7 research outputs found

    String test: a potentially useful tool in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis in Brazilian children and adolescents

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    This study investigated the potential use of the String Test (ST) for the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) in children and adolescents. This is a case series of patients aged 4-15 years presenting with clinically presumed PTB and submitted to ST in three pediatric TB referral centers in Brazil, between November 2017 and July 2020. The ST was performed in the morning, after 4-12 h of fasting, followed by ingestion of the capsule by the patient, which was attached to the patient’s malar region. The material was collected for simultaneous smear microscopy (acid-fast bacilli - AFB), culture and the molecular investigation by the GeneXpert MTB/RIF®. Thirty-three patients with presumed PTB were included and ST was performed in 26 (78.8%) of them and 7 (21.2%) patients could not swallow the cord. The diagnosis of PTB was established in 11 (42.3%) of the 26 patients who underwent the ST. The diagnosis of PTB was confirmed (by culture or GeneXpert MTB/RIF®) in 5 patients, 4 of whom were also positive by the ST. Two of them showed positivity by the GeneXpert MTB/RIF® only in the ST sample. Two other patients had a positive ST following the induced sputum test (AFB, GeneXpert MTB/RIF®, and positive culture in both specimens). Thus, ST was positive in 36.4% of the patients in whom PTB was diagnosed. ST could be a useful test for diagnosing PTB in children and adolescents

    Septic arthritis by Sphingobacterium multivorum in immunocompromised pediatric patient

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    Abstract Objective: To report a case septic arthritis with a rare pathogen in a immunosuppressed child. Case description: Male patient, 6 years old, had liver transplant five and half years ago due to biliary atresia. Patient was using tacrolimus 1mg q.12h. This patient started to have pain in left foot and ankle and had one episode of fever 3 days before hospital admission. Physical examination showed weight 17kg, height 109cm, temperature 36.4°C, with pain, swelling and heat in the left ankle, without other clinical signs. Initial tests: hemoglobin 11.7g/dL hematocrit 36.4%, leukocyte count 17,600µL-1 (7% banded neutrophils, 70% segmented neutrophils, 2% eosinophils, basophils 1%, 13% lymphocytes, 7% monocytes) C-reactive protein 170.88mg/L. Joint ultrasound showed moderate effusion in the site. Patient was submitted to surgical procedure and Sphingobacterium multivorum was isolated from the effusion. The germ was susceptible to broad spectrum cephalosporins (ceftriaxone and cefepime) and fluoroquinolones (ciprofloxacin and levofloxacin), and it was resistant to carbapenemic antibiotics and aminoglycosides. He was treated intravenously with oxacillin for 15 days and ceftriaxone for 13 days, and orally with ciprofloxacin for 15 days, with good outcome. Comments: The S. multivorum is a gram negative bacillus that belongs to Flavobacteriaceae family and it is considered non-pathogenic. It has rarely been described as a cause of infections in humans, especially in hospital environment and in immunosuppressed patients. This case report is relevant for its unusual etiology and for the site affected, which may be the first case of septic arthritis described

    Alterações auditivas em crianças expostas à toxoplasmose durante a gestação

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    RESUMO Objetivo: verificar a ocorrência e o tipo mais frequente de alteração auditiva em crianças expostas a toxoplasmose durante a gestação. Métodos: estudo retrospectivo longitudinal realizado em instituição pública de saúde de São Paulo. Análise de prontuários de crianças nascidas entre 2010 e 2015 distribuídos em dois grupos: grupo estudo, composto por 48 crianças de mães com diagnóstico de toxoplasmose durante a gestação; e grupo controle, composto por 43 crianças sem infecção congênita que foram acompanhadas por apresentar baixo peso ao nascimento. As crianças foram avaliadas de duas a quatro vezes durante os dois primeiros anos de vida, por meio de testes que avaliam a função auditiva periférica e central. Resultados: 47 crianças fizeram apenas duas avaliações e apenas 11 completaram todas as avaliações até 24 meses. No grupo controle 58,1% apresentaram audição normal, 37,2% perda condutiva, 4,7% perda coclear e ausência de alteração retrococlear, enquanto o grupo estudo apresentou 56,3% de audição normal, 20,8% de perda condutiva, 2,1% de perda coclear e 20,8% de alteração retrococlear. Conclusão: crianças expostas à toxoplasmose durante a gestação não diferiram das não expostas em relação à ocorrência de perda auditiva coclear e condutiva. Entretanto, apresentaram maior ocorrência de alteração retrococlear