515 research outputs found

    Modelling geographical variations in fertility and population density of Italian and foreign populations at the local scale: A spatial Durbin approach for Italy (2002–2018).

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    Studies on fertility determinants have frequently pointed to the role that socio-economic, cultural and institutional factors play in shaping reproductive behaviours. Yet, little is known about these determinants at an ecological level, although it is widely recognised that demographic dynamics strongly interact with ecosystems. This research responds to the need to enhance the knowledge on variations in fertility across space with an analysis of the relationship between fertility and population density of Italians and foreigners in Italy at the municipal level for the period 2002–2018. Using global and local autocorrelation measures and a spatial Durbin model, we show that there is a negative association between the fertility and population density of the Italian population, while the density of foreigners is correlated with higher fertility. This second result poses new insights on the relationship between space and fertility. Moreover, we find that the features of neighbouring areas, measured by population density, contribute significantly to explaining spatial fertility variation, confirming the importance of the study of spatial diffusion in demographic processes

    The use of human adipose-derived stem cells in the treatment of physiological and pathological vulvar dystrophies

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    “Vulvar dystrophy” is characterized by chronic alterations of vulvar trophism, occurring in both physiological (menopause) and pathological (lichen sclerosus, vulvar graft-versus-host disease) conditions. Associated symptoms are itching, burning, dyspareunia and vaginal dryness. Current treatments often do not imply a complete remission of symptoms. Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (ADSCs) injection represents a valid alternative therapy to enhance trophism and tone of dystrophic tissues. We evaluated efficacy of ADSCs-based therapy in the dystrophic areas. From February to April 2013 we enrolled 8 patients with vulvar dystrophy. A biopsy specimen was performed before and after treatment. Digital photographs were taken at baseline and during the follow-up. Pain was detected with Visual Analogue Scale and sexual function was evaluated with Female Sexual Function Index. All patients received 2 treatments in 3 months. Follow-up was at 1 week , 1 and 3 months, and 1 and 2 years. We obtained a significant vulvar trophism enhancement in all patients, who reported pain reduction and sexual function improvement. Objective exam with speculum was easy to perform after treatment. We believe ADSCs-based therapy finds its application in the treatment of vulvar dystrophies, since ADSCs could induce increased vascularization due to their angiogenic properties and tissue trophism improvement thanks to their eutrophic effect

    Downgrading among higher education graduates in Italy and France: exploring regional differences

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    In France and Italy – like all the countries of the European Union – the proportion of higher education graduates in the working population has continued to increase. At the same time, the number of jobs requiring this level of education has not grown as quickly. In France and Italy, this has meant a decrease in the proportion of tertiary graduates who occupy managerial positions, and a growing share of these graduates hold jobs as middle and low ranking employees. Several studies have investigated the phenomenon of professional downgrading, focusing on its structural determinants and socio-economic implications at the national level and examining international differences. Nevertheless, only a few studies explore disparities in over-education and compare nations at the regional level. By addressing the need for a spatial approach to this subject, which is so far lacking in the scientific literature, this paper examines the downgrading of higher education graduates in Italy and France at the regional level and discusses the real occupational returns for high levels of education. Using data from the Italian and French censuses, the findings of this analysis show significant sub-regional heterogeneities regarding access to managerial positions for graduates according to the territorial unit observed.En Francia e Italia, como en el resto de los países de la Unión Europea, la proporción de los graduados universitarios sigue aumentando en la población activa. Al mismo tiempo, los trabajos que requieren este nivel educativo no están creciendo tan rápidamente. En Francia e Italia, esto se traduce en una disminución de la proporción de titulados superiores que ocupan cargos directivos, y en un aumento de la proporción de los que ocupan puestos de trabajo como obreros o empleados de categoría media o baja. Varias aportaciones han analizado el fenómeno de la sobreeducación, centrándose en sus determinantes estructurales y en las consecuencias socioeconómicas a nivel de país y examinando también las diferencias entre países. Sin embargo, solo algunos de ellos han intentado explorar las disparidades en la sobreeducación comparando los países a nivel regional. Abordando la necesidad de un enfoque espacial/ territorial de este tema, que hasta ahora falta en la literatura científica, en este artículo se examina la desvalorización de los graduados universitarios en Italia y Francia, a una escala regional, y se examinan los verdaderos beneficios profesionales de la obtención de un título de educación superior. Utilizando datos de los censos italiano y francés, los resultados de este análisis muestran importantes heterogeneidades interregionales en el acceso a puestos directivos para los titulados superiore

    Improvement of mouth functional disability in systemic sclerosis patients over one year in a trial of fat transplantation versus adipose-derived stromal cells

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    Background. Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a multisystem disease characterized by cutaneous and visceral fibrosis. Face and mouth changes include telangiectasia, sicca syndrome, and thinning and reduction of mouth width (microcheilia) and opening (microstomia). We applied autologous fat transplantation compared with autologous adipose-derived stromal cells (ADSCs) injection to evaluate the clinical improvement of mouth opening. Methods. From February to May 2013 ten consecutive SSc patients were enrolled from the outpatient clinic of Plastic Surgery Department of Sapienza University of Rome. Patients were divided into two groups as follows: 5 patients were treated with fat transplantation and 5 patients received infiltration of ADSCs produced by cell factory of our institution. To value mouth opening, we use the Italian version of Mouth Handicap in Systemic Sclerosis Scale (IvMHISS). Mouth opening was assessed in centimetres (Maximal Mouth Opening, MMO). In order to evaluate compliance and physician and patient satisfaction, we employed a Questionnaire of Satisfaction and the Visual Analogic Scale (VAS) performed before starting study and 1 year after the last treatment. Results and Conclusion. We noticed that both procedures obtained significant results but neither one emerged as a first-choice technique. The present clinical experimentation should be regarded as a starting point for further experimental research and clinical trials

    Migration in the Mediterranean region: A response to crises and an emergency in its own right.

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    Migration is an obvious response to political, economic, socio-demographic, and ecological crises. In recent decades, several crises have occurred in the Mediterranean region; consequently, migration has intensified, the geography of flows has been altered, and the roles of some countries within the Mediterranean migration system have rapidly changed. This paper aims to delineate an overview of migration flows in this region over the last 20 years, focusing on the new migration flows related to humanitarian crises. In doing so, the present study also examines similarities and differences between past and current migration factors that shape the decisions of individuals. Migration flows are closely linked to the needs and fears of European societies. Following this logic, and by analysing challenges related to demographic and geopolitical dimensions in the future scenario, this study discusses the necessity of new policy responses.Las migraciones son una respuesta obvia a las crisis políticas, económicas, sociales y ecológicas. Durante las últimas décadas se han producido varias crisis en la región mediterránea; en consecuencia, las migraciones se han intensificado, la geografía de los flujos se ha alterado y los papeles de algunos países dentro del sistema migratorio mediterráneo han cambiado rápidamente. Este artículo pretende ofrecer una visión general de los flujos migratorios en esta región durante los últimos veinte años, centrándose en los nuevos flujos relacionados con las crisis humanitarias. El presente estudio también examina similitudes y diferencias entre los factores migratorios pasados y actuales que influyen sobre las decisiones individuales. Los flujos migratorios están estrechamente vinculados a las necesidades y a los desasosiegos de las sociedades europeas. Siguiendo esta lógica, al analizar los desafíos relacionados con las dimensiones demográficas y geopolíticas en el escenario futuro, este estudio discute la necesidad de una nueva respuesta polític

    Migración en la región mediterránea: una respuesta a las crisis y una emergencia por derecho propio

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    Migration is an obvious response to political, economic, socio-demographic, and ecological crises. In recent decades, several crises have occurred in the Mediterranean region; consequently, migration has intensified, the geography of flows has been altered, and the roles of some countries within the Mediterranean migration system have rapidly changed. This paper aims to delineate an overview of migration flows in this region over the last 20 years, focusing on the new migration flows related to humanitarian crises. In doing so, the present study also examines similarities and differences between past and current migration factors that shape the decisions of individuals. Migration flows are closely linked to the needs and fears of European societies. Following this logic, and by analysing challenges related to demographic and geopolitical dimensions in the future scenario, this study discusses the necessity of new policy responses.Las migraciones son una respuesta obvia a las crisis políticas, económicas, sociales y ecológicas. Durante las últimas décadas se han producido varias crisis en la región mediterránea; en consecuencia, las migraciones se han intensificado, la geografía de los flujos se ha alterado y los papeles de algunos países dentro del sistema migratorio mediterráneo han cambiado rápidamente. Este artículo pretende ofrecer una visión general de los flujos migratorios en esta región durante los últimos veinte años, centrándose en los nuevos flujos relacionados con las crisis humanitarias. El presente estudio también examina similitudes y diferencias entre los factores migratorios pasados y actuales que influyen sobre las decisiones individuales. Los flujos migratorios están estrechamente vinculados a las necesidades y a los desasosiegos de las sociedades europeas. Siguiendo esta lógica, al analizar los desafíos relacionados con las dimensiones demográficas y geopolíticas en el escenario futuro, este estudio discute la necesidad de una nueva respuesta política.Part of this work was carried out within the financial support provided by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, 2017 MIUR-PRIN Grant N. 2017W5B55Y (“The Great Demographic Recession”) and within the Horizon2020 FUME project (Future Migration Scenarios for Europe), Grant ID. 870649. Project website: https://futuremigration.eu & https://greatdemographicrecession.home.blo

    Studi e ricostruzioni del Tempio G di Selinunte

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    Il tempio G di Selinunte, uno dei più grandi templi dorici di Sicilia, è oggi un immenso cumulo di macerie. Il rilievo del tempio, condotto con metodi laser scanning e fotogrammetrici, ha costituito la base per l'analisi e la ricomposizione virtuale di alcune parti del tempio, condotta con il supporto della lettura archeologica delle tecniche costruttive e dei metodi di lavorazione dei blocchi

    The Impact of Spatial Separation on Married Migrants’ Health in Italy

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    Family separation due to migration is a life-changing event that can completely transform family structure and dynamics. Studies have mainly focussed on the emotional and psychological consequences of long-distance parenthood within transnational practices, while empirical evidence on the effects of transnational conjugality is still lacking. Based on data from the Social Condition and Integration of Foreign Citizens (SCIF) survey conducted by the Italian National Institute of Statistics - Istat, we studied the role of transnational conjugality on the self-reported health of married immigrants living in Italy. In addition, we examined specific situations that can lead to deeper health disadvantages for married immigrants living in transnational conjugality. Our results show that the negative effect on health of living a transnational parenthood is stronger for those immigrants that are not only living apart from their children but also are geographically separated from their spouses. Moreover, the effect of not living with a partner in Italy on selfperceived health is negative for immigrants who were not working, which seems to indicate a greater health disadvantage that is activated when immigrants are not able to economically achieve the goals of the migratory projec

    Les conséquences de la crise économique sur la mise en couple et la fécondité en Italie : premiers enseignements

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    La situation économique en période de crise ayant été préalablement décrite, cet article traite tout d’abord, à grands traits, de l’évolution des deux phénomènes nuptialité et fécondité au cours des 65 dernières années. Il se focalise ensuite sur les changements intervenus dans la formation des unions et les comportements reproductifs sous l’effet de la récession économique. La tendance étant très clairement aux choix alternatifs dans la mise en couple et au maintien d’une très basse fécondité, la dernière partie de l’article s’articule autour d’une interrogation : de quels enjeux ces comportements accentués par la crise sont-ils porteurs pour la société italienne