1,447 research outputs found


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    AThis paper explores the evolution of the European Union economy during the last contraction, between 2007 and 2009. Assuming that the signs of recovery visible in the third quarter of 2009 will be sustainable, year 2010 will be the end of the crisis for the European and world economy. Looking at short-term evolutions we find out that business cycles in European Union are not really synchronized. Moreover, the amplitude of business cycle, determined as difference between growth rate in peak and growth rate in trough (annually data) is very different. UE27 is yet a two speed economy, with big differences between Old Member States and New Member States. The economic policies during the recovery will have to adapt to these differences.business cycle, crisis, recovery, European Union

    Intelligent Decisional Assistant that Facilitate the Choice of a Proper Computer System Applied in Busines

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    The choice of a proper computer system is not an easy task for a decider. One reason could be the present market development of computer systems applied in business. The big number of the Romanian market players determines a big number of computerized products, with a multitude of various properties. Our proposal tries to optimize and facilitate this decisional process within an e-shop where are sold IT packets applied in business, building an online decisional assistant, a special component conceived to facilitate the decision making needed for the selection of the pertinent IT package that fits the requirements of one certain business, described by the decider. The user interacts with the system as an online buyer that visit an e-shop where are sold IT package applied in economy.database, knowledge-base, decision tree, DSS, data mining, agents, reasoning, collaborative


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    The problem of population as we are used to call it belongs to different areas of interest for scientists of different fields for quite some time. The never ending growth of population has turned global. Threats generated by the population's evolution for economic, social or eco systems can be analyzed in two distinct ways: overpopulation and demographic growth in developing countries and aging demographics in developed countries. With a negative demographic evolution during the 20th century, Romania entered the 21st century with a more accentuated tendency of negative growth because of natural demographics phenomena and migration resulting in aging demographics. Migration and aging population tend to differ from region to region and even more from rural to urban environment.demographic evolution, internal migration, rural and urban environment

    Causes and effects of capital concentration in modern economies

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    Preoccupations determined by measuring the level of concentration are fully justified taking into consideration the effects of concentration over the competitive environment. Studies made in different periods and countries show that the occurrence of concentration and its effects can be explained by different causes. This paper is focused on concept of capital, on causes and effects of capital concentration, and also on different ways of measuring capital concentration in different sectors and industriescapital, sector concentration


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    The goal of this article is to present an architecture of a system that tries toprepare the students from specialization Computer science in Economy for the labormarket, through a integrated, interactive and intelligent system, gained through a proactivecollaboration between the university and the business environment, in order to adjust thetheoretical knowledge (transmitted in university) to the practice (specific to labor market).Two concepts are essentials: expert system and E-Learning.expert system, e-learning, theory, practice, production rules


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    Without substitute decision-maker, decision support system, through their components,can facilitate the work of decision-maker by providing useful clues to solving problems andidentifying opportunities. Choosing an optimal solution in case of complex decision makingprocesses, with a degree of uncertainty, involving a series of interdependent decisions, performed inseveral periods of time, can be achieved using decision trees. Suggestive and simple propertiespropel decision trees among the tools with a high degree of adoption and integration in electronicdecisional systems.tree, decision, risk, rollback, certainty

    Patients or Patents? The Role of Intellectual Property Rights and Pharmacology in Northern India

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    India\u27s public healthcare system\u27s polarized health inequities are perpetuated by institutionalized stratification, racism and elitism. These factors impede the average Indian’s access to healthcare. To compensate for these inequities, India utilizes its generic drug industry to supply medicine at free or reduced costs through central government schemes. India’s drug industry produces the third largest quantity of generic medicine in the world and is a rising stakeholder in international trade policies. In response to the 1995 Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement, India was one of the first countries to apply public health safeguards to protect the interests of patients, not patents. The scope of this study is to examine Indian stakeholder’s perceptions on access to medicine policies and intellectual property rights. The data was collected through secondary literature review, interviews, and observation through shadowing pertinent stakeholders such as legislatures, non-government organizations (NGOs) and pharmaceutical representatives. Using a human rights framework suggested by philosopher Johnathan Wolff, this study concludes if stakeholders perceive an obligation to protect intellectual property at the risk of inhibiting access to generic medicines

    Aesthetic mechanisms of Stalinization in Romanian architecture : the case of Hunedoara, 1947-1954

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    While historians have approached the process of popular democracies’ absorption into the Soviet system at the end of the Second World War by stressing political and economic relations within the decision-making structures, the urban spaces produced during this interval, as sites of social interaction, remained under-researched. In Romania, the project conducted in Hunedoara between 1947 and 1954 illustrates the extent to which the Romanian communist state was aware of the urban space’s potential for social manipulation, as well as the strategies this authority undertook to employ politically the formative function of the built environment. The thesis revolves around three main questions: What did modernization mean for Romanian society by the end of World War II? To what degree did the attempts of Stalinization manage to impose on Romanian society the Soviet Union’s cultural values and principles? And how can studying urban architecture tell us more about these topics? Drawing on newspaper and archival materials, the thesis concludes that inside the communist system, the ability to define “modernity” much less bringing it into being, depended on whether political elites and the party could provide institutional unity and coherent decision-making