead to different (even opposite) outcomes on thought usage within the same experimental design.La ira, el disgusto, la sorpresa y el asombro son emociones multifacéticas. Tanto la ira como el disgusto están asociados con sentirse desagradable y experimentar una sensación de confianza, mientras que la sorpresa y el asombro tienden a ser emociones más placenteras que están asociadas con la duda. La mayoría de los trabajos anteriores han examinado cómo las tasaciones (confianza, amabilidad) llevan a las personas a experimentar diferentes emociones o a experimentar diferentes niveles de intensidad dentro de la misma emoción. En cambio, la investigación actual se centró en las consecuencias (más bien los antecedentes) de las valoraciones de la emoción, y se centra específicamente en las consecuencias para el pensamiento uso en lugar de las consecuencias de generar muchos o pocos pensamientos. Mostramos que cuando estos cuatro las emociones se inducen después de la generación de pensamientos, los pensamientos se pueden usar más o menos con cada emoción según se haga la valoración de agrado/desagrado o confianza/duda saliente. En cinco experimentos, se predijo y encontró que la ira y el asco después del pensamiento generación condujo a más uso del pensamiento que sorpresa y asombro cuando una evaluación de confianza para la emoción se animó, pero condujo a menos uso del pensamiento que sorpresa y asombro cuando se realizó una evaluación de simpatía. destacado. Los estudios actuales son los primeros en revelar que diferentes valoraciones pueden conducir a diferentes (incluso opuesto) resultados sobre el uso del pensamiento dentro del mismo diseño experimental

    Anxiety, trauma and well-being in health-care professionals during COVID-19 first wave in Spain:the moderating role of personal protection equipment availability

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    Background: The effect of COVID-19 on Health-Care Professionals’ mental health has received increased attention in the last year’s literature. However, previous studies essentially evaluated psychopathological symptoms and not the presence of positive mental health. Therefore, the first objective of the present research is to evaluate health-care professionals’ mental illness (i.e., anxiety and traumatic intensity) and positive mental health (i.e., well-being) using the Complete State Model of Health. Our second objective is to study the effect of Personal Protection Equipment availability on professionals’ mental health.Methods: Two-hundred and thirty-two health-care professionals working in Spain in the first line of COVID-19 patient care participated in the study. To measure anxiety, traumatic intensity and well-being participants completed the State Trait Anxiety Inventory, the Davidson Trauma Scale, and the Mental Health Continuum-Short Form. Pearson correlations were used to examine the relationships between all scales. In order to test the two continua model of mental health, we used parallel analysis and exploratory factor analysis. To analyze anxiety, traumatic intensity, and well-being differences between health-care professionals with and without Personal Protection Equipment availability we conducted different ANOVAS. To test our hypothesis regarding the moderating role of Personal Protection Equipment availability in the effect of mental illness on positive mental health, data were subjected to a hierarchical regression analysis.Results: As in previous studies, health-care professionals showed high levels of anxiety and traumatic intensity. They also presented low levels of well-being indicators. According to our hypothesis, results of parallel analysis and exploratory factorial analysis indicated that the measures of mental illness and positive mental health loaded on separate but correlated factors. Finally, Personal Protection Equipment availability moderated the effects of state anxiety and traumatic intensity on professionals’ well-being.Conclusions: Health-care professionals’ mental illness and positive mental health reflect distinct continua, rather than the extreme ends of a single spectrum. Therefore, it is essential to measure both psychopathology and the presence of positive health to comprehensively evaluate professionals’ mental health. Finally, our results indicated that Personal Protection Equipment availability is essential not only for professionals’ physical health, but also for their mental health

    Validity and Reliability of the Spanish Version of the Revised Self-Monitoring Scale

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    Self-Monitoring (SM) is a concept that refers to individual differences in this orientation toward regulation of social behavior. The goal of the present research was to provide a Spanish adaptation of Snyder and Gangestad’s (1986) Revised SM Scale. After conducting an initial pilot study, results showed that the Spanish version of the scale had good internal reliability and adequate factor structure. In Study 1, analyses support a unidimensional structure of the scale (χ2/df = 2.64; GFI = .97; IFI = .97; TLI = .96; RMSEA = .06). In Study 2, the scale showed discriminant validity from other individual differences measures, such as Need for Cognition (r = 0.12 p = 0.14), Social Desirability (r = 0.06, p > .45) and Extraversion (r = 0.28 p = .001). In Study 3, the scale showed adequate test-retest reliability (r = 0.71, p < .001). Finally, using a paradigm of attitude-behavior consistenty, Study 4 showed that the validated scale also had good predictive validity (B = –0.819, p = .035)

    The dark and light of human nature: Spanish adaptation of the light triad scale and its relationship with psychological well-being

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    Against the negative conception of human nature employed by the Dark Triad, another instrument was recently developed to evaluate positive traits, the Light Triad Scale. Our first objective was to apply the same approach of bifactorial models of mental health, which argue that the absence of psychopathology does not necessarily indicate the presence of positive health, to the evaluation of personality. In this sense, we expected that the Light Triad and the Dark Triad are two distinct but interrelated domains of personality, and not just two opposite poles of the same spectrum. Moreover, we examined the relationship of both the Light Triad Scale and the Dark Triad Scale with well-being. To do it, we first adapted this instrument to Spanish and studied its factorial validity, factor invariance for age and gender, and reliability. A total of 1158 participants from Spain completed the Light Triad Scale, the Short Dark Triad Scale and Psychological Well-Being Scales. Confirmatory factor analysis suggested that the Spanish adaptation of the Light Triad Scale showed an adequate fit to the data and scalar invariance across gender and age. Parallel analysis and exploratory factor analysis confirmed the bifactorial model of positive-negative personality traits. Finally, the results showed a positive relation between Light Triad and well-being. The Spanish adaptation of the Light Triad is a useful instrument to assess positive personality traits, independently of the negative personality characteristics assessed by the Dark Triad. In closing, the Light Triad seems to be a core component of positive psychological functioning

    Orthorexia Nervosa in Adolescents and Young Adults: A Literature Review

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    Adolescents are a nutritionally vulnerable population; eating disorders are more common among adolescents and young adults. Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is a non-formally recognized condition characterized by an obsessive preoccupation with eating healthy and &ldquo;pure&rdquo; foods; the quality and not the quantity of food is pivotal in ON. ON is a complex entity which can be associated with severe diet restrictions, a negative impact on social relationships, and with physical and mental health conditions, including obsessive&ndash;compulsive disorder. In light of this, a literature review regarding the background, diagnosis, features, risk factors, interplay with the social media, and management of ON is presented in this article, with a focus on adolescents and young adults


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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónEl componente eudaimónico de la satisfacción con la vida y el bienestar psicológico en culturas hispanas. Antecedentes: en el estudio del bienestar existen dos tradiciones parcialmente solapadas que se han desarrollado en paralelo. El bienestar subjetivo (BS) se ha asociado tradicionalmente con la aproximación hedonista y el bienestar psicológico (BP) con la eudaimonista. Sin embargo, la satisfacción con la vida, el indicador más empleado de BS, incluye componentes claramente eudaimónicos. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar si emerge un Factor G-Bienestar Eudaimónico de la Escala de Satisfacción con la Vida (ESV) y las Escalas de Bienestar Psicológico de Ryff (EBP). Método: 400 personas de población general de Colombia (estudio 1) y 401 de España (estudio 2) completaron, en este orden, las EBP y las ESV. Resultados: el Análisis Paralelo de Horn y el Análisis Factorial Exploratorio (estudio 1) indicaron la existencia de una estructura de un factor. El Análisis Factorial Confirmatorio (estudio 2) demostró que el modelo de un factor se ajustaba de forma excelente a los datos. Mediante un análisis factorial confirmatorio multi-grupo se confirmó la invarianza factorial transcultural. Conclusiones: estos resultados cuestionan que la satisfacción con la vida sea un indicador únicamente hedónico y señalan la necesidad de que se produzca una mayor integración entre la tradición hedónica y eudaimónica.Universidad de Oviedo. Biblioteca de Psicología; Plaza Feijoo, s/n.; 33003 Oviedo; Tel. +34985104146; Fax +34985104126; [email protected]

    Optimisation of Bioethanol Production in a Potato Processing Industry

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    Nowadays, there is a requirement for industries to eliminate carbon from their energy mix and substitute it with greener options. This calls for investment in efforts to facilitate the scaling up of technical advancements. Because of the huge amount of waste, a life cycle strategy has been used by industries, especially the food industry, to lessen the environmental impact of their products. One of the sectors that burdens the environment with a significant amount of waste is the potato processing industrial sector. The current study focuses on the valorisation of all the potato processing waste streams (potato peels, potato tubers and slices, starch and low-quality chips) towards bioethanol production at a pilot level. After their physico-chemical characterisations, several experimental trials were performed in order to determine the optimum pretreatment and hydrolysis conditions for each waste stream. Acid hydrolysis, alkaline hydrolysis and hydrothermal pretreatment were examined when no pretreatment resulted in low ethanol yields (below 60%). The optimum results that were obtained were applied in a pilot plant of 200L to examine the upscaling factor. It was verified that upscaling by 1000 times generates comparable and, in some cases, greater results. From the integration of the results and the mass balances of a typical potato processing company, a full-scale implementation plan was also set up, where it was calculated that around 2 m3 bioethanol per week could be produced