50 research outputs found


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    The experiences of fisheries, aquaculture, and recreation development in the protected area of the Krka River comprise a valuable case study with implications for managing other areas along Croatia \u27s coast

    Development Vision of Protected Areas in the Republic of Croatia: National Park ā€œKrkaā€ as a Trend Leader

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    This chapter provides an overview of the current state of the park system of R.Ā Croatia. The effectiveness of management, recent achievements and difficulties in the functioning of national parks and parks of the Republic of Croatia are analysed, especially in the light of fulfilling ecological functions, contribution to sustainable development and strengthening local community economies. Attention is drawn to the lack of a comprehensive strategy of national park system, shortcoming of a unique park policy that is necessary for social valuation of a protected areasā€™ role, their stable financing, professionalisation of park functions, professionalisation of workplaces and positioning in relation to other sectors. Through the development vision of the national park system, prospects of improving management are stated, conditions of increasing the efficiency of management are detected and the models of achieving greater financial sustainability are suggested. In the second part, NP Krka is shown as the leader of the trends through protection and management of its area for more than two decades. The practiced approach has positioned them in the very top of the Croatia park system according to the results of the management and quality of the solution. The key features of the NP Krka management concept are highlighted, due to the achieved financial autonomy and the high level of sustainability of NP Krka management. An important upcoming challenge in managing the NP Krka is the need to effectively preserve the biodiversity and ecosystem services of the protected area through the establishment of a higher level of adaptability and flexibility of management, primarily to reduce the impact and effects of climate change, as well as the more pronounced annual growth of visitors and the consequences it brings. An important impulse for the improvement of the management in the NP Krka will be the adoption of a new spatial plan that will define, based on the results of extensive multidisciplinary research, the opportunities for development of acceptable activities in the protected area

    Development of electroanalytical methods for detection and characterization of metal sulfide and sulphur nanoparticles in aquatic environment

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    Fizikalno-kemijska svojstva nanočestica (NČ), prvenstveno visoka reaktivnost, utječe na biodostupnost i sudbinu NČ u vodenom okoliÅ”u. Ovaj rad opisuje primjenu elektroanalitičkih metoda u određivanju i karakterizaciji NČ. Kronoamperometrijskim (CA) i voltametrijskim mjerenjima su detektirane NČ metalnih sulfida (MeS) i elementarnog sumpora (So) u modelnim sustavima. Na osnovu primijenjenog potencijala živine elektrode (Hg) određena je vrsta NČ MeS. Naboj detektiranih Å”iljastih signala u CA ovisi o dijametru NČ, dok frekvencija udara ovisi o udjelu NČ s dijametrom manjim od 200 nm. S CA je praćen proces aglomeriranja u ovisnosti o primijenjenim eksperimentalnim uvjetima. Kako bi se potvrdila elektroanalitička mjerenja na Hg elektrodi, provedena su mjerenja pri istim eksperimentalnim uvjetima metodama koje se standardno koriste u karakterizaciji NČ (DLS, NTA, AFM i EC-STM). Razvijena CA metoda je primijenjena za detekciju NČ u prirodnim euksiničnim vodenim sustavima.Physico-chemical properties of nanoparticles (NPs), mainly high reactivity, affect their bioavailability and fate in aquatic environment. This work shows development of electroanalytical methods in detection and characterization of NPs. Chronoamperometry (CA) and voltammetry were used for detection of the metal sulphide (MeS) and sulphur (So) NPs in modal solutions. Based on the applied potential of the working mercury electrode (Hg) it is possible to differentiate between MeS NPs. The charge of recorded spike like signals is related to NPs size, while signal frequency depends on the presence of the NPs smaller than 200 nm. With use of CA agglomeration processes under different experimental conditions were monitored. In order to confirm electrochemical measurements in parallel intercomparison measurements with methods used in the characterization of NPs (STM, AFM, DLS, NTA) were done under same experimental conditions. CA was applied in detection of the NPs in natural aquatic euxinic systems

    Nearly zero energy buildings regarding requirements for electricity

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    U ovom diplomskom radu opisane su gotovo nula energetske zgrade s njihovim karakteristikama i zahtjevima koji su postavljeni pred njih. Opisane su europske i hrvatske pravne direktive vezane uz gotovo nula energetske zgrade. Gotovo nula energetske zgrade su zgrade koje imaju visoka energetska svojstva, a gotovo nula ili vrlo mala koliina potrebne energije treba u znaajnoj mjeri biti pokrivena energijom iz obnovljivih izvora, ukljuujui energiju iz obnovljivih izvora proizvedenu na licu mjesta ili u blizini. Prikazani su naini definiranja energetskih tokova unutar zgrade i metode prorauna. Postoji nekoliko vrsta i principa ostvarivanja gotovo nula energetskih zgrada. Opisan je tehniki sustav koji ini gotovo nula energetsku zgradu te vrste proizvodnje energije (na mjestu i u blizini). Na primjeru jedne kue prikazan je proraun potroŔnje i proizvodnje toplinske i elektrine energije. Za kuu je predloženo postavljanje fotonaponskog i solarnog toplinskog sustava u kombinaciji s mikrokogeneracijom kako bi se zadovoljile energetske potrebe kue i postigao gotovo nula energetski standardIn this Master's Thesis nearly zero energy buildings with their characteristics and set requirements are described. European and Croatian directives asssociated with nearly zero energy buildings are described. Nearly zero energy building is a building that has a very high energy performance, and the nearly zero or very low amount of energy required should be covered to a very significant extent by energy from renewable sources, including energy from renewable sources produced on-site or nearby. Ways of defining the energy flows within the building and calculation methods are presented. There are several types and principles of achieving near-zero energy buildings. Technical system of nearly zero energy building and types of energy production (on-site and nearby) are described. Calculation of consumption and production of heat and electrical energy are presented in an example of a house. Setting up PV and solar heating systems in combination with micro-cogeneration is proposed for the house in order to satisfy energy needs of the house and achieve nealy zero energy standard


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    U radu su prikazani vizija, strarteÅ”ke smjernice/mjere i akcijski plan razvoja uzgoja Å”koljkaÅ”a u uŔću rijeke Krke, koje su proizaÅ”le iz nekoliko rasprava s uzgajivačima Å”koljkaÅ”a u uŔću provedenih tijekom 2008., za vrijeme izrade Integralnog plana razvoja Å”koljkarstva u uŔću rijeke Krke (Integrated Plan for Shellfish farming for Krka Estuary Area) i u okviru Programa poticanja zelenog poduzetniÅ”tva (UNDP ā€” Projekta COAST ā€” Očuvanje i održivo koriÅ”tenje bioloÅ”ke i krajobrazne raznolikosti na dalmatinskoj obali putem održivog razvitka obalnog područja ā€” Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development). Kratkoročno značajniji poticaj razvoju uzgoja Å”koljkaÅ”a u uŔću rijeke Krke mogla bi biti izgradnja zajedničkoga otpremnog i purifikacijskog centra, skladiÅ”ta opreme i radnoga prostor za pripremu uzgojne opreme i prostor za zbrinjavanje otpada, a dugoročno na izgradnju mrjestiliÅ”ta Å”koljkaÅ”a na lokalitetu Martinska.In this paper are presented the vision, strategic guidelines/measures and the action plan for shellfish farming development in the Krka river estuary. They came as a result from several discussions that were held with shellfish farmers of the estuary area in year 2008 while writing the Integrated Plan for Shellfish Farming for Krka Estuary Area, which was realized in the framework of the Green Business Support Programme (UNDP COST Project ā€” Conservation, and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in the Dalmatian Coast through Greening Coastal Development). For a shortā€“term, a considerable impetus for the development of shellfish farming in the Krka river estuary could be the construction of common distribution and purification center, building of warehouse for shellfish farming equipment, and providing work space for the preparation of the equipment as well as the space for waste disposal; for a longā€“term it could be building of shellfish hatchery at the location of Martinska marine station

    Electroanalytical methods in characterization of sulfur species in aqueous environment

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    Electroanalytical (voltammetric, polarographic, chronoamperometric) methods on an Hg electrode were applied for studying of different sulfur compounds in model and natural water systems (anoxic lakes, waste water, rain precipitation, sea-aerosols). In all investigated samples typical HgS reduction voltammetric peak, characteristic for many different reduced sulfur species (RSS: sulfide, elemental sulfur, polysulfide, labile metal sulfide and organosulfur species) was recorded at about -0.6 V vs. Ag/AgCl reference electrode. In addition, in anoxic waters which are enriched with sulfide and iron species, voltammetric peaks characteristic for the presence of free Fe(II) and FeS nanoparticles (NPs) were recorded at -1.4 V and around -0.45 V, respectively. Depending on the used electroanalytical method and experimental conditions (varying deposition potential, varying time of oxidative and/or reductive accumulation, sample pretreatment i.e. acidification followed by purging) it is possible to distinguish between different sulfur species. This work clearly shows a large potential of the electrochemistry as a powerful analytical technique for screening water quality regarding presence of different reduced sulfur species and their speciation between dissolved and colloidal/nanoparticle phases

    Oziđana pećina - rezultati arheoloÅ”kih istraživanja

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    Oziđana pećina smjeÅ”tena je na lijevoj strani rijeke Krke iznad RoÅ”kog slapa, na području Bogetića Miljevačkog. Na samom je vrhu kanjona, otvora okrenuta prema jugozapadu, usred dvadesetak metara visoke, okomite litice, odakle se pruža pogled na duboki kanjon rijeke, u kojem se ljepotom ističe viÅ”e manjih slapića koji tvore niz tzv. ogrlica. Naziv je dobila po suhozidu na ulazu nad strmom liticom. UnutraÅ”njost joj je tunelastog oblika, dužine 59 m, Å”irine najviÅ”e do 7 m i visine oko 2,5 m, s dva ā€ždimnjakaā€œ u stražnjem dijelu. Å pilja je i za najvećih kiÅ”a uglavnom suha; tek je na nekoliko mjesta vidljivo prokapavanje, koje na kamenom stropu tvori manje cjevaste stalaktite i saljeve, te ā€œrazliveneā€ stalagmite na podu. Godine 1988., tijekom rekognosciranja Å”pilja i jama u kanjonu Krke (u organizaciji Hrvatskog prirodoslovnog muzeja u Zagrebu), u Oziđanoj pećini pronađen je ulomak keramičke posude s karakteristikama hvarske kulturne skupine (mlađi neolitik), na osnovu čega je zaključeno da je u ovaj prirodni objekt zalazio čovjek i služio se njime bilo kao stalnim boraviÅ”tem bilo kao povremenim skloniÅ”tem. Taj podatak je potaknuo arheologe da pokuÅ”aju istraživanjem potvrditi ispravnost zaključaka koji su se otkrićem tragova ljudske nazočnosti u Å”pilji nametali. Ulazak speleologa u Å”pilju, početkom 2005. godine iznio je na svjetlo dana joÅ” nekoliko ulomaka keramike, ovaj put danilske kulturne provenijencije (srednji neolitik). ArheoloÅ”kim istraživanjima su, da bi se osigurao pristup i omogućio rad, prethodile ozbiljne pripreme (osiguranje spuÅ”tanja, gradnja pristupne rampe, osiguranje rasvjete unutraÅ”njosti...) . Tako su, nakon dugog niza godina od prvog nalaza, konačno organizirana arheoloÅ”ka istraživanja u ovom, držimo, vrlo važnom Å”piljskom lokalitetu


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    U radu je iznesen kratki prikaz zemljopisnog položaja rijeke Krke, osobitosti njezina uŔća, to izlova i istraživanja prirodnih populacija Å”koljkaÅ”a. Poseban je naglasak stavljen na prikaz mogućnosti kontroliranog uzgoja Å”koljkaÅ”a u bočatim vodama uŔća. U uŔću rijeke Krke utvrđeno je 56 svojti iz 27 porodica. Najrasprostranjenije su ove svojte: dagnja (Mytilus galloprovincialis), kamenica (Ostrea edulis), a česte su: jestiva srčanka (Cerastoderma glaucum), prnjavica (Venus verrucosa), kućica (Tapes decussatus), kunjka (Arca noae), mala kapica (Chlamys varia) i jakovska kapica (Pecten jacobaeus). Izlov prirodnih populacija Å”koljkaÅ”a za prehranu tradicionalna je djelatnost i procjenjuje se na 100 tona u godini. Istraživanja mogućnosti kontroliranog uzgoja dagnje, kamenice, male kapice i jakovske kapice rezultirala su razvojem tehnologija konroliranog uzgoja dagnje i kamenice 1983., a jakovske kapice i male kapice godine 1989. Danas je proizvodnja organizirana na 25 lokaliteta, ukupne povrÅ”ine 87.142 m2, s mogućnoŔću proizvodnje oko 1.500 tona dagnji i deset tisuća kamenica, a mogla bi se povećati iznad 10.000 tona.Krka River spring is at the foot of Dinara mountain, starting from a 22 m high Topoljski waterfall. Its length is 72.5 km, and total slope 242 m. The length of freshwater waterway is 49 km and brackish waterway, i. e. flooded river mouth, 23.5 km long. Impact of seawater and depth of surface fresh water greatly vary depending on the river waterlevel, local precipitation, tides and wind directions. Owing to the extensive primary production in the river mouth shellfish are abundantly present with 56 species. The most abundant are Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprouincialis) and flat oyster (Ostrea edulis), and partly common cockle (Cerastoderma glaucum), Venus shell (Venus verucosa), calico clam (Tapes decussates), Noah\u27s arc (Arca noae), variegated scallop (Chlamis uaria) and Pilgrim\u27s scallop (Pecten jacobaeus). Owing to very productive processes in the ecosystem of river mouth, fishing in the area is traditionally practice. The knowledge about natural populations of Mediterranean mussel fished out in quantities larger than 100 t/y have initiated the research on since 1979 shellfish in this area. Investigations on possibilities of commercial farming of Mediterranean mussel, flat oyster, variegated scallop and Pilgrim\u27s scallop (Pecten jacobaeus) resulted in defining the technological procedure for commercial farming of Mediterranean mussel and flat oyster (1983), and variegated scallop and Pilgrim\u27s scallop (1989). Nowadays at 25 localities of 87.000 m2 area and with 19 concessions a total production around 1500 t/y of Mediterranean mussel and about 10.000 pieces of flat oyster is provided, and there is also significant possibility to increase production up to 10.000 tons