3 research outputs found

    Saepo Modi and Correlation among Statistical Methods for Measuring of Phenotypic Stability

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    A stabile phenotype is desired. Many statistical methods are available to measure stability. So far, the choice of parameter of stability depended on the perception on the interaction of genotype and environment or ease of counting. The goal of this research was to study correlation among stability parameters. In total of 16 stability parameters were used in this research. Saepo modi (SMsp) as a stability parameter was also used. Branch rust incidence, leaf rust incidence, and leaf rust severity on Arabica coffee were used as variables. This research result showed that none of the parameters of stability correlated significantly with all parameter of stability. It coud be concluded that if someone want to use only one stability parameter, it is preffered to make use of regression and deviation from regression (D2i). In the case a researcher needs to use several of parameters of stability, Saepo modi (SMsp) might be exercised

    Analisis Pendapatan Usahatani Biofarmaka dan Kontribusinya Terhadap Total Pendapatan Petani di Kabupaten Simalungun, Provinsi Sumatera Utara

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    Apart from being an ingredient for medicinal plants, biopharmaceuticals also act as a source of community income. The purpose this study was to analyze the farm income of biopharmaceutical crops and their contribution to income of farmers. Area of study was conducted in Sub-district of Dolok Masagal, from February-May 2021. The population of this study were farmers who managed biopharmaceutical farming with 436 families. The research sample was determined intentionally with 30 respondents, and distributed proportionally to 3 out of 10 villages, namely; Dolok Huluan Village 16 respondents, Bangun Pane 12 respondents and Bintang Mariah 2 respondents. This study uses primary data and secondary data, and analyzed by descriptive method.  Based on the results of the study concluded; 1) the average income from biopharmaceutical farming is IDR74,504,744/year, the average income from non-biopharmaceutical farming is IDR5,137,692/year and the average income outside of farming is IDR7,496,667/year; 2) farm income of biopharmaceuticals contributed 84.1% to the total income of family farmers, non-biopharmaceutical farm income contributed 5.9%, non-farm income contributed 10% to the total income of farming families. In increasing the income of biopharmaceutical crop farming, it is recommended; 1) so that farmers join farmer groups so that they can easily access seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides/drugs; 2) so that the Agricultural Extension Center of Subdistrict of Dolok Masagal actively provides counseling to farmers for the development of better biopharmaceutical farming; 3) that local governments partner with medicinal plant processing companies to ensure price stability during the harvest season.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pendapatan usahatani tanaman biofarmaka dan kontribusinya terhadap total pendapatan keluarga petani. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Dolok Masagal, Kabupaten Simalungun, pada Pebruari s/d Mei 2021. Populasi penelitian ini adalah masyarakat yang mengelola usahatani biofarmaka pada 3 (tiga) desa dari 10 (sepuluh) desa di Kecamatan Dolok Masagal dengan populasi 436 kk. Sampel pada penelitian ditentukan secara sengaja dengan jumlah 30 respoden, dan didistribusikan secara proporsional pada tiga desa sebagai lokasi pengambilan data yaitu; Desa Dolok Huluan 16 responden, Desa Bangun Pane 12 responden dan Desa Bintang Mariah 2 responden. Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder, dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif.  Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan; 1) rata-rata pendapatan usahatani tanaman biofarmaka adalah Rp74.504.744 per tahun, rata-rata pendapatan  dari usahatani non-biofarmaka adalah Rp5.137.692 per tahun dan rata-rata pendapatan diluar usahatani sebesar Rp7.496.667 per tahun; 2) pendapatan usahatani tanaman biofarmaka memberikan kontribusi  84,1% terhadap total pendapatan keluarga petani dan pendapatan usahatani non-biofarmaka berkontribusi 5,9% serta pendapatan diluar usahatani memberikan kontribusi sebesar 10% terhadap total pendapaan keluarga petani. Berdasarkan  penelitian disarankan; 1) agar petani membentuk kelompok tani dalam mengembangkan usahatani  biofarmaka  sehingga terbantu dalam mengakses bibit, pupuk,  pestisida/ obat-obatan dengan harga yang relatif lebih murah; 2) agar Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian Kecamatan Dolok Masagal aktif memberikan penyuluhan kepada petani dalam pengembangan usahatani biofarmaka; 3) agar pemerintahan bekerjasama dengan perusahaan-perusahaan pengolahan tanaman obat-obatan, untuk menampung  produksi usahatani biofarmaka masyarakat sehingga  stabilitas harga terjamin terutama pada saat musim panen