159 research outputs found

    Small airways in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: the potential role of a multicomponent nutraceutical

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    Allergic rhinitis and asthma are closely linked. A progression from rhinitis to overt asthma is common. FEF25-75 is a spirometry parameter that could reflect small airways patency and could reliably predict early bronchial involvement in allergic rhinitis patients. MEF50 very strongly correlates with FEF25-75. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible spirometry change in two groups of children suffering from AR over time. The first group took a course of a nutraceutical (Lertal®) before the observation (active group, AG); a second one was considered as control (control group, CG). The children were visited at baseline, at the end of the nutraceutical course, and after 1 year. FEV1, FVC, and MEF50 were the primary outcomes. After one year, children in AG had significantly higher MEF50 than CG children (p=0.009). In conclusion, the present study showed that a course with a multicomponent nutraceutical could prevent the MEF50 decline in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis

    Asthma in children and adolescents: the ControL’Asma project

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    The control of asthma is the objective of asthma management. However, it is difficult to obtain in clinical practice. The Italian Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology promoted the nationwide project “ControL’Asma” to investigate the real situation in a group of children and adolescents with asthma. The preliminary outcomes demonstrated that many asthmatic subjects do not achieve adequate asthma control. Moreover, asthma in Italian children and adolescents was usually more frequent in males, had an early onset and allergic phenotype with very frequent rhinitis comorbidity, uncontrolled and partly controlled asthma affected about the half of subjects. However, this project suggested that the assessment of asthma symptom perception by VAS could be a reliable tool in the asthma management

    Respiratory infections in allergic children: the preventive role of a multicomponent nutraceutical

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    Allergic children with respiratory infections (RI) are a demanding challenge for the paediatrician. Antibiotic prescription represents a critical problem, mainly concerning the growing issue of resistance. To prevent RI would be therefore a goal in clinical practice. In this regard, modulation of immune system may have a critical role. e aim of the present study was to measure the number of respiratory infections and the use of antibiotics in two groups of children su ering from allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. e rst group took a course of a nutraceutical (Lertal®) before the observation (active group, AG); a second one was considered as control (control group, CG). e children were visited at baseline and after 1 year. e number of RI and of antibiotic courses was the primary outcomes. Children in AG reported a signi cant reduced number of RI and of antibiotic course in comparison with CG (p=0.01 and 0.002 respectively). In conclusion, the current study showed that a course with a multicomponent nutraceutical could reduce the number of respiratory infections and consequently the use of antibiotics in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. (www.actabiomedica.it

    RICH: Research and Innovation for Cultural Heritage

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    This paper describes RICH: a new architecture conceived and developed at the Scuola Normale Superiore, for collecting, promoting and sharing cultural heritage data. Starting with the observation that cultural heritage is a cross-cutting field of research where needs are often poorly integrated with each other, a new architecture is required, aimed at solving this integration issue. RICH provides a first step in this direction by addressing several needs in this field through state-of-the-art technologies such as 3D vision and virtualization. The paper outlines the principal building blocks of the architecture by planning and explaining each step in terms of functionality. We also report some preliminary experiences that are being carried out using this architecture. Riassunto In questo articolo descriviamo RICH: una nuova architettura concepita e sviluppata dalla Scuola Normale Superiore per la raccolta, la promozione e la condivisione dati relativi ai beni culturali. Iniziamo con l’osservazione che i beni culturali rappresentano un campo di ricerca trasversale con tante necessità a poco integrate tra di loro. Ne deriva la necessità a di una nuova architettura volta a risolvere questo problema di integrazione. RICH risolve molteplici bisogni di differenti mediante l’utilizzo delle più moderne tecnologie allo stato dell’arte come la visione 3D e la virtualizzazione. Si tratta di una prima risposta verso questa nuova direzione. Abbiamo tracciato le parti principali dell’architettura, progettando e spiegando ogni singolo blocco in termini di funzionalità. Riportiamo inoltre alcune esperienze preliminari che stiamo portando avanti con questa architettura.RésuméDans cet article nous décrivons le RICH : une nouvelle architecture conçue et développée par la Scuola Normale Superiore pour la récolte, la promotion et le partage de données relatives aux biens culturels. Nous commençons par l’observation que les biens culturels représentent un domaine de recherche transversale avec de nombreuses nécessités peu intégrées entre elles. Il en dérive la nécessité d’une nouvelle architecture qui se tourne vers la résolution de ce problème d’intégration. RICH résout de multiples besoins différents moyennant l’utilisation des plus modernes technologies à l’état de l’art comme la vision en 3D et la virtualisation. Il s’agit d’une première réponse vers cette nouvelle direction. Nous avons tracé les parties principales de l’architecture, projetant et expliquant chaque bloc en termes de fonctionnalité. Nous reportons en outre quelques expériences préliminaires que nous continuons avec cette architecture. Zusammenfassung In diesem Artikel beschreiben wir RICH: eine neue, von der “Universität Scuola Normale Superiore für die Sammlung, Förderung und Teilung von an Kulturgüter gebundenen Daten” konzipierte und entwickelte Architektur. Wir beginnen mit der Beobachtung, das Kulturgüter ein transversales Forschungsfeld mit vielen, untereinander wenig integrierten Erfordernissen repräsentieren. Hieraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit, einer neuen, auf dieses Integrationsproblem abzielenden Architektur. RICH löst von unterschiedlichen Seiten auftretende vielfache Bedürfnisse durch die Anwendung modernster und fachgerechter Technologien wie die 3D-Darstellung und Virtualisierung. Dies ist eine erste, in diese neue Richtung gehende Antwort. Wir haben die wichtigsten Teile der Architektur skizziert und hierbei jeden einzelnen Block hinsichtlich seiner Funktionalität entworfen und erklärt. Darüber hinaus möchten wir einige Voraberfahrungen anführen, die auf der Grundlage dieser Architektur weiter verfolgt werden.Resumen En este artículo se describe RICH: una nueva arquitectura concebida y desarrollada por la Scuola Normale Superiore para recoger, promover y compartir datos relativos a los bienes culturales. Empezamos observando que los bienes culturales representan un campo de investigación transversal con muchas necesidades poco integradas entre sí. Por tanto hace falta nueva arquitectura dirigida a solucionar este problema de integración. RICH satisface múltiples exigencias diferentes mediante el uso de las más modernas tecnologías como la visión 3D y la virtualización. Se trata de una primera respuesta hacia esta nueva dirección. Hemos definido las partes principales de la arquitectura, diseñando y explicando cada bloque desde el punto de vista de la funcionalidad. Se ilustran además algunas experiencias preliminares que estamos realizando con esta arquitectura.РезюмеВ данной статье описывается новая архитектура, рожденная и разработанная в “Скуола Нормале Супериоре” для сбора, продвижения и обмена данных относительно культурного наследия. Начинаем с наблюдения о том, что культурное наследие представляет собой поле межпредметного поиска с многочисленными потребностями слабо интегрированными между собой. Отсюда вытекает необходимость новой архитектуры, призванной разрешить проблему этой интеграции. RICH отвечает многочисленным и разнообразным нуждам благодаря использованию современейших технологий, таких как 3D и виртуализация. Речь идет о первом предложении в области этого нового направления. Нами намечены главные части архитектуры, спроектирован и объяснен каждый отдельный блок в плане его функциональности. Мы приводим также некоторый предварительный опыт, который продолжаем разрабатывать в этой архитектуре.ԱմփոփումԱյս հոդվածում մենք նկարագրում ենք RICH-ը, մի նոր ճարտարապետություն մտածված և մշակված Բարձրագույն Նորմալ Դպրոցի կողմից (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa) այն տվյալների հավաքման համար, որոնք նպաստում են մշակութային ժառանգության արդյունքների փոխանակման, աջակցության: Մենք սկսում ենք քննարկելով, որ մշակութային ժառանգությունը ներկայացնում է բազմաթիվ կարիքների մի ընդմիջական հետազոտության գիծ որոնք վատ ինտեգրված են միմյանց հետ: Հետ և աբար անհրաժեշտ է մի նոր ճարտարապետություն այս խնդիրը լուծելու և ինտեգրման համար: ՌԻՉը (RICH) լուծում է բազմաթիվ տարբեր կարիքները, օգտագործելով արվեստի տեխնոլոգիաների վերջին նորությունները, ինչպիսիք են 3D տեսիլքը եւ վիրտուալիզացիոն. Սա առաջին արձագանքն է այս նոր ուղղությամբ: Մենք ուղեգծեցինք ճարտարապետության հիմնական մասերը, պլանավորելով և բացատրելով ամեն մի առանձին կտորի գործունեությունը: Բերում ենք նաև որոշ նախնական փորձարկումների օրինակներ օգտագործելով  այդ ճարտարապետությունը:

    Nasal Nitric Oxide and Nasal Cytology as Predictive Markers of Short-Term Sublingual Allergen-Specific Immunotherapy Efficacy in Children with Allergic Rhinitis

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    Background Few studies have been conducted on the short-term response to sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT). Objective The purpose of our experimental trial was to evaluate if two markers such as nasal nitric oxide (nNO) and nasal cytology could be useful to identify a precocious clinical efficacy of SLIT treatment. Methods We enrolled 34 children aged 6 to 14 years old with diagnosis of allergic rhinitis (AR) and documented sensitization towards house dust mites. We started allergoid-monomeric tablets immunotherapy along with any conventional therapy for AR and we evaluated at baseline (T0), after one (T1), two (T2), three (T3), and six months (T6) the effects of the treatment through the study of: i) a visual analogue scale (VAS 1-10); ii) measurement of nNO; iii) measurement of FeNO; iv) nasal cytology; v) spirometry; and vi) evaluation of any conventional therapy. Results We observed an improvement in symptoms evaluated by global VAS (T0 vs. T6: 47.13 vs. 17.57; p < .05) and a statistically significant reduction of nNO (1035.2 +/- 956.08 vs. 139.2 +/- 59.01; p < .05). In this case, significance was reached when the patients completed the 6 months of treatment. Cytological evaluation revealed significant reduction in nasal eosinophils (T0 vs. T6: 87% vs. 16%; p < .01). Moreover, at T0, 56% of patients had also neutrophils that were reduced up to the 8% at T6 (p < .05). Conclusions Our data confirm the effectiveness of SLIT treatment from a clinical perspective and identifies two biomarkers, such as nNO and nasal cytology, as predictive of treatment efficacy in the short term

    A polycentric, randomized, parallel-group,study on Lertal®, a multicomponent nutraceutical, as preventive treatment in children with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis: phase II

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    Background: Lertal®, an oral nutraceutical, contains extract of Perilla, quercetin, and Vitamin D3. The current polycentric, randomized, parallel-group, controlled study aimed in the Phase II to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Lertal® in preventing allergic rhinitis (AR) exacerbations in children after the end of the pharmacological treatment phase. Materials and methods: One hundred twenty-eight children completed Phase II. Sixty-four children continued Lertal® treatment (Lertal® Group: LG) and 64 ones did not assume any medication (Observation Group: OG) for 4–12 weeks. The study endpoints were the number, intensity, and duration of AR exacerbations, and the length of symptom-free time. Results: Children of LG halved the risk (HR = 0.54) of having AR exacerbation. Children of LG had significantly (p = 0.039) less AR exacerbations than OG children. In children with AR exacerbations, the total number of days in which each patient took at least one rescue medication was significantly (p = 0.018) lesser in LG children than OG ones. In the global population, the cumulative days treated with rescue medication was significantly (p < 0.0001) higher in OG than in LG. There was no clinically relevant adverse event. Conclusions: The present study documented that prolonged Lertal® assumption was safe and able to significantly reduce, such as halving, the risk of AR exacerbation, their duration and the use of rescue medications, after the suspension of the one-month antihistamine treatment. Therefore, Lertal® could be envisaged as an effective preventive treatment in AR children able to guarantee long symptom-free time. Trial registration: Clinical trial registration: ClinicalTrials gov ID NCT03365648

    Efficacy of Bacillus clausii spores in the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections in children: a pilot study

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    Probiotic milk has been previously demonstrated to reduce the number of respiratory infections (RI) among children attending day care centres. Thus, this pilot study was aimed to assess the efficacy and the safety of 3 month treatment with Bacillus clausii in the prevention of recurrent respiratory infections (RRI) in children. Eighty children with RRI were studied: 40 of them were randomly treated with B. clausii for 3 months, and followed up for further 3 months; 40 were included in the control group during the same period. Children treated with B. clausii had shorter duration of RI in comparison with the control group both during the treatment phase (mean 11.7 days vs 14.37; p=0.037) and the follow-up period (mean 6.6 days vs 10.92; p=0.049). This effect was evident also in allergic children during the follow-up. In conclusion, this pilot study provides the first preliminary evidence that B. clausii may exert a significant and persistent impact on RI in children and is safe and well tolerated