28 research outputs found

    Impact of COVID-19 on cardiovascular testing in the United States versus the rest of the world

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    Objectives: This study sought to quantify and compare the decline in volumes of cardiovascular procedures between the United States and non-US institutions during the early phase of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the care of many non-COVID-19 illnesses. Reductions in diagnostic cardiovascular testing around the world have led to concerns over the implications of reduced testing for cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality. Methods: Data were submitted to the INCAPS-COVID (International Atomic Energy Agency Non-Invasive Cardiology Protocols Study of COVID-19), a multinational registry comprising 909 institutions in 108 countries (including 155 facilities in 40 U.S. states), assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on volumes of diagnostic cardiovascular procedures. Data were obtained for April 2020 and compared with volumes of baseline procedures from March 2019. We compared laboratory characteristics, practices, and procedure volumes between U.S. and non-U.S. facilities and between U.S. geographic regions and identified factors associated with volume reduction in the United States. Results: Reductions in the volumes of procedures in the United States were similar to those in non-U.S. facilities (68% vs. 63%, respectively; p = 0.237), although U.S. facilities reported greater reductions in invasive coronary angiography (69% vs. 53%, respectively; p < 0.001). Significantly more U.S. facilities reported increased use of telehealth and patient screening measures than non-U.S. facilities, such as temperature checks, symptom screenings, and COVID-19 testing. Reductions in volumes of procedures differed between U.S. regions, with larger declines observed in the Northeast (76%) and Midwest (74%) than in the South (62%) and West (44%). Prevalence of COVID-19, staff redeployments, outpatient centers, and urban centers were associated with greater reductions in volume in U.S. facilities in a multivariable analysis. Conclusions: We observed marked reductions in U.S. cardiovascular testing in the early phase of the pandemic and significant variability between U.S. regions. The association between reductions of volumes and COVID-19 prevalence in the United States highlighted the need for proactive efforts to maintain access to cardiovascular testing in areas most affected by outbreaks of COVID-19 infection

    Efeito do tamoxifeno no perfil das proteínas plasmáticas em condição de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 Effect of tamoxifen on plasma proteins in diabetes mellitus type 1

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    OBJETIVO: Considerando-se que importantes avanços científicos têm sido obtidos através de estudos com Diabetes mellitus experimental, e que a ação do tamoxifeno em humanos permanece obscura, o presente trabalho objetiva acompanhar as modificações promovidas pelo diabetes e tamoxifeno no perfil eletroforético das proteínas plasmáticas. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 27 ratos fêmeas Wistar (180-220g peso corporal), divididos randomicamente em 5 grupos: C1 (n=3, receberam veículo), C2 (n=3, sem tratamento), T (n=5, tratados com tamoxifeno, 0,3mg/kg/dia), D (n=8, diabéticos experimentais por estreptozotocina, 45mg/Kg) e DT (n=8, diabéticos tratados com tamoxifeno). A eletroforese foi realizada em acetato de celulose, pH 8,6-8,8, cuba TECNOW, e as fitas foram coradas em Ponceau S. As proteínas totais foram determinadas pelo método do Biureto (Kit Labtest). Os proteinogramas foram obtidos em densitômetro BioSystems BTS-235. RESULTADOS: Albumina diminuiu progressivamente nos grupos T, D e DT; a fração a1 aumentou nos grupos T e DT; a fração a2 aumentou nos grupos T e D, havendo efeito aditivo no grupo DT; a fração b aumentou nos grupos T e D; a fração g aumentou nos grupos T, D e DT. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados indicam uma resposta de fase aguda, com efeito aditivo do tamoxifeno e diabetes, sugerindo uma provável lesão hepática.<br>PURPOSE: Considering that important scientific advances have been obtained through studies based on experimental Diabetes mellitus, and that tamoxifen action in humans remains unknown, the aim of the present work is to follow the modifications promoted by diabetes and tamoxifen in the electrophoretic profile of plasmatic proteins. METHODS: It was used 27 Wistar female rats (180-250 body weight), randomicaly divided into five groups: C1 (n=3, received vehicle), C2 (n=3, no treatment), T (n=5, treated with tamoxifen, 0.3mg/Kg/day), D (n=8, experimental diabetes by estreptozotocin, 45mg/Kg and DT (n=8, diabetic treated with tamoxifen). The electrophoresis was accomplished in cellulose acetate. pH 8.6-8.8, TECNOW chamber, and the strains were stained by Ponceau S. The total proteins were determined by the Biuret method (Labtest). Proteinograms were obtained in densitometer BioSystems BTS-235. RESULTS: Albumin decreased progressively in the groups T, D and DT; á1 fraction increased in groups T and DT; á2 fraction increased in groups T and D, including a synergic effect in group DT; â fraction increased in groups T and D; ã fraction increased in groups T, D and DT. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate an acute phase resposta, with synergic effect of tamoxifen and diabetes, suggesting a probable hepatic lesion

    Efeito do tamoxifeno no perfil lipídico de ratos diabéticos por estreptozotocina Effect of tamoxifen in lipids of diabetic rats induced by streptozotocin

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    OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito do tamoxifeno no perfil lipídico e renal de ratos controles e diabéticos. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 40 ratos fêmeas Wistar (180-220g peso corporal), divididos randomicamente em 4 grupos: C (n=10, receberam veículo), T (n=10, tratados com tamoxifeno, 0,3mg/kg/dia), D (n=10, diabéticos induzidos por estreptozotocina, 45mg/Kg) e DT (n=10, diabéticos tratados com tamoxifeno). Foram dosados os analitos, glicose, colesterol total, triglicérides, proteínas totais, albumina, uréia e creatinina utilizando Kits Labtest através do analisador Cobas Mira (Alemanha,1996). RESULTADOS: o grupo T apresentou diminuição do colesterol total e triglicérides em relação ao C, e o grupo D um aumento em relação aos demais. Para as proteínas totais foi observado um aumento no Grupo T em relação ao C. A albumina diminuiu nos grupos D e DT em relação aos grupos C e T. Nos níveis de uréia houve um aumento no grupo D e DT em relação aos grupos C e T. CONCLUSÃO: Em relação ao perfil lipídico foi constatado que durante o período de 60 dias o tratamento com tamoxifeno promoveu uma diminuição dos níveis séricos de colesterol e triglicérides, mesmo associado a condição de Diabetes mellitus.<br>OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the effect of tamoxifen in the lipidic and renal profile in diabetic and control rats. METHODS: 40 female Wistar rats had been used (180-220g corporal weight), divided randomly in 4 groups: C (n=10, received vehicle), T (n=10, treated with tamoxifen, 0.3mg/kg/day), D (n=10, diabetic induced by streptozotocin, 45mg/Kg) and DT (n=10, diabetic treated with tamoxifen). Glucose, total cholesterol, triglyceride, total proteins, albumin, urea and creatinin were analyzed using Labtest Kits through the Cobas Mira analyzer (Germany, 1996). RESULTS: Group T presented a reduction of total cholesterol and triglyceride in relation to C, and group D an increase in relation to the other ones. About the total proteins it was observed an increasing in Group T in relation to C. The albumin diminished in groups D and DT in relation to C and T. The urea levels increased in groups D and DT in relation to C and T. CONCLUSION: In relation to the lipidic profile it was evidenced that during the period of 60 days the treatment with tamoxifen promoted a reduction in cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the serum, even associated to the condition of Diabetes mellitus

    A infância nos almanaques: nacionalismo, saúde e educação (Brasil 1920-1940) Childhood in almanacs: nationalism, health and education (Brazil 1920-1940)

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    Os almanaques de farmácia foram veículos de difusão não só de medicamentos, mas também de ideias relacionadas com o projeto de modernização da sociedade brasileira. No período entre 1920 a 1940, eles se dedicaram a vários temos vinculados à infância. Associava-se o progresso a uma infância bem-cuidada e disciplinada. As amas de leite e o tipo de amamentação foram objetos de obstinados debates. Além disso, nota-se a preocupação com os aspectos educacionais em atividades como jogos e passatempos, assim como em artigos e editoriais sobre campanhas de alfabetização, a manutenção de escolas e a publicação de materiais didáticos, como abecedários e tabuadas. A mulher é interlocutora privilegiada, tanto em relação aos cuidados e indicações de medicamentos e alimentos quanto nas atividades educativas propostas para as crianças. Cuidar e educar a criança simbolizava a introdução de padrões modernizadores no Brasil.<br>The pharmacy almanacs were a source of diffusion not only for medicines but also for ideas related with a project for the modernization of the Brazilian society. In the period 1920-1940 such publications dealt with several topics regarding childhood. Progress was associated with a well-cared and disciplined childhood. Wet-nurses and the type of breastfeeding were the subject of stubborn debates. Besides, it was also common the concern with educational issues in activities like games and pastimes, as well as in articles and texts about literacy campaigns, school maintenance and the publication of didactic materials, alphabets and multiplication tables. The woman is a privileged addressee, both on issues related with medicine and food care, and also on educative activities aimed at children. To care for and to educate a child symbolized the introduction of patterns that modernized many aspects of the Brazilian society

    Goal-directed therapy in patients with early acute kidney injury: a multicenter randomized controlled trial

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    OBJECTIVES: Acute kidney injury is associated with many conditions, and no interventions to improve the outcomes of established acute kidney injury have been developed. We performed this study to determine whether goal-directed therapy conducted during the early stages of acute kidney injury could change the course of the disease. METHODS: This was a multicenter prospective randomized controlled study. Patients with early acute kidney injury in the critical care unit were randomly allocated to a standard care (control) group or a goal-directed therapy group with 8h of intensive treatment to maximize oxygen delivery, and all patients were evaluated during a period of 72h. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02414906. RESULTS: A total of 143 patients were eligible for the study, and 99 patients were randomized. Central venous oxygen saturation was significantly increased and the serum lactate level significantly was decreased from baseline levels in the goal-directed therapy group (p=0.001) compared to the control group (p=0.572). No significant differences in the change in serum creatinine level (p=0.96), persistence of acute kidney injury beyond 72h (p=0.064) or the need for renal replacement therapy (p=0.82) were observed between the two groups. In-hospital mortality was significantly lower in the goal-directed therapy group than in the control group (33% vs. 51%; RR: 0.61, 95% CI: 0.37-1.00, p=0.048, number needed to treat=5). CONCLUSIONS: Goal-directed therapy for patients in the early stages of acute kidney injury did not change the disease course

    Perda da espontaneidade da ação: o desconforto de homens que sofreram infarto agudo do miocardio Perdida de la expontaneidad de la accion: el desconforto de hombres que sufrieron infarto agudo del miocardio Undergoing loss of spontaneous action: the discomfort experienced by men having suffered acute myocardial infarction

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    Considerando que conforto - cuja promoção é uma das metas centrais da enfermagem -- e desconforto devem ser entendidos àluz das interações vivenciadas pelo paciente - e, portanto, vinculadas aos fatores objetivos das instituições, da nacionalidade epráticas que as fundamentam - este estudo investigou os significados de conforto e desconforto na perspectiva de homens quesofreram infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). Recorrendo ao Interacionismo Simbólico eàmetodologia da Teoria Fundamentadanos Dados, entrevistas foram feitas com 13 homens que sofreram IAM, em duas unidades de saúde na cidade de São Paulo. Aanálise permitiu construir um modelo teórico daqueles significados nessa experiência, caracterizada por três fenômenos eessencialmente permeada pelo desconforto de "padecer a perda da espontaneidade daação ".Este artigo resume o processopsicossocial básico da experiência, discutindo suas implicações para questionar o modelo clínico de intervenção, apontando apossibilidade de a enfermagem atuar na prevenção e propondo questões para aprimorar a formação do enfermeiro.<br>Considerando que conforto - cuya promoción es una de las metas centralés de la enfermeria - y desconforto deven ser entendidos a la luz de las interacciones vivenciadas por el paciente e por lo tanto, vinculadas a los factores objetivos de las instituciones, dela racionalidad y de las prácticas que las fundamentan - este estudio investigo los significados de conforto e desconforto en la prespectiva de hombres que sufrieron infarto agudo del miocardio (IAM). Acudiendo al Interaccionismo SimbólicoYala meto-dologia de la Teoria Fudamentada en los datos, fueron realizadas entrevistas com 13 hombres que sufrieron IAM en dos unida-des de salud en la cuidad de São Paulo. El análisis permitio construir um modelo teórico de aquellos significados en esa experi-encia, caracterizada por tres fenómenos y esencialmente condicionada por el desconforto de "padecer la pérdida de la exponta-neidad de la accion". Este artículo, resume el proceso psicosocial básico de la experiencia, discutiendo sus implicancias paracuestionar el modelo clínico de intervención, apuntando la posibilidad dela enfermera para actuar en la prevención y proponerideas para aprimorar la formación del enfermero.<br>Considering that comfort and discomfort must be understood in the light of patients' interactions during illness and treatment- thus linked to institutions' objective factors, grounding rationale, and practices -, this study inquired on comfort and discom-fort such as experienced by men who had suffered acute myocardial infarction (AMI). By resorting to the Symbolic Interactionismand to Grounded Theory methodology, data were collected by means of interviews with 13 men who had suffered AMI, at twohealth units in the city of São Paulo. The analysis led to building a theoretical model of such experience, made up by threephenomena and essentially pervaded by the discomfort of "undergoing loss of spontaneous action". This articles sums up thebasic psychosocial process that emerges from that experience, and discusses its implications to question the clinical model oftreatment, pointing to prevention as a further scope of action for nurses, besides raising issues to enhance nurse education