112 research outputs found

    Faktor Pendorong Peningkatan Produktifitas Tenaga Kerja Wanita Sektor Industri, Perdagangan dan Jasa di Kalimantan Timur

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    This research is a quantitative study in causality model that testing hypotheses. Testing the hypothesis that some suspect the influence of several variables that affect the productivity of Women Labor. Respondents will be examined in several cities in Kalimantan Timur, the research area of Samarinda, Balikpapan and Bontang City. Sampling methods using purposive sampling method and sampling quoted. From the data obtained from the BPS, the population of the three towns that fit the criteria of this study was totaled 53,342 female workers. Using Slovin formula, obtained samples of 397 respondents. From 397 questionnaires distributed, only 134 were returned, and 93 respondents that can be processed data. The analysis using Multiple linear regression analysis with ordinary least squares method. The results showed that education had no significant effect on Female Labor Productivity. Then, higher wage given the higher productivity of Women's Labor. Wage increase is because the cost of living decent prices rise due to the ever increasing needs of the economy. The higher the incentives given higher the Womens Labor Productivity, incentives given to female employees will be able to improve the performance of the individual, through increased productivity. Social Insurance no significant effect on Women's Labor Productivity, presence or absence of social security, it does not provide a significant impact on womens increased labor productivity

    Pengukuhan nilai nilai budaya melalui lagu lagu permainan rakyat pada masyarakat Sunda

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    Dalam perwujudannya nilai-nilai budaya dari lagu-lagu permainan ini mencerrninkan pesan-pesan dan nasehat-nasehat yang sangat berguna untuk pembentukan kepribadian anak, sebagai upaya mewujudkan pembangunan manusia dan khususnya pembangunan di bidang kebudayaan

    Penerapan Pendekatan Saintifik pada Fluida Statis untuk Meremediasi Kesulitan Belajar Peserta Didik di SMA

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    The study aims to determine the effect of using a scientific approach to remedied learning difficulties of students at Static Fluid material in SMA Mujahidin Pontianak. The method of this study is Pre-Experimental with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Each pre-test and post-test questions consists of 2 essay. There are 25 students in class XI IPA 2 as sample using cluster random sampling technique. The result shows that there is an average reduction of learning difficulties with pecentage of 42,7% that classified as medium category. There are also found some trouble in interpreting units, converting units, understanding concepts, operating mathematics and understanding the questions that all include in learning difficulties. This research is expected as an alternative remedial activities for students in order to reduce the learning difficulties

    Pengembangan Modul Teknik Budidaya Tanaman Kedelai sebagai Bahan Ajar Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan

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    Modules are printed instructional materials were studied independently by students to achieve the expected competencies. The module was developed based on research by the authors of the correlation and path analysis of agronomic characters some promising lines resistant soy CpMMV (cowpea mild mottle virus). This study aims to produce modules soybean crop cultivation techniques as teaching material vocational students. Module development using the 4D model Thiagarajan. Results matter expert validation criteria of 79,55% with "good" and the expert module development amounted to 94.23% with the criteria of "very good”.Modul merupakan bahan ajar cetak yang dipelajari secara mandiri oleh siswa untuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Modul dikembangkan berdasarkan hasil penelitian oleh penulis mengenai korelasi dan analisis jalur karakter agronomi beberapa galur harapan kedelai tahan CpMMV (cowpea mild mottle virus). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul teknik budidaya tanaman kedelai sebagai bahan ajar siswa SMK. Pengembangan modul menggunakan model 4D Thiagarajan. Modul divalidasi oleh ahli materi, ahli pengembangan modul dan praktisi oleh guru. Hasil validasi ahli materi sebesar 79,55% dengan kriteria “baik”, ahli pengembangan modul sebesar 94,23% dengan kriteria “sangat baik”


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    Background : The result of infection control procedure survey in Puskesmas showed that there were the health worker’s practices that increased potentially for transmission of infection, not only for patients but also for health workers. Sterilization is an important component for annihilating all microorganism include spore. As a standard sterilizer, autoclave was rarely had by Puskesmas (13.3%). Press cooker has the same principle mechanism as autoclave, therefore it can be used to sterilizer. Objective :The purpose of this study was to investigate the press cooker effectiveness as sterilizer to sterilize Bacillus subtilis. Methods : This study used laboratory experimental with posttest only with control group design. The samples were 54 tubes of Bacillus subtilis bacteria. In first research, the samples were 30 tubes of Bacillus subtilis. The variable was ability for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis by press cooker in 15 minutes. In second research, the samples were 24 tubes of Bacillus subtilis. The variable was the need of time for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis by press cooker. The result of sterilization test for Bacillus subtilis can be observed by incubation bacteria tubes into incubato for 24 hours in 37°C. The media were sterile, if they were transparent. Results : The result was press cooker can sterilize all of the Bacillus subtilis (100%) like autoclave in 15 minutes. The Kappa’s coefficient showed there was very good coefficient (K > 0.75) between press cooker and autoclave as sterilizer. Press cooker can sterilize Bacillus subtilis in 1 minutes. There was not the significant difference of time between a press cooker an another for sterilizing Bacillus subtilis. Conclusion : Press cooker had the same effectiveness as autoclave in sterilizing Bacilus subtilis. Press cooker needs time 11 minutes for sterilizing. Keyword : Press cooker and autoclave, Sterilize, Bacillus subtili

    Penanganan Longsoran Ruas Jalan Prupuk – Bts. Banyumas (Ciregol, Kec. Tonjong, Kab. Brebes) Pada Km. Pkl 115+550 S/d Km. Pkl 115+650

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    Final Project contained about the stability of the soil and it countermeasures on roads Prupuk - Bts. Banyumas, Ciregol, sub-district. Tonjong, district of Brebes. The Landscape around Ciregol is topography ridge sloping area that is very close to the river valley times pedes and prone to landslide. This road is a national road that connects the Tegal city - Purwokerto city and including the road class II which is built to connect the regions, thus supporting economic growth in the region and surrounding Ciregol. This road crosses the hills that contain layers of silt, sand and clay stone. Slope landslide occurred on roads Prupuk - Bts. Banyumas KM. PKL. 115+650 and between range time of February to March 2012 has occurred 4 times landslides. This final project analyzes value of the slope safety factor that included a condition when occured of the movement of soil slopes which is caused by instability on slopes due to degradation of soil layers / rocks, manual calculation of slope stability using Fellinius method and Plaxis computer program . Location of countermeasures is taken along 100 m from KM. PKL 115 +550 to KM. PKL 115 +650. From the analysis of data and computation known that the slip field of slope occurs at a depth of -28.5 m from the road surface. To deal with it,we try to used the alternative form to handling of landslides with reinforcement bored pile, each is 90 m and 25.6 m to the direction of for the transverse direction are applied to the cut slip field along the ridge of slope and combined with reinforcement soil retaining walls, geotextile or gabion each tried installed at the same location at the foot of the slopes. Geotechnical analysis using Plaxis software. Model of plastic elastic and collapse criterion of Mohr-Coulomb chosen as the soil model . The analysis showed that reinforcement landslide with bored pile with diameter of 1.5 m is placed at the top, middle and bottom of the slope to a depth of 37 m, respectively, 37 m and 30 m in combination with the soil retaining wall at the foot of the slopes as high as 15 m with a thickness of 2-4 m is handling that has increased the value of the safety factor, where the factor of safety of the existing condition of the original which is from 1,053 become 1,536, but if considered from the results of Incremental Shear strains apparently it still has little potential for landslides at the top of the slope, so it added with the use of geotextile reinforcement on the upper slopes as high as 5 meters to overcome it. Safety factor with the additional reinforcement is increased to 1.973
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