178 research outputs found

    Examination of the Role of Implicit Clinical Judgments During the Mental Health Intake

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    We examined the characteristics of therapists\u27 implicit clinical judgments during the mental health intake. Following the intake sessions with new clients, we conducted 129 semistructured interviews with 47 therapists. We found that 82% of therapists and 75% of interviews included reference to implicit clinical judgments. Therapists referred to these judgments as a cognitive process that relied on knowledge acquired through past clinical experiences and was primarily based on nonverbal cues and affective communication. Therapists used implicit processes when evaluating how to facilitate a good working alliance, what diagnostic information to collect, and how to decide on a diagnosis. The majority of therapists described elements of good rapport, such as being listened to, as central for a positive outcome of the intake. We concluded that implicit clinical judgments were vital to allow therapists to integrate the plethora of information from different channels of communication they collect during the intake

    Ignacio Rodríguez Galván : humor y vida cotidiana en el México del siglo XIX

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    1 archivo PDF (17 páginas). fhduodequadragintaEl análisis de algunos textos humorísticos de Ignacio Rodríguez Galván, escritor romántico mexicano cuya obra se publicó en la primera mitad del siglo XIX, favorece la recuperación desde la retórica, la historia, la semiótica y la antropología cultural, de escenas de la vida cotidiana en la época que permiten al lector contemporáneo mexicano constatar la herencia endocultural que posee, y quizás también entender la dinámica social de su cultura a través de la literatura. Divertirse con la vena cómica de un autor a quien en su tiempo le dieran el sobrenombre de “El mestizo triste” y sentir nostalgia por los tiempos idos, pueden ser dos reacciones emotivas que este ensayo provoque en sus receptores

    Humor y comicidad en la literatura popular del siglo XIX mexicano

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    1 archivo PDF (11 páginas). fhtrigintatresEn este artículo se presenta un análisis de algunos textos literarios populares del siglo XIX mexicano. El aspecto que lo motiva es el humor, razón por la cual en la parte introductoria se pone en contexto esta expresión de la mano con la de comicidad; así como también con la de la risa, su lógica consecuencia. La revisión de autores como Sygmund Freud, para quien el humor no resigna, sino desafía; Gilles Lipovetsky, quien piensa que éste deriva hacia la ironía pura que se ejercita a costa de las costumbres individuales típicas; y finalmente, Henri Bergson, analista de la risa en relación con los prejuicios de la sociedad, nos ayuda a plantear la consideración del humor como una manifestación humana “de camino entre el arte y la vida”. Una parte de los textos que conforman el corpus se tomó del Calendario Cómico de José Parra y Álvarez; publicado en 1860, esta selección nos permite conocer y disfrutar un humor decimonónico blanco y hasta un tanto pusilánime, producto del contexto sociocultural de la época y, por supuesto, relacionado con sus costumbres y prejuicios sociales; otra, un bolero, y una letrilla seleccionados de la Musa callejera de Guillermo Prieto, nos deja ver también la fina ironía con que los escritores hacían crítica de algunas de las debilidades de la sociedad de su tiempo, para regocijo de sus lectores; pero también con la finalidad de crear conciencia por lo que se trata, en mayor o menor medida, de un humor, aunque a ratos malicioso, con intención moralizante

    El miedo en el ámbito educativo : hacia una educación con humanismo

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    1 archivo PDF (15 páginas). fhtrigintaquinqueLa educación en la escuela tradicional, como los son todas las integradas al sistema educativo nacional mexicano, es represiva en esencia, se rige por el principio de premio y castigo, por lo que es fácil comprender por qué los estudiantes arriban al nivel universitario con un fuerte bloqueo que les impide aplicar las habilidades básicas en ciencia y lenguajes, para la comprensión de nuevos conocimientos necesariamente más complejos. Por lo que es necesaria una educación Transformadora/Culturalizante con enfoque humanístico

    Cuauhtémoc : un personaje relevante en la literatura mexicana del siglo XIX

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    1 archivo PDF (17 páginas). tyvlxxvii

    Erratum Re: “Coping With Racism: Moderators of the Discrimination—Distress Link Among Mexican-Origin Adolescents”

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    The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Child Dev This corrects the article "Coping With Racism: Moderators of the Discrimination—Adjustment Link Among Mexican-Origin Adolescents" in Child Dev, volume 89 on page e293

    Centering the Voice of the Client: On Becoming a Collaborative Practitioner with Low-Income Individuals and Families

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    Despite current interest in collaborative practices, few investigations document the ways practitioners can facilitate collaboration during in-session interactions. This investigation explores verbatim psychotherapy transcripts to describe and illustrate therapist’s communications that facilitate or hinder centering client’s voice in work with socioeconomically disadvantaged populations. Four exemplar cases were selected from a large intervention trial aimed at improving shared decision making (SDM) skills of psychotherapists working with low-income clients. The exemplar cases were selected because they showed therapist’s different degrees of success in facilitating SDM. Therapist’s verbalizations were grouped into five distinct communicative practices that centered or de-centered the voice of clients. Communication practices were examined through the lens of collaborative approaches in family therapy. The analysis suggests that cross-fertilization between SDM and family-oriented collaborative and critical approaches shows promise to illuminate and enhance the challenging road from clinician-led to client-led interactions. This paper also stresses the importance of incorporating relational intersectionality with individuals and families who may not feel entitled to express their expectations or raise questions when interacting with authority figures

    Do post-migration perceptions of social mobility matter for Latino immigrant health?

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    Latino immigrants exhibit health declines with increasing duration in the United States, which some attribute to a loss in social status after migration or downward social mobility. Yet, research into the distribution of perceived social mobility and patterned associations to Latino health is sparse, despite extensive research to show that economic and social advancement is a key driver of voluntary migration. We investigated Latino immigrant sub-ethnic group variation in the distribution of perceived social mobility, defined as the difference between respondents' perceived social status of origin had they remained in their country of origin and their current social status in the U.S. We also examined the association between perceived social mobility and past-year major depressive episode (MDE) and self-rated fair/poor physical health, and whether Latino sub-ethnicity moderated these associations. We computed weighted logistic regression analyses using the Latino immigrant subsample (N = 1561) of the National Latino and Asian American Study. Puerto Rican migrants were more likely to perceive downward social mobility relative to Mexican and Cuban immigrants who were more likely to perceive upward social mobility. Perceived downward social mobility was associated with increased odds of fair/poor physical health and MDE. Latino sub-ethnicity was a statistically significant moderator, such that perceived downward social mobility was associated with higher odds of MDE only among Puerto Rican and Other Latino immigrants. In contrast, perceived upward social mobility was not associated with self-rated fair/poor physical health. Our findings suggest that perceived downward social mobility might be an independent correlate of health among Latino immigrants, and might help explain Latino sub-ethnic group differences in mental health status. Future studies on Latino immigrant health should use prospective designs to examine the physiological and psychological costs associated with perceived changes in social status with integration into the U.S. mainland

    Assessment of Co-Occurring Depression and Substance Use in an Ethnically Diverse Patient Sample During Behavioral Health Intake Interviews

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    Background: Co-occurring disorders present a challenge for providers who often fail to diagnose them with accuracy. This study explores the assessment process of co-occurring depressive and substance use disorders in community health clinics serving ethnically diverse patients. The goals are to identify how symptoms discussed in intake, as well as patient and provider characteristics, are associated with receiving a diagnosis of co-occurring disorders or not. Methods: Participation in the study consisted of videotaping the intake, conducting a semi-structured interview, and completing demographic and clinical measures. Quantitative analyses were conducted based on information coded from videotapes of intakes with 119 patients who screened positive for symptoms of depressive disorders and substance use. A subset of cases (28) diagnosed with co-occurring disorders were qualitatively analyzed. Results: Results suggest that being female and any discussion of depression as a general term increased the likelihood of receiving a diagnosis of depression. Discussing symptoms of drug and alcohol use increased the likelihood of receiving a substance use disorder diagnosis, and discussing symptoms of substance use only increased the likelihood of receiving a dual diagnosis. Qualitative analyses indicate that providers report conducting more systematic assessments for substance use than depressive disorders, which is not supported by the quantitative findings. Conclusions: Our results point to discrepancies in the ways providers and patients describe the assessment of dual diagnoses. Factors such as the role of nonverbal information and patient presentation were identified as contributing to complexity of the assessment