114 research outputs found

    Synthetic and bio-artificial tactile sensing: a review

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    This paper reviews the state of the art of artificial tactile sensing, with a particular focus on bio-hybrid and fully-biological approaches. To this aim, the study of physiology of the human sense of touch and of the coding mechanisms of tactile information is a significant starting point, which is briefly explored in this review. Then, the progress towards the development of an artificial sense of touch are investigated. Artificial tactile sensing is analysed with respect to the possible approaches to fabricate the outer interface layer: synthetic skin versus bio-artificial skin. With particular respect to the synthetic skin approach, a brief overview is provided on various technologies and transduction principles that can be integrated beneath the skin layer. Then, the main focus moves to approaches characterized by the use of bio-artificial skin as an outer layer of the artificial sensory system. Within this design solution for the skin, bio-hybrid and fully-biological tactile sensing systems are thoroughly presented: while significant results have been reported for the development of tissue engineered skins, the development of mechanotransduction units and their integration is a recent trend that is still lagging behind, therefore requiring research efforts and investments. In the last part of the paper, application domains and perspectives of the reviewed tactile sensing technologies are discussed

    Biomimetic tactile sensing

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    Insights and Perspectives on Sensory-Motor Integration and Rehabilitation

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    The present review focuses on the flow and interaction of somatosensory-motor signals in the central and peripheral nervous system. Specifically, where incoming sensory signals from the periphery are processed and interpreted to initiate behaviors, and how ongoing behaviors produce sensory consequences encoded and used to fine-tune subsequent actions. We describe the structure-function relations of this loop, how these relations can be modeled and aspects of somatosensory-motor rehabilitation. The work reviewed here shows that it is imperative to understand the fundamental mechanisms of the somatosensory-motor system to restore accurate motor abilities and appropriate somatosensory feedback. Knowledge of the salient neural mechanisms of sensory-motor integration has begun to generate innovative approaches to improve rehabilitation training following neurological impairments such as stroke. The present work supports the integration of basic science principles of sensory-motor integration into rehabilitation procedures to create new solutions for sensory-motor disorders

    A Wireless Flexible Sensorized Insole for Gait Analysis

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    This paper introduces the design and development of a novel pressure-sensitive foot insole for real-time monitoring of plantar pressure distribution during walking. The device consists of a flexible insole with 64 pressure-sensitive elements and an integrated electronic board for high-frequency data acquisition, pre-filtering, and wireless transmission to a remote data computing/storing unit. The pressure-sensitive technology is based on an optoelectronic technology developed at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. The insole is a low-cost and low-power battery-powered device. The design and development of the device is presented along with its experimental characterization and validation with healthy subjects performing a task of walking at different speeds, and benchmarked against an instrumented force platform

    Microfabricated tactile sensors for biomedical applications: a review

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    During the last decades, tactile sensors based on different sensing principles have been developed due to the growing interest in robotics and, mainly, in medical applications. Several technological solutions have been employed to design tactile sensors; in particular, solutions based on microfabrication present several attractive features. Microfabrication technologies allow for developing miniaturized sensors with good performance in terms of metrological properties (e.g., accuracy, sensitivity, low power consumption, and frequency response). Small size and good metrological properties heighten the potential role of tactile sensors in medicine, making them especially attractive to be integrated in smart interfaces and microsurgical tools. This paper provides an overview of microfabricated tactile sensors, focusing on the mean principles of sensing, i.e., piezoresistive, piezoelectric and capacitive sensors. These sensors are employed for measuring contact properties, in particular force and pressure, in three main medical fields, i.e., prosthetics and artificial skin, minimal access surgery and smart interfaces for biomechanical analysis. The working principles and the metrological properties of the most promising tactile, microfabricated sensors are analyzed, together with their application in medicine. Finally, the new emerging technologies in these fields are briefly described

    Learning tactile skills through curious exploration

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    We present curiosity-driven, autonomous acquisition of tactile exploratory skills on a biomimetic robot finger equipped with an array of microelectromechanical touch sensors. Instead of building tailored algorithms for solving a specific tactile task, we employ a more general curiosity-driven reinforcement learning approach that autonomously learns a set of motor skills in absence of an explicit teacher signal. In this approach, the acquisition of skills is driven by the information content of the sensory input signals relative to a learner that aims at representing sensory inputs using fewer and fewer computational resources. We show that, from initially random exploration of its environment, the robotic system autonomously develops a small set of basic motor skills that lead to different kinds of tactile input. Next, the system learns how to exploit the learned motor skills to solve supervised texture classification tasks. Our approach demonstrates the feasibility of autonomous acquisition of tactile skills on physical robotic platforms through curiosity-driven reinforcement learning, overcomes typical difficulties of engineered solutions for active tactile exploration and underactuated control, and provides a basis for studying developmental learning through intrinsic motivation in robots

    Neuromorphic tactile sensor array based on fiber Bragg gratings to encode object qualities

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    Emulating the sense of touch is fundamental to endow robotic systems with perception abilities. This work presents an unprecedented mechanoreceptor-like neuromorphic tactile sensor implemented with fiber optic sensing technologies. A robotic gripper was sensorized using soft and flexible tactile sensors based on Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) transducers and a neuro-bio-inspired model to extract tactile features. The FBGs connected to the neuron model emulated biological mechanoreceptors in encoding tactile information by means of spikes. This conversion of inflowing tactile information into event-based spikes has an advantage of reduced bandwidth requirements to allow communication between sensing and computational subsystems of robots. The outputs of the sensor were converted into spiking on-off events by means of an architecture implemented in a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) and applied to robotic manipulation tasks to evaluate the effectiveness of such information encoding strategy. Different tasks were performed with the objective to grant fine manipulation abilities using the features extracted from the grasped objects (i.e., size and hardness). This is envisioned to be a futuristic sensor technology combining two promising technologies: optical and neuromorphic sensing

    An Improved Strategy for Detection and Localization of Nodules in Liver Tissues by a 16 MHz Needle Ultrasonic Probe Mounted on a Robotic Platform

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    This study presents an improved strategy for the detection and localization of small size nodules (down to few mm) of agar in excised pork liver tissues via pulse-echo ultrasound measurements performed with a 16 MHz needle probe. This work contributes to the development of a new generation of medical instruments to support robotic surgery decision processes that need information about cancerous tissues in a short time (minutes). The developed ultrasonic probe is part of a scanning platform designed for the automation of surgery-associated histological analyses. It was coupled with a force sensor to control the indentation of tissue samples placed on a steel plate. For the detection of nodules, we took advantage of the property of nodules of altering not only the acoustical properties of tissues producing ultrasound attenuation, but also of developing patterns at their boundary that can modify the shape and the amplitude of the received echo signals from the steel plate supporting the tissues. Besides the Correlation Index Amplitude (CIA), which is linked to the overall amplitude changes of the ultrasonic signals, we introduced the Correlation Index Shape (CIS) linked to their shape changes. Furthermore, we applied AND-OR logical operators to these correlation indices. The results were found particularly helpful in the localization of the irregular masses of agar we inserted into some excised liver tissues, and in the individuation of the regions of major interest over which perform the vertical dissections of tissues in an automated analysis finalized to histopathology. We correctly identified up to 89% of inclusions, with an improvement of about 14% with respect to the result obtained (78%) from the analysis performed with the CIA parameter only

    Piezoelectric energy harvesting solutions

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    This paper reviews the state of the art in piezoelectric energy harvesting. It presents the basics of piezoelectricity and discusses materials choice. The work places emphasis on material operating modes and device configurations, from resonant to non-resonant devices and also to rotational solutions. The reviewed literature is compared based on power density and bandwidth. Lastly, the question of power conversion is addressed by reviewing various circuit solutions
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