54 research outputs found

    Pojava mlađi pjevčine pučinke Luvarus imperialis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Luvaridae) u Sicilijskom tjesnacu

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    Two juveniles Luvarus imperialis, astrodermella stage, 97.4 mm and 90.6 mm in total length, were recorded on September 2016 and August 2017 respectively, the first caught by a bottom trawler off the south-eastern coast of Sicily, Strait of Sicily, Italy, the second found stranded on the beach in the nearby region. Biometrics data of this uncommon species are given and the occurrence of juvenile stages in the Mediterranean area is briefly discussed.Dva primjerka mlađi Luvarus imperialis, (stadij astrodermella) ukupnih dužina 97,4 mm i 90,6 mm, zabilježena su u rujnu 2016., odnosno kolovozu 2017. godine. Prvi primjerak je ulovljen koćom na jugoistočnoj obali Sicilije, Sicilijski tjesnac, Italija. Drugi primjerak je pronađen na plaži u obližnjoj regiji. U ovom radu, autori navode biometrijske podatke ove neobične vrste i ukratko se raspravlja o pojavi mlađih u mediteranskom području

    Dodatni nalaz vrste, Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippoidea)u talijanskim vodama

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    The first findings of the anomuran Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the southeastern coasts of Sicily are documented, improving knowledge on the distribution of this poorly known species around the island and in the Mediterranean Sea. The distribution of records in the whole basin is updated.Autori dokumentiraju dodatne nalaze vrste Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) s jugoistočnih obala Sicilije, poboljšavajući tako znanje o rasprostranjenosti ove slabo poznate vrste oko otoka i u Sredozemnom moru. Ažurirana je distribucija zapisa u cijelom bazen

    Prvi nalaz crvenomorske kozice Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880) u Jonskom moru (Grčka)

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    The presence of the Red Sea Mantis shrimp Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880) is here reported for the first time from the southeastern Ionian Sea (Zakynthos Island, Greece). This record is the first evidence of the presence of a Lessepsian migrant crustacean in the aforementioned area while it fills the gap in the ongoing westward and northward distribution range expansion of this wide spread invader of the Mediterranean basin.U ovom radu se iznosi prvi nalaz crvenomorske kozice Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880.) na jugoistoku Jonskog mora (otok Zakynthos, Grčka). Ovaj nalaz je prvi dokaz prisutnosti lesepsijskih migrantskih rakova na gore spomenutom području, čime se popunjava jaz u saznanju o širenju rasprostranjenja ovog “osvajača” mediteranskog bazena

    First occurrence of Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880) in Italian waters (Ionian Sea)

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    The Red Sea stomatopod Erugosquilla massavensis was detected for the first time in Italian waters, along the eastern coast of Sicily, in the western Ionian Sea. This finding suggests that a further population expansion, from the Tunisian coasts to a wider area within the central Mediterranean, of one of the most successful Lessepsian migrants is ongoing.peer-reviewe

    Synchiropus sechellensis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Callionymidae), nova strana vrsta u Egejskom moru i grčkim vodama

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    Synchiropus sechellensis (Regan, 1908) was discovered in Kastellorizo Isl. (Levantine Sea, Greece) in September 2014, few months after its first record in Antalya Gulf, Turkey. Later, in February 2016, the species was recorded for the first time in the Aegean Sea, in Rhodes Island. The short time interval between the findings indicates a possible establishment in the area and a dynamic spread of the species northwards in the Eastern Mediterranean.Synchiropus sechellensis (Regan, 1908) je vrsta otkrivena kod otoka Kastellorizo u Levantskom moru (Grčka) u rujnu 2014., nekoliko mjeseci nakon što je po prvi put zabilježena u Antalijskom zaljevu u Turskoj. Ova vrsta je po prvi put zabilježena u Egejskom moru kod otoka Rodosa kasnije u veljači 2016. Kratak vremenski period između ova dva nalaza ukazuje na mogućnost nastanjivanja na ovom području i dinamično širenje vrste sjevernije u istočnom Sredozemlju

    The confirmed occurrence of Schedophilus medusophagus (Cocco, 1839) and Petromyzon marinus Linnaeus, 1758 in Maltese waters, central Mediterranean Sea

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    Specimens of two uncommon fish species, Schedophilus medusophagus and Petromyzon marinus, were recently collected in nearshore waters off the island of Malta in the central Mediterranean. Several morphological and biological parameters for the specimens are described. The findings ascertain the occurrence of the two species in the area and corroborate furthermore the substantial contribution to wildlife sightings made through social media and by citizen scientists, thus further increasing knowledge on Mediterranean biodiversity.peer-reviewe

    The first record of the pharaoh cardinal fish, Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Actinopterygii : Perciformes : Apogonidae), from Libyan waters

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    The occurrence of the pharaoh cardinalfish, Apogonichthyoides pharaonis (Bellotti, 1874), is documented for the first time from the Libyan waters, after two subsequent findings reported in September and November 2020 in the far eastern region of the country. The location of these findings represents the westernmost area of distribution in the southern Mediterranean for this species, which has the western Indian Ocean and Red Sea origin and which entered into the Mediterranean via the Suez Canal.peer-reviewe