9 research outputs found

    Swiss Feline Cancer Registry: A Retrospective Study of the Occurrence of Tumours in Cats in Switzerland from 1965 to 2008

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    Cancer is one of the leading causes of death in companion animals. Information on the epidemiology of cancer is instrumental for veterinary practitioners in patient management; however, spontaneously arising tumours in companion animals also resemble those in man and can provide useful data in combating cancer. Veterinary cancer registries for cats are few in number and have often remained short-lived. This paper presents a retrospective study of tumours in cats in Switzerland from 1965 to 2008. Tumour diagnoses were coded according to topographical and morphological keys of the International Classification of Oncology for Humans (ICD-O-3). Correlations between breed, sex and age were then examined using a multiple logistic regression model. A total of 18,375 tumours were diagnosed in 51,322 cats. Of these, 14,759 (80.3%) tumours were malignant. Several breeds had significantly lower odds ratios for developing a tumour compared with European shorthair cats. The odds of a cat developing a tumour increased with age, up to the age of 16 years, and female cats had higher risk of developing a tumour compared with male cats. Skin (4,970; 27.05%) was the most frequent location for tumours, followed by connective tissue (3,498; 19.04%), unknown location (2,532; 13.78%) and female sexual organs (1,564; 8.51%). The most common tumour types were epithelial tumours (7,913; 43.06%), mesenchymal tumours (5,142; 27.98%) and lymphoid tumours (3,911; 21.28%)

    The Swiss Canine Cancer Registry: a retrospective study on the occurrence of tumours in dogs in Switzerland from 1955 to 2008

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    Diagnostic records are a key feature of any cancer epidemiology, prevention or control strategy for man and animals. Therefore, the information stored in human and animal cancer registries is essential for undertaking comparative epidemiological, pathogenic and therapeutic research. This study presents the Swiss Canine Cancer Registry, containing case data compiled between 1955 and 2008. The data consist of pathology diagnostic records issued by three veterinary diagnostic laboratories in Switzerland. The tumours were classified according to the guidelines of the International Classification of Oncology for Humans on the basis of tumour type, malignancy and body location. The dogs were classified according to breed, age, sex, neuter status and place of residence. The diagnostic data were correlated with data on the Swiss general dog population and the incidence of cancer in dogs was thus investigated. A total of 67,943 tumours were diagnosed in 121,963 dogs and 47.07% of these were malignant. The most common tumour location was the skin (37.05%), followed by mammary glands (23.55%) and soft tissue (13.66%). The most common tumour diagnoses were epithelial (38.45%), mesenchymal (35.10%) and lymphoid tumours (13.23%). The results are compared with data in other canine registries and similarities in tumour distribution and incidence are noted. It is hoped that this study will mark the beginning of continuous registration of dog tumours in Switzerland, which, in turn, will serve as a reference for research in the fields of animal and human oncology

    Some results of 50 years’ research on resistance to plum pox potyvirus

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