5 research outputs found

    Lsamp geeni/valgu roll täiskasvanud hiire hipokampaalses neurogeneesis

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    Limbilise süsteemiga seotud membraanvalku kodeeriva geeni (Lsamp) polümorfisme seostatakse ärevus- ning psühhiaatriliste häiretega. Varasemad katselooma ja in vitro uuringud viitavad seostele LSAMP valgu ja närvisüsteemi plastilisuse vahel. Plastilisusele viitab kõrgenenud Lsamp ekspressiooni tase rikastatud keskkonnas elavate hiirte hipokampuses. Lisaks sellele on Lsamp osutunud paljude vähitüüpide puhul tuumorsupressorgeeniks. Käesolevas magistritöös uuriti LSAMP valgu võimalikku osalust hipokampaalses neurogeneesis. Katse tulemused näitavad, et rikastatud keskkonnas elavatel Lsamppuudulikkusega hiirtel on hammaskäärus rohkem uusi neuroneid kui nende metsiktüüpi pesakonnakaaslastel

    Microglia contribute to social behavioral adaptation to chronic stress

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    Microglial activation has been regarded mainly as an exacerbator of stress response, a common symptom in psychiatric disorders. This study aimed to determine whether microglia contribute to adaptive response of the brain and behavior toward stress using a mild and adaptive stress model - chronic restraint stress (CRS) - with wild type (WT) and CX3CR1-GFP (CX3CR1[G]) mice and human schizophrenia patients' data. Our results revealed that CRS did not exacerbate anxiety and depressive-like behaviors, but instead strengthened social dominance and short-term spatial learning in WT mice. Compared to WT and CX3CR1(+/G) heterozygous mice, CX3CR1(G/G) homozygotes were subordinate in social interaction before and after CRS. Microglia in WT mice underwent a series of region-specific changes involving their phagocytosis of presynaptic vesicular glutamate transporter 2 protein, contacts with synaptic elements, CD206(+)microglial proportion, and gene expressions such as Cx3cr1. By contrast, CX3CR1-deficient microglia showed decreased CD206(+) while increased MHCII+ subpopulations and hypo-ramification in the hippocampus, as well as sensitized polarization and morphological change in response to CRS. Furthermore, CD206(+) microglial abundancy was positively correlated with social dominancy and microglial ramification in CX3CR1-GFP mice. Moreover, CX3CR1 mRNA level was reduced in CRS-treated mouse brains and showed a smaller interactome with other brain genes in the dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortices of patients with schizophrenia. Our findings overall highlight microglia and its receptor CX3CR1 as key contributors in regulation of social behavioral adaptation to chronic stress.Peer reviewe

    Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Strain-Specific Differences in Neuroinflammation and MHC-I Pathway Regulation in the Brains of Bl6 and 129Sv Mice

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    Many studies have demonstrated significant mouse-strain-specific differences in behavior and response to pathogenic and pharmacological agents. This study seeks to characterize possible differences in microglia activation and overall severity of neuroinflammation in two widely used mouse strains, C57BL/6NTac (Bl6) and 129S6/SvEvTac (129Sv), in response to acute lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. Locomotor activity within the open field arena revealed similar 24 h motor activity decline in both strains. Both strains also exhibited significant bodyweight loss due to LPS treatment, although it was more severe in the Bl6 strain. Furthermore, LPS induced a hypothermic response in Bl6 mice, which was not seen in 129Sv. We found that 24 h LPS challenge significantly increased the inflammatory status of microglia in 129Sv mice. On the other hand, we observed that, under physiological conditions, microglia of Bl6 seemed to be in a higher immune-alert state. Gene and protein expression analysis revealed that LPS induces a significantly stronger upregulation of MHC-I-pathway-related components in the brain of Bl6 compared to 129Sv mice. The most striking difference was detected in the olfactory bulb, where we observed significant LPS-induced upregulation of MHC-I pathway components in Bl6 mice, whereas no alterations were observed in 129Sv. We observed significant positive correlations between bodyweight decline and expressions of MHC-I components in the olfactory bulbs of Bl6 mice and the frontal cortex of 129Sv, highlighting different brain regions most affected by LPS in these strains. Our findings suggest that the brains of Bl6 mice exist in a more immunocompetent state compared to 129Sv mice

    Impact of a High-Fat Diet on the Metabolomics Profile of 129S6 and C57BL6 Mouse Strains

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    Different inbred mouse strains vary substantially in their behavior and metabolic phenotype under physiological and pathological conditions. The purpose of this study was to extend the knowledge of distinct coping strategies under challenging events in two differently adapting mouse strains: C57BL/6NTac (Bl6) and 129S6/SvEvTac (129Sv). Thus, we aimed to investigate possible similarities and differences in the body weight change, behavior, and several metabolic variables in Bl6 and 129Sv strains in response to high-fat diet (HFD) using the AbsoluteIDQ p180 kit. We found that 9 weeks of HFD induced a significant body weight gain in 129Sv, but not in Bl6 mice. Besides that, 129Sv mice displayed anxiety-like behavior in the open-field test. Metabolite profiling revealed that 129Sv mice had higher levels of circulating branched-chain amino acids, which were even more amplified by HFD. HFD also induced a decrease in glycine, spermidine, and t4-OH-proline levels in 129Sv mice. Although acylcarnitines (ACs) dominated in baseline conditions in 129Sv strain, this strain had a significantly stronger AC-reducing effect of HFD. Moreover, 129Sv mice had higher levels of lipids in baseline conditions, but HFD caused more pronounced alterations in lipid profile in Bl6 mice. Taken together, our results show that the Bl6 line is better adapted to abundant fat intake