10 research outputs found

    Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome and gastrointestinal defects: report on a newborn with 19p13.3 deletion including the MAP 2K2 gene

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    Background: Cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome (CFCS) belongs to RASopathies, a group of conditions caused by mutations in genes encoding proteins of the rat sarcoma/mitogen-activated protein kinase (RAS/MAPK) pathway. It is a rare syndrome, with about 300 patients reported. Main clinical manifestations include facial dysmorphisms, growth failure, heart defects, developmental delay, and ectodermal abnormalities. Mutations (mainly missense) of four genes (BRAF, MAP 2 K1, MAP 2 K2, and KRAS) have been associated to CFCS. However, whole gene deletions/duplications and chromosomal microdeletions have been also reported. Specifcally, 19p13.3 deletion including MAP 2 K2 gene are responsible for cardio-facio-cutaneous microdeletion syndrome, whose afected subjects show more severe phenotype than CFCS general population. Case presentation: Hereby, we report on a female newborn with prenatal diagnosis of omphalocele, leading to further genetic investigations through amniocentesis. Among these, array comparative genomic hybridization (a-CGH) identifed a 19p13.3 microdeletion, spanning 1.27Mb and including MAP 2 K2 gene. Clinical features at birth (coarse face with dysmorphic features, sparse and friable hair, cutaneous vascular malformations and hyperkeratotic lesions, interventricular septal defect, and omphalocele) were compatible with CFCS diagnosis, and further postnatal genetic investigations were not considered necessary. Soon after discharge, at around 1month of life, she was readmitted to our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to repeated episodes of vomiting, subtending a hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS) which was promptly identifed and treated. Conclusions: Our report supports the 19p13.3 microdeletion as a contiguous gene syndrome, in which the involvement of the genes contiguous to MAP 2 K2 may modify the patients’ phenotype. It highlights how CFCS afected subjects, including those with 19p13.3 deletions, may have associated gastrointestinal defects (e.g., omphalocele and HPS), providing further data on 19p13.3 microdeletion syndrome, and a better characterization of its genomic and phenotypic features. The complex clinical picture of such patients may be worsened by additional, and even precocious, life-threatening conditions like HPS. Clinicians must consider, anticipate and/or promptly treat possible medical and surgical complications, with the aim of reducing adverse outcomes. Extensive diagnostic work-up, and early, continuous, and multidisciplinary follow-up, as well as integrated care, are necessary for the longitudinal clinical evolution of any single patient

    Nanostructured Electrochemical Immunosensor based on Gold Nanowires for the Detection of Model Protein

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    Nowadays the demand for new devices capable of accurate, fast, and in situ real-time analyses is growing rapidly in the medical field. These devices could have various applications, such as clinical diagnosis and remote patient monitoring. In this work, an electrochemical immunosensor based on Gold Nanowire (GNWs) was developed for the detection of a model protein. Human immunoglobulin G (H-IgG) was selected as model analyte because of its physical, chemical, and biological features like many other biomarkers. GNWs were obtained through electrochemical template deposition into nanoporous polycarbonate membrane. To achieve the best morphology, various deposition conditions have been analyzed such as deposition time and Au precursor concentration in the deposition bath. The best deposition conditions were selected, ensuring the formation of mechanically stable nanowires. To detect proteins, a sandwich configuration was assembled on the surface of the electrode through several incubation steps. The sandwich configuration consists of a) a primary antibody covalently attached on the electrode surface, b) the antigen to be detected (H-IgG) that is selectively bound by the primary antibody, and c) a secondary labelled antibody. The immunosensor is electrochemically active thanks to the presence of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) tagging the secondary antibody. Given that GNPs catalyze hydrogen evolution reaction, the electrode has been used to measure the current density of the hydrogen evolution, which is indirectly related to the concentration of H-IgG antigens. In this way the calibration curve was constructed obtaining linear range of 1-1000 ng mL-1 with a high sensitivity

    Electrochemical Quantification of H2O2 Released by Airway Cells Growing in Different Culture Media

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    Quantification of oxidative stress is a challenging task that can help in monitoring chronic inflammatory respiratory airway diseases. Different studies can be found in the literature regarding the development of electrochemical sensors for H2O2 in cell culture medium to quantify oxidative stress. However, there are very limited data regarding the impact of the cell culture medium on the electrochemical quantification of H2O2. In this work, we studied the effect of different media (RPMI, MEM, DMEM, Ham's F12 and BEGM/DMEM) on the electrochemical quantification of H2O2. The used electrode is based on reduced graphene oxide (rGO) and gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) and was obtained by co-electrodeposition. To reduce the electrode fouling by the medium, the effect of dilution was investigated using diluted (50% v/v in PBS) and undiluted media. With the same aim, two electrochemical techniques were employed, chronoamperometry (CH) and linear scan voltammetry (LSV). The influence of different interfering species and the effect of the operating temperature of 37 degrees C were also studied in order to simulate the operation of the sensor in the culture plate. The LSV technique made the sensor adaptable to undiluted media because the test time is short, compared with the CH technique, reducing the electrode fouling. The long-term stability of the sensors was also evaluated by testing different storage conditions. By storing the electrode at 4 degrees C, the sensor performance was not reduced for up to 21 days. The sensors were validated measuring H2O2 released by two different human bronchial epithelial cell lines (A549, 16HBE) and human primary bronchial epithelial cells (PBEC) grown in RPMI, MEM and BEGM/DMEM media. To confirm the results obtained with the sensor, the release of reactive oxygen species was also evaluated with a standard flow cytometry technique. The results obtained with the two techniques were very similar. Thus, the LSV technique permits using the proposed sensor for an effective oxidative stress quantification in different culture media and without dilution

    Congenital syphilis in a preterm newborn with gastrointestinal disorders and postnatal growth restriction

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    Abstract Background Congenital syphilis (CS) depends on the placental transmission of Treponema pallidum (TP) spirochetes from an infected mother to fetus during pregnancy. It shows a wide clinical variability with cutaneous and visceral manifestations, including stillbirths, neonatal death, and asymptomatic cases. Preterm infants with CS may have more severe features of disease than the term ones, due to the combined pathogenic effect of both CS and prematurity. Case presentation We report on a female preterm (32+6 weeks of gestation) newborn showing most of the typical CS manifestations, in addition to gastrointestinal disorders including feeding difficulties, colon stenosis and malabsorption leading to postnatal growth restriction. The mother resulted positive at the syphilis screening test of the first trimester of pregnancy, but she did not undergo any treatment. At birth, our newborn was VDRL positive (antibody titer four times higher compared to the mother), and she was treated with intravenous benzathine benzylpenicillin G for 10 days (50,000 IU/Kg three times per day). Poor tolerance to enteral nutrition (abdominal distension, increased biliary type gastric secretions) was observed. A barium enema X-Ray identified a colon stenosis within the descending tract. However, the poor general conditions due to a concurrent fungal sepsis did not allow to perform any surgical procedure, and a conservative approach with total parenteral nutrition was started. The following evolution was marked by difficulties in enteral feeding including refusal of food and vomiting, to which also contributed the neurological abnormalities related to a perinatal asphyxia, and the affective deprivation for the physical absence of the mother during hospitalization. At 5 months of age, after the introduction of an amino acid-based formula (Neocate LCP Nutricia ®), an improvement of enteral feeding was observed, with no further and significantly decreased episodes of abdominal distension and vomiting respectively, and regular stool emission. A psychological support offered to the family allowed a more stable bond between the mother and her baby, thus providing a significant additional benefit to food tolerance and growth. She was discharged at 5 months of age, and included in a multidisciplinary follow-up. She at present shows global growth delay, and normal development apart from mildly increased tone of lower limbs. Conclusions Our report highlights less common clinical CS manifestations like gastrointestinal disorders including feeding difficulties, colon stenosis and malabsorption leading to postnatal growth delay. Moreover, it underlines how prematurity may worsen the clinical evolution of such congenital infection, due to the additional pathogenic effect of possible associated diseases and/or conditions like sepsis, hypoxic/ischemic injury, or use of drugs. CS may be observed also in high-income countries, with high rates of antenatal screening and availability of prenatal treatment. A multidisciplinary network must be guaranteed to the affected subjects, to ensure adequate care and improve the quality of life for patients and their families

    Intestinal malrotation in a female newborn affected by Osteopathia Striata with Cranial Sclerosis due to a de novo heterozygous nonsense mutation of the AMER1 gene

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    Abstract Background Osteopathia Striata with Cranial Sclerosis (OS-CS), also known as Horan-Beighton Syndrome, is a rare genetic disease; about 90 cases have been reported to date. It is associated with mutations (heterozygous for female subjects and hemizygous for males) of the AMER1 gene, located at Xq11.2, and shows an X-linked pattern of transmission. Typical clinical manifestations include macrocephaly, characteristic facial features (frontal bossing, epicanthal folds, hypertelorism, depressed nasal bridge, orofacial cleft, prominent jaw), hearing loss and developmental delay. Males usually present a more severe phenotype than females and rarely survive. Diagnostic suspicion is based on clinical signs, radiographic findings of cranial and long bones sclerosis and metaphyseal striations, subsequent genetic testing may confirm it. Case presentation Hereby, we report on a female newborn with frontal and parietal bossing, narrow bitemporal diameter, dysplastic, low-set and posteriorly rotated ears, microretrognathia, cleft palate, and rhizomelic shortening of lower limbs. Postnatally, she manifested feeding intolerance with biliary vomiting and abdominal distension. Therefore, in the suspicion of bowel obstruction, she underwent surgery, which evidenced and corrected an intestinal malrotation. Limbs X-ray and skull computed tomography investigations did not show cranial sclerosis and/or metaphyseal striations. Array-CGH analysis revealed normal findings. Then, a target next generation sequencing (NGS) analysis, including the genes involved in skeletal dysplasias, was performed and revealed a de novo heterozygous nonsense mutation of the AMER1 gene. The patient was discharged at 2 months of age and included in a multidisciplinary follow-up. Aged 9 months, she now shows developmental and growth (except for relative macrocephaly) delay. The surgical correction of cleft palate has been planned. Conclusions Our report shows the uncommon association of intestinal malrotation in a female newborn with OS-CS. It highlights that neonatologists have to consider such a diagnosis, even in absence of cranial sclerosis and long bones striations, as these usually appear over time. Other syndromes with cranial malformations and skeletal dysplasia must be included in the differential diagnosis. The phenotypic spectrum is wide and variable in both genders. Due to variable X-inactivation, females may also show a severe and early-onset clinical picture. Multidisciplinary management and careful, early and long-term follow-up should be offered to these patients, in order to promptly identify any associated morbidities and prevent possible complications or adverse outcomes

    Fecal Microbiota Transplantation Controls Murine Chronic Intestinal Inflammation by Modulating Immune Cell Functions and Gut Microbiota Composition

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    Different gastrointestinal disorders, including inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), have been linked to alterations of the gut microbiota composition, namely dysbiosis. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is considered an encouraging therapeutic approach for ulcerative colitis patients, mostly as a consequence of normobiosis restoration. We recently showed that therapeutic effects of FMT during acute experimental colitis are linked to functional modulation of the mucosal immune system and of the gut microbiota composition. Here we analysed the effects of therapeutic FMT administration during chronic experimental colitis, a condition more similar to that of IBD patients, on immune-mediated mucosal inflammatory pathways. Mucus and feces from normobiotic donors were orally administered to mice with established chronic Dextran Sodium Sulphate (DSS)-induced colitis. Immunophenotypes and functions of infiltrating colonic immune cells were evaluated by cytofluorimetric analysis. Compositional differences in the intestinal microbiome were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing. Therapeutic FMT in mice undergoing chronic intestinal inflammation was capable to decrease colonic inflammation by modulating the expression of pro-inflammatory genes, antimicrobial peptides, and mucins. Innate and adaptive mucosal immune cells manifested a reduced pro-inflammatory profile in FMT-treated mice. Finally, restoration of a normobiotic core ecology contributed to the resolution of inflammation. Thus, FMT is capable of controlling chronic intestinal experimental colitis by inducing a concerted activation of anti-inflammatory immune pathways, mechanistically supporting the positive results of FMT treatment reported in ulcerative colitis patients

    IL10 Secretion Endows Intestinal Human iNKT Cells with Regulatory Functions Towards Pathogenic T Lymphocytes

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    Background and aims: Invariant natural killer T [iNKT] cells perform pleiotropic functions in different tissues by secreting a vast array of pro-inflammatory and cytotoxic molecules. However, the presence and function of human intestinal iNKT cells capable of secreting immunomodulatory molecules such as IL-10 has never been reported so far. Here we describe for the first time the presence of IL10-producing iNKT cells [NKT10 cells] in the intestinal lamina propria of healthy individuals and of Crohn's disease [CD] patients. Methods: Frequency and phenotype of NKT10 cells were analysed ex vivo from intestinal specimens of Crohn's disease [n = 17] and controls [n = 7]. Stable CD-derived intestinal NKT10 cell lines were used to perform in vitro suppression assays and co-cultures with patient-derived mucosa-associated microbiota. Experimental colitis models were performed by adoptive cell transfer of splenic naïve CD4+ T cells in the presence or absence of IL10-sufficient or -deficient iNKT cells. In vivo induction of NKT10 cells was performed by administration of short chain fatty acids [SCFA] by oral gavage. Results: Patient-derived intestinal NKT10 cells demonstrated suppressive capabilities towards pathogenic CD4+ T cells. The presence of increased proportions of mucosal NKT10 cells associated with better clinical outcomes in CD patients. Moreover, an intestinal microbial community enriched in SCFA-producing bacteria sustained the production of IL10 by iNKT cells. Finally, IL10-deficient iNKT cells failed to control the pathogenic activity of adoptively transferred CD4+ T cells in an experimental colitis model. Conclusions: These results describe an unprecedentd IL10-mediated immunoregulatory role of intestinal iNKT cells in controlling the pathogenic functions of mucosal T helper subsets and in maintaining the intestinal immune homeostasis

    Caspase-8 activation by cigarette smoke induces pro-inflammatory cell death of human macrophages exposed to lipopolysaccharide

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    Abstract Cigarette smoking impairs the lung innate immune response making smokers more susceptible to infections and severe symptoms. Dysregulation of cell death is emerging as a key player in chronic inflammatory conditions. We have recently reported that short exposure of human monocyte-derived macrophages (hMDMs) to cigarette smoke extract (CSE) altered the TLR4-dependent response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). CSE caused inhibition of the MyD88-dependent inflammatory response and activation of TRIF/caspase-8/caspase-1 pathway leading to Gasdermin D (GSDMD) cleavage and increased cell permeability. Herein, we tested the hypothesis that activation of caspase-8 by CSE increased pro-inflammatory cell death of LPS-stimulated macrophages. To this purpose, we measured apoptotic and pyroptotic markers as well as the expression/release of pro-inflammatory mediators in hMDMs exposed to LPS and CSE, alone or in combination, for 6 and 24 h. We show that LPS/CSE-treated hMDMs, but not cells treated with CSE or LPS alone, underwent lytic cell death (LDH release) and displayed apoptotic features (activation of caspase-8 and -3/7, nuclear condensation, and mitochondrial membrane depolarization). Moreover, the negative regulator of caspase-8, coded by CFLAR gene, was downregulated by CSE. Activation of caspase-3 led to Gasdermin E (GSDME) cleavage. Notably, lytic cell death caused the release of the damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) heat shock protein-60 (HSP60) and S100A8/A9. This was accompanied by an impaired inflammatory response resulting in inhibited and delayed release of IL6 and TNF. Of note, increased cleaved caspase-3, higher levels of GSDME and altered expression of cell death-associated genes were found in alveolar macrophages of smoker subjects compared to non-smoking controls. Overall, our findings show that CSE sensitizes human macrophages to cell death by promoting pyroptotic and apoptotic pathways upon encountering LPS. We propose that while the delayed inflammatory response may result in ineffective defenses against infections, the observed cell death associated with DAMP release may contribute to establish chronic inflammation. CS exposure sensitizes human macrophages to pro-inflammatory cell death. Upon exposure to LPS, CS inhibits the TLR4/MyD88 inflammatory response, downregulating the pro-inflammatory genes TNF and IL6 and the anti-apoptotic gene CFLAR, known to counteract caspase-8 activity. CS enhances caspase-8 activation through TLR4/TRIF, with a partial involvement of RIPK1, resulting on the activation of caspase-1/GSDMD axis leading to increased cell permeability and DAMP release through gasdermin pores [19]. At later timepoints caspase-3 becomes strongly activated by caspase-8 triggering apoptotic events which are associated with mitochondrial membrane depolarization, gasdermin E cleavage and secondary necrosis with consequent massive DAMP release

    Cultura della Guerra e Arti della Pace. Il III Duca di Osuna in Sicilia e a Napoli (1611-1620). Diretto da Encarnación Sánchez García.

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    This monograph, designed to celebrate the centenary of the arrival in Italy of Pedro Tellez Giron, III Duke of Osuna, as viceroy of Sicily, collects 36 essays dedicated to him and to his myth, basically born from his government at first as viceroy of Sicily (1611-1616) and then of Naples (1616-1620). Many of the works deal with historical and cultural problems of Europe-wide, investigating aspects of the personal and political life of Tellez Giron, the historical and cultural role he played and the literary and historical myth which he gave rise, while others light moments of the Sicilian and Neapolitan history and art of the early decades of the seventeenth century