4 research outputs found

    Fetal electrocardiogram extraction by sequential source separation in the wavelet domain

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    This work addresses the problem of fetal electrocardiogram extraction using blind source separation (BSS) in the wavelet domain. A new approach is proposed, which is particularly advantageous when the mixing environment is noisy and time-varying, and that is shown, analytically and in simulation, to improve the convergence rate of the natural gradient algorithm. The distribution of the wavelet coefficients of the source signals is then modeled by a generalized Gaussian probability density, whereby in the time-scale domain the problem of selecting appropriate nonlinearities when separating mixtures of both sub- and super-Gaussian signals is mitigated, as shown by experimental results

    A novel adaptive algorithm for the blind separation of periodic sources

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    An adaptive algorithm for the blind separation of periodic sources is proposed in this paper. The method uses only the second order statistics of the data, and exploits the periodic nature of the source signals. Simulation results show that the proposed approach has the ability to restore statistical independence, and its performance is comparable to that of a well established, higher order, blind source separation method

    Normalised natural gradient algorithm for the separation of cyclostationary sources

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    A normalised natural gradient algorithm (NGA) for the separation of cyclostationary source signals is proposed in this paper. It improves the convergence properties of the cyclostationary natural gradient algorithm (CSNGA) by employing a gradient adaptive learning rate whose value changes in response to some change in the filter parameters. Experimental results demonstrate the improved behaviour of the approach

    Blind separation of convolutive mixtures of cyclostationary sources using an extended natural gradient method

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    An on-line adaptive blind source separation algorithm for the separation of convolutive mixtures of cyclostationary source signals is proposed. The algorithm is derived by applying natural gradient iterative learning to the novel cost function which is defined according to the wide sense cyclostationarity of signals. The efficiency of the algorithm is supported by simulations, which show that the proposed algorithm has improved performance for the separation of convolved cyclostationary signals in terms of convergence speed and waveform similarity measurement, as compared to the conventional natural gradient algorithm for convolutive mixtures