9 research outputs found

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients with Non-Infectious Scleritis

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    Introduction This article points out the design, methods, development and deployment of the international registry promoted by the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) Network with the aim to define and assess paediatric and adult patients with immune-mediated scleritis. Methods This registry collects both retrospective and prospective real-world data from patients with non-infectious scleritis through the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool and aims to promote knowledge and real-life evidence from patients enrolled worldwide; the registry also allows the collection of standardised data, ensuring the highest levels of security and anonymity of patients' data and flexibility to change according to scientific acquisitions over time. The communication with other similar registries has been also ensured in order to pursue the sustainability of the project with respect to the adaptation of collected data to the most diverse research projects. Results Since the launch of the registry, 99 centres have been involved from 20 countries and four continents. Forty-eight of the centres have already obtained a formal approval from their local ethics committees. At present, the platform counts 259 users (95 principal investigators, 160 site investigators, 2 lead investigators, and 2 data managers); the platform collects baseline and follow-up data using 3683 fields organised into 13 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger or risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization. Conclusions The development of the AIDA International Registry for patients with non-infectious scleritis will allow solid research on this rare condition. Real-world evidence resulting from standardised real-life data will lead to the optimisation of routine clinical and therapeutic management, which are currently limited by the rarity of this ocular inflammatory condition

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients with Non-Infectious Uveitis

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    Introduction: The aim of this paper is to point out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry for paediatric and adult patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods: This is a physician-driven, population- and electronic-based registry implemented for both retrospective and prospective collection of real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of patients with uveitis and other non-infectious inflammatory ocular diseases recruited through the AIDA Network. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is thought to collect standardised information for real-life research and has been developed to change over time according to future scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar instruments. Security, data quality and data governance are cornerstones of this platform. Results: Ninety-five centres have been involved from 19 countries and four continents from 24 March to 16 November 2021. Forty-eight out of 95 have already obtained the approval from their local ethics committees. At present, the platform counts 259 users (95 principal investigators, 160 site investigators, 2 lead investigators, and 2 data managers). The AIDA Registry collects baseline and follow-up data using 3943 fields organised into 13 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization for patients with NIU. Conclusions: The development of the AIDA Registry for patients with NIU will facilitate the collection of standardised data leading to real-world evidence and enabling international multicentre collaborative research through inclusion of patients and their families worldwide

    Factors to Consider for the Correct Use of γH2AX in the Evaluation of DNA Double-Strand Breaks Damage Caused by Ionizing Radiation

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    People exposed to ionizing radiation (IR) both for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes is constantly increasing. Since the use of IR involves a risk of harmful effects, such as the DNA DSB induction, an accurate determination of this induced DNA damage and a correct evaluation of the risk–benefit ratio in the clinical field are of key relevance. γH2AX (the phosphorylated form of the histone variant H2AX) is a very early marker of DSBs that can be induced both in physiological conditions, such as in the absence of specific external agents, and by external factors such as smoking, heat, background environmental radiation, and drugs. All these internal and external conditions result in a basal level of γH2AX which must be considered for the correct assessment of the DSBs after IR exposure. In this review we analyze the most common conditions that induce H2AX phosphorylation, including specific exogenous stimuli, cellular states, basic environmental factors, and lifestyles. Moreover, we discuss the most widely used methods for γH2AX determination and describe the principal applications of γH2AX scoring, paying particular attention to clinical studies. This knowledge will help us optimize the use of available methods in order to discern the specific γH2AX following IR-induced DSBs from the basal level of γH2AX in the cells

    Early intrathecal infusion of everolimus restores cognitive function and mood in a murine model of Alzheimer's disease

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    The discovery that mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibition increases lifespan in mice and restores/delays many aging phenotypes has led to the identification of a novel potential therapeutic target for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Among mTOR inhibitors, everolimus, which has been developed to improve the pharmacokinetic characteristics of rapamycin, has been extensively profiled in preclinical and clinical studies as anticancer and immunosuppressive agent, but no information is available about its potential effects on neurodegenerative disorders. Using a reliable mouse model of AD (3 × Tg-AD mice), we explored whether short-term treatment with everolimus injected directly into the brain by osmotic pumps was able to modify AD-like pathology with low impact on peripheral organs. We first established in non-transgenic mice the stability of everolimus at 37 °C in comparison with rapamycin and, then, evaluated its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics profiles through either a single peripheral (i.p.) or central (i.c.v.) route of administration. Finally, 6-month-old (symptomatic phase) 3 × Tg-AD mice were treated with continuous infusion of either vehicle or everolimus (0.167 μg/μl/day, i.c.v.) using the osmotic pumps. Four weeks after the beginning of infusion, we tested our hypothesis following an integrated approach, including behavioral (tests for cognitive and depressive-like alterations), biochemical and immunohistochemical analyses. Everolimus (i) showed higher stability than rapamycin at 37 °C, (ii) poorly crossed the blood-brain barrier after i.p. injection, (iii) was slowly metabolized in the brain due to a longer t1/2 in the brain compared to blood, and (iv) was more effective in the CNS when administered centrally compared to a peripheral route. Moreover, the everolimus-induced mTOR inhibition reduced human APP/Aβ and human tau levels and improved cognitive function and depressive-like phenotype in the 3 × Tg-AD mice. The intrathecal infusion of everolimus may be effective to treat early stages of AD-pathology through a short and cyclic administration regimen, with short-term outcomes and a low impact on peripheral organs

    Impact of HLA-B51 on Uveitis and Retinal Vasculitis: Data from the AIDA International Network Registries on Ocular Inflammatory Disorders

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    PurposeThe clinical relevance of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) subtypes such as HLA-B51 on Beh & ccedil;et's disease (BD)-related uveitis and non-infectious uveitis (NIU) unrelated to BD remains largely unknown.MethodsData were prospectively collected from the International AIDA Network Registry for BD and for NIU. We assessed differences between groups (NIU unrelated to BD and positive for HLA-B51, BD-related uveitis positive for HLA-B51 and BD-related uveitis negative for HLA-B51) in terms of long-term ocular complications, visual acuity (VA) measured by best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), anatomical pattern, occurrence of retinal vasculitis (RV) and macular edema over time.ResultsRecords of 213 patients (341 eyes) were analyzed. No differences in complications were observed (p = 0.465). With regard to VA, a significant difference was detected in median BCVA (p = 0.046), which was not maintained after Bonferroni correction (p = 0.060). RV was significantly more prevalent in NIU-affected patients who tested positive for HLA-B51, irrespective of the systemic diagnosis of BD (p = 0.025). No differences emerged in the occurrence of macular edema (p = 0.99).ConclusionsPatients with NIU testing positive for HLA-B51 exhibit an increased likelihood of RV throughout disease course, irrespective of a systemic diagnosis of BD. The rate of complications as well as VA are comparable between NIU cases unrelated to BD testing positive for HLA-B51 and uveitis associated with BD. Therefore, it is advisable to perform the HLA-B typing in patients with NIU or retinal vasculitis, even in the absence of typical BD features

    Development and Implementation of the AIDA International Registry for Patients with Non-Infectious Uveitis

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    Introduction The aim of this paper is to point out the design, development and deployment of the AutoInflammatory Disease Alliance (AIDA) International Registry for paediatric and adult patients with non-infectious uveitis (NIU). Methods This is a physician-driven, population- and electronic-based registry implemented for both retrospective and prospective collection of real-world demographics, clinical, laboratory, instrumental and socioeconomic data of patients with uveitis and other non-infectious inflammatory ocular diseases recruited through the AIDA Network. Data recruitment, based on the Research Electronic Data Capture (REDCap) tool, is thought to collect standardised information for real-life research and has been developed to change over time according to future scientific acquisitions and potentially communicate with other similar instruments. Security, data quality and data governance are cornerstones of this platform. Results Ninety-five centres have been involved from 19 countries and four continents from 24 March to 16 November 2021. Forty-eight out of 95 have already obtained the approval from their local ethics committees. At present, the platform counts 259 users (95 principal investigators, 160 site investigators, 2 lead investigators, and 2 data managers). The AIDA Registry collects baseline and follow-up data using 3943 fields organised into 13 instruments, including patient's demographics, history, symptoms, trigger/risk factors, therapies and healthcare utilization for patients with NIU. Conclusions The development of the AIDA Registry for patients with NIU will facilitate the collection of standardised data leading to real-world evidence and enabling international multicentre collaborative research through inclusion of patients and their families worldwide