7 research outputs found

    Luxación radiocarpiana con fractura asociada de la apófisis estiloides radial

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación dorso lateral del carpo con fractura asociada de la estiloides radial en una mujer de 28 años tras accidente de tráfico. No existieron complicaciones neurovasculares. El tratamiento consistió en reducción y fijación de la estiloides radial con agujas de Kirschner. Después de seis meses de evolución la paciente estaba libre de secuelas

    Luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio

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    Presentamos un caso de luxación carpometacarpiana del primer dedo asociada a fractura de trapecio. Fue tratada mediante reducción abierta y fijación interna. El resultado obtenido después de un año de seguimiento fue excelente. Sólo hemos encontrado once casos en la literatura y ninguno tratado como el nuestro.A case of carpometacarpal dislocation of the thumb associated with fracture of the trapezium in presented. It was treated by open reduction and internal fixation. The result after a one year follow-up was excellent. We have found only eleven cases in literature and none was treated like ours

    Absceso epidural cervical por peptostreptococcus anaerobius

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    Se presenta 1 caso de infección con absceso epidural a nivel cervical producido por un Peplostreptococcus anaerobius en 1 paciente en el que se realizó previamente una artrodesis C6-C7 por una hernia discal cervical. En la literatura no se han encontrado referencias bibliográficas de casos similares, por la etiología y la localización. Se discute la importancia de las infecciones por bacterias anaerobias en patología osteoarticular, métodos diagnósticos, así como su abordaje terapéutico.A case of postsurgical infection with cervical epidural abscess produced by Peptostreptococcus anaerobius is presented. The patient underwent previously a cervical arthrodesis (levels C6-C7) due to a discal herniation. A similar case has not been found in the review of the literature, taking into account its etiology and localization. It is discussed the importance of anerobic bacterial infections in osteoarticular pathology, and diagnostic and therapeutic means

    LifeBots I: Building the software infrastructure for supporting lifelong technologies

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    Sevilla, 22-24 de noviembre 2017The goal of the LifeBots project is the study and development of long-life mechanisms that facilitate and improve the integration of robotics platforms in smart homes to support elder and handicapped people. Specifically the system aims to design, build and validate an assistive ecosystem formed by a person living in a smart home with a social robot as her main interface to a gentler habitat. Achieving this goal requires the use and integration of different technologies and research areas, but also the development of the mechanisms in charge of providing an unified, pro-active response to the user's needs. This paper describes some of the mechanisms implemented within the cognitive robotics architecture CORTEX that integrates deliberative and reactive agents through a common understanding and internalizing of the outer reality, which materializes in a shared representation derived from a formal graph grammar.This work has been partially funded by the European Union ECHORD++ project (FP7-ICT-601116) and the TIN2015-65686-C5 Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad projects and FEDER funds. Javier García is partially supported by the Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) funds under the project 2016-T2/TIC-1712. RoboLab is partially supported by the European project POPTEC EUROAGE 4E and by the Extremaduran Government under grant GR15120. We also want to acknowledge the Red de Agentes Físicos TIN2015-71693-REDT

    Tiempos para pensar : investigación social y humanística hoy en Venezuela. Tomo I

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    En nuestros tiempos, hacer investigación en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades e intentar aportar pensamiento crítico es un hacer personal y también una tarea colectiva que se gesta en el intercambio y en el encuentro, en el debate y en la puesta en común de visiones, análisis, puntos de partida y espacios que se recorren. Hay desafíos del nuevo tiempo que son desafíos de las sociedades, e interpelan a la producción de conocimiento social y humano, le proponen preguntas y encomiendas, exigen que responda a sus demandas éticas y epistémicas desde el Sur, piden que se construyan saberes alternativos, decoloniales, que expliquen, acompañen y prefiguren la emancipación. Este libro, que cuenta con dos tomos, encara este desafío con rigurosidad y espíritu crítico

    Azole and amphotericin B MIC values against aspergillus fumigatus: High agreement between spectrophotometric and visual readings using the EUCAST EDef 9.3.2 procedure

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    The EUCAST EDef 9.3.2 procedure recommends visual readings of azole and amphotericin B MICs against Aspergillus spp. Visual determination of MICs may be challenging. In this work, we aim to obtain and compare visual and spectrophotometric MIC readings of azoles and amphotericin B against Aspergillus fumigatus sensu lato isolates. A total of 847 A. fumigatus sensu lato isolates (A. fumigatus sensu stricto [n = 828] and cryptic species [n = 19]) were tested against amphotericin B, itraconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole using the EUCAST EDef 9.3.2 procedure. Isolates were classified as susceptible or resistant/non-wild type according to the 2020 updated breakpoints. The area of technical uncertainty for the azoles was defined in the updated breakpoints. Visual and spectrophotometric (fungal growth reduction of >95% compared to the control, read at 540 nm) MICs were compared. Essential (+1 2-fold dilution) and categorical agreements were calculated. Overall, high essential (97.1%) and categorical (99.6%) agreements were found. We obtained 100% categorical agreements for amphotericin B, itraconazole, and posaconazole, and consequently, no errors were found. Categorical agreements were 98.7 and 99.3% for voriconazole and isavuconazole, respectively. Most of the misclassifications for voriconazole and isavuconazole were found to be associated with MIC results falling either in the area of technical uncertainty or within one 2-fold dilution above the breakpoint. The resistance rate was slightly lower when the MICs were obtained by spectrophotometric readings. However, all relevant cyp51A mutants were correctly classified as resistant. Spectrophotometric determination of azole and amphotericin B MICs against A. fumigatus sensu lato isolates may be a convenient alternative to visual endpoint readings

    Ecogeography of the grass genusHelictotrichon (Poaceae: Aveneae) in the Mediterranean and adjacent regions

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