18 research outputs found

    Evaluation of superoxide dismutase activity and its impact on semen quality parameters of infertile men.

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    The evaluation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, as one of the most important antioxidative defence enzymes, in seminal plasma of patients consulting for male infertility was presented in the article. The study included also the determination of its influence on selected human semen quality parameters. The material represents semen samples obtained from 15 men, which were divided into two groups: Group I (n=10) including patients consulting for infertility and Group II (n=5) containing healthy sperm donors as a control. All of the semen samples were cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen. The frozen samples were thawed at the same time and then SOD activity was determined spectrophotometrically. The analysis of the investigations results indicates a significantly lower semen SOD activity detected in oligoasthenozoospermic patients, comparing to the activity found in normospermic men. The study showed a positive correlation between SOD activity in seminal plasma and semen quality parameters--sperm concentration and overall motility, which are regarded as the most important for normal fertilizing ability of the spermatozoa. Significantly lower SOD activity in seminal plasma of infertile patients, comparing to healthy sperm donors, as well as positive correlation and beneficial impact of SOD activity on human semen quality parameters seem to confirm the observations, that decreased seminal plasma scavenger antioxidant capacity, particularly in form of low SOD activity, can be responsible for male infertility. This trial shows that SOD activity survey in seminal plasma could be a useful tool for determining sperm fertilization potential and could improve the diagnosis of male infertility

    Nadciśnienie tętnicze u kobiet w ciąży — związek z wykonywaną pracą zawodową

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    Background Hypertension during pregnancy is associated with an increased risk of complications in the mother, fetus and newborn. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of hypertension in a selected population of pregnant women of Lower Silesia in relation to the type of occupational work performed by women. Material and methods We analyzed 6343 medical history of pregnant women who gave birth in the Clinic of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Wroclaw Medical University in 2004–2009. We analyzed also the relationship between the profession performed by mother and state of newborn health. Results The percentage of pregnant women diagnosed with hypertension was 7% of the studied population. The largest professional group of pregnant women with hypertension were the saleswomen or cashiers (13.2%), economists (10.1%) and clerks (10.1%). Two reasons may affect the incidence of hypertension in pregnancy: a coexistence a various psycho-physical factors (stress) in the workplace, and work with display screen. A statistically significant effect of the use of hypotensive pharmacotherapy or the mother’s occupational category on the birth weight infants was demonstrated. Conclusions Hypertension in pregnancy appears more frequently among women in certain professions. Greater protection should be extended to pregnant women employed in positions such as clerk or cashier. Also fetal hypotrophia may be related to the profession performed by a pregnant woman. Working using a display screen may be a factor associated with low birth weight newborn. An effect of occupational factors on the health of pregnant women and their newborns needs further investigation. Arterial Hypertension 2011, vol. 15, no 5, pages 290–298Wstęp Nadciśnienie tętnicze w okresie ciąży jest związane ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wystąpienia powikłań u matki, płodu i noworodka. Celem pracy była ocena częstości występowania nadciśnienia tętniczego w wybranej populacji kobiet w ciąży Dolnego Śląska i określenie związku między występowaniem tej patologii i rodzajem wykonywanej pracy zawodowej. Materiał i metody Analizie poddano 6343 historie chorób kobiet w ciąży, które urodziły dzieci w I Klinice Ginekologii i Położnictwa Akademii Medycznej we Wrocławiu w latach 2004–2009. Oszacowano częstość występowania nadciśnienia tętniczego w ciąży i zastosowania terapii hipotensyjnej. Dokonano oceny związku między występowaniem nadciśnienia w ciąży i zawodem matki, a także analizowano związek między zawodem wykonywanym przez matkę i stanem zdrowia noworodka. Wyniki Odsetek kobiet z nadciśnieniem w ciąży wynosił 7% badanej populacji. Najliczniejsze grupy zawodowe kobiet w ciąży z nadciśnieniem stanowiły ekspedientki lub kasjerki (13,2%), ekonomistki (10,1%) i urzędniczki (10,1%). Wyniki analizy wskazują na dwie przyczyny, które mogą mieć wpływ na występowanie nadciśnienia w ciąży: zespół czynników psychofizycznych (stres) na stanowisku pracy oraz praca przy monitorze ekranowym. Wykazano statystycznie istotny wpływ stosowania hipotensyjnej farmakoterapii oraz kategorii zawodowej matki na urodzeniową masę ciała noworodków. Wnioski Nadciśnienie tętnicze w czasie ciąży występuje częściej w grupie kobiet wykonujących określone zawody. Większą ochroną należy objąć kobiety zatrudnione na stanowiskach takich jak ekspedientka czy kasjerka. Także hipotrofia płodu może mieć związek z zawodem wykonywanym przez kobietę w ciąży. Praca przy monitorze ekranowym może być czynnikiem związanym z niską urodzeniową masą ciała noworodka. Określenie wpływu czynników zawodowych na stan zdrowia kobiet w ciąży wymaga dalszych badań. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2011, tom 15, nr 5, strony 290–29

    REFLECT – Research flight of EURADOS and CRREAT: Intercomparison of various radiation dosimeters onboard aircraft

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    Aircraft crew are one of the groups of radiation workers which receive the highest annual exposure to ionizing radiation. Validation of computer codes used routinely for calculation of the exposure due to cosmic radiation and the observation of nonpredictable changes in the level of the exposure due to solar energetic particles, requires continuous measurements onboard aircraft. Appropriate calibration of suitable instruments is crucial, however, for the very complex atmospheric radiation field there is no single reference field covering all particles and energies involved. Further intercomparisons of measurements of different instruments under real flight conditions are therefore indispensable. In November 2017, the REFLECT (REsearch FLight of EURADOS and CRREAT) was carried out. With a payload comprising more than 20 different instruments, REFLECT represents the largest campaign of this type ever performed. The instruments flown included those already proven for routine dosimetry onboard aircraft such as the Liulin Si-diode spectrometer and tissue equivalent proportional counters, as well as newly developed detectors and instruments with the potential to be used for onboard aircraft measurements in the future. This flight enabled acquisition of dosimetric data under well-defined conditions onboard aircraft and comparison of new instruments with those routinely used. As expected, dosimeters routinely used for onboard aircraft dosimetry and for verification of calculated doses such as a tissue equivalent proportional counter or a silicon detector device like Liulin agreed reasonable with each other as well as with model calculations. Conventional neutron rem counters underestimated neutron ambient dose equivalent, while extended-range neutron rem counters provided results comparable to routinely used instruments. Although the responses of some instruments, not primarily intended for the use in a very complex mixed radiation field such as onboard aircraft, were as somehow expected to be different, the verification of their suitability was one of the objectives of the REFLECT. This campaign comprised a single short flight. For further testing of instruments, additional flights as well as comparison at appropriate reference fields are envisaged. The REFLECT provided valuable experience and feedback for validation of calculated aviation doses

    Complexity of the Genetic Background of Oncogenesis in Ovarian Cancer—Genetic Instability and Clinical Implications

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    Ovarian cancer is a leading cause of death among women with gynecological cancers, and is often diagnosed at advanced stages, leading to poor outcomes. This review explores genetic aspects of high-grade serous, endometrioid, and clear-cell ovarian carcinomas, emphasizing personalized treatment approaches. Specific mutations such as TP53 in high-grade serous and BRAF/KRAS in low-grade serous carcinomas highlight the need for tailored therapies. Varying mutation prevalence across subtypes, including BRCA1/2, PTEN, PIK3CA, CTNNB1, and c-myc amplification, offers potential therapeutic targets. This review underscores TP53’s pivotal role and advocates p53 immunohistochemical staining for mutational analysis. BRCA1/2 mutations’ significance as genetic risk factors and their relevance in PARP inhibitor therapy are discussed, emphasizing the importance of genetic testing. This review also addresses the paradoxical better prognosis linked to KRAS and BRAF mutations in ovarian cancer. ARID1A, PIK3CA, and PTEN alterations in platinum resistance contribute to the genetic landscape. Therapeutic strategies, like restoring WT p53 function and exploring PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors, are considered. The evolving understanding of genetic factors in ovarian carcinomas supports tailored therapeutic approaches based on individual tumor genetic profiles. Ongoing research shows promise for advancing personalized treatments and refining genetic testing in neoplastic diseases, including ovarian cancer. Clinical genetic screening tests can identify women at increased risk, guiding predictive cancer risk-reducing surgery

    Evaluation of superoxide dismutase activity and its impact on semen quality parameters of infertile men.

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    The evaluation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, as one of the most important antioxidative defence enzymes, in seminal plasma of patients consulting for male infertility was presented in the article. The study included also the determination of its influence on selected human semen quality parameters. The material represents semen samples obtained from 15 men, which were divided into two groups: Group I (n=10) including patients consulting for infertility and Group II (n=5) containing healthy sperm donors as a control. All of the semen samples were cryopreserved and stored in liquid nitrogen. The frozen samples were thawed at the same time and then SOD activity was determined spectrophotometrically. The analysis of the investigations results indicates a significantly lower semen SOD activity detected in oligoasthenozoospermic patients, comparing to the activity found in normospermic men. The study showed a positive correlation between SOD activity in seminal plasma and semen quality parameters--sperm concentration and overall motility, which are regarded as the most important for normal fertilizing ability of the spermatozoa. Significantly lower SOD activity in seminal plasma of infertile patients, comparing to healthy sperm donors, as well as positive correlation and beneficial impact of SOD activity on human semen quality parameters seem to confirm the observations, that decreased seminal plasma scavenger antioxidant capacity, particularly in form of low SOD activity, can be responsible for male infertility. This trial shows that SOD activity survey in seminal plasma could be a useful tool for determining sperm fertilization potential and could improve the diagnosis of male infertility

    Prognostic Role of Prolactin-Induced Protein (PIP) in Breast Cancer

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    Prolactin-inducible protein (PIP), also referred to as gross cystic disease fluid protein 15 (GCDFP-15), has been a trending topic in recent years due to its potential role as a specific marker in breast cancer. PIP binds to aquaporin-5 (AQP5), CD4, actin, fibrinogen, β-tubulin, serum albumin, hydroxyapatite, zinc α2-glycoprotein, and the Fc fragment of IgGs, and the expression of PIP has been demonstrated to be modulated by various cytokines, including IL4/13, IL1, and IL6. PIP gene expression has been extensively studied due to its captivating nature. It is influenced by various factors, with androgens, progesterone, glucocorticosteroids, prolactin, and growth hormone enhancing its expression while estrogens suppress it. The regulatory mechanisms involve important proteins such as STAT5A, STAT5B, Runx2, and androgen receptor, which collaborate to enhance PIP gene transcription and protein production. The expression level of PIP in breast cancer is dependent on the tumor stage and subtype. Higher expression is observed in early-stage tumors of the luminal A subtype, while lower expression is associated with luminal B, basal-like, and triple-negative subtypes, which have a poorer prognosis. PIP expression is also correlated with apocrine differentiation, hormone receptor positivity, and longer metastasis-free survival. PIP plays a role in supporting the immune system’s antitumor response during the early stages of breast cancer development. However, as cancer progresses, the protective role of PIP may become less effective or diminished. In this work, we summarized the clinical significance of the PIP molecule in breast cancer and its potential role as a new candidate for cell-based therapies

    Significance of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9 Expression as Supporting Marker to Cytokeratin 19 mRNA in Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer Patients

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    One-step nucleic acid amplification (OSNA) detects and quantifies, with the use of a polymerase chain reaction, the presence of cytokeratin 19 mRNA in sentinel lymph nodes. The main advantage of the OSNA assay is the avoidance of second surgery in case of positive sentinel lymph node diagnosis. The objective of this study was to evaluate the significance of matrix metalloproteinase 9 expression by immunohistochemistry as supporting marker to cytokeratin 19 mRNA in sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer patients and to relate this expression with clinicopathological data. This study was conducted on fresh sentinel lymph nodes obtained from 40 patients with tumors classified as carcinoma of no special type. The presence of metastatic cells in the slices of lymph nodes was evaluated by immunohistochemistry using antibodies for CK19 and MMP-9. Expression of CK19 and MMP-9 in lymph nodes was also confirmed by means of Western blot analysis. Results indicated that the strongest correlation with CK19 mRNA was displayed by MMP-9, CK19 (by immunohistochemistry, IHC), and nodal metastases (p < 0.001). Higher histological grading also positively correlated with CK19 mRNA, however that correlation was less significant. Since MMP-9 shows very strong correlation with CK19 mRNA in breast carcinoma of no special type metastases, expression of MMP-9 in sentinel lymph nodes should be considered as useful method whenever OSNA analysis is not available

    Selected Aspects of 3D Printing for Emergency Replacement of Structural Elements

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    The paper presents a synthetic characterization of modern methods of manufacturing or regenerating machine elements. Considered methods are machining and additive methods, in particular 3D printing in the FDM/FFF technique. For the study, the authors made samples of the holder bracket using selected methods. Samples made by machining operations, 3D printing with various filling were tested. The paper contains a technical and economic analysis of the production of a holder bracket using the discussed methods. The dynamics of steel and FDM/FFF printed samples were also assessed by determining their resonance curves. The vibration magnification fac-tors were analyzed - the quotient of the vibration amplitudes in the resonance to the static deformations that occurred under the influence of the constant force and the location of the vibration resonances - the natural frequencies for individual vibration modes. The study's main objective is to assess the possibility of emergency changing the manufacturing technology of selected machine components. The authors were interested in partially replacing costly and not environmentally friendly milling with 3D printing. Machine elements can be manufactured by printing in classical machine building and emergency conditions to replace a damaged component temporarily (e.g., on a ship, for the time of arrival at a port or shipyard). The main assumption guiding the authors during the preparation of this publication was the analysis of the possibility of using the production of "ad hoc" prepared spare parts and their use in the event of a lack of access to parts made of the intended materials