244 research outputs found

    How we were right and wrong about China? = Miben volt igazunk és miben tévedtünk Kínával kapcsolatban?

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    It is a pleasure to accept the invitation to contribute an essay to this Festschrift, celebrating Prof. Mihaly Simai’s 90th birthday. For many decades, Simai has been one of Hungary’s most productive and respected economists. His influence has spread much beyond our small country’s borders, given the many prominent positions he held at the United Nations and at other international organizations, and that so many of his publications are in English. Prof. Simai’s research productivity is amazing. He is the author (mostly) or the co-author of nearly 300 scholarly publications, 40 of them books; the rest: articles, chapters, and special studies.2 We met and interacted regularly during the 1980s at the annual meetings of the HungarianAmerican Economic Roundtable (held, alternatingly, in the US and in Hungary). During the last 30 years we met occasionally, somewhere around the world; for the past decade, in Budapest, where we both live. Talking to him has always yielded insights about analysing and interpreting contemporary global issues. Even though I am not aware that Mihaly’s main research focus has ever been China, most of his writings have a global dimension. He has often mentioned China’s experiences, in various context

    Roadblocks to Changing Economic Systems in Eastern Europe

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    Effective Criminal Appellate Advocacy: Seeking Reversal by Concurrent Collateral and Direct Attacks in the Appellate Court

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    A lawyer\u27s duty on an appeal from a criminal conviction is to present every arguable issue contained in the record on appeal. Often, however, evidence exists outside the record which, if it had been presented, might have produced a result more favorable to the defendant. The author argues, therefore, that the duty of an appellate attorney should be expanded to include a duty to investigate the entire case and, when necessitated by such investigation, to initiate collateral proceedings in order to bring any newly found information before the court

    The Effectiveness of Compulsory Arbitration in the Settlement of Disputed Marine Insurance Claims: A Case Study of Saudi Arabia

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    Arbitration has an effective role in the settlement of commercial disputes. Legal practitioners in arbitration argue that it is more efficient, faster and economical than the litigation system. It is trite that investors gravitate towards emerging economies with effective legal framework. Saudi Arabia being an important shipping hub, its dispute resolution system is of paramount importance to investors particularly in respect of settlement of disputed marine insurance claims. The legal system of Saudi Arabia is principally moulded along the lines of Sharia law. There are, however, western-styled legislations regulating specific aspects of the Saudi Arabian legal system. The dual existence of Sharia laws and legislations led to the respective creation of Sharia courts and administrative committees for the settlement of disputes. This duality creates ambiguity, tension and chaos in the legal system thereby making settlement of disputed marine insurance claims difficult and unpredictable. The author believes in the effectiveness of compulsory arbitration as an efficient tool in resolving complex commercial disputes generally and as a result of the inherent complications of the present Saudi Arabian legal framework. This thesis, therefore, examines the present legal regime for the resolution of disputed marine insurance claims in Saudi Arabia and recommends the introduction of compulsory arbitration in light of the recently enacted Saudi Arbitration Law of 2012, the Enforcement Law of 2012 and the establishment of the Saudi Centre for Commercial Arbitration. The compulsory arbitration suggested by the author is a statutory obligation to arbitrate imposed on disputing parties as opposed to a pre-dispute arbitration agreement entered into by the parties. If introduced, compulsory arbitration will create certainty in the marine insurance dispute resolution framework, which will invariably boost investors’ confidence in the Kingdom. In discussing the theme of this research, the laws governing marine insurance in Saudi Arabia, the validity of conventional forms of insurance under Sharia law and Sharia compliant forms of insurance will be considered. A comparison will also be undertaken between the old Saudi Arbitration Law of 1983 and the Arbitration Law of 2012 showing the improvement in the Saudi Arabian arbitration system and the areas where reforms are needed to ensure compatibility with international standards

    A Tungsram a GE alatt: Az első öt év

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    Az 1896-ban alapított Tungsram egyike Magyarország legnagyobb, legrégibb és nemzetközileg legelismertebb cégeinek. Ebbe ruházott be az amerikai óriásvállalat, a GE öt év alatt körülbelül hatszáz millió dollárt, az Egyesült Államok legnagyobb befektetését valósítva meg ily módon Közép- és Kelet-Európábán. Ezen időszak alatt a GE szinte minden téren átalakította a Tungsram szerkezetét és működési módját. A tanulmány első része a "hogyan"-okra és "miért"-ekre felel, míg a második rész a szerkezetváltás történetét mondja el, kitérve a vállalati kultúrák különbözőségeiből adódó konfliktusokra és ezek kezelésére

    Production and oestrogen regulation of FGF1 in normal and cancer breast cells

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    AbstractTo investigate the relationship between the FGF1 oestrogen regulation and the normal/cancer status of breast cells, we have studied FGF1 17β-oestradiol regulation in normal, transformed and cancerous cells. Normal (NMEC), transformed (HBL-100) and cancerous (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231) human mammary epithelial cells express different levels of FGF1 mRNAs. Western blot analysis allowed us to characterize FGF1 as an 18 kDa form of this polypeptide. Using a neutralizing anti-FGF1 antibody we demonstrated that FGF1 is secreted by all mammary cells studied and stimulates their proliferation in an autocrine manner. We have examined the regulation of FGF1 mRNAs in response to 17β-oestradiol. FGF1 mRNAs were upregulated in hormone-dependent NMEC but was not upregulated either in hormone-sensitive HBL-100 cells or in the hormone-dependent cancerous cell line MCF-7. However, enzyme linked immunosorbent assay indicated an increase of FGF1 protein in NMEC, HBL-100 and MCF-7 cells. We have also examined the 17β-oestradiol regulation of the four alternatively spliced FGF1 mRNAs: 1.A, 1.B, 1.C and 1.D. Only 1.B transcripts were downregulated by 17β-oestradiol in normal cells. These results show that 17β-oestradiol regulates FGF1 mRNAs in a cell-specific manner, and that this regulation may be transcriptional or translational depending on cell phenotype. The specificity of oestradiol effects was checked using its receptor antagonist tamoxifen

    Developmental perspectives on Europe

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    The crisis of 2008–2009 has ended, stockmarkets skyrocketed in 2012–2013, while growth of the real sector remained sluggish in Europe. This article attempts to explain the latter puzzle. Analyzing long term factors, the costs of short-termism in crisis management become obvious. The limitations of EU as a growth engine are highlighted

    Metastases: the glycan connection

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    An association between protein glycosylation and tumorigenesis has been recognized for over 10 years. Associations linking the importance of glycosylation events to tumor biology, especially the progression to metastatic disease, have been noted over many years, Recently, a mouse model in which β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase V (a rate-limiting enzyme in the N-glycan pathway) has been knocked out, was used to demonstrate the importance of glycosylation in tumor progression. By crossing mice lacking this enzyme with a transgenic mouse model of metastatic breast cancer, metastatic progression of the disease was dramatically reduced. These experiments provide in vivo evidence for the role of N-linked glycosylation in metastatic breast cancer and have significant implications for the development of new treatment strategies

    Measuring and managing liquidity risk in the Hungarian practice

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    The crisis that unfolded in 2007/2008 turned the attention of the financial world toward liquidity, the lack of which caused substantial losses. As a result, the need arose for the traditional financial models to be extended with liquidity. Our goal is to discover how Hungarian market players relate to liquidity. Our results are obtained through a series of semistructured interviews, and are hoped to be a starting point for extending the existing models in an appropriate way. Our main results show that different investor groups can be identified along their approaches to liquidity, and they rarely use sophisticated models to measure and manage liquidity. We conclude that although market players would have access to complex liquidity measurement and management tools, there is a limited need for these, because the currently available models are unable to use complex liquidity information effectively