46 research outputs found

    Aprenentatge servei del CEIP Ponent

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    [cat] Aquest treball pretén donar a conèixer una de les activitats que es duen a terme al CEIP Ponent. Es tracta d’una activitat que integra el servei a la comunitat amb l’aprenentatge de competències, habilitats o valors. Amb l’Aprenentatge Servei es fonen intencionalitat pedagògica i intencionalitat solidària. És una proposta que parteix d’elements com el servei voluntari a la comunitat i l’adquisició d’aprenentatges.[spa] Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer una de las actividades que se llevan a cabo en el CEIP Ponent. Se trata de una actividad que integra el servicio a la comunidad con el aprendizaje de competencias, habilidades o valores. Con el Aprendizaje Servicio se funden intencionalidad pedagógica e intencionalidad solidaria. Es una propuesta que parte de elementos como el servicio voluntario a la comunidad y la adquisición de aprendizajes

    Computational study of substrates and mediators features of lacasses

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    Laccases are enzymes of the family of the multicopper oxidases, being widely used for biotechnological applications. The enzyme catalytic cycle consists in the oxidation of the substrate with the concomitant reduction of molecular oxygen to water. In the process the substrate is converted to a free radical, that can oxidize larger substrates acting as a mediator or it can undergo polymerization. Substrate binding is not specific and there is a large diversity of substrates for laccases. Moreover, the binding site shows important differences among diverse species. The goal of the present work is to characterize the laccase binding pocket of different species in order to establish their common pharmacophoric characteristics. For this purpose we have carried out docking studies with a subset of substrates, covering the diversity of substrates using the Glide program. We have also analyze the characteristics of the binding site using diverse probes. We further have rationalized the differential values of Km found among diverse species for a specific substrate. Finally, special attention has been devoted to the binding of the mediator 2,2’-azido-di- (3-ethylbenzothiazoline) -6-sulfonic acid (ABTS), commonly used in industrial processePeer Reviewe

    Bio-preparation of cotton fabrics

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    This study attempted to introduce the bio-processes in the conventional scouring and bleaching preparation of cotton. The scouring with two types of pectinases, acting under acidic and alkaline conditions respectively, was as efficient as the chemical process in terms of obtained adequate water absorbency of the fabrics. The necessity of surfactants application in scouring was outlined. Bleaching of the fabrics was performed with hydrogen peroxide, which was enzymatically produced by glucose oxidase during oxidation of glucose. The aeration plays an important role in the enhancement of the enzyme reaction, so that the quantity of generated peroxide is sufficient to overcome the stabilizing effect of the glucose and protein in the subsequent bleaching. A closed-loop process reusing starch containing desizing baths in a single step scouring/bleaching operation with enzyme-generated peroxide was performed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved

    Novi soj bakterije, izoliran iz bolivijskog slanog jezera, prikladan za proizvodnju poli[(R)-3-hidroksibutirata]

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    Poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate] (PHB) constitutes a biopolymer synthesized from renewable resources by various microorganisms. This work focuses on finding a new PHB-producing bacterium capable of growing in conventional media used for industrial biopolymer production, its taxonomical identification, and characterization of its biopolymer. Thus, a bacterial isolation process was carried out from environmental samples of water and mud. Among the isolates, strain S29 was selected and used in a fed-batch fermentation to generate a biopolymer. This biopolymer was recovered and identified as PHB homopolymer. Surprisingly, it featured several fractions of different molecular masses, and thermal properties unusual for PHB. Hence, the microorganism S29, genetically identified as a new strain of Bacillus megaterium, proved to be interesting not only due to its growth and PHB accumulation kinetics under the investigated cultivation conditions, but also due to the thermal properties of the produced PHB.Poli[(R)-3-hidroksibutirat] (PHB) je biopolimer kojega sintetiziraju različiti mikroorganizmi iz obnovljivih izvora. Težište je rada bilo na pronalasku novog soja bakterije koji može proizvesti PHB na različitim industrijskom podlogama, te provesti taksonomsku identifikaciju soja i karakterizaciju biopolimera. Stoga su iz uzoraka vode i mulja izolirani sojevi bakterija, te je šaržnim postupkom fermentacije s pritokom supstrata pomoću odabranog soja S29 proizveden biopolimer, kasnije određen kao homopolimer PHB. Iznenađujuće je što je biopolimer imao više frakcija različitih molekularnih masa i termička svojstva neuobičajena za PHB. Time je potvrđeno da je novi soj bakterije Bacillus megaterium S29 zanimljiv ne samo zbog kinetičkih značajki rasta i akumulacije PHB, već i zbog termičkih svojstava proizvedenog biopolimera

    Novel Poly[(R)-3-Hydroxybutyratel-producing bacterium isolated from a bolivian hypersaline lake

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    Poly [ ( R )-3-hydroxybutyrate ] (PHB) constitutes a biopolymer synthesized from renew- able resources by various microorganisms. This work focuses on finding a new PHB-produc- ing bacterium capable of growing in conventional media used for industrial biopolymer production, its taxonomical identification, and characterization of its biopolymer. Thus, a bacterial isolation process was carried out from environmental samples of water and mud. Among the isolates, strain S29 was selected and used in a fed-batch fermentation to gene- rate a biopolymer. This biopolymer was recovered and identified as PHB homopolymer. Surprisingly, it featured several fractions of different molecular masses, and thermal prop- erties unusual for PHB. Hence, the microorganism S29, genetically identified as a new strain of Bacillus megaterium , proved to be interesting not only due to its growth and PHB accumulation kinetics under the investigated cu ltivation conditions, but also due to the thermal properties of the produced PHBPostprint (published version

    Impacto de las actividades recreativas medioambientales para el cuidado de la naturaleza (Original)

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        The present investigation, of great importance for the formation of an environmental culture, gives rise to the strategy of this same type put into practice in 1997, which gave rise to others closely related to the conduct of men in their activities human. The Recreation sphere of action has its share of responsibility in achieving changes in the personal and collective behavior of the population towards the environment and in seeking effective ways to strengthen the indicators presented in the aforementioned strategy, since the organization of activities in contact with nature. It constitutes a reason for imitation of the child population, a fundamental direction of this field work that formulates as an objective: to carry out recreational activities as a way to care for nature in the community "The Delight", in the municipality of Jiguaní. The foregoing, without a doubt, constitutes the local solution to a need generated in a natural environment of the aforementioned area. The results were possible, thanks to the adequate selection of methods of the empirical and theoretical level that made it possible to structure the work. Its greatest relevance is in the educational component offered by recreation to work on values ​​related to nature.    La presente investigación, de gran importancia para la formación de una cultura medio ambiental, da salida a la estrategia de este mismo tipo puesta en práctica en el año 1997, la cual dio lugar a otras muy relacionadas con la conducta de los hombres en sus actividades humanas. La esfera de actuación Recreación tiene su cuota de responsabilidad en lograr cambios en la conducta personal y colectiva de la población hacia el entorno y de buscar vías efectivas para fortalecer los indicadores presentados en la estrategia referida, pues la organización de actividades en contacto con la naturaleza constituye un motivo de imitación de la población infantil, dirección fundamental de este trabajo de campo que formula como objetivo: realizar actividades recreativas como vía para el cuidado de la naturaleza en la comunidad “Las Delicias”, del municipio Jiguaní. Lo anterior, sin dudas, constituye la solución local a una necesidad generada en un entorno natural de la citada zona. Los resultados fueron posibles, gracias a la adecuada selección de métodos del nivel empírico y teórico que posibilitaron estructurar el trabajo. Su mayor relevancia está en el componente educativo que ofrece la recreación para trabajar valores relacionados con la naturaleza

    Eina informàtica basada en el guiatge de l’alumne, per l’anivellament dels coneixements previs de química, de primer curs de la UPC de la titulació d’Enginyeria Industrial, mitjançant la plataforma de suport a la docència (Atenea v.4.0)

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    Durant aquest projecte s’ha recopilat i estructurat un material didàctic adequat perquè l’alumnat, en especial el que no hagi cursat assignatures de química abans del seu ingrés a la universitat, pugui aconseguir uns coneixements de química convenients per poder seguir eficaçment l’assignatura de Química I, corresponent a la fase selectiva de la titulació d’Enginyeria Industrial impartida a la ETSEIB. A continuació, aquest material s’ha desenvolupat i adaptat dins del recurs de la plataforma de suport docent Atenea v 4.0 la “lliçó”, que permet el guiatge de l'alumnat per la resolució de problemes, afavorint així el seu auto-aprenentatge i per tant l’anivellament dels coneixements de química dels grups de Química I, finalitat principal d’aquest projecte de millora docent. En total s’han creat 4 lliçons diferents : 1: Formulació i nomenclatura de química inorgànica. 2: Gasos i dissolucions. 3: Reaccions químiques. Igualació de reaccions. 4: Estequiometria. Cadascuna d’aquestes lliçons s’ha plantejat amb una part de teoria amb exemples resolts per mostrar-los com a models de resolució, i una altra part amb una sèrie d’exercicis proposats perquè l’alumnat pugui practicar els conceptes associats. Finalment, s’ha implementat durant el primer quadrimestre del curs 2008-09 en els 7 grups (aproximadament 500 alumnes) de l’assignatura mencionada.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of glycerol on poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) production by Cupriavidus necator and Burkholderia sacchari

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    Glycerol is a co-product of many industrial processes and is generated in large quantities from different origins. In this study, glycerol is used as a cheap carbon source for the production of poly(3- hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) with two different collection strains, Cupriavidus necator and Burkholderia sacchari, in order to provide an alternative outlet for glycerol and produce value-added bioproducts. The objective of this work was to study the influence of this carbon source on their growth kinetics, on their polymer production, and on the molecular mass of the produced biopolymer. Therefore, fermentations in bioreactors were carried out with these strains. Different results for both strains were obtained showing, for the first time, a high cell dry mass and growth rate, when glycerol was used together with glucose in the fermentation with C. necator. In the first fermentation with B. sacchari using glycerol as a sole carbon source, the strain properly developed synthesizing PHB. The biopolymers obtained from both fermentations with glycerol showed low molecular masses about 300 kDa with a polydispersity of 4.72 with C. necator, and 200 kDa with polydispersity of 2.50 with B. sacchari.Postprint (author's final draft

    Material docent en format digital per a assignatures d'experimentació en química

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    En aquesta comunicació es presenta un projecte elaborat arran de l’interès mostrat per un grup de professorat en disposar de material audiovisual propi i comú per a assignatures experimentals de química de diferents titulacions impartides per diferents centres de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). Els autors d’aquest treball pertanyen al Grup de Recursos per a la Didàctica de la Química (GReDiQ), integrat en el projecte RIMA (http://www.upc.edu/rima) de l’Institut de Ciències de l’Educació de la UPC. L’elaboració de material audiovisual digital constitueix un dels objectius principals plantejats pel GReDiQ i pretén generar tant un material de suport per a les activitats pre-laboratorio, com un element motivador i que faciliti l’aprenentatge de l’alumnat en les sessions de laboratori de les matèries de Química i Enginyeria química, que apareixen com assignatures de formació bàsica en gairebé tots els plans d’estudi dels nous Graus d’Enginyeria que s’ estan implantant a la UPC. La utilització del material audiovisual digital possibilita que l’alumnat prengui consciència de les activitats de laboratori, així com dels hàbits bàsics de manipulació i seguretat en el laboratori, del fonament d’operacions bàsiques o instrumentació a utilitzar.Peer Reviewe