6 research outputs found

    Procena ekološkog rizika u funkciji zaštite životne sredine

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    This paper proposes an appropriate methodology for ecological risk assessment. The methodology has been applied in the region of Boka Kotorska Bay (Bay), Montenegro. The emphasis of the research is on the analysis of the impact of various stressors on the ecological components of Bay. The consequences of that impact can be seen in an increased level of eutrophication of water environment, mostly through the influence of nitrogen and its compounds. The actual research at/about the region of Boka Kotorska Bay was performed in the period of 2008. The study emphasized the importance of the acquisition, processing and analysis of various ecologically related data for more efficient monitoring and management of the environment. The suggested methodology of the ecological risk assessment is, therefore, a remarkable scientific and expert contribution in the area of environmental protection in our country and in general.U radu je predstavljena primena metodologije procene ekološkog rizika. Metodologija je primenjena na primeru Bokokotorskog zaliva (Zaliv). Istraživanjem je razmatrana procena uticaja većeg broja stresora na ekološke komponente Zaliva. Posledice ovih uticaja ispoljene su kroz povećan stepen eutrofikacije vodene sredine i dovode se u vezu sa koncentracijom azotnih jedinjenja (nitrata i nitrita) Konkretna merenja vršena su u 2008. godini. Istraživanjem je posebno ukazano na značaj razvoja sistema prikupljanja i obrade ekoloških i drugih informacija radi efikasnijeg upravljanja životnom sredinom datog prostora. Primenjena metodologija procene ekološkog rizika trebalo bi da u naučnom i stručnom pogledu predstavlja doprinos u oblasti zaštite životne sredine,kako kod nas, tako i u svetu

    Seasonal dynamics of marine snow‐associated and free‐living demethylating bacterial communities in the coastal northern Adriatic Sea

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    The extent of DMSP demethylation has been hypothesized to depend on DMSP availability and bacterial sulfur demand, which might lead to niche differentiation of the demethylating bacterial community. In this study, we determined DMSP concentrations in marine snow and the ambient water over a seasonal cycle and linked DMSP concentrations to the abundance of bacteria harboring the demethylation dmdA gene in the Adriatic Sea. In marine snow, DMSP concentrations were up to four times higher than in the ambient water and three times higher in marine snow in summer than in winter. The average dmdA:recA gene ratio over the sampling period was 0.40 ± 0.24 in marine snow and 0.48 ± 0.21 in the ambient water. However, at the subclade level, differences in the demethylating bacterial community of marine snow and the ambient water were apparent. Seasonal patterns of potentially demethylating bacteria were best visible at the oligotype level. In the ambient water, the SAR116 and the OM60/NOR5 clade were composed of oligotypes that correlated to high DMSP concentrations, while oligotypes of the Rhodospirillales correlated to low DMSP concentrations. Our results revealed a pronounced seasonal variability and spatial heterogeneity in DMSP concentrations and the associated demethylating bacterial community


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    The goal of this paper is to investigate the performance of a wireless passive displacement sensor. Displacement sensor based on the heterogeneous integration process combines traditional fabrication technologies PCB (Printed Circuit Board) and LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Technology) with a flexible polyimide foil. The proposed sensor uses the coil as an essential part, multiple spacers and a polyimide foil as a flexible membrane with a piece of ferrite attached to it. With the displacement of the polyimide foil, the ferrite gets closer to the coil causing an increase in its inductance and a decrease of the resonant frequency of the system (coil, ferrite and antenna). Simulation results showed that sensors with equal outer dimensions but different internal structures exhibit different performances. Two prototypes of the sensor with different ferrite dimensions are designed, fabricated and characterized. Finally, their performances are compared

    Energetsko i ekonomsko poboljšanje procesa sinteze metanola primenom Pinch tehnologije

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    A heat exchanger network (HEN) for the process of methanol synthesis has been studied by pinch design analysis. Great economic and energy savings were realized by the pinch analysis in comparison to the existing plant. Also, it was found that it is possible to reduce the requirements for the consumption of utilities. The HEN was reconstruded by adding new heat exchangers. In order to produce new HEN, the capital costs had to be increased, but the total cost trade-off between the capital and energy costs will be decrease by 30 %.U ovom radu je pokazano kako se primenom Pinch metodologije na rekonstrukciju postojeće mreže razmenjivača toplote, u posmatranom industrijskom postrojenju mogu dobiti znatne energetske i ekonomske uštede. Proučavan je proces sinteze metanola i prikazana je mogućnost smanjenja troškova vezanih za energetske zahteve u procesu pre svega vezanih za korišćewe pomoćnih toplotnih izvora. Dobijeni rezultat ukazuje da je za rekonstrukciju neophodno uvođenje novih razmenjivača toplote, što povećava kapitalne troškove same mreže ali ukupni troškovi, koji obuhvataju kapitalne i energetske troškove, su smanjeni za oko 30 %