17 research outputs found

    Fundamental Physical Constants: Looking from Different Angles

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    We consider fundamental physical constants which are among a few of the most important pieces of information we have learned about Nature after its intensive centuries-long studies. We discuss their multifunctional role in modern physics including problems related to the art of measurement, natural and practical units, origin of the constants, their possible calculability and variability etc

    Precision spectroscopy with two correlated atoms

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    We discuss techniques that allow for long coherence times in laser spectroscopy experiments with two trapped ions. We show that for this purpose not only entangled ions prepared in decoherence-free subspaces can be used but also a pair of ions that are not entangled but subject to the same kind of phase noise. We apply this technique to a measurement of the electric quadrupole moment of the 3d D5/2 state of 40Ca+ and to a measurement of the linewidth of an ultrastable laser exciting a pair of 40Ca+ ions

    A-dependence of phi-meson production in p+A collisions

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    A systematic analysis of the A-dependence of phi-meson production in proton-nucleus collisions is presented. We apply different formalisms for the evaluation of the phi-meson distortion in nuclei and discuss the theoretical uncertainties of the data analysis. The corresponding results are compared to theoretical predictions. We also discuss the interpretation of the extracted results with respect to different observables and provide relations between frequently used definitions. The perspectives of future experiments are evaluated and estimates based on our systematical study are given.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figure

    Women in translational medicine : Tools to break the glass ceiling

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    Despite the recent movements for female equality and empowerment, few women occupy top positions in scientific decision-making. The challenges women face during their career may arise from societal biases and the current scientific culture. We discuss the effect of such biases at three different levels of the career and provide suggestions to tackle them. At the societal level, gender roles can create a negative feedback loop in which women are discouraged from attaining top positions and men are discouraged from choosing a home-centred lifestyle. This loop can be broken early in life by providing children with female role models that have a work-centred life and opening up the discussion about gender roles at a young age. At the level of hiring, unconscious biases can lead to a preference for male candidates. The introduction of (unbiased) artificial intelligence algorithms and gender champions in the hiring process may restore the balance and give men and women an equal chance. At the level of coaching and evaluation, barriers that women face should be addressed on a personal level through the introduction of coaching and mentoring programmes. In addition, women may play a pivotal role in shifting the perception of scientific success away from bibliometric outcomes only towards a more diverse assessment of quality and societal relevance. Taken together, these suggestions may break the glass ceiling in the scientific world for women; create more gender diversity at the top and improve translational science in medicine