242 research outputs found

    Performance Pay and Stress : An Experimental Study

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    Acknowledgements: The financial support for this study by the Scottish Economic Society is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. We are grateful for helpful comments by participants at the 2016 Scottish Economic Society Conference and seminar participants at the University of Aberdeen and the Université Panthéon-Assas as well as Daniel Powell. Help with z-tree programming from Maria Bigoni is also greatly appreciated. All errors remain with the authors.Publisher PD

    Regional disparities in Italy may have to do with trust and cooperation

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    They can't be simply attributed to differences in infrastructure, institutions and economic policies, write Maria Bigoni, Stefania Bortolotti, Marco Casari, Diego Gambetta and Francesca Pancott

    Performance pay and low-grade stress : An experimental study

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    Funding Information: The financial support for this study by the Scottish Economic Society is gratefully acknowledged and appreciated. The authors are grateful for helpful comments by participants at the 2016 Scottish Economic Society Conference and seminar participants at the University of Aberdeen and the Universite Pantheon-Assas as well as Daniel Powell. Help with z-Tree programming from Maria Bigoni is also greatly appreciated. All errors remain with the authors.Peer reviewedPostprin

    An experiment on experimental instructions

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    In this paper we treat instructions as an experimental variable. Using a public good game, we study how the instructions' format affects the participants' understanding of the experiment, their speed of play and their experimental behavior. We show that longer instructions do not significantly improve the subjects' understanding of the experiment; on-screen instructions shorten average decision times with respect to on-paper instructions, and requiring forced inputs reduces waiting times, in particular for the slowest subjects. Consistent with cognitive load theory, we find that short, on-screen instructions which require forced inputs improve on subjects' comprehension and familiarity with the experimental task, and they contribute to reduce both decision and waiting times without affecting the overall pattern of contributions.Cognitive load theory, Comprehension, Distraction, Experimental instructions

    Communication, Commitment, and Deception in Social Dilemmas: Experimental Evidence

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    Social norms of cooperation are studied under several forms of communication. In an experiment, strangers could make public statements before playing a prisoner’s dilemma. The interaction was repeated indefinitely, which generated multiple equilibria. Communication could be used as a tool to either signal intentions to coordinate on Pareto-superior outcomes, to deceive others, or to credibly commit to actions. Some forms of communication did not promote the incidence of efficient Nash play, and sometimes reduced it. Surprisingly, cooperation suffered when subjects could publicly commit to actions.coordination, cheap-talk, deception, indefinitely repeated game, social norms

    Cooperative Strategies in Groups of Strangers: An Experiment

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    We study cooperation in four-person economies of indefinite duration. Subjects interact anonymously playing a prisoner’s dilemma. We identify and characterize the strategies employed at the aggregate and at the individual level. We find that (i) grim trigger well describes aggregate play, but not individual play; (ii) individual behavior is persistently heterogeneous; (iii) coordination on cooperative strategies does not improve with experience; (iv) systematic defection does not crowd-out systematic cooperation.repeated games, equilibrium selection, prisoners’ dilemma, random matching

    Communication, commitment, and deception in social dilemmas: experimental evidence

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    Social norms of cooperation are studied under several forms of communication. In an experiment, strangers could make public statements before playing a prisoner’s dilemma. The interaction was repeated indefinitely, which generated multiple equilibria. Communication could be used as a tool to either signal intentions to coordinate on Pareto-superior outcomes, to deceive others, or to credibly commit to actions. Some forms of communication did not promote the incidence of efficient Nash play, and sometimes reduced it. Surprisingly, cooperation suffered when subjects could publicly commit to actions.

    Ignorance is not always Bliss: Feedback and Dynamics in Public Good Experiments

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    In this paper we study the effects of providing additional feedback about individual contributions and earnings on the dynamics of contributions in a repeated public good game. We include treatments where subjects can freely choose whether to obtain additional information about individual contributions or individual earnings. We find that, in the aggregate, contributions decline less fast when additional information about contributions and earnings is provided on top of aggregate information. We also find that there exist substantial but intuitively appealing differences in the way individuals react to feedback. Particularly, individuals with a high propensity to contribute tend to imitate the highest contributor more often and are more inclined to obtain feedback about individual contributions than about individual earnings than individuals with a lower propensity to contribute.voluntary contributions;experiment;repeated interaction;feedback;imitation

    A tale of two cities: an experiment on inequality and preferences

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    The existence of a strong link between socio-economic background and individual preferences has been documented among both children and grown-ups. Here, we study whether such a correlation persists even in a highly homogeneous population of young adults: university students. Our findings indicate that participants living in an area characterized by a high socio-economic environment tend to trust more and are more inclined to reciprocate higher levels of trust, as compared to those coming from less wealthy neighborhoods. This behavioral difference is, at least in part, driven by heterogeneities in beliefs: subjects from the most affluent part of the city have more optimistic expectations on their counterpart's trustworthiness than those living in a lower socio-economic environment. By contrast, no significant differences emerge in other preferences: generosity, risk attitudes, and time preferences. Finally, we do not find any systematic evidence of out-group discrimination based on neighborhood identity

    Teams or Tournaments? A Field Experiment on Cooperation and Competition among University Students

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    This paper assesses the effect of two stylized and antithetic non-monetary incentive schemes on students’ effort. We collect data from a field experiment where incentives are exogenously imposed, performance is monitored and individual characteristics are observed. Students are randomly assigned to a tournament scheme that fosters competition between coupled students, a cooperative scheme that promotes information sharing and collaboration between students and a control treatment in which students can neither compete, nor cooperate. In line with theoretical predictions, we find that competition induces higher effort with respect to cooperation and cooperation does not increase effort with respect to the baseline. However, this is true only for men, while women do not seem to react to non-monetary incentives.education, field experiments, incentives, competition, cooperation