29 research outputs found

    Tooth Decay Prevalence among Children with Somatotropin Hypopituitarism

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    The malfunction of pituitary gland can be one of the factors disturbing the growth and development of long bones and may have the adverse effect on the development of maxilla, mandible and dentition in children. The aim of the study was to assess the state of dentition by dental caries prevalence among children with short stature in comparison to healthy children. The examined group comprised 110 children who were hospitalized due to growth hormone deficiency and the control group consisted of 41 generally healthy children. To assess the condition of the teeth the mean DMFT index for permanent dentition and dmft index for primary dentition were used. In patients with short stature, the mean DMFT index was 5.0 and in the control group the mean DMFT index was 4.37. In patients with short stature, the average dmft index was 3.37 and in the control group, the mean dmft was 3.39. The prevalence of dental caries for permanent and milk dentition did not differ significantly between the group of children with growth hormone deficiency and the control group

    New opportunities in glioma therapy - awake craniotomy

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    In some populations over the past 30 years there has been an increase of 30% in brain tumors morbidity, in Poland, over two-fold increase within three decades. Even though the diagnostics is significantly increasing, the mortality still remains high - general statistics of survival is 34%, for the most malignant cases - less than 5%. Brain tumor resection is essential not only for the overall survival, but the post-operative quality of life is as important as the survival rate. Especially in motor and language area lesions, the greater resections with lesser post-operative complications are required. The modern opportunity in favour of such circumstances is tend to grow within awake craniotomy technique. The aim of the study is to present the newest achievements in field of neurosurgical awake surgery. For the purpose of this study, most significant works have been reviewed in period 2000-2015. Study reveals the growing importance of awake surgery with simultaneous necessity for new pre-operative technologies, which can support the greater outcomes of the surgeries. Apart from that, the concerns of the ethical matter can be withdrawn if the valid algorythms and guidelines are applied for this procedure

    Tooth Decay Prevalence among Children with Somatotropin Hypopituitarism

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    The malfunction of pituitary gland can be one of the factors disturbing the growth and development of long bones and may have the adverse effect on the development of maxilla, mandible and dentition in children. The aim of the study was to assess the state of dentition by dental caries prevalence among children with short stature in comparison to healthy children. The examined group comprised 110 children who were hospitalized due to growth hormone deficiency and the control group consisted of 41 generally healthy children. To assess the condition of the teeth the mean DMFT index for permanent dentition and dmft index for primary dentition were used. In patients with short stature, the mean DMFT index was 5.0 and in the control group the mean DMFT index was 4.37. In patients with short stature, the average dmft index was 3.37 and in the control group, the mean dmft was 3.39. The prevalence of dental caries for permanent and milk dentition did not differ significantly between the group of children with growth hormone deficiency and the control group

    The incidence of obesity and some cardiovascular risk factors in a group of university students in Lublin

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    WSTĘP. Choroby układu sercowo-naczyniowego stanowią jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonów w Polsce i na świecie. Przeprowadzone badania epidemiologiczne pozwoliły na zidentyfikowanie czynników ryzyka tych schorzeń. Szczególny niepokój budzi rosnąca liczba osób z nadwagą, co obserwuje się już w grupie dzieci i młodzieży. Poznanie endokrynnej roli trzewnej tkanki tłuszczowej uświadomiło potrzebę prewencji otyłości brzusznej. Znalazło to odzwierciedlenie w kryteriach rozpoznawania zespołu metabolicznego, zaproponowanych przez International Diabetes Federation (IDF). Celem pracy było określenie częstości występowania wybranych czynników ryzyka schorzeń układu sercowo-naczyniowego wśród studentów lubelskich uczelni wyższych. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Oceną objęto 250 studentów, w tym 182 kobiety (K) i 68 mężczyzn (M) w wieku 18-28 lat (średnia wieku 21,5 roku). Każdą z osób poddanych ocenie proszono o wypełnienie wcześniej przygotowanej ankiety. Oceniano częstość występowania nadwagi, otyłości, aktywność fizyczną, palenie tytoniu oraz sposób odżywiania się badanych. Uzyskane wyniki poddano analizie statystycznej. WYNIKI. Nadwagę lub otyłość stwierdzono u 12% badanych, częściej wśród mężczyzn (25,0% vs. 5,0%). Obwód talii spełniający kryteria rozpoznania zespołu metabolicznego zanotowano u 13,3% M i 16,1% K. Wśród studentów aktywnych fizycznie dominowali mężczyźni (71,7% vs. 48,4%). W badanej grupie przeważały osoby niepalące. Nałóg palenia tytoniu zgłaszało 19% studentów i częściej dotyczył on mężczyzn (25,0% vs. 16,8%). Zaobserwowano błędy dotyczące jakości odżywiania się badanych osób. Obejmowały one: nieregularne spożywanie posiłków (12,7%) oraz pojadanie między posiłkami (69%). Dieta 79,2% studentów zawierała słodycze, a 36% posiłki typu fast-food. WNIOSKI. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy wydaje się, że wciąż aktualne znaczenie ma prowadzenie szeroko rozumianej profilaktyki schorzeń układu krążenia wśród studentów.INTRODUCTION. Cardiovascular diseases are among the main causes of death in Poland and in many other countries. The performed epidemiological studies enabled to determine risk factors for these diseases. The number of overweight persons keeps increasing and this fact is of great medical concern among children and adolescents. The recognition of endocrine function of visceral fatty tissue pointed out the need for prevention the abdominal obesity, that is reflected in the criteria for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome recommended by the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of occurence of some risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in a group of university students in Lublin. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The study was conducted on a group of 250 students consisting of 182 females (K) and 68 males (M) aged 18 to 28 (the average age 21.5). All studied students were asked to fill in a specially prepared questionnaire to find out the information about the frequency of overweight, obesity, physical activity, smoking and eating habits. The obtained results were analysed statistically. RESULTS. Overweight or obesity were found in 12% of studied students, and it was more common among males (25.0% vs. 5.0%). An abdominal circumference that fulfilled the criteria for the diagnosis of a metabolic syndrome was found in 13% of males and 16% of females. More males than females were physically active (71.7% vs. 48.4%). Most of the students did not smoke but 19% were smokers, males more often than females (25.0% vs. 16.8%). The study also revealed unhealthy eating habits: irregular meals (12.7%) and eating between the meals (69.0%). The diet of 79.2% of students included sweets and of 36.0% - fast food. CONCLUSIONS. On the ground of the result analysis carried out in our study, it seems clear enough that the realization of widely understood education related to prevention of cardiovascular diseases amongst students is becoming the most important and constantly is of great significance

    Treatment of Graves’ disease with methimazole in children alters the proliferation of Treg cells and CD3+ T lymphocytes

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    Almost all cases of hyperthyroidism in children result from Graves’ disease (GD). Recent studies have confirmed a significant role of T regulatory cells (Tregs) in the development of autoimmune diseases. However, the interactions between T cell responses and Treg proliferation in GD are still poorly understood. The aim of this study was to assess the proliferation of Treg cells (Tregs) and CD3+ T lymphocytes isolated from 50 children with GD before and after treatment with the thyreostatic drug methimazole (MMI). The proliferation rates, measured by methyl-3H-thymidyne incorporation, of CD3+ cells and Tregs stimulated with mitogen phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) were compared with those of unstimulated cells. The proliferation rates of both PMA-stimulated and unstimulated CD3+ cells prior to treatment with MMI were significantly higher than after treatment. Simultaneously, the proliferation rates of both PMA-stimulated and unstimulated Tregs were significantly lower before MMI treatment. Moreover, we observed higher cell proliferation rates of unstimulated and PMA-stimulated Tregs before the initiation of MMI therapy and after treatment in patients who had no relapse of hyperthyroidism. There was a positive correlation between the CD3+ cells proliferation rate before MMI treatment and fT3, as well as fT4 concentration in peripheral blood. The proliferation rates of CD3+ T cells before and after MMI treatment positively correlated with the TSI index. Thus, children suffering from Graves’ disease presented lower Tregs proliferative potential compared with CD3+ T cells. Cocultures of CD3+ T cells and Tregs showed that Tregs were not capable of efficiently inhibiting the proliferation of CD3+ T cells in GD patients. Conclusions. MMI treatment reduced the proliferative activity of CD3+ T cells in pediatric GD patients and increased the proliferation rate of Tregs. We suggest that Treg cells that are partly dysfunctional in GD disease are probably suppressed by CD3+ T cells and that methimazole exerts some immunomodulatory effects. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2014, Vol. 52, No. 1, 69–77

    Expression of CD200 and CD200R regulatory molecules on the CD83+ monocyte-derived dendritic cells generated from patients with laryngeal cancer

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    CD200 molecule may play a role in local tumor invasion and augmenting the metastatic capacity of squamous cell carcinoma. The objective of the study was to assess by means of flow cytometry the expression of CD200 and its receptor, CD200R, on CD83+ monocyte-derived dendritic cells (Mo-DCs), pulsed or not with autologous tumor cell lysates (aTCL) in patients who suffer from laryngeal carcinoma in comparison to healthy donors. The median value of CD200 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) on the Mo-DCs pulsed with aTCL of the patients with laryngeal cancer was 61.94 and was statistically significantly higher than on the unpulsed Mo-DCs of these patients (24.81) and healthy donors (16.63), p = 0.0034 and p = 0.0004, respectively. Median MFI score of CD200R in specimen derived from patients with laryngeal cancer was 259.31 on Mo-DCs pulsed with aTCL, while in unpulsed Mo-DCs was 86.74 (p = 0.0035) and on the Mo-DCs from control group it was 67.51 (p = 0.0004). The obtained results showed a relation between the presence of laryngeal cancer and the expression of CD200 and CD200R molecules on the CD83+ Mo-DCs pulsed with autologous cancer cell lysates. This analysis may have implications for setting new therapeutic options for cancer immunotherapy in the future. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2013, Vol. 51, No. 1, 59–65

    Modern techniques in organ transplantation

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    Transplantologia to jedna z najbardziej intensywnie rozwijających się dziedzin medycyny, której pełny rozkwit rozpoczął się na przełomie XIX i XX wieku wraz z pierwszymi przeszczepami organów zakończonymi sukcesem, dającymi pacjentom nadzieję na „drugie życie” i zdrowie. Obecnie, po odkryciu chirurgicznych i immunologicznych aspektów transplantacji, najbardziej dotkliwym problemem jest brak organów. Naukowcy stawiają przed medycyną również coraz to nowe wyzwania wraz z wprowadzeniem procedury przeszczepu twarzy, przeszczepu u noworodka oraz planowanej procedury przeszczepu głowy. Celem poniższej pracy jest przedstawienie najnowszych wyzwań technicznych związanych z transplantacją: hodowli organów oraz 3D bioprintingu, przeszczepu głowy, ksenotransplantacji. Liczne badania stwierdzają niezwykły postęp w pracach nad syntetyzowaniem organów z iPSC – pierwsze próby regeneracji serca, wątroby, kości i rogówki zwiastują początek medycyny regeneracyjnej i nowej ery w transplantologii, w której możliwość użycia syntetycznych organów wyeliminuje potrzebę ludzkich dawców. Niezbędna wydaje się w planowaniu powyższych osiągnięć technika 3D bioprintingu, dzięki której będzie możliwe harmonijne odtworzenie anatomicznych i histologicznych struktur i zależności. Intensywne badania prowadzone są również w aspekcie przeszczepu głowy, w którym najważniejszymi dylematami operatywy są m.in. głęboka hipotermia, anastomoza rdzenia kręgowego oraz następcze uszkodzenie drogi rdzeniowo-wzgórzowej, niepokoją również liczne argumenty natury etycznej i moralnej, związane z przeprowadzeniem zabiegu. Mimo iż w transplantologii obserwuje się ogromny postęp techniczny w ostatnim dwudziestoleciu, to powyższe procedury czeka jeszcze wiele wyzwań natury technicznej oraz etycznej.Organ transplantation is one of the most intensively developing fields of medicine, the blooming period of which began at the turn of the century with the first successful organ transplants, giving patients hope for a second chance and health. Currently, after the discovery of the surgical and immunological aspects of transplantation, the most pressing problem is the lack of organs. Scientists are also facing new challenges with the introduction of face transplantation procedures, transplantation in the newborn, and the planned procedure for head transplant. The purpose of the study is to present the latest technical challenges of transplantation: organ culture and 3D bioprinting, head transplantation, and xenotransplantation. Numerous studies show remarkable progress in the synthesis of iPSC organs – the first attempts of regeneration techniques of the heart, liver, bones and cornea mark the beginning of regenerative medicine and a new era in transplantation, where synthetic organs replace the need for human donors. The 3D bioprinting technique seems necessary in the planning of the above-mentioned achievements, which will enable a harmonious reconstruction of anatomical and histological structures and dependencies. Intensive research is also being carried out from the aspect of head graft, where the most important dilemmas of surgery are, e.g. deep hypothermia, anastomosis of the spinal cord, and subsequent damage to the spinothalamic tract. Additionally, numerous ethical and moral arguments related to the surgery are also the cause of disquiet. Although, in the last two decades transplantation has been experiencing tremendous technical progress, there are still many technical and ethical challenges related with these procedures