5 research outputs found

    Associations between muscle myotonometry (a)symmetry and functional movement performance in young women and men

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    Asymmetry of body parts refers to absence of symmetry and unevenly developed body parts in terms of the axis and plane. It has been long ago noticed that no perfectly correct human body exists, and bodies are to a greater or lesser extent asymmetric. A passive way of life, insufficient movement and inappropriate ergonomics of the workplace have a negative impact on the skeletal muscle system, usually resulting in reduced muscle power, static and dynamic muscle endurance, and altered muscle tone. The aim is to determine whether muscle myotonometry parameters are informative in early risk diagnostics to predict the likelihood of skeletal muscle system trauma. The study involved 382 people aged 18-24. Participants were devided into two groups: according to the accumulated composite score. Testing was made one time. The study consisted of functional movement and myotonometry evaluation. The study analyses and presents comparisons of the results depending on the trauma likelihood and sex. In addition, asymmetry of the left and the right body side is investigated. The analysis of the asymmetries (delta) in the frequency of damped oscillations of trapezius, biceps femoris, gastrocnemius (inner and outer part) on the left and right sides of the body demonstrated greater asymmetries between the left and the right sides of the body in the groups of both men and women with a lower chance of trauma. The assessment of asymmetries in femoris rectus and tibialis anterior between the left and the right sides of the body showed differences in the frequency of damped oscillations in all groups. Muscle myotonometry parameters are informative and may be used in early risk diagnostics to predict skeletal muscle system trauma. The asymmetry in tibialis muscle tone between the left and the right leg causes poorer parameters of functional movement performance in women. No associations were found to exist with the ability to perform functional movements in men. The asymmetry in femoris muscle tone between the left and right leg demonstrates the ability of young subjects to perform functional movements. It is characteristic of men and, to a lower extent, of women

    Improvement of balance of children with disorder of motor function by means of adapted physiotherapy

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    The aim of the research is to observe whether specific developmental disorder of motor function (SDDMF) in infancy affects 6-7 years old children’s balance and to find out does physiotherapy (PT) is beneficial for enhancing and maintaining this feature. The study involved 97 right-hand 6-7 years old children. Participants were divided into two groups: study and control group. In the study group, there were children who had SDDMF in infancy being 4-11 months old and participated in a PT program in infancy. Control group participants didn’t have SDDMF and PT in infancy. The balance was assessed using a computerized balance platform. The study group had 16 physiotherapy procedures. A data analysis showed significant differences of participants’ balance characteristics in frontal and sagittal planes: comparing study and control group results before PT in open eyes with feedback performance. There was a significant difference of balance between the study group before and after a PT with the control group when participants performed tasks with open eyes without a feedback. SDDMF in infancy affects 6-7 years old children’s balance and PT is beneficial for enhancing and maintaining these features for 6-7 years old children

    Torso muscle physical capacity and functional movements interfaces

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    Darbo tikslas – įvertinti liemens raumenų fizinį pajėgumą, funkcinių judesių atlikimą ir išanalizuoti sąsajas tarp šių komponentų. Dažniausiai vertinamas vienas segmentas: judesio amplitudė, asmens fiziniai duomenys, tam tikra raumenų grupė, tačiau nėra analizuojamos sąsajos tarp gautų rezultatų, o tai sunkina asmens fizinio parengtumo lygio ir atliekamo judesio kokybės visapusišką įvertinimą. Šis tyrimas apima kompleksinį požiūrį į žmogaus organizmą, jo fizinį pajėgumą ir funkcinius judesius. Lietuvos ir užsienio mokslininkai, pastaraisiais metais atlikę daug jauno amžiaus asmenų sveikatos tyrimų, teigia, kad mažėja žmonių, turinčių puikią sveikatą, kartu daugėja asmenų, turinčių įvairių sveikatos sutrikimų. Viena blogėjančios sveikatos priežasčių – mažas fizinis aktyvumas, prevencijos nebuvimas. Pasikeitė gyvenimo būdas, jis tapo sėslesnis, laisvalaikis leidžiamas pasyviau, taip pat pakito ir kasdieninės veiklos įpročiai, buvę prieš 15–20 metų. Prastėjant sveikatai, prastėja ir fizinis pajėgumas bei funkcinių judesių atlikimas. [...]The aim was to evaluate torso muscle physical capacity, functional movement patters and to analyze the correlations between these components. In general, one-segment evaluations are carried out: a range of motion, physical fitness, one muscle group endurance evaluation. There is no observable correlation between the results of number of fitness components, which is compounded by personal physical fitness level and comprehensive quality of motion assessment. We evaluated a comprehensive approach to the human body, its physical capacity and functional movements. Lithuanian and foreign authors in recent years mostly research health of the young age adults. These authors agree that the number of people with excellent health decreases very fast, while a variety of health problems increasing. One of the reasons for the worse health is low physical activity. Lifestyle has become sedentary, leisure time spent passively as well, habits and daily activities changed comparing to what it was 15–20 years ago. Poor physical capacity and worse performance of functional movements is one of the reason of the worse health. [...

    Conditions to obtain results analysing a small amount of plant material by EDXRF

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    Topsoil and plant material from two plots are investigated. One of the plots was fertilised with wastewater treatment sludge. Normalised intensities (In) of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Mo, Cr, Br obtained by EDXRF measuring, with or without a Mylar film, the pressed pellets prepared from plant material ashed at 240 °C using different dilution factors (DF) are compared. Plant material included mainly Festuca rubra and Calamagrostis epigejos. In values of Mg, Cr, Ni, Na, Al, P, S, Cl significantly decreased when measuring with the Mylar film, those of Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Zn, Br, Rb, Sr usually significantly decreased with greater dilution of material. It is quite possible to use DF = 0.25 for the preparation of pellets, but it is better to measure without the Mylar film. Despite the influence of plant sample preparation and measurement ways on In, the following group of elements with higher than 1.3 times content in the plants of the fertilised plot compared to that of the background plot was distinguished: Zn, Ni, Cu, S, P, Si, Rb, Sr. The contents of these elements, except Si and Rb, also increase in soil of this plot