14,923 research outputs found

    Energy efficiency of social housing existing buildings – a portuguese case study

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    The European energy performance building regulations, Directive 2002/91/EC - Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) of the European Parliament and Council, require that new buildings present minimum standards of energy efficiency. Accordingly the Portuguese regulations require that new buildings comply with minimum requirements on the energy performance and must have an energy performance certification through witch an energy efficiency label is attributed to the housing. It also require that existing buildings must have an efficiency energy label when submitted to a commercial transaction or to a deep rehabilitation. To achieve this goal the study of energy performance of existing buildings must be done. As many essentials elements to determine the U-factor and other thermal parameters are unknown, Portugal developed a simplified methodology to achieve the thermal performance of existing buildings. The aim of this paper is to present the study of the energy performance of a set of social dwellings that were constructed during the decade of 80, constructed before the former building thermal comfort specifications came into force. During the study the referred methodology was applied and conclusions of the energy efficiency label obtained were put out as the encountered difficulties. The study also compares the results obtained by the simplified methodology and by the detailed methodology that is required by Portuguese building thermal comfort specifications

    The World Exhibitions and the display of science, technology and culture: moving boundaries

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    From the moment the first World Exhibition was held in London, in 1851, these events have served as “windows” to scientific, technological and industrial progress, allowing the circulation and the disclosure of this change, either directly to visitors or through media publications worldwide. Under the realisation of these world events, which attracted many travellers, exhibitions enabled the parallel organisation of international conferences and congresses of professionals both in science and in industry, engineering and architecture

    A contribuição dos sócios para o progresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo

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    A new family, Coryphoridae (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerelloidea), and description of the winged and egg stages of Coryphorus

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    A new family Coryphoridae is proposed in the superfamily Ephemerelloidea for the monotypic genus Coryphorus. Characters that distinguish Coryphoridae from all other Ephemerelloidea are discussed. The male imago, male subimago, female imago, and egg of Coryphorus aquilus Peters are described for the first time.Se propone a Coryphoridae como una nueva familia de Ephemerelloidea para el genero monotipico Coryphorus. Se discuten los caracteres que distinguen a Coryphoridae del resto de los Ephemerelloidea. Se describen por primera vez el imago macho, subimago macho, imago hembra y huevo de Coryphorus aquilus Peters

    Os verbos "ser" e "estar" em oposição ao verbo "sein" do alemão

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    People who learn Portuguese usually have difficulties in using two of the most frequent verbs of the Portuguese verbal system: ser and estar. Native speakers of German for example fail to easily identify the differences between these verbs, which are compared with the German verb sein. Our purpose is to describe these verbs, their meaning and function, and also to attempt to find criteria to help learners to identify the differences to use these verbs. Some of the differences can be explained by the speakers experiences and the context.Lerner des Portugiesischen als Fremdsprache haben oft Schwierigkeiten, die zwei häufig gebrauchten Verben des portugiesischen Verbalsystems ser und estar zu verwenden. Deutschsprachige erkennen kaum die Unterschiede zwischen diesen Verben, die im Deutschen oft mit dem Verb sein gleichgesetzt werden, das auch in ähnlichen Strukturen und Situationen vorkommt. In dieser Arbeit beschäftigen wir uns damit, diese Verben in ihrer Funktion und Bedeutung zu beschreiben und versuchen, Kriterien aufzustellen, die dem Lernenden helfen können, diese Unterschiede besser zu verstehen und dadurch die Verben besser anzuwenden. Einige Unterschiede können durch die Erfahrungen des Sprechers und durch den Kontext erklärt werden

    O IFE/IFO no ISCAP: uma perspectiva diacrónica

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    Polissema: Revista de Letras do ISCAP 2002/N.º 2 LinguagensO presente artigo irá analisar a existência do Inglês para Fins Específicos (IFE) / Inglês para Fins Ocupacionais (IFO) no ISCAP através dos tempos. Por ser docente desta Instituição, cuja antiguidade e tradição permitiu o acesso a um vasto leque de publicações e arquivos, a análise será pormenorizada. Por motivos que me ultrapassam, não consegui proceder a uma investigação tão exaustiva quanto me tinha proposto, porque muita da informação necessária, com as sucessivas mudanças e transformações do actual ISCAP, foi queimada ou desapareceu, conforme foi mencionado por antigos funcionários e pelo actual bibliotecário. Daí que a maior parte da documentação recolhida se situe por volta dos anos 60, embora haja alguns documentos de datas anteriores

    Certified modular training impacts: contributions to lifelong learning

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    O presente trabalho de investigação enquadra-se na Dissertação do Mestrado em Formação de Adultos e Desenvolvimento Local (ainda não concluída) e centra-se no impacto da Formação Modular Certificada, como um contributo para a Aprendizagem ao Longo da Vida, sob diferentes perspetivas, nomeadamente, a dos destinatários (adultos ativos empregados e desempregados, com idade superior a 18 anos, que frequentaram ações no IEFP, IP, no Distrito de Portalegre, entre 2011 e Março de 2012), a das entidades empregadoras e a dos interlocutores-chave especializados. Tendo em conta o tipo e os objetivos definidos para cada um destes sub-universos, utilizou-se um conjunto de métodos e técnicas de investigação social, nomeadamente: o inquérito por questionário (aplicado aos destinatários), a entrevista (dirigida às entidades empregadoras e aos interlocutores-chaves especializados) e a análise documental. Com este trabalho, pretende-se reunir um conjunto de considerações, com recurso a vários focos e contributos teóricos e empíricos, e demonstrar se os dados recolhidos corroboram ou não os pressupostos teóricos considerados, realizando uma análise reflexiva face ao objeto de estudo