1,323 research outputs found

    Valuation of Ecosystem Services Provided by Biodiversity Conservation: An Integrated Hydrological and Economic Model to Value the Enhanced Nitrogen Retention in Renaturated Streams

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    The importance of ecosystem functions for humankind is well known. But only few attempts have been undertaken to estimate the economic value of these ecosystem services. In particular, indirect methods are rarely used, even though they are most suitable for the task. This discrepancy is because quantitative knowledge of changes in ecosystem functions is scarce. This paper presents a user-friendly procedure to quantify the increased N-retention in a renaturated river using easily available data. In a case study of the renaturated River Jossa (Germany) the benefits of increased nitrogen retention caused by beaver reintroduction are determined by using the replacement cost method. The quantification of chemical processes is discussed in detail, as well as the problems of defining an adequate reference scenario for the substitute costs. Results show that economic benefits from the evaluated ecosystem service (€12,000/annum) equal 12% of the total costs of the corresponding conservation scheme.Biodiversity conservation programmes, Cost-benefit-analysis, Replacement cost method, Ecosystem services, Nutrient retention


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    Estimating the value consumers place on farm animal welfare (FAW) can predict the extent to which consumers are ready to support policy changes aimed at improving the welfare of farm animals and developing animal-friendly production systems that can also compete on markets. This study aimed at exploring consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay (WTP) for broiler meat in Germany which is certified as having been produced under a system that caters for FAW. In addition, logistic and linear regression models were estimated to examine the factors affecting consumers’ decision to buy certified FAW products. The data was obtained from a survey of 300 German broiler consumers, which was designed using the contingent valuation methodology. The results showed that 82% of the respondents were ready to buy certified FAW products. A majority of these (95%) were willing to pay an extra sum of about €1.5 for 1 kg of the certified FAW broiler fillets. This represents a price increase of about 27% in comparison with the actual price of conventional broiler fillets. The WTP estimates reveal that there is a potential for improvement of FAW standards in conventional broiler production. The magnitude of these estimates, however, shows that consumer WTP is below the actual price premium demanded by producers for existing animal-friendly programs for broiler production. This explains why the market for certified FAW broilers fails and calls for a policy change towards higher minimum standards of broiler welfare. Ziel dieser Studie ist es, Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die PrĂ€ferenzen der deutschen Verbraucher fĂŒr das Wohlergehen von Nutztieren (farm animal welfare FAW) zu gewinnen. Erforscht wurde die Zahlungsbereitschaft fĂŒr HĂ€hnchenfleisch, welches FAW zertifiziert produziert wird. Außerdem wurden logistische und lineare Regressionsmodelle geschĂ€tzt, um die Faktoren zu bestimmen, welche die Verbraucher bei ihrer Kaufentscheidung fĂŒr FAW zertifizierte Produkte beeinflussen. Die Daten wurden durch eine Umfrage bei 300 deutschen HĂ€hnchenfleischverbrauchern ermittelt, wobei die kontingente Bewertungsmethode verwendet wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, daß 82 % der Befragten bereit waren, FAW zertifizierte Produkte zu kaufen. Von diesen war die ĂŒberwiegende Mehrheit (95 %) bereit, einen zusĂ€tzlichen Betrag von ca. 1,50 € pro kg fĂŒr FAW zertifizierte HĂ€hnchenfilets zu zahlen. Dies stellt einen Preisanstieg von ca. 27 % dar im Vergleich zu dem aktuellen Preis fĂŒr konventionell produzierte HĂ€hnchenfilets. Die zusĂ€tzliche Zahlungsbereitschaft der Verbraucher liegt jedoch unterhalb der aktuellen PreisprĂ€mie, die die Hersteller bestehender FAW-Programme in der HĂ€hnchenproduktion verlangen. Dies erklĂ€rt, warum der Markt fĂŒr zertifiziertes FAW-GeflĂŒgelfleisch nicht erfolgreich ist.farm animal welfare (FAW), broiler, contingent valuation method (CVM), willingness-to-pay (WTP), Agribusiness,

    Addressing Formal Thought Disorder in Psychosis through Novel Assessment and Targeted Intervention

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Formal thought disorder (FTD) is a debilitating symptom of psychosis. It is linked to functional deficits and generally demonstrates poor response to interventions. Metacognition has emerged as a potential therapeutic target that may be effective in reducing FTD, as metacognitive deficits and FTD both arise from disruptions in associative thought processes. This study’s primary aim was to determine whether FTD could be reduced with metacognitive therapy. Pre-post changes in FTD severity were assessed using clinician-rated and automated measures in 20 individuals with psychotic disorders who received 12 sessions of evidence-based metacognitive therapy. We also examined whether reductions in FTD were larger when assessed with automated instruments versus clinician-rated measures. Aim two compared associations between FTD and three outcome variables (social functioning, role functioning, metacognition) across FTD-measurement approach. Results indicated that automated FTD, but not clinician-rated FTD, was significantly reduced post-intervention. This effect was more robust within a subsample exhibiting greater levels of FTD. Strength of associations between FTD and outcome variables did not differ across FTD measurement approach. These findings provide initial evidence that a targeted metacognitive intervention can reduce FTD. Effects were strongest for automated instruments, which may be more sensitive to detecting change; however, differences in measurement type did not extend to associations with selected outcome variables. This study provides preliminary support for future efforts to reduce FTD. Large-scale studies with longer intervention periods may further our understanding of the effectiveness of metacognitive intervention on FTD

    Differential Influence of Relative Poverty on Preferences for Ecosystem Services: Evidence from Rural Indonesia

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    Ecosystem services generate benefits that enter human consumption either directly or indirectly via their contribution to human production activities. In this contribution, we provide evidence that (i) the demand of peasants for ecosystem services in rural Indonesia depends on relative poverty; and that (ii) the type of reaction to poverty depends on the specific relation of the ecosystem services to peasant production and consumption. In early 2005 a representative choice experiment study was conducted in the Lore Lindu area in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia, to quantify regional economic preferences (marginal willingessto- pay: MWTP) for four different ecosystem services (n=249; rattan and water availability, shading in cacao agroforestry, population size of the endemic forest dwelling dwarf buffalo "anoa"). Relative poverty was calculated with the 2005 data using a 0,1-normally distributed relative poverty index developed from a socio-demographic household survey administered to the same sample in 2004. For shading in cocoa, a linearly decreasing trend is observed indicating a stronger preference for "sun-grown" cocoa in the less poor farmers indicating a constant poverty elasticity of WTP. The empirical poverty elasticity for anoa supports its luxury good characteristic only in part. For rattan and water, we find an inverted U-shape relation between MWTP for ecosystem services and relative poverty - probably due to serious restrictions in the ability to pay in the poorest households and a smaller resource dependency in the less poor households. In sum, the relationship between relative poverty and MWTP for ecosystem services appears more complex than classical micro-economic theory admits.Relative poverty, Choice experiment, ecosystem services, environmental valuation, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy, Q21, Q51, Q56, Q57,

    Verbraucherschutz vor dem Schimmelpilzgift Deoxynivalenol in Getreideprodukten: aktuelle Situation und Verbesserungsmöglichkeiten

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    Dieses Diskussionspapier beschĂ€ftigt sich mit der Problematik des Mykotoxins Deoxynivalenol (DON) im Getreide und Möglichkeiten des Managements der daraus entstehenden Risiken. DON in Getreide stellt in hiesigen Breiten derzeit kein akutes Gesundheitsrisiko dar. Gleichwohl können die gesetzlichen Regelungen als unbefriedigend angesehen werden, da sie den Verbraucher nicht adĂ€quat vor chronischen Effekten schĂŒtzen. Die zulĂ€ssigen Höchstgehalte (Grenzwerte) lassen DON-Gehalte zu, die zu einer Überschreitung der langfristig toxikologisch unbedenklichen Maße fĂŒhren können. Derzeit liegt die Aufnahme durch die Mehrzahl der Konsumenten unter diesem Maß, da die tatsĂ€chlichen Mykotoxingehalte hĂ€ufig unter den zulĂ€ssigen liegen. Durch den zu erwartenden Anstieg der Mykotoxinproblematik, aufgrund des Klimawandels und starken Wettbewerbdrucks in der Landwirtschaft, Ă€ndert sich die Situation. Der Verzehr von Getreideprodukten kann dann zu nennenswerten gesundheitlichen BeeintrĂ€chtigungen fĂŒhren, verbunden mit negativen Wohlfahrtseffekten. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass sich diese Probleme durch eine adĂ€quate VerbraucheraufklĂ€rung verbessern lassen. --

    Analyse der deutschen globalen Waldpolitik im Kontext der Klimarahmenkonvention und des Übereinkommens ĂŒber die biologische Vielfalt

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    Die Verminderung des Klimawandels und der Erhalt der biologischen Vielfalt zĂ€hlen zu den dringendsten politischen Herausforderungen des 21. Jahrhunderts. Zwischen den beiden Zielsetzungen bestehen starke Interdependenzen. Eine nachhaltige Waldpolitik ist in diesem Zusammenhang von enormer Bedeutung, da WĂ€lder - vor allem TropenwĂ€lder - gleichzeitig eine hohe BiodiversitĂ€tsrate aufweisen und große Mengen Kohlenstoff speichern. Sie stellen außerdem die Lebensgrundlage fĂŒr Millionen von Menschen dar. Ihr Schutz ist deshalb Bestandteil sowohl der Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) als auch der Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) der Vereinten Nationen (UN), die 1992 im Rahmen der Konferenz fĂŒr Umwelt und Entwicklung in Rio de Janeiro verabschiedet wurden. In der internationalen Klima? und BiodiversitĂ€tspolitik stehen entscheidende Weichenstellungen an, welche Auswirkungen auf die globale Waldpolitik haben werden. Es bestehen jedoch auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen Konflikte zwischen den Konventionen... --
