50 research outputs found

    Penerapan Model Pembeajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Stray (Tsts) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas III Sdn 013 Bagan Hulu

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    Learning science class III SDN 013 Bagan Hulu is low, this is caused by the learning is done by texs oriented book, using the lecture method (conventional) and exercises with student involvement was minimal and many current students passive learning. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes SDN 013 Class III Bagan Hulu through the School Year 2015/2016 "Application of Cooperative Learning Model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS)". This research was conducted in April 2016. The subjects were 013 third grade students of SDN Bagan Hulu totaling 32 people, consisting of 19 men and 13 women. This study was conducted in two cycles. Instruments of data collection in this study is testing daily tests, observation sheet student activity and teacher activity observation sheet. The average value of the learning outcomes of students has increased where before action 64.81, an increase in UH I to 75.63 and increased again at UH II to 83.38. Improvement of basic scores to the first cycle of 10.82 with peningaktan percentage of 16.68% and an increase of the basic score to the second cycle of 18.57 with a percentage increase of 28.64%. Mastery learning students are also experiencing increasing 43.75% where as before the action is not finished with categories increased 81.25% in the first cycle is not finished with the category increased again in the second cycle 87.50% with a complete category. Activities of teachers and students during the learning process has also increased. Activity Cycle I teachers with an average of 70.83% categorized as good, increased in the second cycle with an average of 89.58% categorized as very good. Activities of students in the first cycle an average of 72.91% with both categories increased in the second cycle average of 87.49% with a very good category. it can be concluded that with the implementation of cooperative learning model Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) can improve learning outcomes SDN 013 Class III IPA Bagan Hulu

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Two Stay Two Strayuntuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Ipasiswa Kelas IV Mi Al-muhajirin Menggala Sakti

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    The problem of this research is the low of students\u27 result in IPA subject in class IV of MI Al-Muhajirin Menggala Sakti by range in level 56.04 by KKM 70. This problem caused the teacher do not use variation model or strategy in learning process, finally student do not active in learning. This research is Class action research. The purpose of this research is to increase the students\u27 learning result of IPA in class IV of MI Al-Muhajirin Menggala Sakti. The formulation of this research is “Do the Implementation of Cooperative Learning Result of IPA in Class Type Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) Can Increase the Students\u27 Learning Result of IPA in Class IV of MI Al-muhajirin Menggala Sakti?”. The subject of this research is all of the students in class IV totally 24 students by note 17 students are male and 7 students are famale. The result of this research show that in basic csore is only 8 students are clear (33.33%). In cycle I the score increase in 70.00% by 17 students ant then, in cycle II the score increase in 95.00% by 23 students. The data can get conclusion that the Implementatin of Cooperative Learning Model type Two Stay Two Stray (TSTS) can increase the Students\u27 Learning result of IPA in class IV of MI Al-Muhajirin Menggalala sakti

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Student Teams Achievement Division (Stad) untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV Sdn 005 Bagan Barat Kec.bangko

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    Abstarak: The problem in this research is the lack of ability of science teaching in the fourth grade primary school 005 Chart of the West can be seen on the symptoms of the inability in learning the influence of the natural appearance and sky, low ability students in learning the effects of nature and the sky in the life of the community in accordance with the Their life. Lack of knowledge of students both morally and materially to the creativity Peruhan nature. lack of skills in understanding concepts, reasoning, and problem solving, about science teaching fourth grade. Based on the problems it is necessary to find a way to solve the problem. Among them change the models of learning. Therefore in this study, researchers will implement cooperative learning model STAD learning. This study is classroom action research conducted by two cycles each cycle consisting of two meetings. The implementation of cooperative learning model STAD knowingly engage students to engage actively and creatively. Subjects in this study were students of class IV SDNegeri 005 West Bagan Semester II. This research data collection instruments consisted of the observation sheet activities of teachers and students and a test sheet to repeat the cycle end. This research is a classroom action research (PTK), the study aims to increase students\u27 appreciation second semester Elementary School 005 West Bagan. The results of this study show that the implementation of cooperative learning model STAD can improve students\u27 learning science appreciation Elementary School 005 West Bagan, with the average value becomes a value 90.8 42.9 early in the second cycle. The average value of teacher activity also increased from an average of 75.00 into 91.66. Activities of students also increased from an average of 70.83% in the first cycle to 91.66%. Thus the research hypothesis if applied local wisdom approach the learning ability of students IPA Class IV ElementarySchool 005 West Bagan increased, proven

    Hubungan Motivasi Belajar dengan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas IV Sdn Se-gugus IV Kecamatan Limapuluh Kota Pekanbaru

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    The problem of this research is students in learning which will affect the study result. The purpose of the research was correlation between students motivation with student learning results in mathematics of IV grade SDN cluster IV in Limapuluh district Pekanbaru city. This research method was correlational. The technique sampling of using probability sampling is cluster sampling. The collection data of using questionare method and techique documentation of the value MID second semester of academic year 2015/2016. The technique analysis use is the technique of product moment. Test analysis prerequisite in the from of normality test and linearity test. The technique analysis and prerequisite test analysis of using program SPSS 20. The research result showed that there is a positive correlation between learning motivation with learning mathematics result of IV grade students of SDN cluster IV in Limapuluh district Pekanbaru city, obtained of rxy 0,303 with a low level of correlation as well the motivation to learn contributes learning result of 9,2 %. The result of hypothesis testing of using correlation test, there significant correlation between learning motivation with learning mathematics result of IV grade students of SDN cluster IV in Limapuluh district Pekanbaru city, obtained r hitung (0,303) > r tabel (0,233) and significant value of 0,010 which shall mean less 0,05 (0,010 < 0,05). Base on these result, the hypothesis in this research ho rejected and ha accepted means there is a positive and significant correlation between learning motivation with learning mathematics result of IV grade student of SDN cluster IV in Limapuluh district Pekanbaru city 2015/2016 school year are accepted of proven

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (Gi) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega Kecamatan Tanah Putih

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    The problem this research is the students achievment of science studies SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes still low with an average value of 60,75 and minimum completenness criteria (KKM) science studies is 70,00. Between students, amounting to 20 people only 9 students who achieve classical KKM with 45,00%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), wich aims to improve the student achievement of science studies class fifth at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega Kecamatan Tanah Putih with implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation. Formulation of the problem: is the implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation can improve students achievment of science studies at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes?. The research was conducted on April to May 2016 by 2 cycles. Subjects were students of SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes, totalling 20 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this thesis is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. Activities of the teacher in the learning process in cycle I the first meeting to 58,33% and the second meeting improve to 66,67%. Cycle II first meeting and the second meeting improve 83,33% and the second meeting improve to 95,83%. Result of data analysis of students activities in the first meeting cycle I with the first meeting of an avarage of 54,17% and a second meeting improve to 62,50%. Cycle II first meeting improve 79,17% and the second meeting improve to 95,83%. This thesis presents the results obtained each day before the action an improve in base score cycle with the average being 60,75. In the first cycle improve an average of 70,00 with increase big as 15,22% and an impove in the second with an average of 82,50 with increase big as 35,8%. Result in the class fifth at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega that the implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation can improve students achievement of science studies at fifth graderes SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Group Investigation (Gi) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas V SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega Kecamatan Tanah Putih

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    The problem this research is the students achievment of science studies SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes still low with an average value of 60,75 and minimum completenness criteria (KKM) science studies is 70,00. Between students, amounting to 20 people only 9 students who achieve classical KKM with 45,00%. This research is Classroom Action Research (CAR), wich aims to improve the student achievement of science studies class fifth at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega Kecamatan Tanah Putih with implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation. Formulation of the problem: is the implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation can improve students achievment of science studies at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes?. The research was conducted on April to May 2016 by 2 cycles. Subjects were students of SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega fifth graderes, totalling 20 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this thesis is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. Activities of the teacher in the learning process in cycle I the first meeting to 58,33% and the second meeting improve to 66,67%. Cycle II first meeting and the second meeting improve 83,33% and the second meeting improve to 95,83%. Result of data analysis of students activities in the first meeting cycle I with the first meeting of an avarage of 54,17% and a second meeting improve to 62,50%. Cycle II first meeting improve 79,17% and the second meeting improve to 95,83%. This thesis presents the results obtained each day before the action an improve in base score cycle with the average being 60,75. In the first cycle improve an average of 70,00 with increase big as 15,22% and an impove in the second with an average of 82,50 with increase big as 35,8%. Result in the class fifth at SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega that the implementation of model cooperative learning thype Group Investigation can improve students achievement of science studies at fifth graderes SD Negeri 034 Teluk Mega