102 research outputs found

    Fundamental flaws in the current cost regulatory capital value method of utility pricing

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    A fundamental problem with many utilities is that they are dependent on networks which are natural monopolies: there is no natural market which can set a market price. The difficulty, therefore, is how prices should be set, so that the natural monopoly is not being exploited to overcharge customers, while at the same time companies earn a reasonable return on their operating activities, and on the capital invested. The solution to this problem very often involves oversight by a regulatory body in setting revenue or price caps for the utility. Many of the techniques currently used by regulatory bodies in setting revenue or price caps involve an assessment of the total value of the capital assets employed by the utility: this is variously known as the Regulatory Capital Value, (RCV), Regulatory Asset Value, (RAV), or Regulatory Asset Base, (RAB): (in this paper, we will use the term RCV throughout.) Under a typical RCV based approach, prices are set so as to allow for the operating expenses of the utility, as well as an allowance for the depreciation of capital assets, and a return on the total value of the assets employed: other factors, like possible efficiency savings, are also commonly brought in

    Science and technology in devolved Scotland : the example of the Scottish Agricultural and Biological Research Institutes

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    In previous papers, (Cuthbert and Cuthbert, various dates), we have been concerned with a number of aspects of the operation of the devolution settlement, particularly but not exclusively relating to financial issues. One of our concerns has been whether the interface between the handling of devolved matters by the Scottish Executive and the handling of complementary reserved matters by UK government departments works satisfactorily. Such an interface issue arises in the field of science: we concentrate here on a particular problematic example, the Scottish Agricultural and Biological Institutes (SABRIs). The SABRIs receive their core funding from the Scottish Executive Environment and Rural Affairs Department (SEERAD), that is out of devolved funding, but they are nevertheless clearly regarded as being an integral constituent of the UK science base. We ask in this paper whether the arrangements for funding the SABRIs and determining their research programmes are in the best interests of the SABRIs themselves, and more generally, in the interests of the wider Scottish economy. We conclude that there are significant weaknesses. First, the funding arrangements are sub-optimal in that almost uniquely among the core science base the SABRIs are barred from accessing Research Council and major charity funding. Secondly, the existence of the SABRIs in their current form has arguably distorted priorities within the Scottish Executive's overall support for science. Thirdly, and conversely, the SABRIs are not fully integrated into the planning and strategy arrangements for the UK science base. While this paper is concerned primarily with the SABRIs, the issues identified have wider implications for the public funding of research in Scotland and for devolution

    Akt2: a role in breast cancer metastasis.

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    Metastasis in breast cancer significantly increases morbidity and mortality. The 5-year survival rate reduces from 90% for localised disease to about 20% once metastasis has taken place. The phosphoinositide 3-kinase/Akt signalling pathway has an important role in cell motility, invasion and metastasis. However, the precise contribution of the Akt kinase family members, Akt1, Akt2 and Akt3, in mediating these processes is unclear. The possibility that they have distinct functions in tumour progression is particularly interesting

    The Contextual Essentiality of Mitochondrial Genes in Cancer

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    Mitochondria are key organelles in eukaryotic evolution that perform crucial roles as metabolic and cellular signaling hubs. Mitochondrial function and dysfunction are associated with a range of diseases, including cancer. Mitochondria support cancer cell proliferation through biosynthetic reactions and their role in signaling, and can also promote tumorigenesis via processes such as the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The advent of (nuclear) genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 deletion screens has provided gene-level resolution of the requirement of nuclear-encoded mitochondrial genes (NEMGs) for cancer cell viability (essentiality). More recently, it has become apparent that the essentiality of NEMGs is highly dependent on the cancer cell context. In particular, key tumor microenvironmental factors such as hypoxia, and changes in nutrient (e.g., glucose) availability, significantly influence the essentiality of NEMGs. In this mini-review we will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the contribution of NEMGs to cancer from CRISPR-Cas9 deletion screens, and discuss emerging concepts surrounding the context-dependent nature of mitochondrial gene essentiality

    CHCHD4 confers metabolic vulnerabilities to tumour cells through its control of the mitochondrial respiratory chain.

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    BACKGROUND: Tumour cells rely on glycolysis and mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) to survive. Thus, mitochondrial OXPHOS has become an increasingly attractive area for therapeutic exploitation in cancer. However, mitochondria are required for intracellular oxygenation and normal physiological processes, and it remains unclear which mitochondrial molecular mechanisms might provide therapeutic benefit. Previously, we discovered that coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain-containing protein 4 (CHCHD4) is critical for regulating intracellular oxygenation and required for the cellular response to hypoxia (low oxygenation) in tumour cells through molecular mechanisms that we do not yet fully understand. Overexpression of CHCHD4 in human cancers correlates with increased tumour progression and poor patient survival. RESULTS: Here, we show that elevated CHCHD4 expression provides a proliferative and metabolic advantage to tumour cells in normoxia and hypoxia. Using stable isotope labelling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC) and analysis of the whole mitochondrial proteome, we show that CHCHD4 dynamically affects the expression of a broad range of mitochondrial respiratory chain subunits from complex I-V, including multiple subunits of complex I (CI) required for complex assembly that are essential for cell survival. We found that loss of CHCHD4 protects tumour cells from respiratory chain inhibition at CI, while elevated CHCHD4 expression in tumour cells leads to significantly increased sensitivity to CI inhibition, in part through the production of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights an important role for CHCHD4 in regulating tumour cell metabolism and reveals that CHCHD4 confers metabolic vulnerabilities to tumour cells through its control of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and CI biology

    CHCHD4 regulates tumour proliferation and EMT-related phenotypes, through respiratory chain-mediated metabolism

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    Abstract: Background: Mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) via the respiratory chain is required for the maintenance of tumour cell proliferation and regulation of epithelial to mesenchymal transition (EMT)-related phenotypes through mechanisms that are not fully understood. The essential mitochondrial import protein coiled-coil helix coiled-coil helix domain-containing protein 4 (CHCHD4) controls respiratory chain complex activity and oxygen consumption, and regulates the growth of tumours in vivo. In this study, we interrogate the importance of CHCHD4-regulated mitochondrial metabolism for tumour cell proliferation and EMT-related phenotypes, and elucidate key pathways involved. Results: Using in silico analyses of 967 tumour cell lines, and tumours from different cancer patient cohorts, we show that CHCHD4 expression positively correlates with OXPHOS and proliferative pathways including the mTORC1 signalling pathway. We show that CHCHD4 expression significantly correlates with the doubling time of a range of tumour cell lines, and that CHCHD4-mediated tumour cell growth and mTORC1 signalling is coupled to respiratory chain complex I (CI) activity. Using global metabolomics analysis, we show that CHCHD4 regulates amino acid metabolism, and that CHCHD4-mediated tumour cell growth is dependent on glutamine. We show that CHCHD4-mediated tumour cell growth is linked to CI-regulated mTORC1 signalling and amino acid metabolism. Finally, we show that CHCHD4 expression in tumours is inversely correlated with EMT-related gene expression, and that increased CHCHD4 expression in tumour cells modulates EMT-related phenotypes. Conclusions: CHCHD4 drives tumour cell growth and activates mTORC1 signalling through its control of respiratory chain mediated metabolism and complex I biology, and also regulates EMT-related phenotypes of tumour cells

    Hypoxia-induced nitric oxide production and tumour perfusion is inhibited by pegylated arginine deiminase (ADI-PEG20).

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    The hypoxic tumour microenvironment represents an aggressive, therapy-resistant compartment. As arginine is required for specific hypoxia-induced processes, we hypothesised that arginine-deprivation therapy may be useful in targeting hypoxic cancer cells. We explored the effects of the arginine-degrading agent ADI-PEG20 on hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF) activation, the hypoxia-induced nitric oxide (NO) pathway and proliferation using HCT116 and UMUC3 cells and xenografts. The latter lack argininosuccinate synthetase (ASS1) making them auxotrophic for arginine. In HCT116 cells, ADI-PEG20 inhibited hypoxic-activation of HIF-1α and HIF-2α, leading to decreased inducible-nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), NO-production, and VEGF. Interestingly, combining hypoxia and ADI-PEG20 synergistically inhibited ASS1. ADI-PEG20 inhibited mTORC1 and activated the unfolded protein response providing a mechanism for inhibition of HIF and ASS1. ADI-PEG20 inhibited tumour growth, impaired hypoxia-associated NO-production, and decreased vascular perfusion. Expression of HIF-1α/HIF-2α/iNOS and VEGF were reduced, despite an increased hypoxic tumour fraction. Similar effects were observed in UMUC3 xenografts. In summary, ADI-PEG20 inhibits HIF-activated processes in two tumour models with widely different arginine biology. Thus, ADI-PEG20 may be useful in the clinic to target therapy-resistant hypoxic cells in ASS1-proficient tumours and ASS1-deficient tumours.Thanks to Dr John Bomalaski, (Polaris Pharmaceuticals, Inc) for supplying the ADI-PEG20, to Dr Simon S Hoer for useful discussions and to members of Histopathology/ISH (CRUK Cambridge Institute, UK) for IHC and imaging assistance. This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust and the NIHR Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre Senior Investigator Awards (to P.H.M., supporting N.B.), EU FP7 Metoxia Grant agreement no. 222741 (to P.H.M., supporting G.C.), UCL Cancer Research UK Centre (to M.R.), King’s College London and UCL Comprehensive Cancer Imaging Centre, Cancer Research UK and EPSRC in association with the Medical Research Council (MRC), the DoH (England: to R.B.P.), MRC Cancer Unit Core Funding (to C.F., supporting E.G.).This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/srep2295

    Inactivation of the von Hippel-Lindau tumour suppressor gene induces Neuromedin U expression in renal cancer cells.

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    BACKGROUND: 209 000 new cases of renal carcinoma are diagnosed each year worldwide and new therapeutic targets are urgently required. The great majority of clear cell renal cancer involves inactivation of VHL, which acts as a gatekeeper tumour suppressor gene in renal epithelial cells. However how VHL exerts its tumour suppressor function remains unclear. A gene expression microarray comparing RCC10 renal cancer cells expressing either VHL or an empty vector was used to identify novel VHL regulated genes. FINDINGS: NMU (Neuromedin U) is a neuropeptide that has been implicated in energy homeostasis and tumour progression. Here we show for the first time that VHL loss-of-function results in dramatic upregulation of NMU expression in renal cancer cells. The effect of VHL inactivation was found to be mediated via activation of Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF). Exposure of VHL expressing RCC cells to either hypoxia or dimethyloxalylglycine resulted in HIF activation and increased NMU expression. Conversely, suppression of HIF in VHL defective RCC cells via siRNA of HIF-α subunits or expression of Type 2C mutant VHLs reduced NMU expression levels. We also show that renal cancer cells express a functional NMU receptor (NMUR1), and that NMU stimulates migration of renal cancer cells. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that NMU may act in an autocrine fashion, promoting progression of kidney cancer. Hypoxia and HIF expression are frequently observed in many non-renal cancers and are associated with a poor prognosis. Our study raises the possibility that HIF may also drive NMU expression in non-renal tumours
