2,102 research outputs found

    Studio clinico sul coinvolgimento aortico nelle metastasi linfonodali lombo-aortiche da carcinoma testicolare

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    Gli Autori passano brevemente in rassegna la letteratura interna - zionale sulla frequenza dell’interessamento vascolare (vena cava infe - riore ed aorta) nelle metastasi linfoghiandolari lombo-aortiche da neoplasie del testicolo. Presentano, quindi, un caso venuto alla loro osservazione ed operato di linfoadenectomia lombo-aortica da carci - noma misto del testicolo sinistro con infiltrazione dell’aorta sottorenale e, quindi, con conseguente resezione in blocco anche di un trat - to dell’aorta e sua sostituzione con protesi in dacron. Sulla base dei casi riportati in letteratura e del paziente da loro operato, gli Autori rilevano la possibilità di ottenere discreti risultati di sopravvivenza anche in questi stadi avanzati della malattia

    For a theory of music economics

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    The aim of this article is to explore the various paths open to research and practice communities in confronting issues that new social and technological scenarios have opened up - within economy of music as a discipline, and within the wider frame of inclusion as laid out in the UN 2030 agenda. In particular, reference is made to what is happening in musical subcultures and countercultures, in their interaction with the institutional culture in light of a technological paradigm shift set in motion by the advent of digital platforms. We will propose that organizations which fit within the tradition of management studies have a lot to learn from artistic organizations. Artistic organizations incorporate a strategic management approach which links together processes, communities and practice, they constitute sites of organizational innovation that often arise from countercultures, and are also able to influence wider economic contexts linked to the emergence of digital technologies


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    The Argentine scenario of the 90s shows that although competitiveness improved, the agrifood system is unable to react immediately to the market because of low efficiency, poor training in agribusiness and high taxation. In the year 2000, FAUBA, the School of Agronomy of the University of Buenos Aires, created two executive management postgraduate courses in food and agribusiness that combined theory with hands-on exercises focused on the competitive management of agrifood chains and on quality. The new courses intended to meet the demand of the food and agribusiness private and public sectors with the aim of creating knowledge, reconverting human resources and providing innovation capabilities, key to building competitiveness.Agribusiness, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    Association between attention and heart rate fluctuations in pathological worriers

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    Recent data suggests that several psychopathological conditions are associated with alterations in the variability of behavioral and physiological responses. Pathological worry, defined as the cognitive representation of a potential threat, has been associated with reduced variability of heart beat oscillations (i.e., decreased heart rate variability; HRV) and lapses of attention indexed by reaction times (RTs). Clinical populations with attention deficit show RTs oscillation around 0.05 and 0.01 Hz when performing a sustained attention task. We tested the hypothesis that people who are prone to worry do it in a predictable oscillating pattern revealed through recurrent lapses in attention and concomitant oscillating HRV. Sixty healthy young adults (50% women) were recruited: 30 exceeded the clinical cut-off on the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ; High-Worry, HW); the remaining 30 constituted the Low-Worry (LW) group. After a diagnostic assessment, participants performed two 15-min sustained attention tasks, interspersed by a standardized worry-induction procedure. RTs, HRV and moods were assessed. The analyses of the frequency spectrum showed that the HW group presents a significant higher and constant peak of RTs oscillation around 0.01 Hz (period 100 s) after the induction of worry, in comparison with their baseline and with the LW group that was not responsive to the induction procedure. Physiologically, the induction significantly reduced high-frequency HRV and such reduction was associated with levels of self-reported worry. Results are coherent with the oscillatory nature of the default mode network (DMN) and further confirm an association between cognitive rigidity and autonomic nervous system inflexibility

    Pathologic Myopia: Complications and Visual Rehabilitation

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    High myopia, defined as refractive error of at least −6.00D or an axial length of 26.5 mm or more, can induce many modifications in eye’s anatomy that can lead to complications. When high myopia is able to decrease best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) due to its complications, it is called pathologic myopia. Pathologic myopia is one of the major causes of blindness, and it represents a serious issue, since incidence of myopia and high myopia is constantly rising. For educational purposes, in this chapter, complications of pathologic myopia will be divided into anterior (when structures external to the globe or anterior to the ora serrata are involved, such as motility disturbances and cataract) and posterior (when structures posterior to the ora serrata are involved, such as lacquer cracks, chorioretinal atrophy, Fuchs maculopathy, myopic choroidal neovascularization, and retinal detachment). Many treatments are available for pathologic myopia complications depending on their type, such as vascular endothelial growth factor (anti-VEGF) injections and surgery. We will focus on visual rehabilitation interventions, such as visual biofeedback and visual aids that in many cases are the only chance that the ophthalmologist has in order to help patients suffering from pathologic myopia to use at their maximum their residual vision

    Pascale Barthélémy et Violaine Sébillotte Cuchet (éd.), Clio. Femmes, Genre, Histoire n° 43 : Citoyennetés

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    La rivista Clio intitola il numero 46 del 2016 alle cittadinanze. L’indagine tematica è ripartita nelle sezioni Dossier, Regards complémentaires, Documents, Actualité de la recherche, Portrait, Varia. A partire dal mondo greco e romano, gli studi affrontano aspetti della questione ‘cittadinanza’ al femminile, declinati nella diversità delle prospettive e delle coordinate di tempo e spazio. Filo conduttore del volume, come nell’introduzione di Pascale Barthélémy e di Violaine Sebillotte Cuchet..

    La gimnasia como práctica en la educación primaria : Recorridos, avances y revisiones

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    La gimnasia como práctica social, política, histórica, educativa y cultural ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de años desde la implementación de la Ley N° 1420 hasta la actualidad como parte de las propuestas de Educación Física del Diseño Curricular de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ha transitado por varios procesos que la fueron marcando y le han dado identidad: gimnasia militarizada, ejercicios físicos, gimnasia como contenido de la Educación Física, gimnasia como práctica repetitiva de las técnicas y sus métodos y, en una última corriente o paradigma, la gimnasia como construcción del saber. En esta pesquisa el objeto de estudio se centra en el seguimiento de cinco momentos de la gimnasia que han marcado los lineamientos de la educación a través del análisis, la indagación y la reflexión de bibliografía pertinente en torno a la temática. Cada uno de estos momentos, han permitido comprender cómo la gimnasia se ha configurado con los años y qué sentido tuvo (y tiene) en el sistema educativo. (Re)pensar, (re)valorizar y analizarla permiten la apertura a una práctica considerada realmente como contenido de la Educación Física. Una gimnasia que se vuelva a enseñar, pero con otras herramientas y otras perspectivas.Gymnastics as a social, political, historical, educational and cultural practice has evolved over the years from the implementation of Law No. 1420 to the present as part of the proposals of Physical Education of Curriculum Design of the Province of Buenos Aires. He has gone through several processes that have marked him and given him identity: militarized gymnastics, physical exercises, gymnastics as a content of Physical Education, gymnastics as a repetitive practice of techniques and methods and, in a last current or paradigm, the gymnastics as construction of knowledge. In this research, the object of study focuses on the follow-up of five moments of gymnastics that have marked the guidelines of education through the analysis, inquiry and reflection of pertinent bibliography on the subject. Each of these moments, have allowed to understand how gymnastics has been configured over the years and what sense it had (and has) in the educational system. (Re) thinking, (re) valuing and analyzing it allow the opening to a gym considered really as content of Physical Education. A gymnastics that is re-taught, but with other tools and other perspectives.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació