15 research outputs found

    Разработка и исследование конструкции привода управляемого задерживающего устройства шароструйно-эжекторного бурового снаряда

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    В работе рассмотрены принципы шароструйного бурения, а так же устройство шаростуйно-эжекторного снаряда. Предложены варианты модернизации данного снаряда.In this paper, the principles of pellet impact drilling, as well as the construction of a pellet-ejector projectile, are considered. Variants of modernization of this projectile are offered

    Example of individual retinal layer thickness measurement in subject with sickle cell maculopathy, for both the foveal-centered (“F”) and temporally centered (“T”) scans.

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    <p>Areas of severe thinning are well recognizable as blue patchy areas on retinal thickness color-coded maps (first row), and correspond to darker areas on the thickness maps for ganglion cell layer (second row), inner plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer (third row), and outer plexiform layer (fourth row). The thickness maps for photoreceptors and retinal pigment epithelium do not show any patchy thinning.</p

    Example of sickle cell maculopathy.

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    <p>(First and third rows) Patchy areas of markedly reduced retinal thickness are visible as blue areas on retinal thickness maps. (Second and fourth row) Automatic segmentation of the B-scans passing through thinned areas demonstrates thinning of multiple individual retinal layers (white arrows).</p

    Optical coherence tomography imaging protocol and analysis, for both foveal-centered and temporally centered scans.

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    <p>(Left column) Color-coded retinal thickness maps were generated by the built-in software of the device, which then automatically applied the ETDRS grid after scanning eyes using 31 high-resolution B-scans. The nasal quadrant and the central ring of the temporally-centered scan were systematically not measured because overlapping with the temporal quadrant of the foveal-centered scan. (Right column) The segmentation software of the SD-OCT device automatically detected each retinal layer, including retinal nerve fiber layer, ganglion cell layer, inner plexiform layer, inner nuclear layer, outer plexiform layer, outer nuclear layer, photoreceptor layer, and retinal pigment epithelium. Segmentation of the choroid was performed manually.</p