99 research outputs found

    Susceptibilidade de crianças asmáticas a infecções respiratórias

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    OBJECTIVE: A case-control study of patients with pneumonia was conducted to investigate whether wheezing diseases could be a risk factor. METHODS: A random sample was taken from a general university hospital in S. Paulo City between March and August 1994 comprising 51 cases of pneumonia paired by age and sex to 51 non-respiratory controls and 51 healthy controls. Data collection was carried out by two senior paediatricians. Diagnoses of pneumonia and presence of wheezing disease were independently established by each paediatrician for both cases and controls. Pneumonia was radiologically confirmed and repeatability of information on wheezing diseases was measured. Logistic regression analysis was used to identify risk factors. RESULTS: Wheezing diseases, interpreted as proxies of asthma, were found to be an important risk factor for pneumonia with an odds ratio of 7.07 (95%CI= 2.34-21.36), when the effects of bedroom crowding (odds ratio = 1.49 per person, 95%CI= 0.95-2.32) and of low family income (odds ratio = 5.59 against high family income, 95%CI= 1.38-22.63) were controlled. The risk of pneumonia attributable to wheezing diseases is tentatively calculated at 51.42%. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that at practice level asthmatics should deserve proper surveillance for infection and that at public health level pneumonia incidence could be reduced if current World Health Organisation's guidelines were reviewed as to include comprehensive care for this illness.OBJETIVO: Investigar, através de um estudo caso-controle de pacientes com pneumonia, se as doenças chiadoras poderiam constituir-se em fator de risco. MÉTODOS: De um hospital universitário, na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil, entre março e agosto de 1994, foi tomada uma amostra de 51 casos de pneumonia pareados por sexo e idade a 51 controles sadios e 51 controles não respiratórios. O diagnóstico de pneumonia e a presença de doença chiadora foram investigados de forma independente por cada pediatra tanto para casos quanto para controles. Foi confirmada pneumonia radiologicamente e a repetibilidade da informação sobre doença chiadora foi medida. Foi utilizada regressão logística para identifição de riscos. RESULTADOS: As doenças chiadoras, entendidas como representantes de asma, mostraram ser importante fator de risco para pneumonia, com um odds ratio de 7,07 (IC95%= 2,34-21,36), controlados os efeitos de aglomeração no quarto de dormir (odds ratio de 1,49 por pessoa a mais no quarto, IC95%= 0,95-2,32) e a baixa renda familiar (odds ratio de 5,59 contra alta renda familiar, IC95%= 1,38-22,63). O risco atribuível às doenças chiadoras foi calculado de forma exploratória em 51,42%. CONCLUSÃO: Conclui-se que os clínicos devem ter atenção sobre asmáticos para o risco de infecção e que ao nível da saúde pública a incidência de pneumonia poderia ser reduzida se as orientações atuais da Organização Mundial da Saúde pudessem ser revistas para oferecer atenção integral para os doentes

    The AIDS epidemic in Brazil and differences according to geographic region and health services supply

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    The aim of this study was to identify different profiles in the AIDS epidemic in Brazil by relating them to the health sector's organization, situations involving increased risk of infection, and the degree of implementation of the response by health services. The Brazilian municipalities (counties) were grouped according to the magnitude of the epidemic and its trends from 2002 and 2006, and were then studied using indicators obtained from secondary databases. Municipalities with large epidemics (39%) displayed more situations associated with risk of infection, and those with an upward trend in incidence (11.5%) showed a lower degree of response. Cities with large epidemics but with downward or stable trends had 68.6% of all the anonymous testing centers and 75.8% of the outpatient clinics, and performed 81.4% of all the HIV antibody tests in the health system. Preventive measures in schools and primary health services showed low coverage rates. Differences were observed between geographic regions. Inequalities in the degree of implementation of the response to HIV may contribute to different profiles in the epidemic around the country.Identificar diferentes perfis da epidemia de AIDS no Brasil relacionando-os à organização do setor saúde, às situações relacionadas ao risco de infecção e ao grau de implantação da resposta. Municípios brasileiros foram agrupados segundo magnitude e tendência da epidemia entre 2002 e 2006, e estudados por meio de indicadores obtidos em bases de dados secundários. Municípios com epidemias de grande magnitude (39%) apresentaram um maior número de situações associadas ao risco e os com tendência de aumento da incidência (11,5%) menor grau de implantação da resposta. Cidades com grandes epidemias que reduzem/estabilizam concentraram 68,6% dos Centros de Testagens, 75,8% dos ambulatórios e 81,4% dos exames anti-HIV feitos no sistema de saúde. Ações preventivas em escolas e na atenção básica apresentaram baixa cobertura comparativamente à área assistencial. Diferenças entre regiões foram observadas. Desigualdades no grau de implantação da resposta ao HIV podem contribuir para a ocorrência de diferentes perfis da epidemia no país

    Avaliação de estratégias do Ministério da Saúde para incentivar a resposta municipal a AIDS no Brasil

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate strategies by the Brazilian Ministry of Health to expand the municipal response to AIDS. Cities "included" and "not included" in Federal strategies for "municipalization" of the response were compared according to the response profile and trends in the epidemic. Multinomial logistic regression was used, among other statistical procedures. Municipalities included from 1994 to 1998 showed higher chances of providing HIV diagnostic testing [OR = 15.0; 95%CI: 5.6-40.1], of having AIDS services [OR = 18.4; 95%CI: 8.4-40.5], and reducing cases involving heterosexual [OR = 3.1; 95%CI: 1.4-7.3], homosexual/bisexual [OR = 3.0; 95%CI: 1.4-6.2], and IDU transmission [OR = 6.6; 95%CI: 2.9-14.9] as compared to those "included in 2003" and "not included". There were no associations between the included Municipalities, greater coverage in prevention, the reduction in cases due to vertical transmission or blood transfusion, or mortality rates. Municipalities with a more structured response were associated with better results. The findings suggest that the municipalization policy contributed to improvement in the local response to AIDS.Avaliar as estratégias do Ministério da Saúde para ampliar a resposta municipal a AIDS. Cidades "incluídas" e "não incluídas" nas estratégias federais de municipalização foram comparadas segundo perfil da resposta e da epidemia. Regressão logística multinomial foi usada, entre outros procedimentos estatísticos. Municípios incluídos entre 1994/98 apresentaram maior chance de ofertar o diagnóstico do HIV [OR = 15,0; IC95%: 5,6-40,1], possuir serviços de AIDS [OR = 18,4; IC95%: 8,4-40,5] e reduzir casos por transmissão heterossexual [OR = 3,1; IC95%: 1,4-7,3], homo/bissexual [OR = 3,0; IC95%: 1,4-6,2] e uso de drogas injetáveis [OR = 6,6; IC95%: 2,9-14,9] do que os "incluídos em 2003" e os "não incluídos". Não houve associações entre municípios incluídos, a maior cobertura de prevenção e a redução de casos por transmissão vertical, transfusão de sangue e taxas de mortalidade. Municípios com resposta mais estruturada associam-se a melhores resultados. Os achados sugerem que a política de municipalização contribuiu para aprimorar a resposta


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    The main objective of this study was to describe the profile of students from the Ipiranga Hospital,studying the technical course named Project for Capacitating as Professionals the Nursing Area Workers, orPROFAE, linked to the Training Center of Human Resources (CEFOR) of the Health Secretariat of the State of S��oPaulo. Two questionnaires were applied, one at the beginning of the course, with 36 responses, and the other inthe end, with 30 responses. Six students abandoned the course. Besides the personal and professionalinformation, the subjects were asked about their expectations of professional changes (improvement of knowledge,in the quality of their work, of wage and satisfaction) measured in scales from 1 to 10. The analysis showed thatstudents were in average 40 years old, and lived nearby. The majority had become nursing assistants in privateschools, from 1994 to 1997. Their professional experience was attained in clinical wards, intensive care units andEmergency Rooms, and they were currently responsible for giving medicine, dressing wounds, and verifying vitalsigns and hygienic.The students reported positive changes for the quality of their work, their satisfaction and knowledge, in thebeginning as well as at the end of the course; as for their wage, the initial positive expectation was inverted by theend of the course, when the students realized how little it would change. Most of the students had positive changesin their practice, as reported by the R.N. nurses of their workplace, but this did not imply in a promotion. In regard tothe meaning of the course for themselves, most believed they had become professionally updated and that thecourse was of good quality. The results of this study may be important to subsidize the organizers of teacherstraining, as well as course coordinators, about technical nurses qualification

    Conociendo egresados del curso técnico de Enfermería del PROFAE

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    O PROFAE (Projeto de Profissionalização dos Trabalhadores da Área de Enfermagem) foi uma iniciativa importante na educação profissional. Os objetivos do estudo foram descrever o perfil dos egressos do curso de técnico de enfermagem dos centros de formação da Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São Paulo e conhecer os reflexos do curso para a atuação na profissão e a mobilidade no mercado de trabalho. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário respondido por 216 egressos e por quatro grupos focais com egressos e enfermeiros supervisores. Os respondentes foram, em sua maioria, mulheres com média de 42,2 anos. O curso foi bem avaliado, destacando-se o apoio institucional e as resoluções do Conselho Regional de Enfermagem (COREN) como impulsionadores da procura por ele. Os egressos percebem ter maior iniciativa e preparo teórico após o curso. Na área, a função mais exercida atualmente ainda é a de auxiliar de enfermagem, o que gera insatisfação, pois, especialmente nos serviços públicos, não existem cargos de técnicos.The PROFAE (Professionalization Project in Nursing) was a relevant initiative for professional education. The objectives were to describe the profile of the former students of the technical nursing course of the São Paulo Health Department training centers so as to evaluate the effects of the course for the mobility and professional performance in the working market. Data collection was performed using a questionnaire answered by 216 former students and four focal groups with former students and nurse supervisors. Most respondents were women, with an average age of 42.2. The course received a positive evaluation, and two aspects were pointed out as motivating for searching for it: institutional support and COREN's resolutions. The former students perceive they had more initiative and theoretical preparation after the course. Nursing aide remains as the most common position in the area, thus causing dissatisfaction, because, especially in public services, technician positions are not available.El PROFAE (Proyecto de Profesionalización de Trabajadores del Área de Enfermería) fue una iniciativa importante en la educación profesional. Se objetivó describir el perfil de egresados del curso de técnico en enfermería de centros de formación de la Secretaría de Estado de Salud de San Pablo y conocer los resultados para desempeño profesional y movimiento del mercado laboral. La recolección de datos se realizó mediante cuestionario respondido por 216 egresados y cuatro grupos focales de egresados-enfermeros supervisores. Quienes respondieron fueron mayoritariamente mujeres con media etaria 42,2 años. El curso fue bien evaluado, destacándose el apoyo institucional y las resoluciones del Consejo Regional de Enfermería (COREN) como impulsores de su promoción. Los egresados perciben tener mayor iniciativa y preparación teórica luego del curso. En el área, la función más ejercida es la de auxiliar de enfermería. Esto genera insatisfacción, pues principalmente en servicios públicos, no existen cargos de técnico.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo - FAPES

    Selection within households in health surveys

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    OBJECTIVE : To compare the efficiency and accuracy of sampling designs including and excluding the sampling of individuals within sampled households in health surveys. METHODS : From a population survey conducted in Baixada Santista Metropolitan Area, SP, Southeastern Brazil, lowlands between 2006 and 2007, 1,000 samples were drawn for each design and estimates for people aged 18 to 59 and 18 and over were calculated for each sample. In the first design, 40 census tracts, 12 households per sector, and one person per household were sampled. In the second, no sampling within the household was performed and 40 census sectors and 6 households for the 18 to 59-year old group and 5 or 6 for the 18 and over age group or more were sampled. Precision and bias of proportion estimates for 11 indicators were assessed in the two final sets of the 1000 selected samples with the two types of design. They were compared by means of relative measurements: coefficient of variation, bias/mean ratio, bias/standard error ratio, and relative mean square error. Comparison of costs contrasted basic cost per person, household cost, number of people, and households. RESULTS : Bias was found to be negligible for both designs. A lower precision was found in the design including individuals sampling within households, and the costs were higher. CONCLUSIONS : The design excluding individual sampling achieved higher levels of efficiency and accuracy and, accordingly, should be first choice for investigators. Sampling of household dwellers should be adopted when there are reasons related to the study subject that may lead to bias in individual responses if multiple dwellers answer the proposed questionnaire.OBJETIVO: Comparar la eficiencia y la precisión de delineamientos de muestreo con y sin sorteo intra-domiciliar en pesquisas de salud. MÉTODOS: Con base en los datos de una pesquisa realizada en la Baixada Santista, SP – Brasil, entre 2006 y 2007, se retiraron 1.000 muestras considerando cada uno de los delineamientos y, en cada muestra, se obtuvo estimativas para personas de 18 a 59 años de edad y de 18 años y más. En el primero, fueron sorteados 40 sectores censados, 12 domicilios por sector y una persona por domicilio. En el análisis, los datos fueron ponderados por el número de adultos residentes en los domicilios. En el segundo, se sortearon 40 sectores, seis domicilios por sector para el grupo de 18 a 59 años de edad y cinco o seis domicilios para el grupo de 18 años y más. No hubo sorteo dentro del domicilio. Medidas de precisión y de vicio de las estimativas de proporción para 11 indicadores fueron calculadas en los dos conjuntos finales de muestras seleccionadas para los dos tipos de delineamientos. Ambos fueron comparados por medio de medidas relativas: coeficiente de variación, cociente vicio/promedio, cociente vicio/desviación estándar y desviación media cuadrática relativa. El costo fue comparado considerando costo básico por persona, costo por domicilio y número de personas y domicilios. RESULTADOS: Los vicios se mostraron insignificantes en los dos delineamientos. La precisión fue mayor para el delineamiento sin sorteo y el costo fue menor. CONCLUSIONES: El delineamiento sin sorteo intra-domiciliar se mostró superior en términos de eficiencia y precisión, siendo la opción preferencial del investigador. El sorteo de la población debe ser adoptado cuando existan motivos relacionados con el objeto de estudio que puedan llevar a la introducción de vicios en las respuestas de los entrevistados en el caso de que varios de ellos respondan al cuestionario propuesto.OBJETIVO : Comparar a eficiência e a acurácia de delineamentos de amostragem com e sem sorteio intradomiciliar em inquéritos de saúde. MÉTODOS : Com base nos dados de um inquérito realizado na Baixada Santista, SP, entre 2006 e 2007, foram retiradas 1.000 amostras sob cada um dos delineamentos e, em cada amostra, foram obtidas estimativas para pessoas de 18 a 59 anos de idade e de 18 anos e mais. Sob o primeiro, foram sorteados 40 setores censitários, 12 domicílios por setor e uma pessoa por domicílio. Na análise, os dados foram ponderados pelo número de adultos residentes nos domicílios. Sob o segundo, foram sorteados 40 setores, seis domicílios por setor para o grupo de 18 a 59 anos de idade e cinco ou seis domicílios para o grupo de 18 anos e mais. Não houve sorteio dentro do domicílio. Medidas de precisão e de vício das estimativas de proporção para 11 indicadores foram calculadas nos dois conjuntos finais das amostras selecionadas para os dois tipos de delineamentos. Estes foram comparados por meio das medidas relativas: coeficiente de variação, razão vício/média, razão vício/erro padrão e erro quadrático médio relativo. O custo foi comparado considerando custo básico por pessoa, custo por domicílio e números de pessoas e domicílios. RESULTADOS : Os vícios mostraram-se desprezíveis nos dois delineamentos. A precisão foi maior para o delineamento sem sorteio e o custo foi menor. CONCLUSÕES : O delineamento sem sorteio intradomicilar mostrou-se superior em termos de eficiência e acurácia, devendo ser a opção preferencial do pesquisador. O sorteio de moradores deve ser adotado quando houver razões referentes ao objeto de estudo que possam levar à introdução de vícios nas respostas dos entrevistados no caso de vários moradores responderem ao questionário proposto

    Late Entry into HIV Care: Estimated Impact on AIDS Mortality Rates in Brazil, 2003–2006

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    Background: Worldwide, a high proportion of HIV-infected individuals enter into HIV care late. Here, our objective was to estimate the impact that late entry into HIV care has had on AIDS mortality rates in Brazil. Methodology/Principal Findings: We analyzed data from information systems regarding HIV-infected adults who sought treatment at public health care facilities in Brazil from 2003 to 2006. We initially estimated the prevalence of late entry into HIV care, as well as the probability of death in the first 12 months, the percentage of the risk of death attributable to late entry, and the number of avoidable deaths. We subsequently adjusted the annual AIDS mortality rate by excluding such deaths. Of the 115,369 patients evaluated, 50,358 (43.6%) had entered HIV care late, and 18,002 died in the first 12 months, representing a 16.5% probability of death in the first 12 months (95% CI: 16.3-16.7). By comparing patients who entered HIV care late with those who gained timely access, we found that the risk ratio for death was 49.5 (95% CI: 45.1-54.2). The percentage of the risk of death attributable to late entry was 95.5%, translating to 17,189 potentially avoidable deaths. Averting those deaths would have lowered the 2003-2006 AIDS mortality rate by 39.5%. Including asymptomatic patients with CD4(+) T cell counts >200 and <= 350 cells/mm(3) in the group who entered HIV care late increased this proportion by 1.8%. Conclusions/Significance: In Brazil, antiretroviral drugs reduced AIDS mortality by 43%. Timely entry would reduce that rate by a similar proportion, as well as resulting in a 45.2% increase in the effectiveness of the program for HIV care. The World Health Organization recommendation that asymptomatic patients with CD4(+) T cell counts <= 350 cells/mm(3) be treated would not have a significant impact on this scenario.Brazilian National Ministry of HealthDeutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ, German Agency for Technical Cooperation) in BrazilBrazilian Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq, National Council for Scientific and Technological Development

    Estimativa de impacto da amamentação sobre a mortalidade infantil

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    OBJECTIVE: Infant mortality in the state of São Paulo has decreased in the last years and it seems to be leveling off at a limit beyond which further reductions are challenging. Early neonatal causes account for 50% of these deaths and the remaining are mostly due to pneumonia and diarrhea. This study is to assess the impact of breastfeeding over death reduction. METHODS: Fourteen municipalities of greater São Paulo were studied. Data on breastfeeding was collected through surveys conducted on national immunization campaign days and mortality data was taken from 1999 and 2000 official records. Drawing from literature parameters on risk for death from respiratory infection and diarrhea in non-breastfed infants, fractions of mortality preventable by breastfeeding were calculated. These figures applied to the number of recorded deaths allowed assessing the impact of breastfeeding over mortality for each municipality. RESULTS: Fractions of respiratory infection mortality preventable by breastfeeding varied according to locality and age group between 33% and 72%. As to diarrhea, variation was between 35% and 86%. The impact of breastfeeding over infant mortality was an average reduction of 9.3% with values raging from 3.6% to 13%, depending on the locality considered. CONCLUSIONS: Breastfeeding in the first year of life might be the most feasible strategy to further reduce the current levels of infant mortality in the state of São Paulo.OBJETIVO: A mortalidade infantil no Estado de São Paulo tem mostrado uma redução progressiva nos últimos anos. Atualmente, atinge níveis para além dos quais uma maior redução parece desafiadora. Causas neonatais precoces correspondem a 50% desses óbitos. Entre os óbitos não neonatais precoces, destacam-se a pneumonia e a diarréia como as principais causas. O objetivo da pesquisa é estudar o impacto da amamentação na redução dos óbitos. MÉTODOS: Foram estudados 14 municípios da Grande São Paulo, onde coletaram-se informações relativas à amamentação por entrevistas, em uma amostra por conglomerados em dias nacionais de vacinação (Projeto Amamentação e Municípios). Também foram consultadas informações sobre mortalidade infantil, recolhidas de fontes oficiais, dos anos de 1999 e 2000. Com base em parâmetros da literatura sobre o risco de óbito por infecção respiratória e diarréia para crianças não amamentadas, calculou-se a fração de mortalidade evitável por cada doença. Os valores, aplicados ao número de óbitos registrados em cada município, permitiram o cálculo do impacto da amamentação sobre o Coeficiente de Mortalidade Infantil (CMI). RESULTADOS: A fração de mortalidade evitável por infecção respiratória variou, segundo o município e a faixa etária, entre 33% e 72%. Para diarréia, a variação ficou entre 35% e 86%. A estimativa média de impacto foi de 9,3% no CMI, com variações, segundo o município, entre 3,6% e 13%. CONCLUSÕES: A amamentação no primeiro ano de vida pode ser a estratégia mais exeqüível de redução da mortalidade pós-neonatal para além dos níveis já alcançados em municípios do Estado de São Paulo

    A cor da morte: causas de óbito segundo características de raça no Estado de São Paulo, 1999 a 2001

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    OBJECTIVE: Assuming that ethnicity might be a basis for social differentiation and that such differences might represent vulnerability to sickness, this study attempts to verify whether race or ethnic origin have an effect on mortality patterns. METHODS: The Sao Paulo State death register was examined from 1999 to 2001 in a contingence table of causes according to the 10th ICD and race or skin-color categories (White, Black, Mulatto and others). Chi-square test was used to check the association between skin-color and cause of death; residual analysis was used to elicit statistically significant excessive occurrences when each category of cause of death and skin color was combined; and correspondence analysis was used to examine overall relations among all categories considered. RESULTS: A total of 647,321 valid death registers were analyzed, among which 77.7% were of Whites, 5.4% of Blacks, 14.3% of Mulattoes and 2.6% of others. A significant association between skin color or race and cause of death was found. It may be observed that, although Blacks and Mulattoes present a similar death profile, on the contrary of Whites and others, which could be aggregated into a single category, the former appear in distinct positions on the multidimensional map presented. Except for mal defined causes, which characterize only the deaths of Blacks, the other causes of death within this group are common to both Blacks and Mulattoes, varying however, in intensity and as to the order in which they appear death. CONCLUSIONS: Analysis of mortality according to race or color revealed that death has a color. There is a White death, which has, among its causes, sicknesses, which, although variable, are nothing more than sicknesses. There's a Black death, which is not caused by sicknesses but by external causes, complications in labor and delivery, mental disorders and ill- defined causes.OBJETIVO: Sob a premissa de que há diferenças sociais segundo a etnia e que essas diferenças se constituem vulnerabilidade para doença, realizou-se estudo para averiguar se a raça/cor condiciona padrões característicos de óbito. MÉTODOS: Pelos registros de óbitos do Estado de São Paulo dos anos de 1999 a 2001, analisou-se a mortalidade proporcional por causa básica, segundo os capítulos da CID-10, entre as categorias de raça ou cor: branca, preta, parda e outras. A tabela de contingência permitiu, além do teste de chi2, a análise de resíduo, que aponta o excesso de óbitos estatisticamente significante, em cada categoria de causa básica e cor. Usou-se a análise de correspondência para a representação gráfica das relações multidimensionais das distâncias chi2 entre as categorias das variáveis estudadas. RESULTADOS: Foram analisados 647.321 registros válidos, sendo 77,7% de brancos, 5,4% de pretos, 14,3% de pardos e 2,6% de outros. Foi encontrada associação significante entre causas de óbito e raça/cor. Observou-se no mapa multidimensional apresentado que pretos e pardos aparecem distantes, ainda que apresentem um perfil de óbito semelhante, ao contrário de brancos e outros que poderiam ser agrupados numa única categoria. À parte as causas mal definidas que caracterizam apenas os óbitos de pretos, as outras causas de óbito desse grupo são comuns a pretos e pardos, variando, no entanto, em ordem de relação e intensidade. CONCLUSÕES: Foi encontrado na análise da mortalidade segundo a raça/cor, que a morte tem cor. Há uma morte branca que tem como causa as doenças, as quais, embora de diferentes tipos, não são mais que doenças. Há uma morte negra que não tem causa em doenças: são as causas externas, complicações da gravidez e parto, os transtornos mentais e as causas mal definidas

    Late entry into HIV care: lessons from Brazil, 2003 to 2006

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    Background: To ascertain the population rates and proportion of late entry into HIV care, as well as to determine whether such late entry correlates with individual and contextual factors. Methods: Data for the 2003-2006 period in Brazil were obtained from public health records. A case of late entry into HIV care was defined as one in which HIV infection was diagnosed at death, one in which HIV infection was diagnosed after the condition of the patient had already been aggravated by AIDS-related diseases, or one in which the CD4(+) T-cell count was &lt;= 200 cells/mm(3) at the time of diagnosis. We also considered extended and stricter sets of criteria (in which the final criterion was &lt;= 350 cells/mm(3) and &lt;= 100 cells/mm(3), respectively). The estimated risk ratio was used in assessing the effects of correlates, and the population rates (per 100,000 population) were calculated on an annual basis. Results: Records of 115,369 HIV-infected adults were retrieved, and 43.6% (50,358) met the standard criteria for late entry into care. Diagnosis at death accounted for 29% (14,457) of these cases. Late entry into HIV care (standard criterion) was associated with certain individual factors (sex, age, and transmission category) and contextual factors (region with less economic development/increasing incidence of AIDS, lower local HIV testing rate, and smaller municipal population). Use of the extended criteria increased the proportion of late entry by 34% but did not substantially alter the correlations analyzed. The overall population rate of late entry was 9.9/100,000 population, specific rates being highest for individuals in the 30-59 year age bracket, for men, and for individuals living in regions with greater economic development/higher HIV testing rates, collectively accounting for more than half of the cases observed. Conclusions: Although the high proportion of late entry might contribute to spreading the AIDS epidemic in less developed regions, most cases occurred in large cities, with broader availability of HIV testing, and in economically developed regions.Brazilian Ministry of HealthBrasilien - Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ Brazil, German Society for Technical Cooperation in Brazil)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP, Sao Paulo Research Foundation