7 research outputs found

    Stan zdrowia młodzieży szkolnej jako wyzwanie dla nauczycieli w ramach „dobrej zdrowej szkoły ” w Niemczech

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    The article portrays the aims of health‑related education at schools and the necessity of educating teachers in the area of health pedagogy. The first part introduced the health condition of German children and youth from the perspective of social inequality, to underline the key part of the school in the context of health, as an institution which has the possibility to get to all social groups in the important stages of growing up. The second part of the article talks about the “Good healthy school” model, which initiates the health‑related education to the program of educating teachers at the Paderborn University. Further, the method of short videos was represented and used in the seminars of preventive treatment and health‑related education in the thought of empowerment and participation and the notion of „learning by hand, head and heart” (Pestalozzi). The conclusion of the article displays the important role of the health‑related pedagogy in teacher education and its advantages, such as: increasing the teacher’s competence, strengthening the management of health at schools and at the same time increasing the quality of education.Artykuł podnosi cele edukacji prozdrowotnej w szkołach oraz konieczność kształcenia nauczycieli w obszarze pedagogiki zdrowia. W pierwszej części został przedstawiony stan zdrowia dzieci i młodzieży w Niemczech z perspektywy nierówności społecznej, aby w kontekście zdrowia podkreślić kluczową rolę szkoły jako instytucji, która poprzez wychowanie i edukację ma możliwość dotarcia do wszystkich grup społecznych w ważnym etapie dorastania dzieci i młodzieży. W drugiej części artykułu omówiony został model „Dobrej zdrowej szkoły”, który wdraża edukację prozdrowotnądo programu kształcenia nauczycieli na Uniwersytecie Paderborn. Zaprezentowana została także metoda filmów krótkometrażowych wykorzystywana w ramach seminariów profilaktyki oraz prozdrowotnej edukacji w myśl zasady empowerment and participation oraz idei „uczenia ręką, głową oraz sercem” (Pestalozzi). Konkluzją artykułu jest przedstawienie ważnej roli pedagogiki prozdrowotnej w kształceniu nauczycieli wszystkich przedmiotów oraz płynących z niej korzyści: podwyższeniakompetencji nauczycieli, wzmacniania managementu zdrowia w szkołach, a tym samym podwyższenia jakości edukacji w szkołach

    Health education as a challenge for school development processes

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    Ein historischer Abriss der Gesundheitsbildung an Schulen verdeutlicht einen Paradigmenwechsel vom normorientierten Gesundheitsimperativ zur emanzipatorischen Gesundheitsbildung. Gegenwärtig wird zum einen der salutogenetische Ansatz im Sinne der Förderung und Stärkung von Entwicklungspotenzialen fokussiert; zum anderen forcieren die aktuellen Konzepte (u.a. "Gute Gesunde Schule") den Schulentwicklungsprozess mit dem Ziel, die Schul- und Unterrichtsqualität zu optimieren. Insofern ist Gesundheit als inhärenter Teil der Bildungsprozesse hervorzuheben - sowohl auf der Ebene der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung (als integrativ-reflexiver Bildungs- und Lernprozess) als auch auf der Ebene der Schulentwicklung (Organisations-, Personal- und Unterrichtsentwicklung). Inwieweit Lehrkräfte der Querschnittsaufgabe "Gesundheitsbildung an Schulen" einen hohen Stellenwert einräumen, wird auf der Basis von Leitfadeninterviews mit 30 Lehrerinnen und Lehrern aus NRW aufgezeigt. (DIPF/Orig.)A historical sketch of health education at schools shows a paradigm change from a norm-oriented health imperative to an emancipatory health education. Actually, there is a focus on the salutogenetic approach, regarding the promotion and strengthening of development potentials, on the one hand; on the other hand, topical concepts (e.g., "Good and Healthy School") enforce the school development process in order to optimize the quality of school and learning. Thus, health has to be emphasized as an inherent part of the educational process - both on the level of individual development (as integrative-reflexive education and learning process) and on the level of school development (organization, personnel and instruction development). To what extent teachers esteem the cross-sectional task "health education at schools", will be shown on the basis of guided interviews with 30 teachers in North Rhine-Westphalia. (DIPF/Orig.

    Developing digital competencies of nursing professionals in continuing education and training – a scoping review

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    IntroductionThe German health and care system is transforming due to advancing digitalization. New technological applications in nursing, such as social and assistance robotics, artificial intelligence and legal framework conditions are increasingly focused in numerous research projects. However, the approaches to digitalization in nursing are very different. When integrating technologies such as robotics and artificial intelligence into nursing, it is particularly important to ensure that ethical and human aspects are taken into account. A structured classification of the development of digitalization in nursing care is currently hardly possible. In order to be able to adequately deal with this digital transformation, the acquisition of digital competences in nursing education programs is pivotal. These include the confident, critical and creative use of information and communication technologies in a private and professional context. This paper focuses on the question which specific training offers already exist at national and international level for nursing professions to acquire digital competences.MethodsA scoping review according to the PRISMA scheme was conducted in the PubMed and CINAHL databases. The search period for the scoping review extended from 2017 to 2024.ResultsThe selection of the studies took place by inclusion and exclusion criteria and the content-related orientation of the publications. After reviewing the titles and abstracts, eight studies were included. Of these, four were published in German-speaking countries and another four in international English-language journals.DiscussionThe topic of digitization of the nursing professions and the question of how nurses can acquire digital competences is gaining international attention. Nevertheless, the research on explicit continuing education programs for nursing professions is still undifferentiated. No specific continuing education offer for the development of digital competences of nursing professionals was identified. Many authors remained at the meta-level when developing methodological concepts for the acquisition of digital competences. The systematic integration of digitalization into higher education and continuing vocational training is mentioned in the publications. The development of theory- and research-based educational frameworks, which can be used as a basis for curricula in nursing studies and continuing education, is highly recommendable

    Sustainable integration of digitalisation in nursing education—an international scoping review

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    IntroductionTrainees and teachers at nursing schools as well as nursing professionals are increasingly facing new challenges as a result of the digital transformation. Opportunities for the entire care system exist in the improvement of care quality and communication between those involved. However, this change also harbours risks, such as the use of immature digital applications in the care sector, data theft and industrial espionage. In order to be able to exploit the potential of digitalisation despite these risks, it is necessary to integrate relevant aspects such as digital skills into nursing training. The aim of this study is to investigate the extent to which the sustainable integration of digitalisation in nursing education is discussed.MethodsThe methods of the systematic literature and database search were carried out in the form of a scoping review according to the PRISMA scheme. The PubMed and CINAHL databases were used for this purpose. The search period covered the years 2017–2023.FindingsAfter screening the titles and abstracts using inclusion and exclusion criteria, 13 studies were included in the synthesis of findings. The international literature focuses on content areas that highlight trends in digitalisation-related training in nursing. These focal points include concept development, considering the heterogeneity of demand constellations, as well as the reflexive reorientation of existing competences, whereby the technological competence of teachers is not disregarded. Other focal points relate to the initiation of digital skills in training and maintaining the employability of older nursing staff through professional development.DiscussionThe literature research shows that there is a rudimentary discussion about digitalisation and curricular developments in nursing training in an international context, while the discourse in the German-language literature is less advanced. Among the sustainability desiderata derived from the literature is the involvement of nursing professionals in the development, testing and implementation of digital technologies. Only through active cooperation between nursing professionals and nursing sciences can the topic of digitalisation be integrated into the education and training of professional nursing in a targeted and future-oriented manner, whereby the focus should always be on the ability to deal with digital technologies and the associated change

    Stan zdrowia młodzieży szkolnej jako wyzwanie dla nauczycieli w ramach „dobrej zdrowej szkoły ” w Niemczech

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    The article portrays the aims of health‑related education at schools and the necessity of educating teachers in the area of health pedagogy. The first part introduced the health condition of German children and youth from the perspective of social inequality, to underline the key part of the school in the context of health, as an institution which has the possibility to get to all social groups in the important stages of growing up. The second part of the article talks about the “Good healthy school” model, which initiates the health‑related education to the program of educating teachers at the Paderborn University. Further, the method of short videos was represented and used in the seminars of preventive treatment and health‑related education in the thought of empowerment and participation and the notion of „learning by hand, head and heart” (Pestalozzi). The conclusion of the article displays the important role of the health‑related pedagogy in teacher education and its advantages, such as: increasing the teacher’s competence, strengthening the management of health at schools and at the same time increasing the quality of education.Artykuł podnosi cele edukacji prozdrowotnej w szkołach oraz konieczność kształcenia nauczycieli w obszarze pedagogiki zdrowia. W pierwszej części został przedstawiony stan zdrowia dzieci i młodzieży w Niemczech z perspektywy nierówności społecznej, aby w kontekście zdrowia podkreślić kluczową rolę szkoły jako instytucji, która poprzez wychowanie i edukację ma możliwość dotarcia do wszystkich grup społecznych w ważnym etapie dorastania dzieci i młodzieży. W drugiej części artykułu omówiony został model „Dobrej zdrowej szkoły”, który wdraża edukację prozdrowotnądo programu kształcenia nauczycieli na Uniwersytecie Paderborn. Zaprezentowana została także metoda filmów krótkometrażowych wykorzystywana w ramach seminariów profilaktyki oraz prozdrowotnej edukacji w myśl zasady empowerment and participation oraz idei „uczenia ręką, głową oraz sercem” (Pestalozzi). Konkluzją artykułu jest przedstawienie ważnej roli pedagogiki prozdrowotnej w kształceniu nauczycieli wszystkich przedmiotów oraz płynących z niej korzyści: podwyższeniakompetencji nauczycieli, wzmacniania managementu zdrowia w szkołach, a tym samym podwyższenia jakości edukacji w szkołach

    Qualifikationsanforderungen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt. Empirische Befunde zur DaF-Lehrerausbildung in Polen

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    Die Globalisierung des Arbeitsmarktes erfordert neben der beruflichen Qualifikation zunehmend Fachsprachenkenntnisse mit Praxisbezug sowie interkulturelle Kompetenz. Diesen Anforderungen müssen auch die Ausbildung der Fremdsprachenlehrer/-innen sowie die Fremdsprachendidaktik gerecht werden. Am Beispiel des Arbeitsmarktes in Polen ermittelt die Autorin, ob und inwiefern die Lehrerausbildung für Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) mit den aktuellen Anforderungen konform gehen. Die Arbeit liefert Antworten auf folgende Kernfragen: Welche Erwartungshaltung haben deutsche Geschäftsleute in Polen hinsichtlich der jungen polnischen Absolventen/-innen in Bezug auf ihre sprachliche und interkulturelle Kompetenz? Welcher Stellenwert wird dem Wirtschaftsdeutsch und der interkulturellen Kompetenz von den Studierenden und DaF-Lehrern/-innen sowie den Germanistikdozenten /-innen eingeräumt? Dieses Buch leistet damit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur konzeptionellen Gestaltung der Lehrerausbildung, die auf der ermittelten Theorie-Praxis-Diskrepanz zwischen der Lehrerausbildung und den Qualifikationsanforderungen des Arbeitsmarktes basieren. (Verlag

    Gendered impact of COVID-19 containment measures on unpaid care work and mental health in Europe: a scoping review protocol

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    Introduction Women are more likely than men to provide unpaid care work. Previous research has shown that lack of support for various forms of unpaid care work and work-family conflicts have negative impacts on caregivers’ mental health, especially among female caregivers. COVID-19 containment measures may exacerbate existing gender inequalities both in terms of unpaid care work and adverse mental health outcomes. This scoping review protocol describes the systematic approach to review published literature from March 2020 onwards to identify empirical studies and grey literature on the mental health impact of COVID-19 containment measures on subgroups of unpaid caregivers at the intersection of gender and other categories of social difference (eg, ethnicity, age, class) in Europe.Methods and analysis This scoping review is informed and guided by Arksey and O’Malley’s methodological framework. We will search the databases Medline, PsycINFO, Scopus, CINAHL, Social Sciences Abstracts, Sociological Abstracts as well as Applied Social Sciences Index & Abstracts (ASSIA) and hand-search reference lists of selected articles to identify relevant peer-reviewed studies. We will conduct a grey literature search using Google Scholar and targeted hand-search on known international and European websites and include reports, working papers, policy briefs and book chapters that meet the inclusion criteria. Studies that report gender-segregated findings for mental health outcomes associated with unpaid care work in the context of COVID-19 containment measures in Europe will be included. Two reviewers will independently screen all abstracts and full texts for inclusion, and extract general information, study characteristics and relevant findings. Results will be synthesized narratively.Ethics and dissemination This study is a review of published literature; ethics approval is not warranted. The findings of this study will inform public health research and policy. The results will be disseminated through a peer-reviewed publication and conference presentations